London (International Guy Book 7)

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London (International Guy Book 7) Page 10

by Audrey Carlan

  “Good.” She crinkles up her nose, pecks me on the lips lightning fast, and puts her used mint cup back in its circular divot.

  Abbot drones on about the next tea being a special chai from India, but my thoughts are mired in the future. Sitting on a porch overlooking a plot of land, my grandson at my side, sipping tea with his gramps. The visual disappears as the phone in my pocket buzzes.

  I pull it out and see “SoSo” on the display.

  Skyler glances at me, and I show her the name, wanting nothing but full disclosure between us.

  She smiles. “Go ahead. Talk to her. I know you’ve been wanting to get in touch.”

  I get off my stool, tunnel my hand into her hair, and kiss her hard on the lips before clicking the “Go” button and accepting Sophie’s call.


  “Bonsoir, mon cher, or should I say bonjour? Where is my dear friend these days?”

  I chuckle and make my way through the throngs of shelves toward the back of the store where what seems like an endless array of teas in a variety of colors and flavors are packaged and ready for sale. “Actually, SoSo, I’m in your neck of the woods. London to be exact, working a case.”

  “How lovely. And who is the client this time?”

  I scoff. “Like you don’t know. Your boyfriend’s cousin came to see me.”

  “Oh magnifique. I do so adore Amy. Very bright woman. Excellent at her job.”

  “Mm-hmm. Speaking of your boyfriend . . . How’s that going?”

  There’s a span of silence, and then I can hear the sound of Sophie’s sniffles. Anger flares hotly at my back, and I tighten my free hand into a fist. “If he hurts you, Sophie, I will make him regret the day he was born. And that does not include what Bo and Royce will do to the pip-squeak.”

  A sob tears through the line. “I broke up with him,” she says, her cries getting louder as the misery overtakes her.

  “What? Why? Did he cheat? I’ll strangle him with my bare hands . . .”

  “Non! Goodness, non. He’s a perfect gentleman, or I would not have moved him into my home.”

  Jesus, they’re moving fast. They’ve been together less time than Skyler and me and have already shacked up. “You moved him into your home? SoSo, what were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking, mon cher, that I loved him. And I do . . . love him.” Her voice comes out small, like the Sophie I first met when she was grieving, not the woman I left and have been friends with since.

  “You’re confusing me, Sophie. What did he do?”

  She sniffs loudly and whimpers.

  “Sophie, I swear to God, if you don’t tell me right now . . .” I feel a warm hand fall on my back, and I bolt into a spin, surprised at the comforting touch, and realize it’s just Skyler. I take a deep breath and grab for my woman’s hand, clutching it to my chest over my heart as fear and concern for my friend weave through my blood like poison.

  Skyler runs her other hand down my shoulder as I focus on the call. “Sophie, talk to me. What’s wrong?”

  “He wants to marry me!” she cries out, and I frown, not getting how this information can cause her to be so miserable.

  “What is it?” Sky whispers, fear coating her gaze.

  I hold the phone over my chest, the speaker muffled against my clothing. “Sophie’s boyfriend asked her to marry him, and she broke up with him,” I whisper to Sky.

  She frowns and shakes her head as if she is also questioning the situation.

  “Okay, sweetie, back up. Explain to me why you broke up with Gabriel.”

  “Are you deaf in the ear? He asked me to marry him.” Her crying jag continues while I stare at Skyler stupidly.

  “I heard you the first time, SoSo, but I still don’t understand why that would have you breaking it off. Was he not good to you?”

  Her voice is coated in sadness as she responds, “He was parfait.”


  I lick my lips and rub at the back of my neck. “Sweetheart, you’re not making sense. Why did you break it off, then?”

  “Mon cher, because nothing I love stays. If I give him my heart, he will own it. If he leaves or dies, I will be nothing forevermore.”

  “Oh no, sweetheart, love isn’t like that,” I attempt, thinking about how fulfilled I feel with Skyler’s steady hand on my heart, her eyes heavy with compassion. Whereas months ago, she was jealous of Sophie, now it seems she’s chosen to trust that the relationship I have with Sophie is nothing but friendship, even if it started as something else.

  “I loved you, and you left,” she states flatly, and my heart breaks.

  “Sophie, you know—”

  She cuts me off. “I loved my father and he died. My mother too.”

  “The world isn’t like that. You can’t be without love in your life.” I grind down on my back molars, trying to manage a way to make her see the truth.

  “Except I can. If I let him go now, the loss of him will hurt . . . but later, with years of marriage, I’ll be destroyed.”

  I rub at my head furiously. “Fuck, Sophie. You can’t do this.”

  “I can. I have. It’s done.” Resolute. The same way I was when I cut it off with Skyler. Though there’s always room for love to weasel in and make it better again.

  “Sweetheart, I want you to think about your life now. Think about how much better it is with Gabriel. Hold on to that feeling and take glory in it. Take as much of it as you can, because, as you have learned recently, life is short. It’s better to have him in your life every day that you can have him than not at all. I promise you that.”

  “How do you know?” Her soft cry tears right into my heart.

  “Because in the past few weeks, Skyler and I hit a rough patch. I broke it off with her.”

  Skyler leans her head against my chest and kisses me over my heart, which I imagine is her way of saying it’s okay. That my doing what I did is over now, and she’s not holding on to it. I run my hand down her hair and squeeze the back of her neck.

  “Oh no, mon cher. Are you okay?” Of course. In the middle of Sophie’s breakdown, she’s worried about me.

  I remove my hand from Skyler’s head and tap my thumb on her skull so she’ll look up. She does, and I gesture to the chair next to where we’re standing. She takes the hint and moves out of my hold so I can continue this conversation while pacing, the need to move and plead my argument necessary in order to get my point across.

  “Yes, I’m fine now, because I have her back. I got my head out of my ass and realized what I wasn’t admitting to myself. I was completely in love with her. During the time we’ve been together, somehow my life changed for the better. And it’s all because of her. Now I’m considering the future, not just worrying about today. I’m thinking about a big house with a porch swing, cats and dogs, children, and grandchildren. Picket fucking fences. And in every one of those thoughts and dreams, Sky’s standing right there, holding my hand.” I lift up my head and find Skyler, tears running down her face, Geneva’s arm around her shoulder. The woman’s eyes are also teary.

  I purse my lips and shake my head at their sappiness, and Sky just shrugs and wipes at her eyes. I mouth, “I love you,” so she knows I see her in this moment, and it’s a powerful one for her as much as it is for me.

  “What you’re s-saying is . . . I need to give Gabriel a chance to stay?”

  I close my eyes and take a full breath. “Exactly. SoSo, you do not want to live your life alone, and if you push everyone away because you’re scared they’re going to leave you at some point, you’re not doing you or them any favors. You’ll just end up an old maid.”

  “I do not clean houses. I have staff for that.”

  Laughter bubbles up my throat and fills the room. “God, I’ve missed you, SoSo. I want to see you. Soon. Perhaps when we’re done with this case, we can stop in Paris.”

  “Oh, mon cher, I would love your visit. Which of the men are with you?”

  “Actually, none of them. Skyler’s wi
th me on this trip, but Bo is on his way. He’ll be here by the end of the week.”

  “I would love to have any of you for a visit. It would do me some good.”

  “And SoSo, I didn’t love you and leave you.”

  Sky’s gaze shoots to mine as I continue. “I love you still and always will as one of my very best friends, though my life is in Boston and yours is in Paris. Which means we need to be better at checking in with one another. Oui?”

  “Oui,” she agrees, sniffing quietly.

  “Will you think about what I said and maybe give this thing with Gabriel a chance? I’m not saying marry the guy, but you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

  “What baby? I do not have a baby. Is Skyler with child?”

  “Ugh. It’s an expression, SoSo. And no, Skyler’s not pregnant.”

  Skyler’s eyebrows rise up with the shock of hearing her name with the word pregnant in the same sentence.

  I shake my head and wave my hand. “Just think about what I said.”

  “Merci. I will. I have a meeting to attend and a face to clean up.”

  “Okay. And I’ll call you later this week, talk about meeting up for a day or two. Sound good?”

  “Oui. Je t’aime. Bonjour, mon cher.” Her voice is shaking when she responds, but I have to let her work this through on her own. I’ve said what I could, and hopefully it sinks in. Though I swear telling her all of that was like putting a big fucking life-size mirror in front of my own face.

  “I love you too, SoSo. Bye.”

  When I end the call, Skyler rushes to me and throws her arms around me, her face going right against my neck. “Is Sophie okay?”

  I nod and run my hand down Skyler’s back, appreciating her warmth. “Yeah, she will be. Just a little twisted up. Worrying about losing Gabriel the same way she lost everyone else in her life. I had to remind her that she didn’t lose me as her friend, and I think she understands that, but she was tossing everything in her life into a big horrible heap of letdowns and heartbreak. When a person does that, the only thing anyone can do is give it to them straight. I hope I did enough.”

  “Honey . . . the things you said about us . . .” Her voice shakes with emotion.

  “All true.” I cup her cheeks and lift her chin with my thumbs. “All. True. You’re my future. I know that now, and I’m not going to let the hardships in life ruin what we’ve got. We’re going to enjoy each and every day we’re given.”

  Her corresponding smile is beatific. “We will help her through.”


  Because that’s what we are now.

  A couple.

  Two people who will brave life hand in hand.

  Suddenly the days don’t seem so hard, the years not so long, because I have someone to share them with. My dream girl.

  Forever and always.


  By the week’s end, we’ve jetted all around London with Geneva and team. We visited the London Bridge, Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace, and rode the London Eye. Unfortunately Skyler was spotted on that one, and we had to get out of Dodge before the crowd got too big. Skyler didn’t seem to care, always willing to sign autographs and take selfies. Nate, however, was about to lose his mind, and Rachel ended up pushing a couple of guys off Sky before pulling out her Taser and warning them to back away or it would be detrimental to their health.

  The whole thing could have been a lot worse, but now the press knows we’re here, which means we have to be more careful. Since Geneva James was recognized in the photos circling on the entertainment feeds, the paps know where we are and who we’re hanging out with. This means playtime outside of the house is limited to highly secure areas, none of which Nate has approved for us.

  The ladies, as is their way, are unhappy and feel caged. With two women like Skyler and Geneva plotting against you, all bets are off. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and together those two will find it. Hands down. I wouldn’t put some seriously sneaky shit past them.

  The doorbell rings, and Nate and Geneva head to answer it. Skyler sits in the cushy chair, her cheek in her palm, her elbow supporting the weight of her head in her hand. Her vibe right now . . . bored.

  “Howdy, big guy.”

  I can hear Bo clapping Nate on the shoulder.

  “And this gorgeous creature must be Ms. Geneva James.”

  Aw shit, I better intervene. I jump off the couch next to Sky’s chair and head to the entry.

  “Bo, glad you could come,” I state, but Bo doesn’t so much as take his hands out of Geneva’s or move his gaze from her face.

  “What’s doing, brother?” he says, looking at Geneva.

  I shake my head and clap him on the shoulder. “I see you’ve met the client. Geneva.”

  He frowns. “I thought Tannenbaum was the client. Very big distinction.”

  It is if you’re sizing up the woman in front of you as your next potential bed partner, when not two weeks ago did you agree that banging the clients was probably not good for business.

  “Uh-huh. Lay off, Casanova,” I warn.

  Geneva jumps in. “Oh no, don’t lay off.” She smiles at Bogart, flirting openly.

  Dammit all to hell and back. There goes another one. The bass and guitar beat to Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust” flutters through my mind as I watch Bo kiss the top of Geneva’s fingers and offer her his panty-melting smile.

  Whatever. This is not my bag or my concern. Hell, maybe getting laid by the world’s biggest man whore will aid in bringing her out of her writing funk. Couldn’t hurt, that’s for sure.

  Geneva clears her throat. “Would you like a drink?”

  “If you’re having one,” he counters.

  “Um, well, I was drinking water. On second thought, yes, I’m going to have one. I think we all need to be shaken up since we’ve been put under house arrest.” Her gaze sends invisible daggers in Nate’s direction.

  The bodyguard shrugs. “Not sorry, Ms. James. Going to do my rounds. Rachel?” he calls out.

  “Got it covered,” she hollers from the back of the house, where she’s likely checking doors and windows again.

  “Nice to see you, Bo. Looking forward to when we get back in Boston and you have to fulfill your end of the bet.” He grins wide for the first time all day. The smile is almost menacing, but it makes sense because Rachel still holds all the cards. Bo has to wear a skirt at some undetermined point in the future to fulfill his end of the bet he lost against Nate’s wife. Personally, I can’t wait. Bo is nothing if not a man of his word. He will live up to his end, I just hope to hell I’m there when it goes down.

  Bo tips up his head, jerking his chin in the affirmative. “I’m good for it. She just says when and where, and I’m all over it. Already got the skirt ready.” He grins confidently.

  “Suuuuure.” Nate extends the word in disbelief, heading to the front door.

  “About that drink?” Bo levels his gaze on Geneva.

  “Right this way.” She walks ahead of him, a new sway to her hips that wasn’t there before.

  Mentally I have to suppress the groan from slipping out of my lips and remind myself, It’s none of your business, Parker.

  Skyler pops up off the chair. “Bo! I’m so glad you’re here. We were bored stiff!” She catapults into his arms, and he hugs her tight.

  “Missed you too, hot pants. My boy treating you right?” He cups her shoulders and leans back from her hug.

  Her cheeks turn pink, and she nods shyly. “Yeah, he is.”

  Bo kisses her on the forehead, which I try not to growl at because I know it’s just Bo’s way. He’s as tactile as he is wordy with women, friends included. It’s his way, and I have to let him form a relationship with Sky if she’s going to stay around, because Bogart has proved time and time again, the man is not going anywhere.

  “Good,” he murmurs against her hair. “Missed you, girl. More than that, missed your energy.” He lets go of Sky, and I swoop in to stake my claim, wrappi
ng my arm around her waist and tugging her to my side, where I can feel her warm body align with mine.

  Bo continues prattling on. “Without you and Wendy, the office is a real snooze. Royce is making me work on simple, one-off cases that take no time at all. Except I can’t complain because they’re bringing in the duckets. Though, I’m thrilled you guys called me in.” He grins wide, sits on the couch, and stretches his long arms out, his white T-shirt expanding across his muscular chest.

  Geneva gulps, gaze glued to my brother’s form, while she hands a gin and tonic his way.

  Bo smirks and grabs the glass. “What is it, darlin’?”

  “Gin and tonic. It’s what I was going to have, and I didn’t want to interrupt you. I can make you something else if you’d prefer.”

  He shakes his head. “A woman makes you a drink, you drink it, even if it tastes like ass, because the gesture is more important than the swill. You feel me, sugar?”

  She blinks a few times but shakes her head. “No, not at all.”

  He laughs heartily, and I sit next to my brother.

  “It’s okay, you will.” His tone and words are laced with innuendo, showing he’s absolutely planning on taking the next step.

  I clap my hands so the three of them focus on me. “Tomorrow, we do the photo shoot. Amy says the model you hired for the Dean role will meet us on the set at ten a.m. Bo, do you have all your equipment?”

  He sips on the drink and hums in appreciation.

  Geneva blushes and swirls the straw in her drink, her body language 100 percent focused on Bo and his movements.

  This is going to be a long night.

  “Brought what I needed. Confirmed with Amy that she had it set up with lighting and other tools that are bulky. Wardrobe is there, but it’s not like there’s going to be much of that . . .” He winks at Skyler.

  “Wait a minute.” I frown. “What are you talking about? I thought the model was going to wear a suit, white shirt, black tie.”


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