I Am Gamer

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I Am Gamer Page 19

by Gabriel L Rathweg




  By intense study and repetition you can recreate things that you put your mind to. Sculpture, painting, smithing, building, the sky is the limit with what you can steal from those before you. The more things you create the faster your skill will increase and the more complex things will become available for you to make.

  I dismissed the prompt and moved on to the next. That was a nice skill I thought as I read the next one my eyes going wide and my mouth dropping open.



  I really hadn’t expected this. Of course I was going to take ownership but what did I name the statue. My flicked to the work of art gleaming in the moonlight and then it came to me. I inputted the title and hit yes.






  That was even more amazing. I checked my new updated character sheet.

  NAME – Lawrence ‘Law’ Wrath

  RACE – Half Human

  ALIGNMENT – Neutral Good

  CLASS – Jack of all Trades

  TITLES EARNED – War Shaman, Master Sculptor

  EXPERIENCE – 475/500

  LEVEL – 2

  HIT POINTS – 20/20

  MAGIC POINTS – 20/20



  HEIGHT – 6’5”, WEIGHT – 275 lbs, HAIR COLOR – Black, EYE COLOR – Amber, SKIN COLOR – Bronze






  WISDOM – 7



  Fiancé – Moon Flower – Level 1 – EXP – 0/100


  Familiar - Westley ‘Freak’ Wrath – Level 2 – EXP – 180/500

  Furry Armored Hide (Level 1), Furious Roar (Level 1)

  Mount – Winston ‘Triumph’ Wrath – Level 1 – EXP – 95/100

  “I came here expecting to feed you to my pet and yet I see this before me…” The goddess Hasteoltoi’s velvety voice trailed off from behind me.

  Her voice, a growl from freak, and a feeling from my Danger Sense alerted me to the presence of the goddess. I quickly closed the window and turned to face her.


  “That’s right.” I said gesturing at the statue. “One bona fide statue for you as promised. It’s pretty damned impressive if I do say so myself.” I finished cockily.

  I grinned at the goddess who was still staring at the beautiful work of art in awe. She then looked at me her gaze traveling up and down my body like I was a piece of meat. It was at that point I realized that I was wearing nothing but my Mawashi. Not only that, I was soaking wet and a bit nipply, among other things, because of the night air.

  Quickly I began looking left and right for my clothing finally spotting them a few dozen feet away by the waterfall. I turned and made a jog, walk, shuffle kind of thing while putting my hands on the fronts and backs of my Mawashi. If this had been happening to anyone else but me I would have thought it was hilarious. The thing is that shit just isn’t funny when it’s happening to you. After what felt like running a mile over to my clothing I reached down to grab my pants. Right as my fingertips grabbed the material a perfectly manicured hand grabbed my own in an iron like grip.

  I tried to move my arm but it wouldn’t budge a centimeter. The goddess pulled me to my feet and grabbed me with her other hand pulling me close into a lover’s embrace.

  “Now don’t be so hasty.” She whispered in my ear. “This is much more than I asked for and you must be rewarded accordingly.”

  The goddess Hasteoltoi pinned my arms with her own and pushed me back towards the cliff face. I swallowed as she locked gazes with me and pressed her body to my own almost naked one. She was just as beautiful as the last time I saw her but this time she radiated a sexual aura that seemed to exude from her like a tangible thing. I responded involuntarily immediately becoming hard even with the cold night air and being wet.

  “Listen Hasteoltoi...” I began.

  “Call me Hasty.” She interrupted sultrily nibbling on my ear and slowly forcing me against the rock face next to the gushing waterfall.

  Fuck she was sexy as hell. Her buckskin outfit barely concealed her perfect body and her lips were soft as she began nibbling on my neck. The fact that she was stronger than me and basically forcing me against my will bothered me but it was on the back on my mind. I groaned as her hand reached down and began stroking me through my Mawashi.

  Her face turned to mine and she used her other hand to pull one of my own and place it on her round muscled ass. Then she grabbed my other and placed it under her buckskin bottom. She started writhing and groaning against me moving her body against mine while pulsating on my hand. I was about to rip her bottoms off and then yank her to the ground when an image popped in my head.

  Walking in on my ex girlfriend and my ex best friend fucking in my bed played like a video over and over in my mind. It looped over and over through my head like it was on fast forward and repeat at the same time. Her screams and his moans, the way their bodies moved on my bed. The intense anger and rage I had felt at the time took over. I knew I couldn’t do this. I moved my hands and shoved the goddess roughly off of me, my anger at the memory giving me a burst of strength.

  “I’m… sorry…” I said, between heaving breaths as I collected myself. “I didn’t mean to push so hard but I just can’t. You see my ex girlfriend cheated on me and I’m engaged now so…” I trailed off glancing anywhere but at the beautiful goddess’s body.

  When I did finally look at her she stood up tall and gave me a predatory look. Her hands moved and her top and bottom slid off of her and fell to the ground. The light hit her naked body and nothing I had ever seen before could have prepared me for this. She was beauty incarnate. I closed my eyes and swallowed letting the video of the cheaters harden me to the goddess’s beauty. It’s not that I didn’t want to have sex with the goddess it’s just that I was engaged now and even though it was brand new I didn’t want to hurt Moon Flower the way I was hurt. I got a hold of myself and opened my eyes my will hardened.

  The goddess must have seen the resolution in my gaze and her face changed. The sultry sexy look disappeared replaced by barely concealed fury.

  “You dare to refuse me… me the goddess Hasteoltoi!” She raged.

  Then faster than I could see she flashed forward and slammed me into rock wall. This time not gently. In fact I’d say she definitely used more force than necessary as the air shot out of my lungs and my head smashed backwards into the rock stunning me.

  I felt my HP lower as my dazed head began to ache and my vision became blurred and hazy for a moment. When it cleared I could see that Hasteoltoi’s right hand held me by the throat. Her left hand had both of mine in a vice like grip above me and against the rock. In fact she had my whole body pinned against the rock with her naked one once again but this time the mood had changed.

  “You will not resist me I will take what I want human.” Hasteoltoi hissed in a low sibilant voice.

  She punctuated her words by releasing my throat and grabbing my Mawashi. She tried to rip it off me but the fabric didn’t tear as she expected. Her look changed from anger to confusion and she glanced down at my underwear. She yanked again and again trying to tear my Mawashi from my body but the god made fabric didn’t so much as rip. My pelvis and basically my crotch area in general were quickly becoming a very bruised and battered pla
ce due to her ministrations.

  “What is this made of?” Hasteoltoi snarled as I laughed. She let go of my Mawashi and reared her hand back in a fist. “How dare you mock me?”

  Her reaction was so comical that even though she was basically raping me and yanking me around like a rag doll I couldn’t help it laughing even harder. This served to enrage her more and her face contorted into the opposite of a beautiful expression. I watched as her fist flew down towards me almost as if in slow motion. Just before it hit me it stopped but the air from the punch hit me like a blast of wind. I blinked involuntarily and stared at the lovely bronze fist filling my vision. Then I noticed the black blade and silver line of the sharp end of my Ka-Bar pressed to the goddess’s throat.

  “No means no.” Moon Flower’s voice said her tone hard like ice. “I don’t think he wants what you’re offering slattern.”

  She punctuated her statement by pressing the blade harder on the goddess’s neck. For her part she remained cool and Hasteoltoi lowered her fist to her side. Her face changed from anger to barely controlled rage.

  “Mortal how dare you place your hands upon a goddess. Do you really think you can harm me with your little toy?” Hasteoltoi hissed.

  “I wasn’t sure at first but then I figured I’d give it a go anyway.” My fiancé replied snarkily. She really did get a lot of me when she got her powers. “Besides, judging upon your reaction alone I’m quite sure this toy will hurt you. After all it is a god forged blade.”

  The goddess went pale at that sentiment and as Moon Flower pulled the knife tighter drawing blood. Bright green liquid began too ooze from the cut.

  “You are not the goddess Hasteoltoi, just as I thought!” My fiancé roared.

  The goddess went rigid and began to shake at the words.

  “How… how did you know?’ She hissed in a voice becoming more harsh and decrepit.

  Her body began to warp before my eyes and suddenly in the beautiful naked goddesses place was a hideous mockery of a woman. I flinched in horror at the sight. She was disgusting to behold and I couldn’t believe she was touching and grabbing me earlier. I vomited in my mouth at the memory and convulsed as I swallowed it down. Bile continuing to rise up and down my stomach and throat every second as my mind struggled with the hideousness that was in front of me… touching me… gah… Thankfully a window popped up.

  SKUDAKUMOOCH: The Ghost Witch (LEVEL – Unknown)

  One of the scariest figures in Native mythology, the Ghost-Witch is born from the dead body of a shaman who practiced black magic. The demonic entity then emerges each night with murder on its mind. They can be killed with fire, but beware if approaching one. Simply making eye contact or hearing the witch’s voice can enthrall the unwary. The witch is also known to shape shift and become whatever they wish to look like. Only magical weapons along with fire can hurt them.

  “Because the goddess loves women slut, now get your nasty talons off of my fiancé you bitch!” Moon Flower snarled.

  My fiancé and I shared a look and I raised my hands to the Ghost-Witch’s hideous face and flared my Flame skill. At the same instant fire burst from my Ka-Bar and Moon Flower pulled and yanked with all the strength she had while I ripped and pulled pouring all my MP into my skill. The flaming knife cut through the head and my ripping motion pulled it free in a fountain of florescent green blood. I continued my motion and flung the head away from me and into the woods.

  “Ugh…” I gagged again swallowing down more bile as I kicked the now headless body away from me. “That was fucking disgusting.” I said shivering.

  “I can’t believe you were going to sleep with that monster.” Moon Flower said as we stared at its headless corpse.

  “I’m so sorry. Look I wasn’t really going to sleep with her. I tried to stop her. I really did. But she was so strong and my defenses were down and I’m only wearing a Mawashi…” I stammered trailing off.

  Moon Flower had walked away and picked up my clothing then came back and handed it to me silently. The grin on her face showing she wasn’t mad at me.

  “Oh stop stammering like a fool. I saw you turn her down I know you weren’t going to and she was forcing you. Now get dressed and let’s head back to the village. We can still join in on the festival.”

  I dressed and retrieved my gear and the both of us mounted Winston. Freak woke up and stretched, he had been put to sleep as before and gave us a quizzical look. I just shook my head and sent him a mental command to join us. Then a thought hit me.

  “Wait how long have you been watching?” I asked wide eyed.

  “Long enough and don’t act like you can’t dance. I watched you earlier while you were building that statue and you seemed to have no problem moving then.” She replied. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

  My face turned bright red and I made a strangling noise.

  “You saw that?” I spit out.

  “Yes and you were quite good I really enjoyed the parts where you mimed humping things while pumping your fist in the air. Is that your favorite move? You did it quite often.” She said, a smile struggling to stay off her face.

  I sighed as she nickered for Winston to move and we headed back to The Springs and the Bear Festival.

  “I’m going to hear about this for along time aren’t I?” I asked resignedly.

  “Oh fiancé for years upon years upon years…” She chuckled in response.

  Fuck my life…


  The ride back had been quick and Moon Flower had filled the time with jokes at my expense interspersed with talking about how great the Bear Festival was going to be. I just listened and sighed nodding now and then at the appropriate moments. Of course we made it back in plenty of time to join in the Bear Festival festivities.

  The whole village was transformed. I could hardly believe my eyes at all the work The People did to the place. There were huge torches, ten feet high, burning all around The Springs lighting it up like it was daytime. We passed dozens upon dozens of bear totems that had magically appeared from somewhere and were placed everywhere. You could hardly walk five feet without passing one. Sprigs of different scented plants were burning in the torches and placed around for decoration. Everything had a very rustic but festive quality to it.

  The fire was burning large in the center of the hill and tables were placed around laden with meat, all of it bear I was told, and different vegetables and fruits. Giant bowls and now pots of fermented drink was available everywhere as well. The next thing I noticed was that bear fur clothing was everywhere. Even the tribesmen banging on their drums were dressed in it.

  In fact all of my tribe was wearing bear fur dress of some sort and bear skin hats. Even the tiny Jicarilla were decked out in bear wear, looking like fake ass Ewoks. My wife handed me my own set and looked at me expectantly.

  “Oh hell no!” I said, raising my hands and warding the stinky bear fur away.

  Moon Flower just quirked an eyebrow at me and pushed the fur clothing my way. I shook my head sighing and began donning the outfit.

  It was basically just a bear fur robe and cap that went over my current clothing. Dressed I tried to put out of my mind how ridiculous I looked and allowed Moon Flower to drag me to join in on the, dancing fun, as she called it.

  As a matter of fact we had gotten back just as things were getting into full swing. But as soon as we were spotted we were immediately surrounded by our friends and family then peppered with questions. Moon Flower had the good grace to relate what had happened in the most embarrassing way for me possible. Everyone had a laugh at my expense after we reassured everyone that we were safe and the monster was dead. Then the festival got back into motion.

  Surprisingly, I had an amazing time. We all danced together, simple fun dances that were easy to pick up. The food was good, even though it was all bear. The drink was flowing and even though it was low alcohol, I’d need to do something about that eventually, it did the job. Th
e hours passed, I had noticed that Thunder Foot and Lightning Fist kept switching partners. Ice Blossom would end up with one and Night Star with the other. The dances were easy but they were also pretty damn touchy feely.

  When I asked Moon Flower about it she just looked at me and laughed while shaking her head. She started doing something with her backside while dancing on me and I totally forgot all about her siblings. The hours passed and soon it was late into the night. Everyone eventually retired to their yurts drunk and full of the type of energy that comes from partying all night.

  Moon Flower and I were no exception. Once alone in our yurt we proceeded with the type of sex that can only be had when your drunk and loving life. It was sloppy, wet, ridiculous, fun, and hilarious. We fell over each other while trying to tear the others clothes off and we laughed. She tried to ride me and fell over, we laughed. I tried to stand her up and forgot that a yurt’s walls were hide, we laughed. After a few hours and multiple shots fired we crashed down next to each other heaving and sighing with contentment. In moments we were both snoring fast asleep.

  A few hours later I sat on a little log by the fire outside our yurt. With all the fighting, food, drink, dancing, and copious amounts of sex I’d had today you’d think I would be more tired.

  I had woken up and saw Moon Flower snoring beside me. I decided to sneak outside and get some air, hence why I was sitting in my Mawashi with only a fur blanket, bear of course, covering me. Since I couldn’t sleep I figured it would be a good time to go over my character sheet. Plus, having killed the Ghost-Witch I should have leveled. I accessed the information then paused as I looked at it. I did a double take then a triple. Nothing had changed. The sheet was the same as before when I had looked at it after sculpting.


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