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Blackstone Page 15

by C E Johnson

  “I’ll take the first watch.” Dr. D stood and walked toward the edge of camp with Dax curled around his neck. A new volley of howls shattered the night, followed by a sequence of yips and yaps.

  Sounds like the wolves have caught something else. Emily thought to herself.

  They’re celebrating a new kill, Xena confirmed.

  Emily strode to the edge of their campground to a peaceful area in the shadows, knowing what she needed to do next, but dreading the answers she would find. Sitting in a dark isolated glade, she cleared her mind and attempted to contact Cameron and Keaton, two of her best Acacean friends, magicians who had remained on Acacia when she had last returned to Earth. They were elderly at her departure from Acacia. Emily couldn’t imagine they would still be alive, but she had to know for certain. She spoke the words to form a dream-link, and attempted to contact each of her friends, but there was no reception for her call. She could feel no trace of their existence on Acacia, just a murky darkness. Emily began to sob quietly.

  “You okay?” Luke was suddenly at her side, somehow seeming to know when she needed someone. He had a blanket with him which he pulled over both of them.

  “Cameron and Keaton are dead.” Emily buried her face in Luke’s chest. “I love returning to this world, but the pain of seeing people age at such a different rate is difficult. Somehow, I thought I would be able to see them again. I dreamed they would wait for me.”

  “Death doesn’t wait patiently.” Luke ran his fingertips gently over her cheeks. “There will be a time for each of us, a time we don’t plan for.”

  Emily stopped crying, relaxing against Luke, reflecting on his words which sounded so wise for his age. “I know I should focus on the positives and simply be glad that I get to spend time on worlds with people I love, but sometimes, selfishly, I want the worlds to revolve around me. I want all my friends to remain at my side for all of my life and to have them only die when I die. After I die, I want to continue to spend my afterlife with those that I love. It’s tough to be reminded that our dreams and aspirations aren’t reality.”

  Luke enveloped Emily in a warm embrace, speaking softly in her ear, “No matter how long we live, I think we realize life is simply too short.” He kissed her tenderly on her forehead and began moving his lips slowly down her face. Her mind danced with excitement, his touch instantly easing the dull ache of her loss. Her arms slid around him and she pressed her body against his solid strength. His kisses went to her neck and as he nuzzled her skin she gasped at the pleasure stimulated by her heightened senses.

  I have arrived, Ammolite spoke to Emily in words, but the emotions of love and joy were what Emily immersed within, swimming through the happiness and reveling in the pleasure.

  “Ammolite’s here!” Emily threw the cover off, with Luke laughing at her excitement. She grabbed Cadux and light sprang instantly from her staff. Bounding toward a nearby glade, she flew across the grass. Xena matched her pace. “I’ll race you to Ammolite!” she called over her shoulder to Luke. And I’ll race you, Xena.

  This is a race you can’t win, Xena challenged her in a teasing tone. Xena became a blur, dashing down the grass-carpeted slope just ahead of Emily. They emerged on a field at a full-out sprint, only slightly slowing when they approached the statuesque dragon who sat majestically in the grass, impressively larger and more magnificent than she had been on their last visit to Acacia. Her scales gleamed in the moonlight like polished glass, bending and refracting light in gorgeous patterns. Emily sped back up and rushed head-long until she was in physical contact with her noble dragon, hugging the massive beast’s breast plates, which turned blue, green and violet on contact with Emily’s skin. Xena and Ammolite touched noses in greeting and all three fully opened up their mind-links. The close proximity made the sharing immensely pleasurable, and Emily’s sixth sense of magic thrilled at the sensation which was as comforting as a mother first embracing her newborn child. Luke remained in the background. Emily appreciated his discretion, knowing he didn’t want to disturb their reunion.

  “Moments like these make life worth living,” Emily murmured. Ammolite was vocally quiet, letting her mind-link do her talking. Feelings flashed across the link and Emily leaned into Ammolite who was emitting a low vibration that resembled a cat’s purr. Emily stared into her dragon’s magnificent golden eyes, with hundreds of flecks of colors scattered in the amber swirling irises. “You look so noble and grand.” Emily felt breathless. She sent her visions of Ammolite across their link to let Ammolite see herself from Emily’s perspective.

  Ammolite closed her eyes and Emily could feel her dragon basking in the emotions she and Xena were sending her. Such a nice rush of sensations, Ammolite whispered while slowly lowering herself, letting her forelegs bend. Emily slumped to the ground and leaned against her dragon’s scales as Xena snuggled into the two, making contact with both Emily and Ammolite. The three sat there for several minutes lost in the depths of their minds, all feeling safe and shielded in a type of bondsmate paradise full of comfort and compassionate concern. They all further lowered their mental-shields to their lowest levels, letting pure thoughts and emotions wash freely across their three minds like gentle waves at the beach steadily cascading over their consciousness. Memories, feelings and sensations timidly flashed delicately at first and then rushed across the neural pathways in a flood. The release of what Emily called her ‘self’ was cathartic and she hid nothing. Emily accepted the similar release from her bondsmates, assimilating their beings into her. No one judged the other in their links, they simply acknowledged that which was.

  The pack has reunited, Xena whispered.

  Separated, we were like magnets hoping to come back together, always feeling incomplete. Emily sighed in joy. She could have stayed in this peaceful balance of equilibrium forever, but after a time they moved as one. Xena stretched in her best ‘downward-facing-dog’ position and Ammolite raised her massive frame and let her wings fully unfurl. The three stood at the edges of a small triangle on their plateau, regarding each other, spiritually recharged.

  Emily gestured to Luke who sat a short distance away, watching peacefully. He joined them eagerly, appearing tall and lean in the moonlight. After a warm greeting, Ammolite stretched her wings. “My flight was long. Dragon chi?” Emily laughed in delight and they all began to perform the graceful motions of a tai chi routine. Her own body felt lithe, like a well-oiled machine, muscles relaxed and sliding in perfect harmony with bones and tendons in seamless alignment.

  Xena sat on her haunches and watched the performance. Everyone is coming, she informed Emily. Dr. D, and Emily’s friends emerged from the forest, silently watching the harmony for only a moment before joining in the flowing movements.

  Once the motions were complete and everyone had reunited with Ammolite, the dragon regarded Emily’s friends. “I wondered if they might develop powers.”

  “You saw their potential?” Emily was stunned. She peered at the growing strength within her friends’ auras.

  “There was a tiny seed in each of their minds. I couldn’t tell if the seed was simply a reflection of magic due to their close association with you, versus if they had underlying magical potential.”

  “They want to begin training and to learn a spell. Can you look over their auras and think over the best incantation for each of them?” Emily knew Ammolite would be the best guide to continuing their education.

  “Of course.” Ammolite moved her long neck gracefully to evaluate Anna, Isabelle, Luke, and Elizabeth. “I need to spend a little more time with each before I know the ideal manner in which their magus will manifest. Once I’ve evaluated the characteristics of their talents, I’ll teach them the appropriate spell to master. Let their powers fully charge until that time.”

  I’m getting hungry, Xena whispered as she loped up to Ammolite.

  Ammolite gave her what could only be described as a toothy dragon-grin. “It’s time for me to hunt with Xena. I’ll talk with you all more in
the morning.”

  “Finally, the reinforcements I’ve been hoping for.” Elizabeth beamed while watching Ammolite fly off. Xena was streaking through the grass just below the dragon, two black shadows in the moonlight.

  “I’m glad to have the most powerful dragon on Acacia on our side.” Emily smiled in agreement. “We should get some sleep.” She started toward the campfire. “My mother’s going to bring a squad of warriors from the Forest of Harath to the Castle Cave. We’ll be accompanied by a few elven fighters on this trip.”

  “There’s power in numbers.” Isabelle flashed a wry grin. “I wonder if that dashing elf, Crittenden, will be coming.”

  “Great question,” Anna laughed while unconsciously fixing her hair.

  C H A P T E R 1 4


  Iscar stood tall on the mountaintop, staring into the inky darkness of his pulsating portal. Tengu glided high over his head, soaring on his leathery wings. The sun was going down over the hills and flickering shadows were merging with the deep void. The structure reminded him of a black hole, pulling on the fabric of Earth as it sucked any intricate fragments of light that projected into its rounded, whirling pools of surging, gloomy blackness. From the corner of his eye, he could see a human form approaching from his side of the portal, but Iscar couldn’t tear his eyes away from the fascinating patterns just yet.

  “Iscar, they’ll be coming soon.” Ullr put a strong hand on his arm and guided him a step back from the portal. “Move back, I don’t want you to be knocked over the edge.”

  Iscar removed Ullr’s iron-strong hand from his arm and he pulled his eyes away from the portal. “Tell me more about Earth’s disasters.” Iscar straightened his black wool cloak that he wore over leather armor. “Are we having success?” He fingered a silver dagger on a dark belt.

  “A series of earthquakes have just rocked Tokyo, San Francisco, and Manila. Even the foundation of the Hoover Dam is showing cracks.” Ullr’s silver irises shone with amusement as he spoke. “The earthlings are reeling from the new destruction.” Ullr was wearing ringmail under his own heavy wool cloak, and he moved easily, appearing oblivious to the weight of his armor.

  Iscar gave a shrug. “Mayhem and carnage are the orders of the day.” He turned back to the portal, running out of patience, rubbing a soreness in his neck. “When is our shipment coming across, I thought it would be here by now.”

  “Time is fickle your father used to say.” Ullr turned his attention to the rippling void of the portal entrance. His ringmail shifted, shimmering dully in the dying light.

  Iscar whirled from the portal in frustration. He strode a short distance away from Ullr to peer down over the edge of one of the sheer cliffs plunging downward from the high mountaintop. “Would you walk over the edge of this cliff if I ordered it, Ullr?”

  “There are limits to every allegiance,” Ullr whispered. The shade was fanatically loyal to Iscar because he was Samil’s son, but at times Iscar felt an underlying resentment toward himself growing in the half-dead.

  “Do you know how excited my father was when he discovered the Prime?” Iscar kicked a rock over the edge of the cliff and watched it drop for an eternity. Tengu playfully dodged the stone, skimming through the air by the cliff, wings unfurled, drifting in bliss.

  “No.” Ullr spoke bluntly, wrinkling his brow. He moved away from the darkness of the Prime Portal entrance to stand next to Iscar.

  “Next to creating Maaca, I think it was one of his happiest moments.” Iscar kicked another rock over the edge. Tengu shot out of nowhere and caught the stone in his hand while soaring effortlessly. “My father shared many events with me through dream-links. He would let me experience important occasions from his past. The discovery of the Prime Portal was one of those special moments. I watched the event unfold through my father’s eyes, experiencing a fraction of his excitement. Samil told me that the initial discovery happened so quickly that he presumed he would find the others, but he never found another portal.” The Acacean side of the portal that Samil had discovered was in northeast Acacia atop one of the loftiest peaks of a long mountain chain. The corresponding opening on Earth was where Iscar now stood, high in the mountains of the Sierra Madres in Mexico.

  “Do you think you will find a portal?” Ullr rasped and Iscar wondering if he was mocking him.

  “A wonderful question.” Iscar gave Ullr a chilly look before turning from the rim of the cliff and walking past several helicopters which were on smooth landings that the stonemages had created from the rough rock.

  He isn’t mocking you, Tengu whispered. He’s curious about your plans.

  Iscar studied the helicopters. There weren’t any guards around the machines. “How is our security here?” he called out.

  Ullr whirled from the precipice to face him. “Impeccable.”

  Iscar’s underlings were good at their jobs, but he continually found cracks in their best attempts. I should probably make him post extra guards up here, he thought to Tengu.

  Let him do as he pleases, Tengu advised. No one is getting up here.

  “It better be.” Iscar quipped to Ullr before regretting his tone with his steadfast advisor. I’m just worried about losing my lone portal due to a security lapse.

  All of our plans would be in jeopardy, Tengu whispered, but Ullr is a good warrior.

  Iscar sighed again. “I’m sorry, Ullr, I just want these magestones so badly.” Iscar closed his eyes and took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself down. He hated to leave his control center in the Middle East even for a day. His headquarters housed the plans for his primary project, and he was close to opening Pandora’s Box upon Earth. However, he needed to see these stones. Drogor had ordered it.

  “Relax, there will be incoming warriors with the stones any minute.” Ullr ran his hands over his bald head. “I promise to use the new soldiers to create an extra platoon of guards for the portal.” Iscar nodded. He liked that idea. The portal began to make a deep humming noise. “The shipment is coming across now,” Ullr yelled as he whirled toward the door that entered the mountaintop. He cupped his hands to his mouth and yelled, “Incoming!” A squad of vampires and shades led by Marcus Tate, Iscar’s head of Earth missions, rushed out of a passageway and stood at attention by the portal.

  “Are you ready to see more magestones than you ever dreamed of?” Iscar asked, staring into the void.

  Marcus’s voice rose over the noise from the portal, “Your father’s dreams are taking shape.”

  Must everything be about my father? Iscar felt a bitter taste rise in his mouth and a pain form in his heart.

  This is your enterprise, now, Tengu whispered, but remember, the man who fathers a wise son will be proud of him. His voice was soothing as soft silk, but still retained an underlying strength that was strong as steel. Your father would rejoice in you.

  I can’t wait to be able to tell Drogor that I’ve found success, Iscar thought, wishing he could share his victory with his father. Every time he went to Ater, Drogor would talk about bringing magestones to Earth. This large shipment would completely alter the natural order on this planet and Drogor would be ecstatic.

  “Iscar, they’re coming across.” Marcus Tate took a step closer to the portal. Sounds from the void were growing louder and Iscar felt a warm rush of excitation.

  Your father has given all things into your hand, Tengu whispered. Iscar’s bondsmate flew above his head before landing on a rocky outcropping. Iscar smiled as the bat hung upside down and wrapped his wings around his body, like a large shawl, with only his dark eyes peering out, observing everything.

  “Portal crossings are always fascinating.” Marcus drew his longsword as he stared into the dark void. He balanced the tip on the stone, and wrapped a hand around the hilt. “I like to be ready for anything.” The portal began to change with the whirls of black becoming replaced by a dazzling silver glow just before a silver magician stepped out from the portal onto Earth. Iscar raised one eyebrow while studying the
man’s aura which was rippling in small waves.

  A weakling, Tengu whispered, rocking languidly on his perch.

  Iscar tried to stifle a chuckle. The magician definitely wasn’t an arch-mage and Iscar was surprised he was selected to guide the transfer. He fell to his knees and began to gasp while both hands flew to his throat. Iscar ignored his dramatic motions. “Help the silver,” Marcus drawled in a bored tone. The magician was guided away for healing by the dark rejuvenators. An ogre half-dead was the next individual that crossed.

  Now that’s a strong creature, Tengu whispered, pulling his wings wide to get a better look. The ogre was ten feet tall, an impressive depiction of his race. He strode onto the plateau without any apparent breathing discomfort, wearing a gray unadorned tunic. The titan was carrying a long wooden chest that resembled a square coffin with carvings adorning the structure. The ogre’s massive biceps were flexed, straining to hold up the weight within. “Heavier on Earth,” the ogre grunted.

  “Help him,” Ullr directed the half-deads and they scrambled to obey his order. The ogre was followed by a squad of goblins who crossed in an orderly formation before swarming to surround the ogre in a protective maneuver in case the landing location was compromised.

  “At ease, goblins!” Marcus called in his command voice. Each of the goblins was clothed in leather armor and each held a sword made of sharpened stone, a material that could cross the planets.

  Goblins can’t go anywhere without some weapon in their hand, Tengu muttered. The goblins were on edge, suspiciously studying the surrounding shades and vampires. They appeared somewhat dazed by the transfer, wetting their thick lips and running their tongues over yellow fang-like teeth.

  They’re idiots, but at least they accomplished their task and they aren’t falling to the ground in a panic. Iscar fingered the hilt of his stone dagger, his fingers rubbing the blackstone in its hilt. “Well done,” he called out to the group of half-deads.


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