London (International Guy Book 7)

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London (International Guy Book 7) Page 13

by Audrey Carlan

  She shrugs. “There will have to be a disclaimer for certain, but that is where the couple is going. Their love is intense, erotic, filled with heat, like your photo shoot yesterday. I can no more leave the fire of their love behind closed doors than I can leave the plot hanging. It’s time for their love to mature in that way. And plotwise, they will marry.”

  This has all three of us gasping. “Simone said she would never, not ever, get married in the second book. It was what broke them up at the end,” Skyler says, concern in her tone.

  She nods. “This is true. She’s afraid that things in her relationship with Dean will change for the worse as her family had, and in his first marriage. It colors not only her opinion on the subject, but his too, since he perceives it as a failure. Nevertheless, the story I’m weaving will be one of great emotional growth, sadness, heartache, love, second chances, and Dean and Simone coming to terms with the fact that they don’t want to be apart. They need one another to function, or they are only half of the whole. The final commitment is what was missing in the book. Both of them coming to the realization of what they both want. They can’t live their lives on borrowed time in between Simone’s movies. They must make a final decision and choose love over everything else.”

  The three of us don’t say a word, Geneva’s story concept tunneling into each of our minds and finding a personal connection with us, all for different reasons.

  I clear my throat. “It sounds—”

  “Life changing,” Skyler supplies, and I can’t agree with her more.

  “Yes, indeed.”

  Bo kisses the crown of Geneva’s head. “Well, I’m all for the sex out in the open. Let’s talk about those scenes. Better yet”—he runs his hands down her arms—“let’s reenact them.”

  Skyler and I stand quickly. Thank God the medicine is doing its job on my headache; it’s now at a dull roar instead of a stampeding rumble.

  “And I think that means you need to get back to work, and Parker and I to our hotel,” Sky announces.

  Geneva ignores her food, stands up, and plasters her body to Bo’s half-naked form.

  “Okay, then. We’re off. Let’s get our stuff, and I’ll call Nate. I could use a hot shower and a nap,” I admit tiredly.

  “Sign me up,” Skyler says, making her way over to the staircase.

  “We’ll uh, call you . . .” I turn around and find Bo already has Geneva’s robe opened, his hand on her breast and his mouth on hers.

  Leaving them be, I head up the stairs. As I do, I realize this is probably the last time I’m going to be in this section of Geneva’s house. Moving toward the hall I know leads to her bedroom, I slip inside quietly and make my way through until I get to the bathroom.

  Opening the first drawer, I find washcloths. The second, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and the like. The third drawer . . . bingo! Makeup. I grab a tube of lipstick, pop the top, and smile.

  On the mirror in the corner, I press the peachy-red color against the glass and write her a message that will hopefully have her thinking. I want her to continue to feed what lies within her, and not let anything or anyone make her doubt herself or her talent.


  Feed your soul.

  Love, Me

  Once finished, I put the lipstick back in the drawer and slip out of her room. I grab my phone out of my pocket and hit Nate’s number. He answers on the first ring. “Need a pickup?”

  “God, yes. The faster the better.”

  Nate chuckles. “Good thing we’re right outside. Came over first thing this morning.”

  “You deserve a raise.” I head for the stairs to get my shoes, my sport coat, and my woman.

  “Yeah? Tell it to my boss,” he says flatly, but I can hear the humor in his tone.

  “Not a problem.” I open the door to the guest room and see my girl bending over the bed, her sublime ass on display. I run my hand over her lush cheek, and she squeaks.

  “See you in five?” Nate queries.

  I run my hand between her thighs and find my girl slick and hot for me. “Uh, make it fifteen . . .”

  Skyler moans as I ease two fingers into her heat, her hands flying to brace herself on the bed as I drop the phone. It falls to the ground somewhere, but I couldn’t care less. I’m more focused on working my pants down and pulling out my stiff length. “Actually, more like thirty,” I call out, and glance over my shoulder to where the phone blinks and the blank screen showing the call has ended comes up.


  “You are a miracle worker, Mr. Ellis.” Amy Tannenbaum’s voice on the phone is filled with gratitude. “Geneva said she’d love to say goodbye to the two of you, but she’s deep in the writing cave. I think she’s going to finish the book in the next couple of weeks. Which, honestly, feels like divine intervention.”

  I chuckle. “Well, I won’t tell you we didn’t help, because it was obvious she needed to be recharged and have her mojo reset, but the work is up to her now. We’ve presented her with the truth. She knows now she’s better than what her past publisher put her through. The story is iconic, and the readers are fully committed to her and wherever she takes the story. And perhaps seeing Skyler in the role helped her come to terms with the plot. You never know what’s going to pull someone out of a major funk.” I think that Bo’s night of guilt-free sex probably didn’t hurt either.

  “The cover photos are incredible. According to Geneva, she wrote two chapters based on the chaise images alone. We’ll need both you and Skyler to sign off with your approval to use them.”

  “No problem. Just email the forms to my assistant, and we’ll sign and return them when we get back to Boston. We’re heading to Paris today to see a friend before we hightail it back to Boston.”

  “I love Paris, it’s truly the city of love. If you see Sophie and my cousin Gabriel, tell them I said to come visit me in New York City.”

  “Sure thing. Also, London’s been a beautiful experience. We can’t thank your client enough for showing us around, sharing her life. I’ll have Skyler follow up with her in a couple of weeks. And of course, the next time either of you is in Boston, we’d love to host you for dinner. My family owns a great pub with the best pulled pork around,” I gush with pride.

  “Sounds lovely. I’m sure when Geneva flies across the pond, she’ll want to connect.”

  “Excellent. Thank you for reaching out to IG. We enjoyed working with you.” I grab my folded dress slacks and place them on top of the neat stack in my luggage.

  “And I you. I’ll have the producers be in touch with Skyler’s people. Geneva is dead set on Skyler playing Simone. Funny enough, she actually asked if you’d be interested in auditioning for Dean . . .”

  I laugh hard into the phone. “Amy, I’m a lot of things, but an actor is not one of them.”

  “No burning desire there?” She laughs.

  “Not a one. That’s all Sky, but she’s eager to play the role when the time is right. Positively glowing with the idea. Says it’s exactly the kind of romantic drama she’s been looking for to challenge her acting chops.”

  “I’ll make sure they’re in touch with her agent.”

  “Great. Have a wonderful week, and let us know if you ever need our help again.”

  “Will do. And thank you again, Mr. Ellis.” She hangs up right as Skyler walks in from the bathroom, holding her toiletries.

  She licks her lips and stops in the middle of the room. “I’ve changed my mind.”

  I frown. “About going to France and seeing Sophie?”

  She shakes her head. “No, I’ve changed my mind about staying in her house. Can we do a hotel?”

  I smile and walk over to where she’s worriedly chewing her bottom lip. It’s one of her nervous tics, and the last thing I want is for her to be nervous.

  “Peaches, we do not have to stay with Sophie. She won’t mind at all. If it makes you uncomfortable, we’ll stay in a hotel. She’s actually in an area where a beautiful hotel is catty-corner from h
er building. It’s fine.” I run my hands up and down her arms and dip my head to look into her eyes.

  She crinkles up her nose. “Do you think she’ll think I’m being stupid?”

  I shake my head. “To be honest, Sophie won’t care. She doesn’t get hung up on the rationale behind decisions like this. Sophie’s focused only on the fact that her friend and his girlfriend are coming for a visit. And she needs me right now. Let’s focus on why we’re stopping in for a couple of days.”

  She nods. “Okay. Good.”

  “I’ll have Wendy . . . ugh, I mean Annie, book us a room.”

  This time Skyler burrows her body against mine and wraps her hands around my waist. “You’re having a hard time with Wendy being on leave.”

  I clench my teeth and suck on my tongue, pressing it against the insides of my teeth before I can speak. “I hate it. It doesn’t feel right. Do you think Michael is going to get her to change her mind about coming back?”

  Skyler snorts and shakes her head. “No way. That woman is devoted to the team. She may be committed a hundred percent to Michael romantically, but she loves you guys too. And she loves her job. Plus, she’s the best at it. When you find something you’re good at and you love doing it, there’s very little that can make you walk away from it. And Wendy’s strong.”

  “Yeah.” I run my hand through my hair and wrap my free arm around Sky. We stand and hug for a long time.

  “It will be okay. You’ll see.” She pats my ass and then moves out of my hold. “You almost ready?”

  I place my phone charger and toiletry case in my suitcase and zip it up. “Yes, ma’am. Let’s go see SoSo. Talk some sense into that woman.”

  Once we’ve checked into the hotel across the street from Sophie’s house, Nate and Rachel walk with us across the way. Shockingly there were no paparazzi at the airport, and none have found us yet. Skyler loops her arm with mine and breathes in the air. “I love Paris. Think we can get some sightseeing in tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, I don’t see why not.”

  I knock and wait for the butler to come to the door of Sophie’s downtown mini-mansion. He opens the door and greets the four of us with a bow.

  “Good to see you, Mr. Ellis.”

  We crowd into the entryway. Sophie appears at the top of the first level of stairs and rushes down them. Once she reaches the bottom step, she’s dashing into my arms.

  “Mon cher!” She hugs me hard, her face alight with joy as she pulls back and air-kisses one cheek and then the other. Turning, she pulls Skyler into a hug, “Ma chérie, bonjour!” She repeats the two-kiss greeting.

  Skyler hugs her back, and the rigidity in my girl’s body relaxes. Any bout of nerves she had at seeing the woman I’d been with in the past is gone. Sophie has that ease about her. It’s one of the things I adore about her.

  “Come, come in, all.” She holds out her hand to Nate and then Rachel. “I am Sophie Rolland. It’s good to make your acquaintance.”

  “Nate and Rachel Van Dyken.” Nate shakes her hand and points to his wife. “Security team for Ms. Paige.”

  “Ah, oui, I imagine you have to be very careful, non?” She glances at Skyler, understanding in her gaze.

  “Yes. The business I’m in requires it,” Skyler offers.

  “The more, the marriage.” Sophie smiles sweetly, butchering an American saying along the way.

  All of us chuckle. “SoSo, it’s the more, the merrier,” I say.

  She pouts and taps her lips. “I shall endeavor to remember this one. Come, all. I have espressos and a snack before we head to dinner. I’ve made a reservation at Buddha-Bar. It is quite fantastic. The lighting is often low, with a red-and-purple tint. In the center of the space is an enormous copper-colored statue of the teacher himself. You’ll love it!”

  Sky’s eyes light up. “I’ve been wanting to go there for ages! It’s on the other side of the Seine and a ways down from the Louvre. Right?”

  “Oui.” Sophie’s eyes turn glassy as she sighs. “Parker took me to a special dinner at the Louvre when they did a never-before showing of an American artist. We had dinner in the exhibit. It was amazing.”

  I remember the time fondly, checking out the Georgia O’Keeffe paintings, chatting with Sophie about art and life. It was the best date I’d ever had until I took Skyler out and about for a day in New York. “We had a good time.” I smile and glance at Sky to find she’s not smiling at all. Her jaw is tight, and she separates herself from our little group, walking over to the window, where she pulls back the heavy curtain and stares out at the view.

  Sophie winces when she notes that Sky has removed herself from the conversation. I knew this would be awkward. Sophie and I have a history. Skyler is my future. Both are my present—Sophie as a dear friend and Skyler as my woman. There are going to be bumps in the road to us being close, but it’s important to me that we find a happy medium.

  “I’ll get the espressos going,” Sophie states, and walks out of the room.

  I head over to Skyler and wrap my hand around her waist, leaning my chin on her shoulder. “You okay?”

  Skyler hums. “Mm-hmm.”

  “I know this is awkward, but I really want to get past that to the point where the two of you can be friends. Sophie is important to me, as are you. I want the two women besides my mother and Wendy to connect. Do you think that’s going to be possible?”

  Skyler sighs and spins around, wrapping her arms around me. She glances into the empty room, making sure Sophie hasn’t returned. “I’m not going to lie and say it’s not hard that you two have a past as a couple.”

  I shake my head. “We weren’t a couple. We had a physical relationship for a couple of weeks. That’s it. You and I have been together for twenty times longer.” I nuzzle my nose with hers. “It’s important to note that you are who I’ve chosen. You are my future. And Sophie in that capacity is my past. Both of us have gotten over this. I hope you can too.”

  She nods. “I will. It’s just sometimes I remember that she’s had you in that way.”

  “No. Sophie never had me the way you do. She had my body for a very short time. You own my heart and my soul. And besides . . .” I kiss her lips softly. “I love you. I’m in love with you, and that’s not going to change.”

  She grins, wraps her hands around my head, and kisses me hard. “I’ll let it go.”

  “That’s my girl.” I tap her chin and kiss her again as Sophie comes back into the room.

  “Oh goodness. I can leave and come back in a while.”

  “No, Sophie, it’s okay. Just can’t keep my hands and lips off my girl.”

  Sophie brings her hands to her chest. “I’m so happy for the two of you.”

  And what a perfect lead-in to why we’re here in the first place. “You know, you have that too, with Gabriel. Have you talked to him?”

  Sophie’s smile slips, and she clears her voice. “He’s staying in the same hotel you’re in. He will not remove his clothing from our closet. Says he will leave them there until I accept him back in our bed. Stubborn fool.”

  “Sounds to me like he’s a man in love. Doing whatever it takes to win his girl back. The question is: Are you going to let him? Are you going to take a chance on him as he’s taking one on you?”

  Sophie sits primly on the couch and serves the espresso. “I do not know. I have been thinking of nothing but what you shared.” Her hand shakes as she lifts one of the small cups toward Skyler. Sky takes it and sits next to her. A woman hurting is like a beacon to Skyler’s compassionate side.

  “SoSo, do you love Gabriel?”

  “Oui. So much.” Her eyes fill with tears, but she straightens her spine and takes a deep breath as if she’s pushing the emotional turmoil away with the force of her will.

  Skyler puts her hand on Sophie’s knee. “It’s okay to be scared. Giving up yourself, committing to one person is life changing. And when it’s someone you’ve fallen in love with, it means more.”

  Sophie pats Sky
ler’s hand. “I want to try, but I don’t know how to fix what I have already broken.”

  Skyler frowns, her entire body seeming to take on Sophie’s sadness as if it were her own. “What do you think, honey?” she asks me.

  I lean forward and clasp my hands together. “I think we should call Gabriel and invite him to dinner.”

  “Just invite him like that? Out of nowhere?” Sophie scoffs.

  I chuckle. “No. Say you have some surprise guests and would like to make our threesome a foursome. Have him meet us at Buddha-Bar for dinner. Then we take it from there.”

  Sophie rubs her hands together. “And what if he cannot attend at such short notice?”

  “SoSo, I hate to say this, but sweetheart, you are clueless. A man asks you to marry him. Refuses to remove his clothing and personal items from your home, and books a room in the hotel across the street so he can be near you? Sophie, he’s absolutely going to drop everything to be available when you call. Believe me. This I know as fact.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Her voice softens and shudders with her breathing.

  “Trust me. I know what a man is willing to do for love. He’ll answer.”

  Buddha-Bar has a dark and mysterious vibe when we enter. The owner meets us at the street-side door and shuffles us through the waiting patrons up to a roped-off section that’s above the main eating area.

  I turn to Nate, whose face is a grim mask of uneasiness as he and Rachel follow Skyler into the belly of the restaurant.

  “You do that?” I comment about our immediate entry into the restaurant.

  “No. It was already done when I called. Ms. Rolland must have taken care of it.”

  And what do you know, when we get to the private area, a man I vaguely recognize stands abruptly, straightens his suit jacket, and holds out a chair. He’s got thick dark-blond hair, a chiseled jaw, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses perched on his face over blue eyes. The man looks to be around five to ten years older than Sophie, but he’s well groomed and attractive. They are definitely yin and yang, the dark and light of each other.


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