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Burned Page 4

by Kensie King

  “Lincoln,” he whispered, leaning in. “Can I kiss you?”

  I swallowed hard as heat whirled inside of me. I had been prepared to keep my hands to myself, to avoid any and all advances, but not him flat out asking me for permission. And then waiting patiently, like a gentleman, for me to give it.

  “Not sure if that would be in your best interest,” I said quietly.

  He traced one hand over my jaw and then brushed my bottom lip slightly, giving me the chills. “Are you married?”

  The question caught me off guard, and I laughed. “No.”



  He angled his head, gaze moving from my lips to my eyes. “But…you’re in a relationship?”

  “Not that either. But,” I said when he looked encouraged, “It’s complicated.”

  He frowned. “That means you’re not attracted to me.”

  “Ha. If only. No, I’m insanely attracted to you.”

  That was all the confirmation he needed. He slid his free hand to my neck and drew me in. I was too caught up to stop it, especially when his mouth collided with mine and sparked plain old-fashioned need and desire. I clenched my hands on his jacket and groaned quietly when his tongue ran across my lower lip.

  My breath released on a contented sigh. “This is no good,” I whispered against his mouth. Was it just me or did I feel a small flicker of flames start to build inside?

  “Not good?” he asked. His other hand moved to my back to press me against him. Our thighs brushed, and I swore I felt the swell of his cock against my hip. “This?” he asked, sounding surprised.

  “Not this,” I said, easing back slightly. I pointed from him to myself and felt relief when no flames appeared. “This. Us.”

  His dark eyes locked on mine. “Your heart is beating out of control.”

  It was. I myself felt out of control. I pressed my hand against his chest and felt the same thing. “It’s not just me.”

  He wrapped his hand around mine and held it where it was, trapped against the warmth of his body. “Just a kiss. No harm, no foul.”

  Easy to say. But I couldn’t seem to break away from his gaze.

  “No rush, right?” He stepped back, just one small step, but it gave me space to breathe. “Because you said you’re staying a while. We have time.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. “Right. I’m staying a while.”

  His smiled flashed. “Great. Should we go in?”

  I nodded and tried to gather myself as he took my hand, palm brushing slightly on the bandage I still wore, and led us to the building.

  There were enormous columns rising up next to the entrance, and inside, through several wide windows, I could see people walking around. A few people were sitting on the porch out front, drinking cocktails and talking.

  We entered through the double doors and were immediately surrounded by the sound of soft music. There was a man playing on a grand piano in the corner near a fireplace that was crackling with flames even though it was still warm outside. And in front of us, a wide staircase rose up in both directions that curved around to meet at a balcony at the top.

  “This is fancy,” I said.

  His fingers rubbed the knuckles of my hand that he held. “You should see the suites on the third floor.”

  I lifted my eyebrows at him. “Sounds like you stay here a lot.”

  “Off and on. My family used to live here—for generations in fact, when I was younger.”

  “Here in the hotel?”

  He grinned. “Here in town. It’s part of the reason I moved back.”

  “That’s partly why I’m here too,” I told him, letting go of my inhibitions just slightly. “My mom lives here.”

  He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and pulled me to the side. “Really? It’s more than just research then.”

  “A little. But I came without her knowing.” I thought so anyway. “So research might be all that it is. Apparently she’s going to be out of town for a while.”


  I shrugged, kind of wishing I hadn’t brought it up now. But that was only because I wasn’t used to talking about my personal life with anyone. If I really, really thought about it, it was nice to be able to open up some.

  “We don’t exactly have the easiest relationship,” I told him. “I haven’t seen her in a long time, so she doesn’t know I’m here. And I have no clue when she’ll be back.”

  “Who’s your mom? Just asking because it’s a small town. People talk. I might have heard something.”

  “Helen Powers.”

  He considered this a minute, then shook his head apologetically. “Sorry. Can’t say I know her. But if I hear anything when I’m out and about, I’ll let you know.”


  He entwined his fingers with mine again and brought the back of my hand to his lips. “Should we do some exploring?”

  I followed his lead, letting him guide us down a quiet hallway at the back of the building.

  “Are we allowed to wander around like this?” I asked.

  “Of course. This is a pretty popular tourist hangout—haunted hotel and all. The founding family was discovered…” His eyes locked on mine, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. “…murdered here. Their bodies were found by a maid. Tragic story. But the idea of ghosts from beyond keeps them in regular business.”

  Interesting. It could definitely make a good article. Might have to book a room some night. And with that idea came the distinct image of Gage in my mind, him guiding me into one of those suites before he stopped me at the door and ravaged my mouth with his. Before his hand slid down my abdomen and to the button on my jeans and flicked it open. Before his hand moved inside and gripped my cock…

  I swallowed and focused on where we were walking. Fantasizing was one thing, but the real thing was far enough out of my reach that fantasizing was usually a wasted effort. I knew it was never going to come to fruition.

  It was like the lights grew dimmer as we walked. Numbers were scrolled next to doors and I imagined with how busy it was out front, there had to be occupants in some of them, but it was eerily quiet.

  A chill raced down my spine.

  Gage glanced over, then moved closer so his arm pressed against mine. “Kind of spooky isn’t it?”

  “A little. And kind of drafty,” I mentioned when it felt like a breeze blew by.

  For all I knew, it could have been a ghost, though. And normally that intrigued me. After all, it was my job to look for these things.

  Gage stopped in between doors and looked around. “I’ve heard there are secret passages all over the hotel. They say the founding family was a group of witches.”

  My gaze snapped to his. “Witches?”

  He propped his shoulder against the wood paneling. “Interesting, right? Maybe something that would work for your article?”

  “Most definitely.” I leaned my shoulder close to his and then frowned when another draft passed me. “Did you feel that?”


  “Cold air? A really strong breeze.” I peered closer at the wall, certain I’d find a gap or hole, something to explain it.

  Gage turned and set both his hands on the wall. He grinned at me. “Secret passage,” he murmured.

  I leaned in, mirroring his posture.


  My breath caught. I turned around and looked both ways, up and down the hallway. “Did you hear that?”

  “Hear what?”

  “A—a voice. Or…”

  He frowned and looked around. “I didn’t hear anything.”

  I stepped up to the wall again and the whispering voice came back, filling my ears. Lincoln… Lincoln, we need your help…

  I pressed my ear against the wall and then held my breath to listen.


  The wall shifted and I yelped, jumping back. Gage caught my arm and then pulled me next to him.

  “You’re righ
t,” I said, voice low. “There’s something behind the wall.”

  Gage’s hand tightened on my arm briefly, then he stepped forward again. “Let’s check it out.”

  I was prepared to protest, but that was why I was here. To find answers, secrets, stories. I watched as he pressed his hands against the wall once more. He pushed hard. And in the blink of an eye, the wall moved again, a panel shifting to the side.

  Darkness filled the space before us, a soft breeze wafting past.

  Gage leaned in as more cool air rushed by. I stepped next to him, peering inside but unable to see more than a few feet in front of my face.

  “Too dark to see much,” he said.

  Gage dug in his pocket, maybe for a lighter, and I took another step forward, staring into the abyss.


  I swallowed hard, feeling a tug from the inside, like a rope tethered to my soul and urging me forward. The voice called again. Lincoln…

  My body swayed, moving toward the gaping hole. And then a gust of wind, so strong it almost felt like a giant hand, pushed me inside. I stumbled, falling to my knees inside the dark cavern.

  And then the panel slammed shut behind me with a final thud.


  I got to my feet in the darkness, heart racing out of control and a catch in my breath. I found the paneled wall with my hand, running it along the smooth surface for a handle or lock or some way to get out.

  “Lincoln? Link!” Gage’s voice reached me through the heavy wall. I heard something hit the surface, probably his fist. “Are you there? Are you okay?”

  I opened my mouth to answer, but the whispering started again.


  I whirled around, desperate to find the source of the noise. But I still couldn’t see anything. The only light came from a small sliver where the panel separated from the wall.

  Lincoln… Master of the Flame…

  Flame? I flattened my palms against the panel, feeling licks of claustrophobia clawing at me. “Who’s there?” I whispered.


  The voice continued to whisper, filling the dark space with words and wind.

  “Lincoln?” Gage said again.

  I finally spoke up, lifting my voice so he could hear me. “Gage. I’m here.”

  “I can’t—I don’t know how to get it open. Push it from your side.”

  But I already was, using all my strength to shove at the surface. And when it didn’t budge, I banged with my fists.

  “Gage!” I yelled, hearing the fear in my own voice. Something cold touched my neck, almost like someone was standing next to me. My voice grew even louder. “Get me out of here, Gage! Open the panel!”

  “I’m trying,” came his muffled response. He added, “Let me see if I can find something to pry it open.”

  I banged my fist again and then winced because it was the one I’d cut this afternoon. But standing here doing nothing was worse. Especially when the whispers started again.

  I was afraid something was going to reach out and grab me.

  Lincoln…he’s not who you think he is…

  I gritted my teeth together hard, reminding myself I’d come here for this. To find answers or ghosts. A story. I just hadn’t expected one to pop up so suddenly.

  “Who?” I asked, my voice low.

  Find yourself, Lincoln. Don’t trust him.

  “Who?” I asked again, putting steel into my voice.

  Fine. If the spirits were trying to talk to me, it made sense to listen.

  Then I heard something wedging into the panel. I listened closer when I heard Gage curse. Something clanged on the ground, but I still pushed on the panel again.

  And blinked in surprise when it popped open at the slightest pressure.

  The light nearly blinded me and before I stepped out, Gage’s hands were on my shoulders. “What the hell? What happened?” He peered into my face. “Are you okay?”

  “I—” I glanced behind me and then moved further away from the passageway because there was no way I was ready to be stuck in there again. “I don’t know what happened. It was like…something pushed me in. And then I heard whispering.”

  “Whispering?” He looked inside like he might find someone standing on the brink of the abyss. But then he looked back and me and touched my cheek. “Are you hurt?”


  His eyes were almost black in the lighting, full on mine. Seeking answers. “What were they whispering? What did you hear?”

  The words floated back to me. Don’t trust him.

  I swallowed, even though I doubted whoever was talking to me was talking about Gage. Maybe it was Dylan they meant because he was threatening me to get me to leave. And he was a thief.

  Or maybe I was losing it.

  But there were other words, too. He’s not who you think he is.

  Gage shoved on the panel surface and it slid closed. He stepped back in surprise, but then nodded. “Okay…” He put his arm around me, turning me away from the panel. “Let’s get out of here.”

  He didn’t have to tell me twice. We walked straight to the lobby. There were even more people now, some lined up at the entrance to the restaurant.

  “I think…” I sent him an apologetic look. “We should probably go.”

  He glanced to the restaurant, his jaw set. “You’re not hungry anymore?”

  No. I had too many questions. I shook my head.

  “You could probably use a drink, though.” He flashed a smile and ran his hand down my arm to grip my hand again. “Or something to warm you up.”

  I gave a soft chuckle. “Nice try.”

  “If there’s anything I can do to be of use…”

  I was almost tempting. I could use something to warm me up—and calm me down. Besides, I could tell he was disappointed about having to leave.

  But then he asked again, “You sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m sure.” When he didn’t seem to believe me, I smiled. “I just need a hot shower and my bed.”

  “Oh.” His smile widened. “I can definitely help with that.”

  “Ha.” I squeezed his hand. “You’re persistent. But I was thinking I’d do those things back at my room.”

  I was surprised when he didn’t say he absolutely agreed and then invited himself back to my room. But he didn’t, only held my hand while we walked back to the parking lot as the sun began to set.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to come back at some point,” I told him.

  He opened the passenger door for me but paused before I got in. “Really? Didn’t get enough yet?”

  “Guess not.”

  “Must be your researcher mind. It’s in your blood.”

  “Must be. And I think…” I stared back at the hotel, thinking about Gage’s comment regarding the witches who’d lived here. “I think there’s something there. Something I need to know.”

  “You going to tell me what that is?”

  “Maybe ghosts?” I asked. “Or maybe…” I leaned against the side of the car, thinking. Trying to separate my fear of being locked behind the wall with cold, hard facts. “Something was trying to speak to me.”

  When I glanced back, I spotted a muscle working in his jaw. For some reason, it amused me. “I can see it in your eyes, you think I’m crazy.”

  “I don’t.” He said it with so much certainty, my smile vanished. “I actually believe you. What were the ghosts trying to tell you?”

  A few things I didn’t want to share with him right now. But the rest… “They told me to find myself.”

  “Any clue what that means?”

  “Not sure. But I have a few guesses.” Like maybe they wanted me to discover who I really am, my witch roots. But there was no way I was going to tell Gage that. He didn’t need to know I had a witchy streak in me. Not right now. He already knew I was a felon and heard whispers from the dead. Revealing myself as a witch might be pushing it.

  Not to mention I’d kind of fainted in
the bar when I’d first met him.

  Actually, I was kind of unsure why he was still hanging around me.

  “I’m going to keep thinking about it,” I told him, not ready to give away anything more.

  He held my gaze for so long, I almost gave in. But then he finally opened the door wider, gesturing for me to get in. I sat and wondered what he was thinking.

  But he was keeping his thoughts to himself as well. He started the car and headed away from the hotel, keeping mostly quiet as he drove me back.

  When I got out, he joined me on my side of the car and walked up the stairs with me.

  “Door to door service,” I said, smiling at him. “You’re a real gentleman.”

  “Can’t help it. It was how I was raised. And I want to.”

  “It’s not necessary,” I told him.

  “That way I get just a little more time with you,” he said.

  I couldn’t argue with that. After all, I had cut it short. Ghosts speaking to me from the dead tended to do that.

  At the door, he waited while I unlocked it and then rocked back on his heels. “So…” He peered inside briefly and then gave a smile. “I’d feel better staying with you a while. You know…just to make sure you’re okay.”

  “It’s all part of the job.”

  He actually frowned. “Something like that has happened to you before?”

  “Well, not exactly.”

  He continued to frown. “Because I didn’t like that. I couldn’t get that panel open and you were stuck in there and…” He blew out a breath, and I was touched at how vulnerable he was being. How caring. “You want to go back there and I just…I don’t like it.”

  “So you said.” I reached out to touch his cheek, my palm brushing short stubble. “But I appreciate that you care.”

  Gage gripped my wrist. Heat flashed in his gaze, and I felt it inside of me. Not the flames, the fire I always worried about, but plain old-fashion heat. The heat of desire.

  He moved in, his mouth a breath away from mine. My cock went hard in an instant. I wanted him more than I could say.

  His eyes locked on mine in the darkness, black holes that were like gravity, drawing me to him. I felt every hard inch of his body against mine, every muscle and his arousal.


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