Mr. Satisfaction

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Mr. Satisfaction Page 14

by Jackson, Brenda

  “Maurice Hunter, this is Madison Monroe. She’s going to be a new resident. She is purchasing the loft on the twelfth floor.”

  “Welcome, Ms. Monroe. I hope you enjoy your new place,” When Maurice shook Madison’s hand, she didn’t want to let go. His handshake was firm yet his skin was smooth. His hazel eyes were mysterious, giving Madison no indication whether he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Not knowing was driving her crazy. For a brief moment, Madison figured she should step out of her pinstriped suit and let him get a glance at her perky breasts, toned stomach, round ass, and shapely legs. Maybe that would erase his stone-faced look and make him bow down to her like every other man in her life. “I would love to stay and talk to you ladies, but I’m running late for a meeting. Ms. Monroe, maybe at a later date I can show you around so you can take a look at all the amenities once you’ve moved in.”

  “I’ll hold you to that,” Madison said, wishing he could do it right now, She was flooded with disappointment as Maurice walked away.

  “He is a wonderful man, and a very hard worker,” Amy informed her, as if Madison needed any convincing.

  “He seems so young to be so successful. I mean, this is prime property, and he owns it. That’s amazing.”

  “Yeah, it is. I think he’s in his early thirties. I can’t believe some woman hasn’t snatched him up. I guess working so hard to build a miniature empire doesn’t leave a lot of time to find a wife.”

  When Amy said the word wife, it was as if a bell rang in Madison’s head. Just this morning she prayed for God to bring her a man, and maybe Maurice Hunter was him. Horses and baby carriages were now running through Madison’s mind.

  “Madison, is everything okay?” Amy questioned after trying to get her attention for a few minutes.

  “I’m sorry, Amy. I was zoning out, thinking about all the decorating I had to do for my new place,” Madison lied.

  “I understand this is very exciting, purchasing your first home. I have another showing,” Amy said, ogling her watch, “but I’ll speak to you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  Madison spent the rest of her day and night daydreaming about Maurice Hunter. She couldn’t get him off her mind. She longed to know what he smelled like, what his favorite food was, and who his first love was. All those things had seemed so irrelevant in her previous encounters with men. She had never taken a serious interest in any of them. But just from a less-than-five-minute encounter, she yearned to know everything about Mr. Hunter. Madison reasoned that the quicker she moved into her new loft, the better her chances were of running into the gorgeous bachelor sooner rather than later.

  That night, Madison tossed and turned. As she dreamed about Maurice making love to her, her hands caressed her body. She fondled her breasts, bringing her nipples to an upright position. Her other hand glided down her body until she reached her wet pussy. While she was still in a deep sleep, her finger made its way to her moist inside, and she ground in slow motion while still playing with her breasts and squeezing her nipples. She finally brought herself to climax with Maurice’s face intoxicating her thoughts. The next morning she woke to a wet spot underneath her. She jumped up, wondering if she wet the bed until her naughty dream crept in her mind. After changing her sheets and taking a long shower, letting the hot water seduce her, she finally emerged in control of her thoughts.

  GOOD MORNING, EVERYONE.” Madison waved before entering her office and closing the door. She immediately called her accountant, checking on the status of the purchase. “Hi, Albert. Did you transfer the money to close on the loft?”

  “Good morning to you, too, Madison,” he said dryly.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just excited about finally buying my own place,” she explained.

  “Not to worry. Everything is moving right along. I transferred the money yesterday. You should be receiving a phone call soon giving you the clearance to pick up your keys and move in.”

  “Wonderful,” Madison said, twirling around in her chair before resting her long legs on top of her desk.

  “Ms. Monroe, you have Eric Chambers on line two and Reese Alexander on line three,” Madison’s assistant’s voice came over the intercom.

  “Put Eric through, and tell Reese to hold. Albert, thanks for the good news. I’ll call you back later.” She switched over to the other line. “Hi, Eric. What can I do for you?” Madison said all that in what seemed like one breath.

  “Besides coming over here and wrapping those curvy legs around my shoulders and letting my tongue taste your sweet juices?”

  “Very funny, Eric. But seriously, what’s up? Did you have a chance to review my proposal with your team?”

  “Yes, and everyone is extremely pleased. The account is yours; let’s set up a meeting next week to sign the papers.”

  “I don’t have my calendar in front of me, so I’ll have my assistant call you back with the day and time. I would love to sit on the phone and compare naughty secrets, but I have another client on hold.”

  “Before you hang up, I want you to know that I really do miss you. We should go out to dinner and celebrate.”

  “I’ll give it some serious thought.”

  “That’s all I ask.”

  After hanging up with Eric, she picked up line three to speak to an impatient Reese. “Sorry for having you on hold for so long.”

  “You should be. I was getting restless over here, waiting for you. Maybe you should take me on as a client, and then we could mix business with pleasure.”

  “Doesn’t that trailer-trash wannabe-black-girl publicist who has a baby with the washed-up rapper rep you?”

  Reese chuckled. “Yeah, but it ain’t like that. I don’t pay her nothing. She just does whatever I need for her to do, and I let her use my name on her company roster. But I would pay you, whatever you want,” he boasted.

  “I’ll consider it, but right now we’re not taking on any new clients.”

  “Well, keep me in mind—because I like your style. But let’s get back to what I really called about. What happened to you the other morning? I woke up expecting to see your pretty ass beside me, and you were nowhere to be found. I thought I was going to have you for breakfast; instead I had to settle on some eggs and toast.”

  “You sure are a funny one, Mr. Reese Alexander. I had a busy morning, and although I would’ve loved to be your breakfast, my schedule wouldn’t permit it.”

  “Well, how about being my dinner this evening? I don’t have anything lined up for today and would love to spend some quality time with you.”

  Madison preferred to be in the bed spooned under Maurice, but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. Reese was an excellent backup until she got the man she truly desired in her bed. “That works.”

  “Cool, I’ll pick you up at nine. Wear a skirt so I can play with my pussy.”

  “Men,” was all Madison could say as she hung up the phone on Reese. He fucked her brains out a couple of times in a two-hour span, and now it was his pussy. Madison longed for the day when the bed-hopping stopped, and she no longer had to be bothered with meaningless relationships.

  Madison swirled back and forth in her chair like she did as a little girl when she visited her dad at his office. He would tell her to get comfortable because one day she would be at her own desk, calling all the shots. Madison always felt that her dad was so different from the men she encountered in life. He always wanted her to be self-sufficient and independent. Whenever Madison had a day off from school, her dad would drive her in with him from their sprawling mansion in Long Island to the city so she could watch him make power deals at work. He would refer to her as his sidekick, and Madison reveled in the attention he showered her with. When she did excellent on a test, he would let her play hooky from school and they would go to the Four Seasons for lunch. That was where all the high rollers went to close billion-dollar deals. He groomed her to be the best. He would always say, “Learn to play the game, don’t let the game play you.” Madison was not
only his daughter, but also the son he never had. She was determined to make him proud.

  “Erica, I’m taking the rest of the day off, so anyone who calls, tell them I’m tied up in meetings all day. If there is an emergency, you can reach me on my cell, but only if it’s an emergency,” Madison stressed. She handed her assistant a stack of files and handwritten notes. “This is the information on a new client. Type up the information, and put together a folder with all her data. Have it on my desk first thing tomorrow morning. Also call Roberto and let him know I’m on my way.”

  Madison slipped on her Chanel movie star shades and strolled out of the office. She was feeling agitated and needed to take the edge off, and she knew exactly what would do the trick. A spa treatment, a new outfit for her date with Reese, and a stiff drink.

  Madison opted to walk to the spa instead of taking a cab or using the car service, since it was only a few blocks from her office. Although it was chilly outside, the sun was beaming and it was a beautiful day. Madison strutted down the busy Manhattan streets, taking in the hustle and bustle. There was nothing in the world like New York City. You could feel the hunger and see the eye of the tiger in every man you passed in his three-piece suit or the woman in her tailored ensemble. They were all on the same mission: getting that money. It all came down to who wanted it the most. Since Madison was a little girl, her father instilled in her that in New York there was so much money to make that if you played your cards right, everyone had a chance to get a piece of the pie. The problem was that nobody just wanted a piece; motherfuckers were so damn greedy, they weren’t satisfied unless they had the whole pie for themselves.

  Madison entered the Ritz-Carlton Central Park and took the elevator to the second floor. Immediately when she stepped off, the receptionist greeted her, “Good afternoon. Welcome to the La Prairie spa.”

  “Hi, could you please let Roberto know that Madison Monroe is here.”

  “Hi, Ms. Monroe. He’s expecting you. Have a seat—he will be out shortly. Can I get you anything to drink?”

  “Not right now.” Madison smiled and sat in the lounge, flipping through the latest magazines to see which celebrities were doing what and with whom. Since she frequently was the so-called source to well-orchestrated gossip items for her own clients, Madison was always interested in deciphering what other celebrities were truly caught off guard or if their publicist played an active role in having the information leaked to the tabloids.

  “If it isn’t the PR Princess herself,” Roberto said in his clipped British accent. Madison still hadn’t decided if the accent was genuine or was something Roberto picked up because he thought it made him sound more refined. Especially since she could’ve sworn he inadvertently told her he grew up in Brooklyn. It was neither here nor there; everyone in this town had some sort of scam going. And it didn’t make a difference. Roberto gave the best freakin’ facials in all of Manhattan.

  “Yes, darling, I’ve decided to bless you with my presence,” Madison said teasingly as they walked toward one of the six exclusive treatment rooms.

  “So what are you having done today?” he asked.

  “The caviar facial, jet lag massage, and a Brazilian wax. I also need a pedicure and manicure,” Madison reasoned after looking down at her nails.

  “You basically want the works, and my dear, I will give it to you.”

  “Roberto, you better not talk to me like that or I might think you want to give me some.”

  “Oh, my dear, if only I liked kitty cats. If so, your scrumptious chocolate self would be all mine.” They both laughed as Madison undressed and put on the towel that Roberto handed her. “You have the most beautiful skin I’ve ever seen,” he said.

  “Why, thank you. But Roberto, let me ask you a question.”

  “Anything for you, my dear.”

  “If I’m so scrumptious, why can’t I meet a man who wants to settle down and have a family with me?” Madison said, exasperated.

  “Honestly, Madison, because you’re a man in a skirt. Personally I find that very attractive, but I hold out for actual men. If you really want to conquer the sensitive male species, then you’re going to have to soften up a bit. Your entire aura is very intimidating. I only speak the truth, dear, but enough of that. Lie down, and get comfortable. I’m going to pamper you like the princess you are.”

  Madison closed her eyes and drifted into deep thought. everything Roberto said made sense. Working hard, building her career had always been Madison’s first priority. Her focus was undeniable, but competing in the cutthroat business world had also made her tough as nails. No man wanted to snuggle up next to that every night on a long-term basis.

  Four hours later, Madison stepped out of the Ritz-Carlton feeling like a brand-new woman. She hailed a cab and headed over to Saks to pick out a dynamite outfit for tonight. On her cab ride over to Saks, she checked her cell phone messages. She let out a scream of excitement when she heard the message from Amy telling her everything was complete and the loft was hers. Amy said she could stop by in the morning to sign a few papers and pick up her keys. Everything was working out perfectly. Madison had given her sixty days’ notice to her landlord a month ago, so she could use the next month to get things in order. If it took a little longer, then she could always do a month-to-month lease, but the extra cost for that would make anyone hurry up and move. Madison was just ecstatic that she had gotten the place she wanted. She’d made up her mind that she was moving and buying a place of her own regardless, but for it to be her dream palace was a true blessing.

  By the time Madison walked out of Saks, she had three more bags than she expected to leave with. “Oh, well,” she said. As far as she was concerned, she more than deserved it; especially now that she would have plenty of room for her ever-expanding wardrobe with her new humongous walk-in closet.

  As Madison got dressed, she was actually looking forward to her date with Reese. He was good-looking and definitely knew how to handle his business in bed. Her day at the spa and shopping did help take the edge off, but she still couldn’t get Maurice Hunter off her mind. During her day, every so often she would try to come up with a reasonable excuse to see him. But every reason seemed so desperate and calculated. She was hoping that a sensational roll in the sack with Reese would numb her craving for Maurice.

  WHEN MADISON AND Reese walked into the Asian-cuisine hot spot, Spice Market, she zeroed in on a familiar-looking gentleman being seated. Even in the sprawling twelve-thousand-foot, century-old warehouse located in the Meatpacking District, he stood out like a precious stone. When the hostess came back to seat them, she wanted to beg for a booth next to the object of her affection but had to settle for a prime location that still had him in her zooming range.

  “I know I’ve told you three times already, but you look incredible tonight. When you opened your door, I actually wanted to cancel dinner and have you as the main course,” Reese said, sounding like he was reading a line from a bad movie script. She should’ve looked incredible, given how much she spent on her outfit, Madison thought to herself. As Reese mumbled on about all the different positions he was going to try on her when they got to his place, Madison’s mind was somewhere else.

  I can’t believe that Maurice Hunter is sitting right across the restaurant from me. I wonder if the woman he is with is his girlfriend or just a casual date. I can’t get a good look at her, but she seems attractive, but a tad plain for my taste. I have to find a way to get his attention. He simply must see me in my curve-hugging Dior by John Galliano bustier and skirt. Hmm, there has to be a subtle but productive way to leave this restaurant with Maurice realizing it should be me, not Mary Poppins, dining with him.

  “Madison, are you okay? The waitress wanted to take your drink order,” Reese explained, looking at her quizzically.

  “I’m sorry. I was trying to remember if I finished up some things before I left work.”

  “You’re thinking about work while sitting at the table with me? I must need to
step up my game. Bring us out your best bottle of champagne,” Reese said to what seemed to be a starstruck waitress.

  “Make that your best bottle of white wine,” Madison interjected. “I’m sorry, Reese. Work has me a little stressed out, that’s all.”

  “I understand, but hopefully after we leave here, I can make you forget about all of that.”

  “Can you excuse me for a moment? I really need to go to the ladies’ room,” Madison said as she jumped up.

  “Do you know what you want me to order for you?” he asked.

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having,” Madison said, practically sprinting across the floor, desperate to get to the other side of the restaurant after seeing Maurice leaving his table.

  Reese definitely thought Madison was behaving strangely, but he didn’t care. His dick was getting hard just watching her voluptuous ass twist to where he assumed was the bathroom.

  As Madison approached the slight hallway where the bathrooms were located, she stepped up her skip so she would end up right next to Maurice. “Excuse me,” she said, after purposely bumping into him.

  “No apologizes necessary,” Maurice replied while unexpectedly becoming hypnotized by Madison’s scent. She turned her head and caught Maurice with his eyes slightly closed, inhaling her seductive aroma. It worked every time, given the fact she was wearing Clive Christian No. 1. A one-ounce bottle started at $1,850, but Madison’s was a Christmas gift from Elton John after her company handled a benefit concert for him. He had a customized fifteen-thousand-dollar bottle commissioned in the shape of a tiara with the words PR PRINCESS engraved on it. Madison faced the gorgeous bachelor and locked eyes.

  “Don’t I know you?” she asked with a devilish grin. Maurice was totally caught off guard because he was still coming down from the sexual high he got from her scent. Madison could tell he was straining to place her face. “I think I met you the other day when Amy Duncan was showing me the loft I just purchased on Sixty-fifth Street.”


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