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Page 13

by K. Sterling

  “But it’s been…” Wal started to protest but Marco stopped it with his lips.

  “I know but you took so long getting ready and I’ve really missed this. Relax and let me take care of you tonight,” he insisted and Wal’s jaw stretched as Marco’s thumb pressed and swirled. He sucked on Wal’s lip and purred silkily before he slid down his body. Marco savored his strangled gasp as he pushed his face into Wal’s sack. His balls were large and hairless and Marco sucked and hummed in delight as Wal twisted and arched. Marco pushed Wal’s legs back as he settled between them then held him open so he could lap in broad, ravenous strokes. He was soapy and citrusy but there was also the peppery brightness of Wal’s skin that Marco craved every time he’d missed his body. Marco moaned euphorically and his mouth watered as his fingers dug into Wal’s thighs. His lips locked around Wal’s hole and he sucked and thrust with his tongue as he held on tight.

  “Marco!” Wal hissed breathlessly as his heels dug into the bed. His fingers splayed and shook as they hovered around Marco’s head. His breath came in ragged gasps as he writhed and Marco knew Wal wanted more but he also wanted to stop and think and catch his breath. Marco sucked on his finger then eased it into Wal’s clenching tightness as he licked and sucked. He didn’t want Wal thinking. Wal choked back a curse as his hips bucked and Marco shushed him.

  “You don’t have to hold back,” he sang softly as his finger curled and Wal’s shoulders came off the bed as Marco found his prostate. “You have no idea how hot this is and how badly I want to see you let go,” he said. He flipped open the cap and massaged lube into Wal’s passage, getting him hot and slick. Marco worked in a second finger and fingered him slow and deep as he enjoyed the sheen of sweat coating Wal’s skin as he panted and kicked desperately. A long string of pre-cum dribbled from Wal’s cock and Marco’s head tilted appreciatively before he swung forward and collected it with his tongue. He sucked noisily then took Wal deep into his throat as his fingers stretched and twisted.

  “Oh…fuck!” Wal shrieked tightly and his chest locked as it became clogged with a scream. He was red and taut as his back bowed and his toes curled. He was so, so close but he was holding back and holding on.

  “You can let go, Wal. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you. Let me hear you and I’ll never be able to stop,” Marco vowed as he crawled over him. He pulled Wal’s leg around his hip then quickly set the head of his cock against his hole. “Let me in,” he begged as he slid forward, smooth and deep. Wal screamed as his arms and legs wrapped tight around Marco and tears spilled from his eyes.

  “Marco! Please!” He cried as he clawed at his back. “More! Please!”

  “Oh, God!” Marco sobbed as his shaft was ruthlessly gripped in silken heat. “Oh, fuck…” He groaned as his hips pumped harder and he plunged deeper and deeper and deeper into Wal. “Fucking Christ, Wal!” He said as their lips crashed. Marco sucked on Wal’s tongue as he rolled his hips and ground hard and was rewarded with another scream.

  “Yes! Again!” Wal pleaded and Marco nodded as he pushed off the bed and got his knees under him. He sat on his heels and locked Wal’s ass against his groin as he thrust harder and deeper. “Jesus, Marco!” He gasped as his head rolled on the pillow and Marco grinned despite the intense heat and pressure building in his groin. Wal never used blasphemy because he wasn’t spiritual in any way but apparently, he’d just found Jesus. Marco’s hands glided over Wal’s thighs, ass and abs then wrapped around his erection. He gripped it tight with both hands and stroked as he continued to fill Wal with grinding strokes. “Fuck…fuck, fuck, fuck…” Wal babbled deliriously as his eyes rolled and Marco was nearly there. He’d never seen Wal in anything close to this state of pure physical bliss. His hands twisted in the sheets and his hair as he swore and moaned Marco’s name and it was heaven. Marco touched something divine and spiritual. His nerves flared with pleasure and warmth as joy and light spilled through his chest. He’d never felt so right or as much peace as he did as Wal chanted his name then shattered in his hands. Tight. Dear God, he was so tight and so hot. It was exquisite, and for just a moment, Marco floated in the joy and thrilling pleasure before his nerves exploded and his body bucked hard. His sack pulled tight before cum rushed up the length of his shaft and pumped deep into Wal’s core. “Marco!” Wal cried as he twisted and shuddered and reached for his shoulders. Marco fell forward and a giggle of euphoric shock burst from him as he crashed into Wal. His arms wound around Marco as he caught him and he pulled him close as they rolled and tangled.

  “That was absolutely the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt,” Marco panted breathlessly as their lips teased and clung.

  “I can still feel it. That was… I have no idea what that was,” Wal said before a soft laugh slipped from him and Marco’s head pulled back and his eyes widened. Wal did not laugh. He might smile slightly at a joke or even tell a dry joke now and then but he never laughed. It was such an impossible and foreign sound, Marco wasn’t sure he’d even heard it. Wal laughed again and it ended as a contented sigh and it caused Marco to shiver, it was just as beautiful and thrilling as the orgasm he was still recovering from.

  “Wow, Wal. We might have to do that a little more often,” he chuckled weakly as he rested his forehead on Wal’s and he made a thoughtful sound before he yawned.

  “Maybe. I might have to limit some of my preparation, for brevity,” he murmured and Marco’s lips pulled into a large grin.

  “I could share some of my favorite hook-up tips for bottoms and save you at least an hour,” he said and Wal’s brows fell as he blinked back at him.

  “I’m sure you could write a book but I would be fine if I skipped some steps. I don’t need to irrigate my ears that regularly,” he said and Marco squinted.

  “Why?” He asked and Wal shrugged.

  “I wouldn’t want anything…to ruin it for you,” he said and Marco pulled a face.

  “I’m not paying any attention to your ears. Have you ever been turned off by something like too much ear wax or rough heels?” He asked. He’d seen Wal’s sterilized pedicure kit on the bathroom counter in the past.

  “I’ve always appreciated how clean your ears are,” Wal said absently.

  “My mom’s going to be so happy when I tell her,” Marco laughed and Wal’s lips pulled tight.

  “Perhaps I could share some of my favorite pedicure tips. She wouldn’t be impressed with your feet. Particularly your toenails,” he said and Marco’s lips pulled into a hard O as he gasped.

  “I can’t believe you’re attacking my feet! I need my foot armor and I trim my toenails. I just don’t do it obsessively like you,” he stated defensively and Wal rolled his eyes.

  “Shoes. Foot armor is called shoes. You have terrible calluses and toenails suited for tree climbing,” Wal corrected him and Marco became insensate as he kissed him.

  “I love you and I don’t care. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable so it feels like this again,” he said and Wal hummed in agreement.

  “I love you too. But I might talk to your mother about your feet.”

  Chapter 21

  Wal couldn’t pick one day, if he had to define the longest day of his life. The day he spent sitting on plastic chairs in the hospital and at Family Services, after his grandfather died, was his first longest day. There were several throughout his childhood and teen years. He often sat outside offices and on benches, waiting to be assigned to a new guardian. Those waits were long because Wal never knew who or what was at the end of it. It was often a cramped, filthy home but the moments would drag as he listened for wisps of conversation so he could prepare for any older, aggressive kids or foster parents who were “strict but fair”, which meant they had a tendency to beat kids but were good at fixing the reports so the kid took half the blame due to bad behavior. There was the day they found Medford, obviously. The day of Marco’s attack, the day Wal spent dreading losing him to Tad was on his list of longest days as well. As was the day after. Wal was wrung ou
t and in shock from the attack while simultaneously on edge about taking Marco home and telling him the truth. It was like competing in a triathlon but with emotional events like hot rage sprints, plunges into ice cold horror and leaps of ecstatic joy.

  The day after Marco’s attack might have been the longest, if Wal absolutely had to pick. It was physically and emotionally draining and Wal felt just as depleted and raw as he staggered into his apartment building and the elevator after Medford Jones’ wake. He’d done his best to comfort Jones’ daughter and promised her he’d find the people responsible and bring them to justice. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much more than a handful of solid hunches, another bizarre crime scene that looked like a child staged it and a miraculous lack of evidence.

  He reminded himself that he was better than Dabney and Patterson and just needed a little more time to figure out their methods and their patterns. Criminals always had their tells and weaknesses. Once Wal got a feeling for their methods, he’d find their mistakes and beat them at their own game. He nodded resolutely as he stepped out of the elevator and caught the edge of a shadow as it moved behind the corner at the end of the hall. He hummed under his breath as he turned toward his door and pulled his phone from his pocket. He watched the reflection in the screen as he walked and a body leaned just a bit around the wall before it disappeared again but Wal remained relaxed as he pulled his keys from his pocket then unlocked the door. He pushed it open, swung inside and quickly shut the door behind him.

  “Hey, yourrrr…” Marco started then stopped when Wal tapped his finger against his lips and shushed him as he pressed his eye to the door.

  “Get in the bedroom. There’s a holster wedged behind the mattress, on my side. Get the gun and get behind the bed, and stay as quiet and as low as you can,” he whispered as he turned and tossed his coat at the table then pulled his gun from his holster.

  “No!” Marco hissed and Wal held up a hand, silencing him.

  “I don’t know how many people are out there but they’re about to come in. I’m hoping they plan to knock and be polite but it would make me feel better if you stayed safe and out of the way,” he said quickly then widened his eyes at Marco. “Please.”

  “Fine,” Marco grumbled. He looked mutinous as he backed into the hall and Wal put his eye back to the peephole. A young black man paced nervously on the other side of the door then stopped and psyched himself up. He shook out his shoulders then turned his cap backwards. One of Wavy T’s new footmen, Wal noted. He also noted the Smith & Wesson .38 pushed into the waistband of his jeans and rolled his eyes. Wal kept his gun low and at his side as he watched and waited for him to knock. It took him another minute to work up the courage and his cheeks puffed out before he pounded his fist on the door. Wal grinned and gave it a moment before he quickly opened the door and let it swing wide.

  “Come on in, don’t hover. Someone might think you’re up to something,” Wal ordered and the young man flinched before he knocked his head back cockily then flicked at his nose with his knuckle.

  “Cool. I was hoping to have a word with you,” he said then strutted through the door but he was stiff and uneasy as Wal used the hand holding the gun to push the door shut.

  “Would you like to have a seat?” He asked as he waved his pistol at the table and the young man shook his head and kept his back to the wall, close to the door.

  “Nah. I don’t think I’ll be hanging around for long,” he said and they both looked as Marco cocked his pistol and hurried into the living room. He held it level with the young man’s head as he moved through the room until he had a clear shot.

  “No, I don’t think you will,” Marco agreed menacingly.

  “Wait!” The young man begged as he threw up his hands and Wal gestured for Marco to stand down. Wal threw Marco a glance that was meant to be more “Why didn’t you stay where you were safe?” but it faded from his face as his eyes finally slid down Marco’s body. Several of Wal’s sexual fantasies collided at the most inconvenient moment. Marco was wearing a very sheer black bikini that was tied at the sides with black silk bows. His stance and form was perfect as the muscles in his abs bunched and stretched as he kept his breathing at an even pace. Marco was a pair of aviators and a toothpick away from making Wal soak the front of his trousers. “Yooooo!” Wavy T’s messenger complained. “You couldn’t find any pants while you were back there?” He asked and Marco shook his head but he kept the gun trained on him.

  “Unannounced guests don’t get pants,” he said and Wal was going to have a talk with Marco about that particular policy. He was getting very uncomfortable.

  “I don’t think our guest plans to use the cocked pistol he’s smartly aimed at his own ass,” Wal said then winked at the young man. His eyes flared but he kept his hands up. “You could run back and put on some pants,” he suggested but Marco raised a shoulder and held his ground.

  “I think I’ll hang out. He doesn’t strike me as being very smart,” he said and Wal couldn’t fault his logic. He turned his attention back to their guest.

  “Let’s make this quick. Why did Wavy send you?” He asked and the young man’s lips pulled in and he squeezed his eyes shut. He forced out a hard breath and gave Wal a pleading look.

  “I didn’t even want to do this!” He whispered and Marco’s brows pulled together. The young man took half a step closer to Wal and cleared his throat. “No one wanted to come but I’m already in trouble so I had to,” he admitted and Wal thought that was the first interesting thing he’d heard all day.

  “Why are you in trouble?” He asked as his head craned forward and the young man shook his head quickly. “What’s your name? You’re new,” Wal said. He didn’t recognize this kid. He was nineteen or twenty and still fresh. His nostrils flared as he watched Wal and debated. He wanted to trust him.

  “Marcus,” he said and Wal offered him a knowing grin. Marcus didn’t have enough swagger for a nickname yet.

  “Why were you in trouble? I know Wavy’s got people afraid of talking to me and he’s killing anyone who does. Nothing you tell me leaves this room,” Wal promised and Marco nodded in agreement. Marcus’ eyes darted between them for several moments before they settled on Wal.

  “It was because of the girls,” he said as quietly as he could and Wal’s heartbeat became heavy and slammed hard against his ribs.

  “Cole?” Wal mouthed and Marcus’ eyes shimmered.

  “They call them Super Bowl girls,” he whispered and Wal tasted acid as he became hot and sick.

  “Super Bowl girls?” Marco asked softly and Wal shook his head.

  “I’ll explain later,” he replied then looked at Marcus. “You didn’t want to be involved,” he guessed and Marcus nodded.

  “I never wanted…” He started then stopped. “He knows you were at the wake and making promises and he told me to tell you to back off, or you’ll be seeing a lot more caskets,” he said and Wal’s eyes were actually burning, he was so furious. Marcus recoiled and put his hands back up. “I’ve never wanted to hurt anybody, sir!” He promised and Marco finally lowered his gun. “You don’t have a choice! I got a job at McDonald’s but his boys would take whatever they could get their hands on and wouldn’t leave me alone until I started selling for Wavy. They’ll kill my mom, if I try to get out,” he said and Wal’s hand dragged down his face. He couldn’t hit an innocent man so he sighed as he gestured at Marco.

  “Put the gun down and get over here. I want you to make it look convincing,” he said and Marco blinked at him. Wal looked at Marcus for permission and his face scrunched before he nodded. “We need Wavy to believe I wasn’t pleased with young Marcus,” he explained and Marco groaned as he set the gun on the table.

  “Can you just…” Marcus pointed at Marco, holding him off. “Some pants would make this hurt a little less,” he said and Marco coughed into his fist to hide a laugh then turned on his heel and jogged back to the bedroom. Wal re-holstered his gun then crossed his arms over his chest as they waited
. Marcus bounced anxiously and Wal could tell there was something else fighting to get out.

  “I’ll help you in any way I can, Marcus,” Wal stated softly and clearly. He saw the fear in Marcus’ eyes as he silently screamed for help. He looked like a hostage and Wal regretted that he had to let Marcus leave and face Wavy and T Junior on his own.

  “It wasn’t Wavy, with Donnie Wexler and Mr. Jones,” he breathed and Wal’s heart stopped again.

  “What about Marco’s shop?” He asked. Marcus shook his head while Marco returned in a pair of sweatpants as he taped his hands.

  “Those calls came from inside the house. Wavy just helped, he’s not in charge,” he explained under his breath.

  “This all about the Super Bowl girls?” Wal asked and Marcus nodded.

  “Wavy’s good at finding them. They usually come into his club to audition as dancers. He makes the young, clean looking ones think they’re his girlfriend until they’re too messy to fight then hands them over. He wanted Ciara but she just wanted to dance for a little bit and make some money. He wouldn’t leave her alone,” he said and Wal stopped him.

  “What happened to her?” He demanded and Marcus shook his head.

  “I don’t know,” he said sincerely. “Cedric and Junior were with Wavy. Cedric started talking about how he didn’t like what happened and Wavy cut his throat. Wavy really wanted her and I think he took it too far after she shot him down.”

  “Motherfucker,” Wal growled as his fists curled and he wouldn’t need Marco to make anything convincing if Wavy or Junior were standing in front of him. “Who’s giving Wavy orders? I knew someone in the department was dirty,” he said and Marcus shrugged.

  “I don’t know, sir! Wavy doesn’t want it getting out that he’s working with the cops. People will wonder if he’s giving them more than girls,” he explained. “Junior’s the only one who goes with him if there’s a meeting. I only know because I heard Wavy tell Junior not to forget that you couldn’t be touched. Junior said that was because cops were pussies and too scared to get busted for being cop killers,” he added and Marco gasped.


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