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Wyst Page 12

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  “What’s the rush? Don’t tell me you actually want to spend time in that god-awful place.”

  He didn’t but he’d rather have the security of four walls between them and whatever threat was causing his mental alarm bells to resound. Rather than answer, he gave her another light push.

  “All right, all right. I’m going. No need to get all bossy and shit.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Once they arrived at the door of their room, Pam shoved the key in the knob but he again stopped her movements before she could open it.

  Let me scan first, pixie, he advised, stepping in front of her and raising his tresl. Just as he suspected, someone had invaded their space while they were out. But the readings showed it was a human, not a being with dual hearts.

  What are you scanning for, cowboy? Bugs or mice?

  The fading heat signature showed whoever it was had done a simple walkthrough, only pausing to rifle through his bag. Leaving him to suspect their intruder was more than likely their greedy landlord who had more curiosity than sense. Neither, leca purvya. But I think Miss Myrtle decided to investigate us while we were away.

  Turning on the overhead light, Wyst preceded her into the room as she snorted. Wouldn’t put it past the bitch. Luckily we don’t have anything of value or she’d probably allowed herself a five-finger discount to snag it. Now back to the matter at hand.

  Sitting on the edge of the mattress, Wyst took off his boots and socks. And that would be?

  Getting back to the SUV for my stuff without you having to hoof it.

  Sighing, he stood and pulled off the shirt he’d donned after his shower. Hanging it on the back of one of the unmatched chairs at the spindly table, he reached for his belt buckle. Since we have no other means of transport, I will, as you say, hoof it in order to retrieve what you brought with you for our travels.

  When she didn’t reply, he twisted his torso to look her way, finding her sitting on the other edge of the king-sized bed staring at him over her shoulder with a gaze he could only name as ‘hungry’. As a matter of fact, her eyes were performing something he would call a caress in any other circumstance as it moved over his back and butt. His enhanced hearing also picked up the hitch in her breath, causing his eyebrows to involuntarily raise in surprise. After the debacle of him and the Arlene he’d thought his Pam would find him less than worthy. But the heat of her gaze, her stuttering breath and the sweet smell of her arousal filling the dismal room told a different story.

  She wanted him.

  Which was a posket of a lot more than just finding him attractive.

  And that heretofore unknown knowledge sent him reeling. So much so, when her stare finally met his own, he found himself full and achingly hard. And the viewing of her nipple erection, outlined from the side, captured within the confines of the garment she called a bra and the t-shirt she wore, did nothing to banish his desire in the least.

  Pixie…, his mind called as every atom in his body, his very soul leaned towards her and the promise of fulfillment he knew he would find in her wet, heated depths.

  She dropped her eyes even as he heard her groan before her thoughts coalesced. What the fuck are you doing, dude?

  Getting ready for sleep.

  Can’t you, like, freaking do it in the bathroom or something?

  With his desire riding him hard, he slowly walked to the bed and went to stand directly before where she sat. I could, but I will not.

  “Listen, like I told you earlier during our ground rules discussion, you and I aren’t gonna have a repeat round of what happened before. And in order to prevent it, we need to, like, stay out of each other’s way, respect each other’s privacy and shit.” Oh yes, her ground rules. The ones he’d not paid one iota of attention to as they’d headed to the diner.

  Leaning down, he placed his fists on the mattress on either side of her hips, his face only inches from hers. “And did I agree to these rules, pixie?”

  She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. “N-no. But you don’t have to.”

  Wyst let his gaze roam over her face and along the exposed column of her neck deciding he liked her with her hair up. With it off her face and throat, she appeared softer, more vulnerable and definitely sexier, if such a thing was possible. Canting his head, he moved closer until his nose almost touched the perfect patch of creamy skin between her neck and shoulder. “And why is that?”

  He felt more than saw the shiver that ran through her at his words, although it might have been at the feel of his breath when he spoke. But whatever it was, he knew his nearness affected her. Parting her lips, he was sure she tried to cover a moan with her, “Why what?”

  No longer willing to delay tasting her skin, Wyst pursed his mouth and kissed that sensitive area. Just a gentle, soft meeting of his lips on her flesh, but it wasn’t enough, not near enough for him to savor her flavor. So he allowed his tongue to delicately swipe and lap against it. “Why do I not need to agree?”

  “Agree?” she asked on a reedy breath, but her hands came up to clutch his bare biceps as if to steady herself while she tilted her jaw to give him better access. And he took it, sliding his lips upward in small increments as he dropped his knees to the floor.

  Gyed, but her skin was so soft and tasted so good, he completely lost the thread of their conversation and concentrated all his attention on what he was doing. Especially when his ministrations led him to her ripe, moist mouth. As he captured her lips and slipped his tongue inside to play and tangle with her own, something inside him whispered he had found his home. There was perfection in the way they fed from each other, a completeness that went far beyond the physicality of a simple kiss but united them in some indefinable fashion.

  He knew she felt it too by the way she began to caress him, her palms gliding upward until they reached his shoulders using them to pull him closer as her greedy mouth feasted on his own. And the sounds she made throughout? Every soft mewl or moan she emitted made his tailpor throb and he soon found himself thrusting to rub it against the side of the mattress even as he wondered how and when he’d inveigled his torso between her knees.

  But the mechanics of their position didn’t matter, not when the sharp points of her nipples drilled into his chest, giving evidence she was as affected by what they were doing as he was. Although he didn’t much like the feel of cloth between them when he ached to feel the pebbles tipping her breasts uncovered and heatedly pressed to him. Releasing his fisted grip on the blanket, Wyst’s fingers found her waist and he began to push her shirt up in slow degrees, delighting when he felt her skin, as well as the way she lifted her arms so he could remove her top.

  They’d had to disconnect for a moment, but the loss of her mouth for only that brief time was torture and he made haste to return to it as soon as her head cleared the stretchy neckline of her shirt. After a few seconds of rejoining though, she shifted and he heard a metal-on-metal snick before she shrugged her shoulders, causing the little scrap of lace she wore to cover her feminine mounds to fall away. And with its loss she arched her back, thrusting her breasts into the hard wall of his pecs to rub herself on him.

  A sensation so amazing, he found himself dizzy with erotic desire. Creating a want so deep and intense he let out a sound halfway between a growl and a groan.

  Without hesitation, he scooped a naked breast into each of his palms, his thumb reaching to rediscover and tease her sensitive sweet peaks. And his action gained him not only another breathy moan but a hip wiggle as well. One which gave him the impetus to release her lips and drop his mouth to lave and suck her hardened pink tips. Working from one nipple to the other, he worshiped each one in turn while he built their need higher.

  And ‘need’ was the right word for it since some kind of primal instinct had taken him hostage, one he couldn’t control or fight even if he’d wanted to. Pushing her down until her back was firmly on the bed, he reached for the waistband of her stretchy pants ripping them and her panties down and off her legs. The m
ove also released the aroma of her desire, one he’d been sensing since before he’d crossed the room to be next to her. It was an odor that enflamed him, sending his senses reeling, especially when he chanced a glance down and saw the glistening wetness on the bare skin between her legs.

  A place he couldn’t resist exploring, if only with his fingertips.

  But as his hand swept over her moist, hot slit, she bucked her hips and he had to bite his lips to create enough pain so as not to allow his essence to shoot prematurely. It was a struggle he won, but only by sheer-will.

  What was it about the little, sexy pixie that always made his body lose control so early in their play?


  God, god and holy, dear merciful Jesus!

  I swore, absolutely swore I’d never hook-up with Wyst again, yet there I was, spread-out bare, naked nude in the center of the king-sized bed and needing him more than my next goddamn breath. So when he stopped all the freaking action with a determined look of closed-eye concentration, I couldn’t help it.

  I started yelling. “Don’t you stop now, you overgrown alien creep! You don’t get to work me up then shut me down before we even get to the good stuff!”

  Opening his eyes he looked at me in what I could only call astonishment before muttering, “I need to master my body, my Pam. Otherwise…”

  Oh shit.

  I hadn’t considered he might be having trouble with his…

  Even though I knew from the last time we’d tried that he was a little…erm, quick on the trigger, so to speak. But I’d studied the internet about it after our last little go-round and knew what to do. Or at least, I thought I did seeing how I’d never done it before. And everyone knows reading about something was completely different than practical experience.

  Sitting back up, I pushed him upright with my body before I reached for his jeans and quickly, and I mean quickly undid them. Without a smidgeon of shame nor pausing for a second, I snuck a hand down inside his underwear and gripped the root of his manhood in a tight squeeze.

  Every muscle in his body went to stone at my fast move, but as soon as my palm met his hot, throbbing and leaking tool, he groaned.

  “Does that help, babe?” I tried to keep my voice velvety soft in an effort to not shatter the mood because it must be said, even despite my frustration, I still wanted to screw my alien friend silly.

  He nodded and the tighter I held his manly, oversized length, the more he relaxed although it was in small measures. “Yes, pixie. Thank you. I feel much more in control now.”

  “Great. That’s good, big guy,” I offered with what I hoped was an encouraging smile. “Why don’t you douse the overhead light while I turn on one of the bedside ones?”

  “Are we still going to—”

  “You bet your Picari ass we are.” My assurance sounded more like a threat or a command rather than something in the realm of giving him a choice in the matter. Therefore, I tried again only on a softer note. “So hurry up, lover. I’ll be right here waiting for you.”

  He looked at me for a time before exploding into action, bounding across the room to the switches by the door.

  And when he did, I did. Turning onto my hands and knees I crawled up to the headboard and pulled back the covers before reaching for the base of the nearest lamp to push the button. But as the light clicked on, I heard Wyst behind me giving out a long, slow and deeply fervent feral sound. Turning back in alarm, I saw him nakedly standing tall and proud at the farthest side of the bed, his manhood erect and bobbing above his undone jeans, his eyes devouring the part of my body pointed his direction with a scorching gaze.

  Deciding to mess with him a bit, I waggled my hips and honestly thought he was gonna lose his shit right then and there, especially after watching him grab himself to deliver a long stroke. In an effort to stave off an early solo arrival of his completion, I chose to speak again. But I took temptation out off the table by turning over, planting my naked butt on mattress, causing his eyes to zero in on my bouncing boobs. “Okay, this is gonna be your first time with a real, live human girl. So how do you want me, big guy? Please note, this is a one-time offer of you freaking picking the position, so you better pick well.”

  His eyes, those glistening hazel orbs held such a heat it was a wonder I survived it, but he managed to get his mouth moving as he replied through lips that didn’t seem to want to move. “Face-to-face.”

  Going onto my back, I arranged myself so that I had the comfort of the pillows beneath my head as I watched him knee-walk up from the bottom, his look roaming from my face, over my sharp-nippled breasts, around my belly and before zeroing in on my swollen and throbbing pussy. As he got closer, I opened my short but curvaceous legs in invitation. A request he didn’t ignore as he positioned himself between them.

  Although I knew he’d never done the deed before, he took a moment to ensure my readiness by dragging a finger from the source of my wetness to my clit. The fact he paused to give it a few circles told me his use of porn available on the internet hadn’t been wasted and found me writhing beneath his touch. “Damn, Wyst. Stop teasing me and get on it.”

  The chuckle he gave off before I felt the crown of his hard-on pushing against my core found me holding my breath in anticipation. Honest to all that was holy, I needed him to get inside as soon as was freaking possible, but the man seemed to want to drag the damn moment out. Wrapping my arms around his back and my legs over his thighs, I lifted my hips in request. “Please Wyst.”

  He sank in a couple of inches.

  Then pulled back, but not enough to disconnect.

  “Babe, c’mon,” I pleaded.

  He pushed in, deeper this time. But again shifted away as I felt the leaves of my sex try to hold him in place. And I couldn’t help it, I moaned long and loud as the head of his cock dragged over my g-spot both on the intake and then when he moved back.

  He was up on his arms, palms digging in to the mattress on either side of my shoulders, his eyes glued to mine as he ground out, “Have to…go slow…otherwise it will be over…too fast.”

  Fucking hell!

  Reaching between us, I found my hard, swollen nubbin of pleasure and began to rub it in earnest. “Just give it to me, my amazing man. Fuck me like you’ve wanted to do for so long.”

  And with my encouragement, he began to speed up, his face taking on a coppery hue as his hips slewed faster and faster, delving and then retreating as he deeply speared me again and again. Between his thrusting thickness and my own wiggling fingers I felt my orgasm start to swirl, catching intermittently in lengthening circles of pleasure. “That’s it, babe. God, that feels so good.”

  He slid an arm to hook around my waist, lifting me into a position guaran-damned-tee to allow me to feel the full length of himself as he plunged in and out. “I’m going to…Gyed, I’m going to…”

  “Don’t stop, Wyst. Please don’t stop,” I begged, anchoring my feet so I could shuffle my hips in a counter-rhythm to his.

  And as the pinnacle of my pleasure wound tighter and tighter then finally held, everything within me exploded as I cried out his name. Which was only micro-seconds before his own bliss hit and I felt the deep throb of his cock before my insides were flooded with a hot wetness accompanied by a bellow ending in a growl before all of it subsided into a sigh. Although he didn’t stop moving.


  His hips still churned albeit at a less frantic pace as his mouth sought mine, his tongue slipping into my mouth to provide the perfect ending in much the same way we’d started.

  Leaning down onto his elbows, he began to kiss me in earnest and with a reverence I never expected from him. It was a kiss edged in thankfulness, one I didn’t feel deserving of since I was sure he’d provided me with more pleasure than I knew I’d given him.

  That’s not true, mica leca purvya, I heard him say inside my head. What you just gave me was the most blesod, amazing thing imaginable.

  ‘Blesod’ is not a word I’m familiar with, I
shot back, trying to ignore all the confused and convoluted feelings bubbling up within me at what he’d said.

  “It means ‘crazy’ in English,” he whispered, his mouth next to my ear as our heads shared one pillow.

  “Then you’re welcome, big guy,” I whispered back. “Because it was blesod good for me as well.”

  The only fly in the ointment after all was said and done, was the way the inside of my right wrist began to itch like it was on fire in the aftermath of my first time with him. Other than that, I would have called the second time Wyst and I hooked up a complete and total success.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Honest to god, when I first woke up I didn’t know where I was. And even when I was sleeping with anything remotely male during my slut days, I always knew where I’d landed. But that morning, at that particular time, I didn’t have a clue.

  Probably because instead of coming to full consciousness, clinging to the side of the bed, I was sprawled over and entwined with the hairless but warm alien I’d foresworn to hate for the rest of my natural-born life. The bad part was, our position of me half-on, half-off his muscled form seemed natural.

  Right in a way I wanted to deny.

  And hot, along the lines of, can we do that again?

  Because even if our doings of the night before were a one-off, what I’d experienced with Wyst set the bar of feminine satisfaction so high, any other man couldn’t and wouldn’t compare.

  Not in my lifetime.

  Even if his over-sized t-shirt I’d taken as a nighty rode up, exposing my bare-assed, completely naked, nude ass to his hands, it didn’t mean I wanted to have sex with him again. And make no mistake, his plate-like palms gripping the sensitive cheeks of my butt like they were the bestest present he’d been given on Christmas morning, totally worked as foreplay for me.

  But our history together spoke for itself. As did the knowledge he was only in it to ‘hit it and quit it’ before finding the perfect girl in order to become a pair. And I was so far from his version of ‘Miss Right’ it was wrong…and on too many levels to count.


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