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Burned Page 17

by Kensie King

  I tried to keep the situation light, though he was revealing a whole new side to himself. And revealing feelings I wasn’t prepared to hear. Not bad, just…surprising. “Well, I’m glad you’re not trying to get me to leave now. I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

  “You can stay here as long as you want.”

  “With me taking over your room?”

  He grinned. “Actually, right now we’re sort of sharing it.”

  “Ha. That’s fine for now. But I’m here indefinitely. It would be nice to have a place to stay.”

  Meaning, I needed my space. I appreciated Dylan, and I certainly didn’t mind sharing his bed. But the rest of the time, I needed to have something of my own.

  “Come with me to work tomorrow,” Dylan said. “I have something to show you.”

  “You think it’s okay to leave the house?”

  “We’ll be careful.”

  “Okay. I’d like to get out anyway.”

  “Good.” He brushed his thumb on my jaw. “Now get some sleep.”

  He didn’t have to tell me twice. I closed my eyes, listening to the sound of his breathing and thinking of his possessive hands on my body. Enough to make me relax and fall asleep. Without dreaming of vampires this time.

  In fact, this time I dreamt of my ancestor Savannah and her ghostly whispers. Your legacy, she said quietly, fingers pointing into the darkness.

  And somewhere in that void was a hidden book.


  The next morning, I got up with renewed purpose. When I heard Dylan downstairs in the kitchen, up early like usual, I walked in and announced, “I have a Book of Shadows.”

  He turned from the counter with a mug of coffee in one hand. “What?”

  “I had a dream last night—” I broke off when he grimaced and shook my head. “No, another dream. One about Savannah—she’s one of my ancestors. I think she was the Master of the Flame who helped with the original spell. And in my dream, I saw a book—”

  “Hold on,” he said, setting down his mug. “First of all, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk that much at once. Frown all you want, it’s true. Also, you sure it’s real? I mean, you’ve had dreams before.”

  Right. The dream about him and Gage in the hotel, and it looked like that had come true for the most part. After all, I’d kissed both of them. I’d been even more intimate with Gage.

  But I realized he meant that dream from last night, which sobered me. In that dream, Gage had caught me. And there were other vampires.

  Dylan stepped up to me. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “No, you’re right. And some of those dreams have come true. Also, I saw Savannah before. Remember? She gave me the necklace.” I pointed to it and he nodded. “I think she gave it to me to help fight off Gage.”

  “The ghost that gave you a necklace. And now you think she gave you a dream to tell you about your Book of Shadows?”

  I nodded. “Pretty much.”

  I could smell him even from a few feet away. I tried not to breathe in because then I knew I’d get distracted. My body was betraying me every day now, longing for that connection I knew might actually be within my reach. I’d sworn off men, dramatically decided one day that I’d take a vow of celibacy or something, but it was only to make myself feel better about knowing I might never be intimate with anyone again.

  Now, I knew that didn’t have to happen. I had a chance to control the flames, and I had paranormals surrounding me. They weren’t as vulnerable as regular humans. Even better, they weren’t as fragile. Still, I worried about hurting Dylan.

  “You’re acting like you don’t believe me,” I said, narrowing my eyes. “Come on. You’ve got vampires and werewolves in this town. You’re a shapeshifter! Although I might have to see that one to believe it.”

  “Don’t hold your breath,” he muttered.

  “Are you worried?” I asked him quietly. “Is that what it is? You’re worried that you’re going to be forced to use your powers or—”

  “Since when do you talk so much?”

  My lips curved slightly because it was true. But I was concerned about him and what reversing this spell meant for him. “Since now.”

  He turned back to the counter and poured more coffee. “I believe you about Savannah trying to tell you something in your dream.”

  I walked to him and set my hand on his back. “What’s wrong?”


  “Dylan.” He turned back, eyes flashing in warning. And it made him look sexy as hell. Regardless, I chose my words carefully. “I understand that it doesn’t feel good being forced to use powers that you either didn’t know you had or didn’t want in the first place. And not having control over them.” I continued, keeping it light, when he appeared to be listening. “I almost burned down the library. You think I’d willingly do that to all those books?”

  His lips twitched at the joke. “I notice you seem to care more about those books than me. After all, you tried to set me on fire more than once, you know.”

  “I’m aware.” I stepped in front of him when he hooked his fingers in the belt loops of my jeans and pulled me closer. “But you deserved it.”

  His eyes locked on mine. “I did.”

  My body responded to his with a quick jolt of desire, my cock lengthening against him.

  “You can make it up to me,” I said.

  His eyes dipped and then returned to mine as his voice turned husky. “How’s that?”

  I grinned. “By pouring me a mug of coffee.”

  But before I could step back, he yanked me closer and my breath rushed out against his lips. I grasped his shirt in my fist, longing to be swept up by him.

  “You’re right,” he murmured, eyes full of conflict. “I’m worried about controlling my power. Shifting doesn’t sound dangerous but it can be.”

  “Are you going to, uh…” I exhaled when his hand moved lower, cupping my ass. “Tell me what you mean by dangerous?”

  He kissed me gently on the lips. “No.”


  He stopped the question with another kiss, this one long and deep. His tongue drove into my mouth, making a shiver race down my body. He turned me around, so my back was against the counter and his body was pinned against mine.

  I could feel every hard line of him. Every muscle and the outline of his cock through his jeans. It pressed against my abdomen, hard and ready.

  “Tell me when it’s coming,” he said.

  I blinked. “Excuse me?”

  His lips moved in a smile. “The fire.”

  “Oh. Right,” I murmured, but it was hard to say anything else because his body was plastered against mine. I reached for the button on his pants and unsnapped it. He moved back slightly to give me access, and I took advantage of the space. I slid my hand inside his jeans and closed it over his cock. He was stiff and ready, turning me on even more.

  This was working. Finally.

  Then he spoke. Just one word but it was full of pleasure. “Lincoln.”

  The flames sprang to life, and I jerked my hands away. He blinked at me through eyes cloudy with desire.

  “Hold on,” I said.

  “No,” he groaned, but he stopped moving. The only sound between us for a long moment was our breathing, quick pants filled with adrenaline. Then he asked, “What do you need?”

  “You,” I said miserably, making him smile. “But, okay, maybe if I just…go slower.”

  “I can work with that,” he said. He lifted my shirt and ran his hands on my stomach. “Slow. Practice. All good things.”

  The flames flickered out as the moment died. Taking it slow basically meant getting as far as putting our hands on each other and nothing else.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Dylan said, giving me a kiss. “Really. I think we’re making progress.”

  “You think?”

  He nodded.

  “I hope so. This is killing me.”

  “Trust me
,” he said, glancing down. “It’s just as hard on my end.”

  I laughed. “Don’t remind me.”

  If I had to keep stopping like this it was going to get really old. It reminded me why I’d sworn off men in the first place. But no, I had to remember that I was still learning. I’d get there. And in the meantime, at least I had some nice eye candy.

  “Are you ready to go?” Dylan asked.

  I nodded and followed him to the door. It would do me good to get out of the house today. Anything besides staying cooped up and waiting for the worst to happen.

  “So if you were a secret Book of Shadows, where would you be?” I asked him.

  He turned at the door, keys in hand. “No clue. You could ask Grace.”

  “Yeah. I figured you wouldn’t have any idea. I don’t either.”

  “Like I said, ask Grace. She might even know a spell to help you find it.”

  Another spell I couldn’t do. Not yet.

  When Dylan opened the front door, he reminded me to stay close before we both stepped outside.

  “I don’t think he’s out here,” I answered as I followed him across the porch.

  “Stay close,” he repeated, taking long strides to the car and ignoring my comment. “I have to stop at the site and straighten a few things out before we go again. Stay close there, too, okay?”

  “Won’t we be safe inside the house?” I asked when we got in the truck.

  “That’s the tricky part. No one technically lives there yet so unless I’m wrong, a vampire would be able to go in and out as he pleases.”

  He started the car and drove us away from his home. I kept my eye out, but honestly didn’t expect to see Gage. Not yet. I’d seen him yesterday and even though he had psycho kidnapping tendencies, he was smart enough to know I had to figure out the spells. I needed time to learn what I needed to learn in order to help him—not that I was going to.

  When we arrived at the site, I followed Dylan around while he talked to his crew and they gave me looks that ranged from curious to amused. But mostly I noticed how well-organized things were. How much Dylan’s team respected him though more than half of them were older than he was.

  I respected that he’d made something of himself despite being stuck here. I respected other things about him, too, namely that he was so patient. That he was willing to be considerate of where I was coming from.

  “How long until it’s done?” I asked as we walked to the front door once we’re finished.

  “Hopefully by mid-summer. Get it on the market before school starts so we’ll hopefully get a couple of offers.”

  “It’s nice,” I said. We stopped by the front door. “How many have you done?”

  He smiled, and I could tell he was proud of the work he’d done. “We’re in the double digits now. Just barely.” Then he glanced to the door. “Ready?”

  He still looked worried when we raced back to the car. I still didn’t expect Gage, but I understood why Dylan did. He kept showing up out of nowhere. And also, it was Dylan’s job to protect me.

  “Just a few blocks over,” he said once he started the truck. I watched the houses and trees as we passed, taking in the nice, quiet neighborhood. We parked in front of one that was smaller than the last, tucked in a cul-de-sac. It looked finished but unlived in.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  He reached for the handle. “Let’s get inside first.”

  I spotted a For Sale sign as we hurried inside. Dylan already had the keys ready at the door and he waited for me to step inside before shutting us in. The house looked older on the outside, but in here, everything was bright and new.

  “Is this one of your houses?” I asked, taking in the space.

  He nodded. “I put it up on the market last month. There’s been a little interest, but so far, no takers.”

  I wondered if this was the same house Gage said he wanted to buy from Dylan—or maybe that was a lie. After all, what did he need with another property when he had that beautiful house on the outskirts of town?

  “What are we doing here if it’s already for sale?” I asked.

  He propped his shoulder against the wall in the living room and did that sexy lean that used to irritate me. Now it made me want to jump him right in the house. “You know what your mom used to always say to me? She said it was cliché, but everything happens for a reason. I haven’t been able to sell this place yet but now you’re here and you need somewhere to live.”

  “What? You’re going to let me live here?”


  “But…” I looked around. “You can’t do that. You’re trying to sell it and I have no idea how long I’m going to be here.”

  “It’s my house. I think I’m allowed to decide what I want to do with it.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  He only lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug. “It makes sense. And I know you need something of your own—even though I’m happy to let you stay at my place as long as you want. But it seems like you need your space and here’s a space. It’s available, you need it. It’s as simple as that.”

  And it was. For him, it was that simple. I wondered if it was partly because he felt guilty about me being stuck here. But it was what he wanted, and it didn’t make sense to argue.

  “Say yes,” he encouraged with a smile. “It makes sense and I think it’ll work for you. You can…do research in the spare room or…” He shrugged again and pushed away from the wall. “Do seances with Grace.”

  I laughed and turned in the space. It was nice. A great size, good light. Open and updated. I couldn’t complain. And it was Dylan’s, which was even better.

  There was even a backyard, which made me smile. I could sit outside in the evenings and… Well, that was getting ahead of myself. Besides that, sitting outside right now was a no-no.

  “You did a good job,” I told Dylan after I peered in the kitchen.


  “I’ll take it,” I told him with a nod. Then I grinned. “This is my first house. I mean, I know it’s yours but—”

  “Right now it’s yours. You never lived in your own place before?”

  “I stayed with my dad in college and after he died…” I glanced away and did one of Dylan’s signature shrugs. “I didn’t want to live there anymore. I sold it and stayed with a friend until I started traveling for work. So, yeah, it’s mostly been hotels and friend’s couches for me.”

  “It suits you. The house I mean.”

  “I think it does.”

  “Good.” He tugged a piece of paper from his back pocket. “Now sign this lease.”

  His words surprised me, but I fought to focus. “Right. Of course. I need to know how much you want for rent and everything—”

  He laughed, cutting me off. “I’m not charging you rent. Once you sign this, you technically live here so no vampires can get in. It’ll be a safe place.”

  I looked down at the lease, embarrassed. Of course Dylan wasn’t going to charge me rent. Right now, he’d probably find me another house, too, if I asked. But I didn’t want him to feel guilty about anything, so I smiled and took the pen he offered.

  I signed with a quick flourish and held it out for him to take back. Instead, he gripped my wrist and pulled me closer.

  “This is good,” he said. “It makes me feel better, like I’m helping instead of making this situation harder for you.”

  “You are helping. You don’t even have to do this much—”

  “You’re stuck here because of me.” He dipped his head to nip my bottom lip, which did an even better job of making his point. “I want to do this. It makes me feel better.”

  I swallowed at the feel of his body against mine. “You don’t mind if I get a few pieces of furniture?”

  “Have at it. Take it easy on the holes in the walls, though.”

  “I’ll try to control myself. Don’t want to piss off the landlord.” I grinned. He was a sexy landlord, too. I could get behind that

  “You want me to take you back to my place?” he asked.

  “Hell no. This is my house now. I’ll stay.”

  He glanced around. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’ll use my imagination,” I told him with a grin. Didn’t matter much as long as I had some alone time.

  He pointed to the kitchen. “There are cleaning supplies under the sink—I haven’t been by lately to keep things up since it’s been busy. And there’s a shed outside with some old furniture for the patio. When I come back, I can help you haul it out.”

  “Already halfway there,” I told him, ticking off items in my head. I didn’t need much, just a few things to get by. “Probably a new cell phone and a bed—”

  “I like that idea.”

  Desire flushed my body. So did I. But right now it was the middle of the day, we didn’t have a bed, and Dylan had places to be.

  “We can put a pin in that one,” I said.

  “I’ll hold you to that.” He turned to the door, and then paused with his hand on the knob. “Just be careful, okay? I’ll be able to tell if something’s wrong—I’ll feel it. But to be safe, just…don’t go anywhere.”

  I spread my hands. “I’ve got nowhere else to be.”

  He lowered his head and his lips touched mine. There was no trace of the flames that sometimes flickered at the edges of my awareness. That was a good sign.

  I watched Dylan walk out to his truck and then decided to do some cleaning. It would give me time to think. I kind of liked the idea of having a place all my own, even if it was just temporary.

  After I finished with the kitchen, I stopped to stretch and wish I’d asked Dylan to stock the refrigerator first. I tugged open the window above the sink in the kitchen for some fresh air.

  The backyard looked cool and inviting, with shady spots under trees and a nice patio that could use those chairs Dylan was talking about.

  I considered the distance between the kitchen and the shed. Not far. Besides, it was my house now. I should feel comfortable here. Did backyards count as my property? Did a vampire have to be invited in there, too?


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