Room For One More (Herc's Mercs Book 8)

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Room For One More (Herc's Mercs Book 8) Page 3

by Ari McKay

  “I’ve got condoms and lube in the bedroom,” he said. “I’ve got a few toys, too, if you’re into that kind of thing. Conveniently enough, I’m such a slob that the bed is already unmade.”

  Joker chuckled, his eyes gleaming with desire. “Toys might be for round two. I’m wound up enough that round one might be over awfully quick. Maybe even too quick for the bedroom, if you don’t hurry that perky little ass up and show me where it is.”

  “Right this way.” Finn clasped Joker’s hand and led him down the hall.

  The bedroom door was standing open, revealing Finn’s untidy bed and the clothes littering the floor. Finn went straight to the nightstand and yanked open the drawer, and he rummaged around until he found the open box of condoms and bottle of lube he kept stashed there. He held up both and waggled them enticingly.

  “At Hercules Security, we’re like the Boy Scouts,” he said with a playful leer. “We believe in always being prepared.”

  “It makes a fellow proud to be a soldier,” Joker said with a chuckle. He stalked toward Finn, his gait predatory, his hunger clear to see. “I already know you taste as good as you look, but I see a package that needs unwrapping.”

  Finn put the condoms and lube aside and struck a pose with his hands on his hips. “Well, I guess you’d better get to it,” he said, watching Joker with a challenging stare.

  “Mouthy, aren’t you?” Joker asked. He stepped into Finn’s space, his hands going to the hem of Finn’s black T-shirt. “I’m used to mercs pushing back. I know just how to handle ones like you.”

  A smile tugged at the corners of Finn’s mouth even though he was trying to look tough and defiant. “How’s that?” he asked with a proud lift of his chin.

  “Oh, that’s easy.”

  Joker tugged at Finn’s shirt, pulling it half up, then, in a lightning fast move, he spun Finn around. Wrapping Finn’s arms in the shirt, he pushed at Finn’s shoulders, forcing him to bend at the waist. Snugging his hips up against Finn’s ass, Joker teased him with slow rolls of his hips. “Like that.”

  Finn moaned and pushed his ass back, loving the feel of Joker grinding against him. He was familiar with this trick—he’d used it himself a time or two—and he didn’t bother fighting against his restraints. He liked them too much for that.

  “Oh, you enjoy that, don’t you? Why am I not surprised you like it rough?” Joker tugged at the T-shirt, tightening it as Finn felt him tie a knot in the fabric. Joker reached around Finn’s waist, quickly unfastening and unzipping his camouflage pants. It took only a moment for Joker to pull down Finn’s pants and his boxer briefs, letting the fabric pool around Finn’s boots, leaving him bare-assed. Then a hard swat landed against one firm cheek. “How about that, Finn? Do you like that, too?”

  Finn let out a startled yelp, and a hot flush washed over his body in the wake of the pleasurable sting. “Yes! I like it! I want more!”

  Joker laughed, landing a blow on the other cheek before scraping his nails over Finn’s sensitized skin. “Such a pretty ass. Even prettier with my hand print on it. Your skin pinks up so beautifully.”

  Finn’s answering moan was low and throaty, and he pushed his ass up as much as he could. “Oh yeah,” he said, peeking over his shoulder at Joker and giving him a mischievous smile. “My skin will show your marks so well.”

  “Mmm.” Finn felt Joker’s warm hand as Joker ran it up his spine. “I see a few other marks, too. You’re a busy boy, Mr. Finnegan. But I’m here now, so you’ll only think of me, right?”

  Memories of Joe rose up in Finn’s mind—specifically memories of how he’d gotten those fading marks in the first place. During their last night together, he’d asked Joe to bite and scratch him hard enough that the evidence would last a few days. He’d wanted to see and feel Joe’s marks on his body as a reminder for as long as possible. But Joe wasn’t here. Joker was. Finn was happy to lose himself in the moment.

  “Right,” he said, his voice low and throaty with need. “Right now, I’m thinking only about you.”

  “Good.” Joker scraped his nails down Finn’s back. “Now, let’s see, where were we? Oh yes. Your pretty ass.” Joker swatted Finn again, once on each side and then soothed the sting with gentle strokes. Then, Finn felt him lean to one side and heard the snap of the bottle of lube being opened. “I warned you this might be quick. I’d better get you ready before I get so wound up I end up humping you like a horny sixteen-year-old.”

  “I don’t need a whole lot of prep,” Finn said, thinking about all the nights he’d fucked himself with a dildo, pretending it was Joe. Besides, his entire body ached with the need to be taken and filled, and he wanted Joker in him now. “Just hurry up and fuck me senseless.”

  Joker groaned, thrusting his hips hard against Finn’s ass. “You’re going to drive me out of my mind,” he panted. After a moment, he took a half step back, and then Finn felt hot, slick fingers pressing against his entrance. After a teasing circle, Joker slid them inside. “You seem as eager as I am.”

  “There’s no seeming about it,” Finn said, and he let out a deep groan at the feel of Joker’s fingers sliding deep, and he rocked back, trying to push them in even further. Joker obliged by turning his hand and curving his fingers a bit as he sought Finn’s sweet spot. Finn cried out when Joker found it, the electric jolts of pleasure sizzling along every nerve until his body was taut and quivering with need. “Please,” he groaned, rocking more in a vain attempt to relieve the aching tension building up. “Please….”

  Joker removed his fingers, leaving Finn empty. Finn couldn’t see what Joker was doing, but he heard the condom packet being ripped open and a zipper being lowered. Maybe Joker had some special ability with condoms, or maybe he really was as desperate as he claimed, because it seemed like only a moment before Joker was entering him, his hard, thick cock stretching Finn and filling him with heat.

  “Yes!” Finn threw his head back and clenched his fingers in the fabric of his shirt, his skin growing hot and dappled with sweat as his arousal built nearly to the breaking point. “Do it! Fuck me—hard as you want. I need it!”

  “So do I!” Joker gasped and then pulled almost the whole way out before surging forward again, his movement hard enough to almost knock Finn flat onto the mattress. ThenJoker gripped one of Finn’s hips and began to fuck him, hard and deep, pounding Finn just as Finn had begged him to do.

  The rough fucking felt so good—so right—that Finn willingly let go of rational thought and gave himself over to the pleasure, his pleas for more devolving into incoherent moans and cries. Joker was giving him exactly what he needed, and he wanted more. Then, Joker moved one hand, wrapped it around Finn’s cock, and began to stroke him. Joker bent partway over Finn’s body without losing his rhythm, and then Finn felt Joker’s teeth as Joker bit down near the base of his shoulder.

  That bite was all Finn needed to send him over the edge, and he let out a wordless cry as he came hard, bucking against Joker’s hand. Finn’s pleasure was Joker’s undoing, because he surged deep one last time, his own cry echoing Finn’s. As the waves of pleasure ebbed, Finn collapsed on the bed, panting but blissfully sated.

  “Mmm….” He wanted to say more and express how much he’d enjoyed such a fast and furious romp, but his brain was still jelly, and he didn’t feel up to forming complete words yet.

  He heard footsteps receding, a brief pause, and then approaching again. Strong, gentle hands turned him over, and a warm, damp cloth glided over his skin, cleaning him up. Next, his boots were removed, his pants and underwear stripped away, and at last the shirt binding his arms was loosened. Finally he was nudged upward toward the pillows before a warm, naked body slid into the bed beside him, and he found himself pulled against Joker’s side.

  “You still owe me that barbecue,” Joker murmured, his lips close to Finn’s ear. “I may be fast, but I’m not cheap.”

  With a drowsy chuckle, Finn rolled onto his side, pillowed his head on Joker’s shoulder, and flung one arm
across Joker’s waist. “After that, I’ll get you some barbecue, sides, and a sweet tea.”

  “Well, it’s good to know I earned it,” Joker murmured. “Rest first. Then dinner. And I think we need to have a little talk.”

  “About what?” Finn asked, nuzzling his cheek against the warm curve of Joker’s shoulder.

  “Later.” Joker yawned, pulling Finn even closer against him. “You’ve worn this old man out for the moment.”

  Nestling against Joker’s lanky body was different from cuddling up to Joe, who was broader if not taller, but Finn liked it. Something about Joker felt right. He’d never felt this comfortable and relaxed with anyone other than Joe before, especially not with someone he’d just met. He wasn’t sure why he felt this way, or what it meant, but for now, he was content to rest in Joker’s arms and enjoy the moment.


  It was long past the regular dinner hour when Drew finally confessed he couldn’t go another round without “fueling the furnace,” and to his relief, Finn agreed. They’d spent hours in bed after the nap following their first, almost frenzied coupling, taking things slower and learning each other’s wants and needs. Drew felt he knew more about Finn’s body in one afternoon than he did about any lover he’d had in the last ten years. Not that he was going to complain.

  Neither of them felt like going out, so Finn suggested they order in. After seeing the number of pizza boxes littering Finn’s apartment, Drew wasn’t at all surprised that Finn also had a drawer full of menus, and after a brief consultation, Finn had ordered fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and banana pudding from a local mom-and-pop place. Fortunately the food was delivered quickly, and soon they were seated on Finn’s comfortable sofa, holding loaded plates, with big glasses of sweet tea in front of them on the coffee table.

  Drew didn’t hesitate to dig in, closing his eyes in bliss as the hot, crispy crust of the chicken almost melted on his tongue. He chewed, swallowed, and then sighed happily. “So good,” he said, giving Finn a little bump with his shoulder. “Pita’s a damned good cook, but this is like sex on a plate.”

  Finn chuckled and nudged Drew in return. “You really have been deprived for a long time.”

  “Oh, come on,” Drew said, leering at Finn playfully. “You’ve been deployed before, right? So you know how it is. Field food is still field food. No matter what you try to do to it, it’s never home cooking. And I already admitted that I’ve been deprived on the sex. Woefully deprived, as if you couldn’t tell.”

  Finn laughed as he leaned forward and rubbed his ass with exaggerated care. “I probably won’t be able to walk right tomorrow. Not that I’m complaining.”

  That seemed like a good lead in for Drew to bring up something that he’d been wondering about, ever since he’d walked into Finn’s bathroom after their first round. “So, am I going to have to worry that someone will take exception to your sore ass?” He gave Finn a sideways glance. “I couldn’t help but notice that you aren’t the only one using that bathroom.”

  “Oh, that’s Joe’s stuff,” Finn said as he dug into his mashed potatoes and gravy. “Joe Morrissey. He keeps some necessities here, and I keep some at his place. You don’t have anything to worry about, though.”

  Somehow that answered Drew’s question without really answering it at all. “Is he your ex? Or just a friend?”

  Finn poked the mashed potatoes with his fork for a few moments before setting his plate on the coffee table. “Technically, we’re friends with benefits,” he said, shifting to sit facing Drew.

  Drew let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Okay. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t poaching on someone else’s territory. Especially another merc. It’s a way to get real dead, real fast.”

  Finn laughed again, but it was quieter and less natural sounding than before. “You’re not poaching. Joe and I have an understanding. When he gets back, I’ll tell him what happened. I always tell him when I hook up with someone else, I always use condoms, and I get tested regularly.”

  Drew could tell there was something bothering Finn, yet he didn’t know him nearly well enough to guess what it was. Years of experience had taught him it was best just to ask and get things out in the open. It was a practice that had served him well as XO of a company of deadly killers, and he figured Finn was cut from the same material as the men Drew had lead.

  “But something is bothering you,” he said quietly. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Finn clasped his hands in his lap and tightened his fingers until the knuckles turned white. He blew out a sharp breath. “I probably shouldn’t tell you any of this. We just met, and I’m supposed to train you.”

  Drew shrugged. “I think we threw the normal professional boundaries out the window the minute I was buried balls deep in your ass, don’t you? You don’t have to talk to me about it, if you aren’t comfortable, but you probably should talk to someone. You weren’t concerned before we had sex, but something is eating at you now.”

  “Do you want a drink? I want a drink.” Finn shot to his feet and hurried over to a small bar. He retrieved a bottle of top-shelf bourbon and poured himself two fingers. He downed that in one shot and poured himself some more before holding up the bottle and giving Drew a questioning look.

  “Nah, thanks,” Drew waved a hand. “I just spent the last couple of years dry. I probably can’t hold it as well as I’d like.”

  Finn returned to the couch and set the bottle on the coffee table before sitting down again, keeping a little distance between himself and Drew this time. “Before we had sex, I thought this would be another hookup. One and done, you know?” He took a sip of bourbon and then released a quiet sigh. “I didn’t expect us to click so well. That hasn’t happened since…. Well, since Joe.”

  The little thrill Drew felt at Finn’s admission was offset by the fact that Finn was obviously not jumping for joy about their chemistry. He was quiet for a moment, gathering his thoughts. He didn’t want to add to Finn’s turmoil, but he wasn’t about to lie, either. With a sigh he put his plate down next to Finn’s, steeling himself for what might be a difficult conversation.

  “I haven’t clicked with anyone like this either, not in years,” he admitted. “It sounds to me like Joe is your anchor, right? You tomcat around, but you always go home to him in the end. Is that a fair assessment?”

  “Fair and accurate.” Finn tossed back the rest of his bourbon and put the glass aside. “The truth is… I love Joe. But we want fundamentally different things. He’d be perfectly happy with getting married, adopting a dog and maybe some kids, and living the white-picket-fence scenario. I’ve known for years that I’m not cut out for monogamy, so I pretend my feelings don’t run that deep and keep our friends-with-benefits situation going until he meets someone who can give him everything he wants.”

  Drew contemplated Finn’s revelations, but it was hard to give any advice when he had never met this Joe, and had no idea what kind of man he was outside of Finn’s description. “Look, maybe it’s none of my business, but I admit, I don’t want whatever this is between us to be a one-and-done. But, I can tell you’re pretty hung up on this guy, even if you think you want different things out of life. Are you sure that’s what he really wants? And does he want that with you?”

  “I don’t know.” Finn shrugged. “I didn’t want to mess up what we have, so I haven’t asked.”

  “Am I correct in assuming, though, that you want to see what could happen between us?” Drew reached out and touched Finn’s shoulder. “I’m interested, but if this is going to eat you up, it’s better just to let it go, right? You’re a hot guy, you could go back to the way things were and just forget me.”

  “I don’t want to let it go, and I don’t want to forget you.” Finn rested his hand against Drew’s cheek and stroked it with his thumb. “I love Joe, but no one else has made me feel the way you do in years, and I don’t want to walk away from that.”

  “Okay, what do you want?
” Drew leaned into the touch. It had been so long since he’d felt the kind of desire he did for Finn, and he knew he was taking a risk. Hell, they both were, because who knew if things would burn out in a week or a month, and maybe in that time Finn would have wrecked a relationship that was obviously important to him in a way that was more than just physical.

  Finn searched Drew’s face for a moment, and then leaned in and brushed his lips against Drew’s. “I want to see where this takes us,” he murmured.

  Drew closed his eyes, kissing Finn back, but after a moment he pulled away. “All right. So… what about your Joe? Have you ever brought a boyfriend home to daddy before?”

  Finn shook his head. “Like I said, I tell him any time I hook up with someone else, but it’s never lasted longer than a weekend at most. He knows I don’t want to be monogamous, but he’s never had to deal with a situation like this before. I don’t know how he’ll react.”

  Drew smiled crookedly. “When does he get back? Maybe we’ll spend that whole time in bed, get it out of our systems, and decide we’re better as friends. Or maybe you’ll find someone younger and hotter than me, and decide I was an aberration. We’ll never know unless we try, right? Maybe Joe doesn’t have anything to worry about, anyway.”

  “He should be back in another two weeks, three at most.” Finn slid his hand around to cradle the back of Drew’s head in his palm. “You’re right. This may be a spark that burns itself out, but in the meantime, I want to fan the hell out of the flames,” he said, sliding his fingers through Drew’s short, light brown hair.

  “I like that plan.” Drew slid closer, pulling Finn into his arms. “I’ve had enough to eat. Now I’m hungry for dessert. And I know just what I want to devour.”

  Finn shifted to straddle Drew’s lap and snugged his hips against Drew’s. “Banana pudding?” he asked, widening his eyes with faux innocence as he rocked his hips.


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