The Texan's Baby (Texas Rodeo Barons)

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The Texan's Baby (Texas Rodeo Barons) Page 18

by Donna Alward

  A tear rolled down her cheek. “Okay, Daddy.”

  She got up and went around the table, bent down to give him a hug. “Thank you for trusting me with this.”

  “I just want you to be happy, Lizzie. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for all my kids, even though I know they don’t always believe it.”

  “I think we know that, deep down.”

  He patted her back. “I told Julieta I wouldn’t aggravate you for long. And I expect you want to prepare for the meeting.”

  “Yeah, I do. I’ll take you down to her office if you like.”

  “Sounds good. I hate trying to navigate this damn thing.”

  She laughed and put her hands on the grips of the wheelchair. “After this, I’m guessing it’ll be a while before you try riding bulls, huh?”

  “I’m afraid my rodeo days are over,” he lamented. “Time to hang up my spurs.”

  It bothered her that he sounded so down about it. It made her think of Chris and his year of freedom, his one last chance to enjoy the one thing he loved doing. He’d given it all up so quickly, too—for the job in Dallas.

  Why? She frowned as she pushed Brock around the corner toward Julieta’s office. If it were just about the money, why would he have taken the year off? And he’d already turned down the position once...

  Which he’d reminded her of last night, only she’d been too hurt and angry to really hear him.

  Was it possible he’d been telling the truth and she’d been too afraid to listen?

  “Here we are!” She announced their arrival a little too perkily and Julieta looked up, her lips pursing a little.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Lizzie’s got it handled,” Brock announced. “Come on, wife, let me take you to lunch before I go for my torture session.”

  Lizzie saw the light blush to Julieta’s cheeks. Even though they seemed an unlikely pair, Lizzie could see the genuine affection between her father and Julieta. They cared for each other. They were there for each other. And wasn’t that what mattered?

  “Thanks, Dad,” she said, kissing his head. “Especially for the advice.”

  “Hey, at least one of my children listens to my advice. Maybe there’s still hope for the others,” he joked.

  She left them there deciding on a restaurant for lunch.

  Back in her office, she picked up the phone and called the number on Nicole Bennett’s card.

  Chapter Fifteen

  For the second time in as many days, Lizzie found herself face-to-face with Nicole Bennett. They met at a coffee and pie shop simply called Patsy’s Pies, away from the office area, closer to Lizzie’s home and the University Park area. After ordering, they settled themselves at a corner table.

  “Oh, my God,” Nicole raved, closing her eyes. “This was the best suggestion. This pie is to die for.”

  Lizzie looked across the table. Both women still wore their office attire, but chocolate cream pie appeared to be the great equalizer. She couldn’t help but grin. “Coconut cream is my other favorite,” she admitted. “But really, there’s not a pie here that’s not ten times better than anywhere else. The hand-pie business is pretty brisk, too.” Indeed, several customers took bakery boxes of the individual pies to go.

  Nicole took a sip of her latte. “Why did you ask me here, Lizzie? Has there been a change in your position?”

  “No, there hasn’t. I’ve met with my father personally and took it to the board, as well. That wasn’t why I asked to meet you.”

  “I see.” Nicole put down her cup. “No, actually, I don’t see. Why else would you want to talk to me?”

  Lizzie took a breath. “It’s about Christopher Miller.”

  “Chris? Why would you want to talk to me about Chris?”

  The headache that had been threatening to blossom all day long began to throb behind Lizzie’s eyes. “You don’t have to pretend you don’t know, Nicole.”

  “Know what?” She genuinely looked perplexed.

  “Are you saying that you don’t know we’re...involved?”

  Nicole put down her fork. “Holy shit,” she breathed. “I knew there had to be some reason he wanted to be in Dallas. It’s you, isn’t it?”

  There was a heavy feeling of having misjudged him that was more than balanced out by the hope that she really had been wrong. “Nicole, I have to ask you a few questions and I need straight answers, okay?”

  “Of course.”

  “Did Chris ever tell you we were seeing each other?”


  She watched Nicole closely. The other woman met her gaze evenly. If she was lying, she was very good at it.

  “Did you ever ask him for information about Baron Energies?”

  “No. Wait, yes, we did speak of it, just once. When I offered him the job.”

  Oh, God. “Do you remember what was said?”

  She nodded. “It wasn’t much. I just asked what he’d heard through the grapevine. The press release had just been sent out about your dad, and he asked why I was interested. I think I responded that you’d expressed an interest in alternative energy a few times, but that’s it.”

  Lizzie closed her eyes. She wasn’t feeling 100 percent, probably because of her lack of sleep last night and the whole roller coaster of the past few days catching up with her. She really should go home and decompress.

  “Are you all right?” Nicole asked, concern in her voice.

  Lizzie opened her eyes. “I’m fine,” she answered. “Nicole, please be honest here. Did you offer Chris the promotion in order for him to give you information on Baron Energies?”

  Nicole’s eyes hardened. “You’re asking if I bribed him to spy on you, to give me information we could use?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m asking.”

  “First of all, I already told you that I didn’t know you guys were even seeing each other. And secondly...if I so much as suggested such a thing to Chris, he’d tell me to stick it up get the picture.” She frowned. “If you blamed him for yesterday, you’re barking up the wrong tree, sister.”

  Lizzie believed her. “I had to know for sure,” she said quietly.

  “Why? Wasn’t his word enough?”

  Oh, she knew exactly how to make Lizzie feel worse. “It wasn’t, no,” she admitted. “You’ve known him a long time?”

  Nicole picked up her fork again, looking deliberately nonchalant. “So, the tables are turned, huh? You’re going to use me for information about Chris.”

  Lizzie shifted in her chair. She’d been sitting too long today and her back was aching. “I know. But it’s not for professional gain, Nicole. It’s... There’s a lot at stake.”

  “You’re in love with him.”

  She nodded. There was no sense denying the truth forever. “We’re also expecting a baby.”

  The blank surprise on Nicole’s face would have made her laugh any other time, but not now. “We’ve only told family so far. But you can see why I’d be a little freaked out if he betrayed me.”

  Nicole raised an eyebrow. “Or why he’d be freaked out that the woman he cared about and who was carrying his child accused him of something he wasn’t guilty of. It all makes sense now.”

  “What does?”

  “I went to visit the local office this morning. Chris gave me his resignation and two weeks’ notice.”

  He’d quit. Why had he done that? Maybe it made sense to Nicole but it wasn’t crystal clear in Lizzie’s mind. She let out a breath as a cramp rippled across her abdomen. Maybe the cafeteria salad hadn’t been a good idea today.

  “Will you excuse me for a moment?” she asked, getting up from her chair. “I’ll be right back.”

  She found the public bathroom and stepped into a stall. Her heart began to race when
she saw the spotting on her panties. The backache, the cramp, the feeling off...something was wrong. And with the knowledge came a fear so all-encompassing it stole her breath.

  She found an old sanitary pad in the zipped pocket of her purse and put it on, then left the stall, pausing to wash her hands before going back to the café. Nicole was still at the table, nibbling at the chocolate pie when Lizzie stopped, not sitting but resting her hands on the back of the chair.

  “I’m sorry, but I think I have to go.”

  Nicole looked up and alarm showed in her eyes. “What’s wrong? You look terrible.”

  “I’m not feeling well. It’s...” Her voice broke, embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I think there’s something wrong.”

  She felt suddenly light-headed and began to sway on her feet.

  Nicole leaped up and immediately came to her assistance, lowering her into the chair. “You’re white as a ghost,” she said softly, kneeling beside her. “Is it the baby?”

  Lizzie nodded, her eyes blurred by tears now. “Yes. I’m so sorry. This is so unprofessional.”

  Nicole said an unladylike and definitely unprofessional word and grabbed both their purses. “Forget professional. Let’s get you to the hospital. Can you navigate for me?”

  Lizzie nodded.

  “Let’s go then. Can you walk?”

  She nodded again. “I’m just...scared.” The feeling swamped her again, panic collecting in her chest.

  “Well, of course you are. Come on now, let’s go.” Nicole put a hand under her elbow and led her outside. “My car’s over here.”

  It only took minutes to get to the hospital and Nicole pulled right up to the emergency doors and got out. “Let’s get you inside, then I’ll park and come in, okay?”

  “You don’t have to do that. You barely know me....”

  Nicole put her hand on Lizzie’s. “That baby is Chris’s, too, and I happen to think a lot of him. Besides, you shouldn’t be alone.”

  Lizzie walked into the emergency room and was grateful for Nicole’s presence as she was triaged by a nurse. When they told her she was being taken to a room right away, she tried to smile at her unexpected friend. “Thank you. For driving me. For staying.”

  “I’ll park the car and come right back.”

  Lizzie walked through the sliding doors as if in a dream. Minutes later she was dressed in a hospital gown, examined, and a portable ultrasound was brought in. Once the test was done she had to wait, and the curtained-off area offered privacy but no guard against the other sounds of illness around her. She put her hands on her tummy and closed her eyes. “Stay with me, baby,” she whispered. “Please stay with me. Your mommy needs you. Your mommy needs to make things right.”

  In that moment it was just the two of them in the drab cubicle. She remembered taking the pregnancy test and thinking just flipping wonderful. Remembered her big plan to tell Chris and get on with things in a very businesslike manner. And none of it had gone the way she’d planned. She’d fallen in love with him instead and then she’d gone and ruined it all. Maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe he could forgive her....

  But if she lost the baby, why would he? This baby was the one thread holding them together. “Please don’t take my baby,” she pleaded softly. “Please.”

  She pulled her knees in tight, closed her eyes again, and prayed.

  “Lizzie?” Nicole’s soft voice interrupted her thoughts as she peeked around the curtain. “I thought maybe you didn’t want to sit alone, but if you’d rather, that’s okay, too.”

  She could use the distraction. Besides, Nicole had been wonderful considering they were, well, not quite adversaries but not friends either. “I could use the company,” she murmured.

  “I brought you some water. They said it would be okay.” Nicole held out a plastic cup with a bendy straw.

  “Thanks,” Lizzie answered. Nicole sat in a chair by the bed. She took a sip of the water and since Nicole hadn’t asked, offered what little she knew. “They saw me and did an ultrasound, but I don’t know anything yet.”

  Conversation lapsed, and the two sat in silence for a long time. It was odd; Lizzie didn’t feel the need to speak and somehow, neither did Nicole. And yet Lizzie was glad the other woman was there. Her impression of Nicole yesterday had been accurate, it seemed. They clicked. It was the damnedest thing.

  A nurse popped her head around the curtain. “Lizzie? There’s someone in the waiting room for you, but we can only let one person back here at a time.”

  Lizzie looked at Nicole. “I called Chris,” Nicole said. “I figured he’d want to know.”

  Her throat tightened. “I think I’d like to see him.”

  Nicole smiled. “Of course. I’ll be in the waiting room for a little while longer.” She stood and made to leave the curtained area.

  “Nicole?” Lizzie looked up at her. “Why did you do this? You didn’t have to.”

  Nicole smiled wistfully. “Because there are times in life that people need help. And sometimes they just need to know there’s someone else in the room. Besides, I like you, Lizzie.”

  She smiled and left, leaving Lizzie only a few moments to prepare herself for seeing Chris.

  He came around the edge of the curtain, dressed in his customary dark jeans, boots and a button-down shirt. Her heart jumped at the sight of him and the concern shadowing his face. “Lizzie,” he said urgently. “Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

  “I don’t know yet,” she managed to say, and then to her chagrin, the overwhelming emotions she’d been struggling to hold in came rushing out and she started to cry.

  * * *

  CHRIS IMMEDIATELY SAT on the bed and pulled her into his arms as she wept.

  From the moment he’d received Nicole’s call until he’d parked the car and run to the hospital doors, his body had been overcome with fear. It hadn’t mattered how they left things last night. It didn’t matter now that their personal relationship was a mess. He loved her. He knew that. And while becoming a father had been the most terrifying news he’d ever received, learning he might not be after all scared him to death.

  “Shh,” he soothed. “It’s all right. I’m here.”

  “Oh, Chris,” she wept. “I’m so scared. I didn’t even want this baby and now I can’t imagine not having it. How can that be possible?”

  He swallowed against a lump in his throat. He wouldn’t cry, too, even though the sound of her anguish was tearing him apart. He’d hold it together, as long as there was still hope. “Because anything is possible when it comes to love,” he replied. “It doesn’t listen to reason. Don’t you know that by now?”

  She lifted her tearstained face to his. “No, I don’t think that’s a lesson I ever learned. And maybe that’s why I’ve failed so badly. Maybe I’d be a terrible mother....”

  His heart broke for her. Did she even realize how her mother leaving had marked her so indelibly? “You’ll be a wonderful mother,” he assured her. “And I’ll be right there with you. You don’t have to do this alone.”

  She clung to him, nesting her cheek against his chest. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’m so sorry for what I said last night. That I didn’t listen. You were right, I was so scared that I’d failed, scared that I’d fallen into the same trap again. Only it was worse because I...”

  She broke off suddenly and his heart surged. He knew, as he waited for her to finish her sentence, that they may have come together because of the baby but now it was so much more than that. He’d want to be with her even if there was no child.

  “Because why?” he asked gently. “Lizzie.” He pressed a light kiss to her hair. “Tell me why.”

  She shuddered in a breath, pulled away slightly and lifted her tortured gaze to his. “Because I fell in love with you. That’s why it hurt so much.”

I didn’t do what you said.”

  “I know. I think I knew then, too. And Nicole told me. She thinks a lot of you, you know.”

  “I fell in love with you, too, Lizzie.” The words were out there now and he couldn’t take them back. Not that he wanted to, but it was a risk, putting feelings like that out there.

  “You did?”

  He nodded. “I think there was something profound between us from the start, but the day you met my parents—that sealed the deal for me. I love you, Lizzie. And I’ll love you no matter what happens today.”

  Her lower lip wobbled and he leaned down and kissed it. She tasted sweet and sad, like creamy chocolate and salty tears. Without prompting, she slid over on the hospital bed to make more room. He rested his back against the pillows and opened his arm, making room for her to snuggle in. And that was how they waited for the doctor to return.

  It wasn’t a long wait; the doctor came back with results of the exams and a smile on his face. “Ms. Baron,” he greeted gently as she sat up, pushing away from Chris’s embrace. “Hi, I’m Dr. Wade.” He held out his hand to Chris and Chris shook it.

  “Chris Miller,” he said. “I’m the baby’s father.”

  “That is, if...” Lizzie’s voice came from the bed, thin and anxious.

  “So far, so good. Yes, you’re having a bit of spotting, and while a little is normal it definitely needs to be checked out. Your blood work came back fine—your serum hCG levels are still nice and high, and the ultrasound showed the fetus, which at this stage is, oh, about the size of a tangerine.”

  Chris let out a long breath and looked at Lizzie. Her eyes were shining even though her lip wobbled, probably with the same relief he was feeling.

  “That’s good news,” Chris said, smiling. “What happens next?”

  “Well, we’d like to keep you here for twenty-four hours, Lizzie. Monitor you a bit, make sure you don’t start bleeding more, that sort of thing. Besides, I think you could use the rest. Your iron’s a bit low and rumor has it you have a pretty demanding job.”

  “Whatever you say,” she answered, nodding.


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