
Home > LGBT > Throttled > Page 17
Throttled Page 17

by K. Sterling

  “Ok!” Marco cried but Wal shushed him as he struggled.

  “I want to go to little league games and have birthday parties and get mad at your parents for being overbearing grandparents,” he continued as he gulped for breath and held onto Marco. “I want to go on family vacations and to theme parks and school plays. I want to do all the things I wished for when I was a kid and I want to do them all with you and have my own family,” he begged and Marco nodded frantically.

  “Yes!” He cried as he kissed Wal and did his best to calm him through his own fog of tears and snot. “I love you and we’ll do all of that,” he vowed as his arms slid around Wal and he groaned in relief as he held Marco tight.

  “Thank you. I love you too,” Wal sighed into his hair. “And I really want to take your underwear off,” he added and Marco’s lips curved wickedly.

  “I guess we can skip straight to dessert,” he said and was glad they wouldn’t need the emergency cheesecake.


  Six years later…

  Wal didn’t believe heaven existed until he found a two-story Cape Cod in a sleepy little town called Haven Falls. It was made of fieldstone and originally built in the 1920’s and it rested on the lazy bend of the river, not far from the falls. Marco and his family rebuilt the house and turned the old barn into an artist’s dream garage. It was heaven and Wal felt a rush of peace and joy every time he climbed the front steps after a day at the office. He was currently wrapping up an investigation into the mysterious disappearance of the church's bell. Wal was fairly sure the culprit was the cranky old man who lived next door, as he was a lot less cranky as of late. But it was the most exciting case to cross Wal’s desk in years and he went home to heaven every night.

  He whistled softly as he opened the front door and tossed his keys in the bowl on the bookshelf and smiled.

  “You’re right on time!” Marco called from the kitchen. Dinner smelled amazing and Marco was singing to himself as he shut the oven when Wal leaned against the kitchen door.

  “How was your day?” Wal asked as he loosened his tie and Marco groaned ecstatically as he slouched and clutched his chest.

  “They delivered the Corvette today and it has even less rust than I was expecting! I can’t wait to show you,” he said as he grabbed the lapels of Wal’s coat and pulled him close then kissed him loudly.

  “I can’t wait to see it,” Wal murmured as he lowered his head and rubbed his lips along Marco’s jaw, savoring the soft burn as they grazed the coarse stubble. He became distracted and hummed along as Marco talked about exhaust and bodywork.

  “It’s going to be so hot. It might be my most beautiful rebuild ever,” he predicted and Wal looked up and shook his head.

  “Nothing will ever be more beautiful than my Charger,” he declared and Marco rolled his eyes.

  “Of course. But after that,” he started and Wal nodded along and did his best to pay attention but he was failing. Wal’s Charger was a deep graphite grey and the finish had just enough sparkle to it that it caught the light and accentuated the hard lines. The body was sleek and lean but the edges were almost squared, making it look chiseled and mean. Marco designed it as a wedding gift and it was the only car Wal cared about. Also, Marco still had a bit of a bruise on his cheek, just beneath his eye. Marco taught boxing and self-defense courses at the small gym in town and Wal didn’t mind watching him fight as much as he used to. Wal decided the bruise made Marco look more rugged and like he’d been in a fight with a criminal. I’ll ask him to put on my uniform later, Wal decided and stifled a groan as warmth swirled in his groin. He put the thought on hold and turned at the sound of happy little feet hurrying down the steps.

  “Daddy!” Luca cheered as he ran and leapt into Wal’s arms as he bent and scooped him up.

  “Did you have a great day?” Wal asked as he settled Luca on his hip then kissed his hair. He breathed him in and his heart was so full, it almost hurt.

  “I had the best day!” Luca said as his tiny arms would around Wal’s neck.

  “I was hoping you would,” Wal whispered and Luca giggled.

  “You always say that,” he said and Marco winked at Wal but his eyes shimmered before he went to check the oven again.

  “That’s because I always want you to have the best day,” Wal replied then kissed Luca’s nose. Marco pulled a lasagna out of the oven and Wal was sure it was his best day.

  “I know how to multiply two digit numbers,” Luca informed Wal as he held up two fingers and Wal gasped as he caught one between his lips and chomped playfully. Luca squealed as Wal growled. He was frighteningly smart for four and the center of Wal and Marco’s universe.

  “That’s amazing,” Wal said then raised a brow at him. “But did you have fun today?” He asked and Luca nodded. He could be a little too much like Wal and needed to be reminded to put aside his workbooks and play.

  “I jumped on the trampoline with papa and I got to help in the shop and see the new car!” He said then waved his hands excitedly. “Papa took me to the store to get blueberries for our lunch and I got a new comic book. Supergirl!” Luca told Wal then wiggled so he’d put him down. “I’ll be right back!” He promised before he zoomed off and Wal chuckled as he watched him go.

  “There aren’t going to be any blueberries in anything tonight, right?” Wal asked as Marco’s arms slid around his waist.

  “We had chicken tacos and ate all the blueberries with yogurt for dessert,” Marco said as he rested his chin on Wal’s shoulder. “I don’t think he’ll last an hour after dinner. Want to get frisked later?” He whispered and Wal shivered as Marco’s cheek rubbed against his.

  “I might resist and need to be restrained,” he murmured and Marco panted softly against his ear.

  “Try to remain silent this time,” Marco whispered then spun away as Luca hopped loudly down each step then pushed his arms out in front of him and flew to Wal. When he reached him, Luca turned and presented Wal with his backpack. It was almost as big as Luca and featured his favorite Marvel characters. Wal unzipped it and pulled out Luca’s special “briefcase”. It was a pencil box with a handle and just the right size for comic books. Luca was in possession of a very impressive comic book collection. It would take him years to read every single issue he inherited from Wal but they added a new book to Luca’s collection each week.

  “Want to read it with me?” Luca asked and Wal nodded.

  “After dinner, while papa is cleaning up the kitchen,” he said and Luca became serious.

  “Why don’t you collect comic books anymore?” He asked and Wal glanced at the painting of his mother over the fireplace and his eyes stung for a moment. Marco painted it for him two years earlier and Wal felt like he got something back, every time he looked at it.

  “Because I found the one I was looking for,” he told Luca then slid Marco a grateful smile. “And I have everything I’ve ever wanted.”




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