One Desire

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One Desire Page 10

by Rice, Rachel E.

  There was silence. It appears Spencer was conflicted. On one hand he wanted to keep his job and on the other he wanted to keep our friendship. We were both introduced to worlds that we were ill equipped to handle. The limo pulled up at the same time Chris was getting out of a cab.

  “I thought you were spending the week with Patrick?”

  “I have to fly to Paris tomorrow. There are problems with the models and my office picked me because I don’t have any children. If I keep getting these assignments at the last minute, I’ll fucking have some or adopt.”

  Chris had a problem of saying whatever came into her mind. She wasn’t serious and I think she enjoyed using the “F” bomb for emphasis. Flying throughout Europe was more of a hobby for her. I wish I could afford it. It would be nice to have some expensive stylish clothes. She tried to give me some but I didn’t think I could pull the look off. You needed an air of sophistication to be comfortable. If I wore a two or thousand dollar blouse or skirt I would worry all day about what that could have bought and whether I would spill coffee on it.

  I suspect that she paid off some of the models to act difficult so she could go on a shopping spree.

  She opened the door to her loft. “You can stay longer if you like. I don’t know when I’ll be back.” She made a sigh and continued, “This looks like a month’s trip. I can get a chance to flirt with some of those French men. I’m tired of Patrick.” I glanced at her. “Oh I love him but he likes to fuck every night. That gets kind of boring. He never likes to try something new.” That’s where the Frenchmen come in. I hear there’re into to it all if you know what I mean.” And she raised her eyebrows.

  “No. I’m sorry I don’t know,” I said picking up the towel and cloths on the floor that I left when I was in a hurry to get to work.

  “Oh, I forgot. You fall in love easy. And stay in love,” Chris said as she pulled out a frozen pizza, a tin of caviar, crackers and wine. She microwaved the pizza, opened the container of caviar and spread it on bland crackers, and then stuffed it in her mouth. No wonder she was so thin. Ever since I met her she has been on that diet.

  “I have you know that I’ve gotten over Brandon.”

  “Yeah. Sure. That will be the day,” she said biting into a large slice of pizza and handing me a slice. I shook my head no. Made a sandwich and sat near her on bar chairs at the marble counter, which separated the kitchen from the open space of the loft.

  She looked at me and said, “What happened at your job? Did anyone know it was you on the front page of the Post?”

  “Everyone knew it was me. My name appeared in a long article, it named everything, where I graduated high school…”

  “High school?” Chris repeated with a question cutting me off. “This is really getting nasty.”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “I could tell by the faces of everyone in the bank with their eyes peering at me like I had a disease, wondering whether they could catch what I had. And I was late. And I forgot my purse with my makeup in the limo Brandon sent to take me to work.”

  “What a bummer. No makeup,” Chris said searching the cabinets for more crackers. I couldn’t tell her that makeup was the least of my worries. If she had one wish before she died, it would be to go out of this world with false eyelashes, mascara, and thick red lip gloss.

  “I have to take a shower and get to bed. I’ve had a long day and tomorrow is going to be worse,” I said heading in the direction of the shower. When I came out, Chris was packing and sitting with her legs crossed on her bed texting, and checking her smartphone for messages. She dropped it near her bed and looked at me.

  “What are you going to do about Brandon and Angela?”

  “I’m going to stay as far away as I can from them as possible.”

  “Well I don’t think you can because Brandon is on his way here now,” she said with her eyes lowered.

  “No way. I can’t believe you would do such a thing.”

  “Brandon text me and asked if you were here. I said yes. I didn’t know you didn’t want to see him,” she said wide eyed looking at me with such innocence.

  “Then don’t buzz him in,” I said to her.

  “I can’t do that, Tyler. We’ve been friends since the third grade and our parents have been enemies a lot longer than that. Remind me to tell you about that,” Chris said with a light smile trying to cover up her complicity.

  There was no room for me to hide in. I wanted to see Brandon and I didn’t want to see him. He made my life hell the minute I met him and now he was coming in for the kill. I just knew he would be the destruction of me. I can’t afford to be late at the bank tomorrow.

  “If you can’t tell him not to come then I will. What’s his number?” I said trading glances with her. I called Brandon and he answered on the first ring.

  “Hello Tyler.” I didn’t ask how he knew it was me and I didn’t want to know.

  “Look Brandon, I’m tired and I don’t have the strength to deal with you tonight. I have to be to work on time tomorrow.”

  “I’m sitting outside in my limo and I will stay there until you talk to me face to face,” he said. Then he asked, “Can I come up and explain.”

  “No. I’m tired of this and I’m tired of you and your wife making me miserable.”

  “I promise you she won’t do anything to you again.”

  “What are you going to do? She appears to have you wrapped up and you can’t do anything about it.”

  “You don’t know me Tyler. No one but you princess can control me,” he said in a whisper. I wanted to hear that for so long but now was too late.

  “I have to go.” And I turned off the phone. Chris stood looking at me holding her large Vuitton bag on her shoulder and a suit bag in hand.

  “I’m leaving now. I hope you and Brandon solve your differences before I get back. Oh, I’ll bring you something back from Paris.” I hugged Chris and she left with a smile and chuckle.

  I grabbed a bowl of cereal and milk and before I could turn on the television I had fallen asleep and woke to the chimes of my cell phone. It was five a.m.


  This time I wouldn’t repeat the tardiness that somehow had been associated with my name along with being a home-wrecker, stripper, low morals, and everything else people could find to gossip about. I was proud of myself at showering, dressing, and getting out by six-forty-five a.m. I had a half an hour to get to the bank. This time I would beat everyone into work. Now they would see that I was serious about my job. However, I didn’t really care about anyone except my mentor Vivian and Jordan Longworth.

  Passing in front of the mirror, I felt proud of myself. I managed to look professional in a dark blue conservative suit that complimented my assets, a great pair of long legs which were made even longer with three inch heels. I carried my sneakers in my bag. I brushed over my hair and added another coat of lip gloss and rushed for the door.

  Taking the elevator down to the first floor was easy and all I had to do was step out of the door and into the street and catch a cab. I would get to the bank with enough time if the traffic was good, and it usually was at seven, then be inside the bank at my desk at seven fifteen. These were my plans. But like everything else, the best laid plans of mice and men go astray.

  When I opened the door, I spotted the limo angled at the curb and when I turned to the left, there walking from the café, crossing the street, holding a cup container with three cups of coffee was him--the brightest star and the dimmest light in my life.

  He strutted passed me with a smile and said, “Good morning princess.” And he handed Spencer a cup. Then he walked up to me, put his arm around my waist and said, “I’m taking you to work.”

  “We’re not going through this again,” I said pulling away and trying to get pass him.

  Brandon stepped in front of me and said, “If you don’t let me, I’m going to wait outside the bank every day until you agree to talk to me.” I smiled inward. But I kept up the façade that said, I’m not in
terested. But my body ached for his touch, his smile, and whatever love he had left to give. I searched for every excuse I could to not want him. But I did want him and I did love him. I was trying to fight it because he wasn’t mine and I couldn’t bear to be only a girlfriend, a lover, a hanger on.

  My brow creased and my eyes narrowed hearing his words. That was my way of saying but not meaning: I can’t stand you and I’m doing this because you have forced me to do something I don’t want to do.

  “Well, ok, I said softly. If that’s the only way to be rid of you.” Brandon helped me into the car and he walked around and climbed in on the street side.

  “Aren’t you carrying this too far Brandon? Your wife made accusations and it appears she’s a woman of her word.”

  “I don’t want you to pay any attention to her. She’s trying to scare you.”

  “Well she damn well succeeded,” I said turning to look at him.

  “I don’t want to talk about her any longer,” he said.

  “Then what do you want because I have to get out soon,” I said to him.

  He hit a button and the partition lowered. “Spencer go around the block once.”

  “I’m going to be late. What are you trying to do, cause me to lose my job?” I said in a panic.

  “That would be great. Then I could take care of you.”

  “This is outrageous. Stop the car Spencer. I’m going to walk.” Spencer stopped the limo and I jumped out before Brandon could say a word. Now I had to walk around the block. I checked the time. I had two minutes to get to work before everyone would make it there before me.

  I rushed around the corner panting and out of breath, I didn’t have time to take off my shoes and put on walking shoes. I felt my hair and it was limp and flying in two directions. I caught sight of myself in the glass door and I looked like an unkempt French poodle. My beautiful semi-expensive clothes had sweat marks under my arms. June wasn’t a hair month in New York. The weather was sometimes hot and sometimes cold and today it was hot. But it was perfect for a wedding.

  I lumbered into work sooner than I thought. The guard opened the door. When I looked at the large antique clock it was seven-thirty. However, I still wasn’t early enough to make an impression on Jordan. My eyes swung to his office on my way to my desk. There was light in his office.

  Before I could throw my jacket on the back of my chair, drop my purse into the drawer, a call came from his office.

  “Ms. Burns, please come to my office now.” My stomach tightened as if I was taking another one of those gut wrenching test to get into prep school and college. I could do without that feeling. Now I’m forced to go through that again. I had to compose myself. Maybe it wasn’t as severe as I imagined. When pigs fly, I thought. It was bad.

  I tried composing myself and feel upbeat. His office was a few feet from mine, but it felt as if I was a condemned man and I was walking to my death. I walked along slowly and with each step I thought about him firing me and me having no job, no money, and no prospects. Finally I reached his door and put up my fist to knock. The door opened and he stood there staring at me.

  He had on a black and white sweater and it showed his wide shoulders and hard chest and biceps. My eyes settled comfortably on a pair of expensive jeans hugging his hips.

  “Sit down Ms. Burns.”

  “Yes sir.” As I spoke, my voice sound shrill, and my nerves took over. I began to talk. I asked him about the weather, I asked about his morning. I talked without letting him respond. I had a habit of talking too much when I’m nervous. Any other time, I just listen. “Mr. Longworth if it was about yesterday, I have an explanation. I tried to make it into work early but there were extenuating circumstances.” I had thought about lying but I wasn’t any good at it. And I hoped he didn’t ask me any questions because I would have to tell the truth.

  He sat across from me with a smile on his face and all of a sudden I was thinking about the handsome man sitting in front of me. I became more nervous and brought up something I wanted to forget. “I was a victim of circumstances. Brandon…I mean Mr. Charles was a friend who I hadn’t seen in five years. He let me stay in his room because it was too late to take the train home and his wife came in and assumed that I had slept with him.”

  I had spilled everything. And somehow I felt relieved. I sat back in my chair waiting and expecting to be fired on the spot.

  “I can see how she would assume that knowing Brandon’s reputation,” he said with an even bigger smile. “That’s not what I wanted to discuss with you. That’s in the past. I never dwell in the past. It’s the future I concerned about.” He paused smiling at me.

  “I’ve been invited to several functions and I don’t have a date.” He stood and walked to the side of his desk, put his hand to his face as if stroking a beard. “I was wondering whether you would agree to go with me.”

  The shockwave could be felt in New Jersey.

  “I’m heading out for a day of sailing. Do you sail?” he asked me then bending and picking up a brown satchel near my chair then meeting my gaze.

  “I haven’t had the opportunity,” I said fiddling with my hair.

  “I didn’t want to embarrass you, Tyler. But I need an answer today.”

  “You haven’t embarrassed me, Mr. Longworth.”

  “Please don’t call me by my sir name. I feel like my father or grandfather. Call me Jordan. And about Brandon? What is that about?” he said. I looked at him. My impulse was to lie but his expression let me know that he already knew the story. He wanted my story.

  His question, way too personal. And all I could do was defend myself. “Mr. Longworth, if you want to fire me then do so, otherwise, I have a job to do. Please allow me to finish the day.” I stood and looked at him and I saw in his eyes that he was attracted to me and if he wasn’t my boss and Brandon wasn’t in my life, I would like him a lot. What wasn’t there to like? I thought.

  “I don’t want to fire you and you didn’t answer my question.” I paused a moment and considered my position. Do I want a job or do I want a relationship. I wanted both.

  “If you want an answer to the first question, yes, would be happy to accompany you to a function. Only if it is as employer and employee.”

  “Good, then there’s a dinner and dancing at the Museum of Natural History on Saturday. I will send a car for you at eight. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?” He said no and I left.

  I strolled out of the office and headed for my desk. This was day two of a job that was looking promising. I had a position at the bank if I could complete the training and I had a friend. I knew business and pleasure didn’t mix, and I tried to keep everything separate.

  My mentor came in about eight a.m. and introduced me to the tellers. I had to learn every aspect of running a bank. Next week I would be in the mortgage department.

  It was a long and tiring day. I didn’t know when Jordan left, and I wasn’t concerned about him. I just didn’t want another scene with Brandon. At six o’clock all the tellers and floor managers had packed up their things and gone for the day. I looked up and it was seven o’clock. I vowed to get home before nine and call my father.

  My head was lowered and I pulled my bag out of the drawer, slipped on and tied my sneakers in case I had to walk. I put my heels in my oversize bag and when I raised my head, standing in front of my desk was Jordan.

  “Oh you frightened me Mr. Longworth.”

  “What are you doing here so long?” he said.

  “I was trying to get ahead of my work.”

  “Well you must be hungry. Put your heels back on and we can go to this restaurant I know.”

  “No. I don’t think…”

  “He interrupted me. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “But I can’t,” I said looking into his sexy eyes. He wore a black suit with a white unbutton shirt.

  “You are expected to socialize. Didn’t I explain to you that this is part of your duties? You have to meet p
eople, go to lunch with clients, invite them out, and send them follow up calls and e-mails. If you expect to run a division of this bank, you will have to socialize with individuals you may not want to. Are you up for that?” he said looking down at me waiting for my answer.

  “Ok. Jordan, I’m ready.” In the midst of his conversation, I slipped on my heels. I stood and slung my purse over my shoulder. He glanced at me in surprise. Frankly, I was surprised.

  Chapter 16

  Jordan’s limo was parked out front. His driver was an older man and he looked at me as if he didn’t approve. He had probably been driving for him too long and thought or was a part of the family.

  “I don’t think he likes me.”

  “Smithy doesn’t like anyone. He has been my driver since I was a boy, and his duties were my father’s driver before he retired.” He leaned forward. “Take us to the Millennium Hotel.”

  “I have reservations about that place,” I said to Jordan.

  “Why, is the food bad?”

  “No, I said hesitating. “I use to work there as a waitress.

  “Then so much the better,” he said.

  “And because Brandon owns the hotel,” I said looking at him saying don’t make me do this.

  “I know. Let him eat his heart out,” Jordan said with a satisfied smile.

  “I hope that’s not why you’re taking me there.” My eyes swung to Jordan.

  “We’re going there because Brandon and I have a deal we are working on together, and the food is great, and he’s picking up the bill. He thinks I’m alone. I’m going to surprise him.”

  I didn’t say a word. I let Jordan talk. He talked about his family and how long they had been in banking. He talked about his father and mother and how they met. And how they wanted him to be married but he hadn’t found anyone he would marry because he spent all of his time in the bank.


  The limo pulled up to the hotel and my legs quivered at the thought of seeing Brandon because I was with Jordan. Jordan helped me out and the doorman closed the door to the car. Then he ran to open the glass doors leading into the elegant hotel. I had been there many times but never walked through the front door. I left the hotel in Brandon’s car through a side door.


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