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Throttled Page 15

by K. Sterling

  “Marco had a camera in the shop,” Wal said and he heard a startled grunt from Bill.

  “He did?” He asked quickly and a wry grin curved Wal’s lips. Bill was taking the bait. “The crime scene techs didn’t take it or check the footage,” Wal said scoldingly. “I forgot to look for it when I went back for some of Marco’s things but I grabbed his laptop. I didn’t think about it until a few days ago and it’s taken a while but we were able to pull a little bit of footage from what was saved to his computer before the camera was damaged in the fire. It’s just a few seconds and it took a long time to find it but I know who attacked Marco,” he stated confidently and the line was silent for several moments.

  “Are you sure?” Bill asked carefully and Wal’s nostrils flared as he sensed that he was putting one of their necks in a noose.

  “I’m sure but I’m going to go back one more time and see if I can find the camera in the morning. I might be able to salvage the camera’s hard drive and find a better sample but I think this will be enough,” Wal said then checked his watch. Patterson and Dabney were a few blocks away, eating dinner at the deli. He estimated he had about fifteen minutes once he ended the call with Bill, if he was going to call and order them to check the shop. “I’m not sure who I should take this to,” he admitted hesitantly and Bill made a heavy sound.

  “Why don’t you send over whatever you’ve got and we’ll decide together,” he said and Wal’s eyes flicked to the picture of the Notorious B.I.G. over Marco’s sink and they exchanged impatient, disappointed glares.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. The fewer the copies that are floating around, the better. I’ve got the only one hidden someplace safe. He’s already killed people for helping me, I don’t even want this in my apartment right now. And I don’t know how much help he has,” Wal said.

  “That’s probably smart. Why don’t you come over and we’ll look at it and decide what we’re going to do,” Bill offered and Wal hissed.

  “I don’t know. What if we met at the station tomorrow? I think I’d feel safer,” he said and Bill sounded startled.

  “You don’t think you’re safe in my house?” He asked slowly and Wal’s lip curled.

  “Of course I do but this one caught me off guard and I’m just not sure who I can trust anymore or who I want to drag into this,” he said.

  “Jack.” Bill sounded hurt and angry and Wal swore so he sounded contrite and gullible. “Let me take another look at the shop tomorrow and I’ll come by. It would be better if Mary wasn’t there. The less she’s involved, the better,” he suggested.

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll tell Mary to go visit her sister for the weekend. They’ve wanted to do a little skiing so she’ll be thrilled,” Bill said.

  “Sounds good. Let me know when it’s clear and I’ll be right over. Give her my love,” Wal said.

  “I will and I don’t want you to worry. We’ll get this sorted out and I’ll take care of you,” Bill reassured him.

  “I know. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Wal said then ended the call. He plugged the headphones into his phone then opened the pantry and wedged himself inside then settled in to wait. He didn’t hold out a lot of hope, after his conversation with Bill, but Wal dreaded the sound of bolt cutters as he waited. Marco’s dad and uncle made the firehouse as safe and secure as they could then locked it up until things were squared away with the insurance company and they could get to work. Wal climbed in through the bathroom window so no one would see him then taped a cell phone under Marco’s work table. Wal felt like he’d been kicked in the stomach when he heard them cut the lock at the back door, seventeen minutes later.

  “I thought you looked for a camera,” Dabney muttered and Wal heard a string of grumbled swears.

  “I did but they put them in everything these days and they’re supposed to be invisible,” Patterson argued back. “I didn’t have a lot of time and he didn’t act like he had a camera in the shop. Which reminds me, you don’t want to touch that table,” he said and Dabney laughed.

  “Maybe he knew and the camera wasn’t for security,” he drawled and Patterson snorted.

  “I wouldn’t put it past the little pervert. I’m telling you, that homo ate ass on that table. Don’t touch it or you’re not getting back in my car. I don’t want ass germs on my door handles and shit,” he said and Dabney cackled. Wal didn’t think it was that funny.

  “You sound jealous, Pat,” Dabney said as they rifled through boxes and knocked things off shelves.

  “We’re just making a mess,” Patterson complained.

  “This whole thing’s a mess because you couldn’t follow orders and just hit the asshole on the back of the head like Billy told you and leave it alone,” Dabney lectured him.

  “That wasn’t going to work. Wal would have assumed Wavy was trying to scare him and moved on. You really want to fuck with his head and put him out of commission? Kill his pretty shop slut and make him think it’s his fault,” Patterson said and Wal’s eyes tightened.

  “Yeah but you tried to get creative with all the suicide bullshit and then we had to start this whole game with the evidence. We’re too fucking old for this,” Dabney growled and Patterson grunted in agreement as something was crushed.

  “I told you we should have killed that creepy freak but Billy’s still got a soft spot for him,” he said.

  “I never minded the kid. Except when he poked his nose in our business,” Dabney replied. “Think Billy’s going to want us to go over there tonight?” He asked.

  “Nah. Wal won’t tell us shit if we go after him or lover boy. Billy says he’ll bring it to him tomorrow so I say we wait and see. We can watch their place tonight then look for it again after we take care of them. It’s not like we can’t get rid of it later, if someone does find the camera and turns it in,” Patterson suggested and Wal heard Dabney mumble something in agreement. They stomped and smashed around the shop for half an hour before Patterson decided they were wasting their time. “He’s going to deliver it to us tomorrow. Let’s see what he’s got and what we’re looking for and come back later,” he said and Wal’s mind boggled at how those two lazy, careless assholes could have played him so successfully, for as long as they did. They must have had a lot of help from Bill, Wal suspected and his stomach was sour again. It’s easier to manipulate the people you know the best, he reminded himself. Wal found comfort in the fact that it took three of them and Wavy and that he’d teach them all a lesson very soon.

  Chapter 26

  Wal said he’d be late and probably wouldn’t need dinner but Marco had a plate ready, under plastic wrap in the fridge. His fingertips tapped on the arm of the chair and his knee bounced as he stared at the door then at his phone on the coffee table, praying for Wal to call or come home. Marco was scared to touch his phone. He didn’t want to risk even accidentally messaging or calling Wal but every minute felt like an eternity as Marco waited for some sign he was all right. The door swung open and all the air rushed from Marco’s lungs as he deflated before he hopped to his feet.

  “Thank God!” He said as he launched himself at Wal.

  “I’m fine,” Wal murmured distantly as his hand pressed against Marco’s back.

  “What did you find out? Is Bill involved?” Marco asked but he knew before Wal’s head bowed and the muscle in his jaw twitched. He saw the utter loss and disappointment and the deep betrayal Wal felt when their eyes finally touched.

  “It was all him. He’s been working with Wavy T. He told Patterson to attack you but he decided to take it all the way and set it up so it looked like a suicide,” Wal explained and Marco whispered his name as he kissed him tenderly.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t understand how he could do it,” he said and Wal shook his head.

  “I don’t know. I’m not surprised by Patterson and Dabney but I didn’t see it with Bill,” he admitted and Marco loathed Bill to the depths of his soul. He wasn’t just Wal’s partner, he was the closest thing he had to a fathe
r and he idolized Bill. Marco understood why he was targeted, in a way it made sense and was a little less heartless. Using the girlfriend or mistress was a classic mob tactic. But Bill knew how much Wal revered Medford Jones and how deeply he’d feel his loss. It just felt pointlessly brutal. He deserves whatever hell he has coming to him, Marco thought as he leaned back.

  “What are you going to do?” He asked. Wal shook his head but Marco knew he already had a plan. It was taking shape as his eyes darted and bounced and his focus stretched beyond the apartment.

  “I need to think,” he whispered as he kissed Marco’s temple then stepped around him.

  “Do you want me to heat up your dinner?” Marco asked but Wal’s hand swept through the air dismissively as he wandered down the hall and into the spare room. He sat on the floor, with his legs stretched and crossed, and slowly and methodically checked comic books all night. Wal would shake his head and murmur that he was fine and not to worry, whenever Marco checked on him. The hours stretched and Marco nodded off on the couch for an hour or two at a time and the long, torturous night surrendered to a strained and brittle morning. Marco was anxious and tense after Wal emerged from the spare room and quickly showered, shaved and dressed in a fresh suit. “You’re not going to eat?” Marco asked as Wal kissed his cheek and swiped his keys off the counter.

  “I can’t right now but I’ll be fine. I’ll see you later,” he said as he reached for the door but Marco stopped him.

  “Promise me I’ll see you later,” he said as he searched Wal’s face. It softened for a moment as Wal’s eyes clung to his.

  “I’ll be fine and I’ll see you later,” Wal said firmly but gently as his head lowered and his lips brushed Marco’s. “I love you and I’ll take care of everything,” he added then kissed Marco deeply and left him dazed but nervous as he watched Wal get into the elevator. Marco knew Wal would come home, he just didn’t know how much trouble he was going to be in when he came back.

  Chapter 27

  “It’s time, Bill,” Wal said as he shut off the truck. He dialed 911 then waited for the dispatcher to pick up. “I think I heard gunshots at 4216 Crestwood Drive,” he stated clearly then slid and leaned so he could push the phone in his trouser pocket before getting out. He buttoned his coat and quickly made his way around the truck and up the front drive, then jogged up the porch steps and rang the doorbell. Wal leaned and checked but Mary’s Jeep wasn’t in the driveway. The door opened and Bill offered Wal a warm smile and gestured for him to get inside. “Is she gone?” He asked and Bill nodded as he waved at the stairs, to head up to the study.

  “Mary left about twenty minutes ago. I was thinking we could go down to the basement and shoot a little pool and drink a few beers later, if you’re feeling up to it,” Bill said as they climbed and turned down the hall.

  “I don’t know, Bill, you might not be in the mood,” Wal grumbled as Bill pushed the study door open.

  “Why don’t you just get it over with and let me see what you’ve got,” Bill said and Wal pushed out a hard breath as he reached inside his coat and removed his phone.

  “The video didn’t pan out but I’ve got this confession and I think it’s pretty incriminating,” Wal said as he strolled into the study and his thumb trembled slightly as it swiped at the screen. He found the recording from the shop as the door swung shut.

  “I tried so hard to keep you out of this, Jack,” Bill said and it was resigned and heavy as he set his hand on Wal’s shoulder. Wal held still as Bill reached around his chest and into his coat and pulled his gun from the holster. He heard two pistols cock as Patterson and Dabney stepped out of the shadows but Wal didn’t blink or react. “Don’t give him a chance to move or things will get out of control real fast,” Bill warned them and Wal waited as he went to his desk and dropped into his seat. Bill scrubbed his face with his hands as Patterson and Dabney flanked Wal and pointed their guns at his head.

  “I’m glad you invited Patterson and Dabney. That will save us time,” Wal said and Dabney chuckled.

  “You’ve always been fast and smart, kid, but you’re slow to catch on,” he said and Wal nodded.

  “I was but I think I’m all caught up now.” He pressed Play and Bill leaned forward and rested his elbows on the desk as he listened.

  “This whole thing’s a mess because you couldn’t follow orders and just hit the asshole on the back of the head like Billy told you and leave it alone,” Dabney said and Bill was furious as he looked at him.

  “That wasn’t going to work. Wal would have assumed Wavy was trying to scare him and moved on. You really want to fuck with his head and put him out of commission? Kill his pretty shop slut and make him think it’s his fault,” Patterson said as they searched the shop.

  “Yeah but you tried to get creative with all the suicide bullshit and then we had to start this whole game with the evidence. We’re too fucking old for this,” Dabney stated and Wal stopped the recording.

  “Give me that!” Patterson growled as he snatched Wal’s phone and tossed it on Bill’s desk. Bill clicked his teeth as he examined Wal’s phone.

  “I’m sure you think you and Marco are safe because you’ve got copies,” he said and Wal inclined his head in agreement. “Unfortunately, the best way I can see to contain this is to get rid of both of you, destroy your phones and computers before you can release this and worry about covering our tracks later, if this still gets past us,” Bill mused and Wal shook his head in disgust.

  “Why? You said I was the son you always wanted. And why bring Marco into this?” Wal asked and Bill looked genuinely sick as he glared at Patterson.

  “I just wanted something minor to distract you, a reason to pull you off the Cole case but this shit-for-brains had to get creative,” he said and Patterson rolled his eyes. Dabney leaned forward so he could look around Wal and gave Patterson a hard stare.

  “What did I tell you? You tried to be smart and just made everything fucking complicated,” Dabney said and Patterson used his gun to wave it off. Might not be loaded, Wal noted.

  “It’s all the same in the end. I told you we were going to end up killing him and that shop slut. I’m going to enjoy putting a bullet in his freak brain,” Patterson said and Bill sighed mournfully.

  “I just needed you to look the other way until I was done,” he explained to Wal. “We were so close too. You’ve left me no choice. I’m done protecting you,” Bill said then gave Dabney a quick nod. Wal elbowed Dabney in the chest then grabbed his gun and shot Patterson in the temple. His arm swung back to Dabney and he put a bullet in his shoulder then aimed at Bill.

  “Wait!” Bill screamed as he held up his hands. “Stay calm, Wal!” He begged and Wal’s chest heaved and his nostrils flared.

  “You set Marco up and you sold all those girls! You killed Donnie and Jones!” Wal yelled and Bill tried to shush him.

  “I told you, he took it too far with Marco! Those weren’t my orders!” Bill insisted and Wal shook his head.

  “What happened to you?” He asked as he searched Bill’s face for some explanation. The man he knew couldn’t stomach a dirty cop.

  “Wavy T was already pimping his girls and Dabney and Patterson saw a chance to get in on it and make a lot of money. They came to me and I said I’d only go in on it if they let me run things and if nobody touched you. I was getting close to the end and I didn’t have enough to show for it,” he explained and Wal felt like he was going to throw up as rage swelled and churned in his stomach and chest.

  “How could you?” He demanded. “Not enough? You signed up to be a cop, not a banker, Bill!”

  “Those girls were just going to OD or let some loser beat the life out of them. They were never going to make it out of here, most of them weren’t going to see thirty,” Bill argued and Wal’s face twisted in horror and disgust.

  “You don’t know that! You don’t get to decide someone’s disposable because their life’s too hard! We’re supposed to help them, not prey on them!” Wal ro
ared as tears poured from his eyes.

  “We’re family!” Bill pleaded as he pressed his hands together and Wal shook his head as he stepped back. He pulled the other phone from his trouser pocket and held it up so Bill could see it. Wal was still on the line with dispatch and he was recording.

  “No. Marco’s my family and you almost took him from me,” he said and Bill’s mouth fell and he spluttered as he rushed at Wal.

  “Don’t! You just killed Patterson!” He reminded Wal but he shrugged.

  “They had guns pointed at my head and you told me you were done protecting me and you had no choice. Patterson said he was going to enjoy putting a bullet in my freak brain,” Wal stated into the phone clearly. “It was self-defense but I’m ready to accept the consequences,” Wal said then aimed the gun at Bill’s forehead so he wouldn’t move as Wal sent the recording to a long list of contacts. He made sure there were too many for a cover-up then pushed the phone into his pocket, grabbed his other phone and gun then gave Bill a nod as he backed out of the room. Bill was pale and shaking as he dropped into his chair.

  “It’s over. I’m done,” he mumbled to himself then looked at Dabney. He wheezed in pain as he rocked and held onto his shoulder.

  “I already called it in,” Wal said and Bill shook his head.

  “I knew you’d be the one to catch us but I knew you’d never go along with it,” Bill said and Dabney swore as he fell onto his side.

  “Stop talking, Bill,” he ground out but Bill snorted.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore. We’re through and Wavy T will make sure we don’t last a night in prison when he finds out we took him down with us,” he said and Wal nodded in agreement as he leaned against the door.


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