totalitarianism and, 113–31. See also death;
IndoEuropean languages and, 308–11,
life; modernity; politics
INDEX 1295
bios: aesthetics and, 1115–16; definition of,
Bredekamp, Horst, 279, 286
5; forms of life and, 973, 1254–64; Myth
Bréhier, Louis, 547
of Er and, 1252–53; zoē and, 9–10, 597,
Brinkmann, August, 677
1206–10, 1215. See also life
The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky), 814
birth, 106–7, 144–45
Brutus, Marcus, 75
Bisclavret (de France), 90
Buchenwald, 790–91, 829
Bismarckian Constitution, 178
bureaucracy, 502–20
Blaise, Albert, 691
Burke, Edmund, 105
Blanchot, Maurice, 19, 53, 851
Burnouf, Émile, 307
blasphemy, 330–33, 336–38, 341, 354
Bush, George W., 184
Blatt, Franz, 514
Byzantinisches Christentum (Ball), 513
blessedness, 570–72
blessings, 325–28
Cabasilas, Nicolas, 528–29, 666, 954
Blum, Léon, 177
Cacciari, Massimo, 44
Blumenberg, Hans, 376
Caeiro, Alberto, 840–41
bodies: appropriation of, 888–89; biopoliti
Cagin, P., 526
cal, 141–42, 152–53, 815–16; of Christ, 79,
Caius Flaminius, 75
1159–62, 1166; Dasein and, 1191; forms
Caius Gracchus, 208
of life and, 1231–39; habeas corpus and,
Calcidius, 685–86, 688
102; as inappropriable, 1101–12; the law
Caligula, 532, 592
and, 1060–61; liturgical acclamation and,
Callois, Roger, 67
528–30; movement of, 1183; political power
Candidus, 667, 692
and, 8, 273, 277; slavery and, 1029–48; sov
Canetti, Elias, 795
ereignty and, 77–87, 150–51, 237–38, 286,
Canti (Leopardi), 600
460–64, 545–46, 593, 805; subjecthood
Capelle, Catherine, 920
and, 124–25; use of, 888–89, 1029–48,
capitalism, 7, 909
1096, 1098–99. See also equipmentality;
Capitula canonum et regula, 924
forms of life; labor (monastic); potentialcaptivation, 1193–95
ity; reason; will, the
care (for life), 121–26, 1056–72, 1115
Bodin, Jean, 79, 145, 230–31
Carpi, Aldo, 794–95
Boehm, Rudolf, 1122, 1137–40, 1143
Casel, Odo, 675–79, 681–84, 694, 733–34
Boer War, 137
Cassian, Jean, 733, 896, 899–905, 908, 910,
Boethius, 447, 485–89, 621, 695–96, 1136, 1155
915, 920–21
Boll, Franz, 524
Cassiodorus, 906
Bonagratia of Bergamo, 976, 978–79, 991–93
Cassirer, Ernst, 336, 1197–98
Bonaventure (Saint), 506–7, 571, 968–70, 972,
Cassius, Spurius, 75
976–78, 985–88, 990, 996
Cassius Dios, 592
Boniface VIII, 460
Catachesis (Cyril of Alexandria), 528–29
Book of Ceremonies (Constantine), 904
Categories (Aristotle), 1131–32, 1134, 1136, 1139
Book of Muhammad’s Ladder, 1231
Cats, Jacob, 265
Book of Poverty and Death (Rilke), 809
causes (Aristotle’s theory of), 369, 446,
Book of Rules (Tyconius), 944
455–62, 473–74, 482–500, 609–22, 692–93,
The Book of Sacred Worship (Ibn Gabbai), 578
boredom, 1194–95
Celan, Paul, 785, 787, 869
Bosse, Abraham, 268, 269, 283
Celestial Hierarchy (apochryphal), 509–11
Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, 629, 631
The Celestial Hierarchy (Dionysius the
Brack, Viktor, 118
Aeropagite), 507–8
brain death, 133–36
Celestine I, 903
Bramhall, John, 272–73
Cenobitic Institutions (Cassian), 733, 899,
Brand, Karl, 118
901–3, 908, 920
Brandt, Reinhard, 271, 271
cenoby, 895–900, 907–10, 916, 923–24, 935,
“Braucht Europa eine Verfassung?” (Grimm),
946, 957–58, 980–81
Chaplin, Charlie, 831
1296 INDEX
Char, René, 1197
Cogitata (Spinoza), 1176
charisma, 238–39, 659, 661–62, 666–67
Colli, Giorgio, 1243
Charlemagne, 544
commands, 717–21, 743, 745–46, 748–52,
Charles Albert (King), 87
1029–30, 1033–35, 1097–98, 1275–76
Charles II, 269
Commentarius in Symbolum Apostolorum
Charles the Great, 458
(Rufinus), 943
Charles V, 549
Commentary on Romans (Origen), 688
Charles VI, 464
Commentary on the Divine Liturgy (Cabasilis),
Charte of 1814 (France), 175– 176
Chauvin, Étienne, 624
commissarial dictatorships, 193–95, 198–99, 209
Childeric III, 458
Commodus, 399, 531, 592
chresis, 1031–33, 1049–62, 1070, 1075, 1081–87
The Commonweale (Kantorowicz), 86
Christ, Jesus: effectiveness and, 690–94;
communicative action, 606–7
Francis’s life in relation to, 973–74; as
Compendium grammaticus linguae hebraeae
Godman, 425–26, 495–97, 925; as gover
(Spinoza), 835, 1053–54, 1176
nor of the world, 613–15; instrumentality
conatus, 1181–82
and, 1095–99; martyrdom of, 779; officials
concentration camps: biopolitics and, 7, 12,
acting in the name of, 668–72; oikonomia
99–104, 815–16, 1243; the celestial city
and, 395–96, 400–401, 403; sovereignty
and, 519–20; death in, 808–10; ethics and,
analyses and, 79–87; survival of, 850;
822–23; the exception and, 20–21, 793–94;
transubstantiation and, 1159–60. See also
law and, 137–47; medical experiments
oikonomia; Trinity, the
and, 127–31; modernity and, 143–47; the
Chrysippus, 306, 345, 394, 405, 474–75
Muslim and, 151, 153, 788–818; shame
Chtcheglov, Ivan, 1021
and, 819–50; soccer game in the midst of,
Church Dogmatics (Barth), 564
777–78; Sonderkommando and, 777–78;
Cicero, 92, 202–8, 260, 302–3, 317–26, 525–30,
as space of exception, 139–48; witnessing
685–87, 705–16, 724, 732, 901, 963–64,
and, 767–69. See also biopolitics; testi
1043, 1075–76
mony; witnessing; specific camps
Circo Massimo, 525
The Concept of the Political (Schmitt), 211
citizenship, 105–12, 1218–20; of the celestial
Concordia regularum, 913–14
city, 502–20, 673; civil war and, 260–61;
Confessions (Augustine), 518
homo sacer and, 141; kinship and, 259–60;
Conlationes (Cassian), 915
Nazi policies on, 113–36, 144–47; rights
consensus, 253, 370
and, 148, 175; slaver
y and, 1029–48; social
consent, 129–30, 370
contract theory and, 88–93, 148. See also
conservation, 447–54
politics; rights
consignment, 52, 56, 82–84, 92, 812, 831–35,
City Lights (film), 831
847–48, 1104–5, 1188–11198
The City of God (Augustine), 590–94
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, 380–82,
civil war, 168, 202–3, 241, 253–64, 281–82,
423, 538–40, 654, 904
Constantius II, 549
Civil War (US), 182–83
Constitutional Theory (Schmitt), 602
Clare (Saint), 969–70
Constitution of the Apostles, 574–75
Clareno, Angelo, 972
constitutions, 36–43; American, 87; dictator
Clauberg test, 128
ships and, 172–73; European Union and,
Cleanthes, 306
605–6; force of law and, 198; Italian, 175;
The Clementine Homilies (Clement of
monasticism and, 928–34; Schmitt on,
Alexandria), 589–90
230–31; states of exceptions as suspending,
Clement of Alexandria, 400, 403, 413–15, 425,
138–47, 174–89; Weimar, 168, 171, 178–79,
441, 513, 589–90, 659–62, 678, 704
216–17, 438. See also power; sovereignty
Clement V, 965, 968
constitutive norms, 945–46, 1245–48
Clio, 255
contemplation, 506–8, 518, 562, 570, 598–600,
Coccia, Emanuele, 980
937, 1000, 1085–86, 1217–18, 1221–26,
Codrington, Robert Henry, 311
1243–51, 1277–78
INDEX 1297
Conti, Libero, 119
death: Bichat on, 862–64; corpses and, 813–14;
contingency, 40–43, 124, 468–69, 482–83, 632,
degradation of, 807–9, 814–16; Heidegger
858–59, 1079, 1179–80, 1187, 1219
on, 809–11, 814–15; the Muslim and,
Contra Eutychen, 695–96
807–8, 816–18, 863–64; politicization of,
Contra Noetum (Hippolytus), 404
132–36; sacred life and, 79–87; suicide and,
Conventuals, 988–90, 998
113; survival and, 82–84, 132–36, 777–80,
Convivio (Dante), 1054–55, 1093
794–95, 799–802, 812; thanatopolitics and,
Corpus hermeticum, 1221
101–2, 117–18. See also thanatopolitics
Corpus Hippocraticum, 388, 1203–4, 1232
de Biran, Maine, 1086
Council of Constantinople, 382
Debord, Guy, 604, 607, 1021, 1023–25
Council of Trent, 664, 668
Decio Mure, 919
Coup de dés (Mallarmé), 588
decisions (sovereign), 21–25, 55, 70, 92–107,
creation, the, 421–29, 447–54, 487, 621–22,
118, 126, 140–43, 190–95, 212–14, 468–69,
487, 1083–84
Crifò, Giuliano, 70
Decius Mus, Publius, 82
crisis, 45, 105, 431, 957–58
De Cive (Hobbes), 104, 276–79, 282, 738–39
Critique de la séparation (Debord), 1021
De Civitate Dei (Augustine), 288
Critique of Practical Reason (Kant), 46, 741–43, Declaratio communitatis (Ubertino of Casale),
988–89, 991
“Critique of Violence” (Benjamin), 27, 54,
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen,
197–98, 211–13, 218–19, 1270
105–6, 110, 118
Crusius, 740
De consolatione philosophiae (Boethius), 485–89
Cullmann, Oscar, 374
deconstruction, 47–48, 221, 375, 848
Curia (Roman), 678, 924, 962, 967, 975–81,
de Coulanges, Fustel, 255
987, 1100
Decree for the Protection of the People and
Curiositas naturalis (Linneaus), 625
the State, 168
curses, 324–30, 333–34, 351, 353–54
Decretal (Ivo of Chartres), 924
cynicism, 1119–20, 1249
Decretals (Hostiensis), 918
Cyril of Alexandria (Saint), 528
Decretum (Gratian), 186, 458–60, 926, 977–78
Cyril of Jerusalem, 585, 682
De doctrina christiana (Augustine), 943
De ecclesiasticis officiis (Isidore), 704
Dachau, 127, 130, 139, 790–91, 829
De finibus (Cicero), 687, 706
Dakotas, 311
De finibus paupertatis (Hugh of Digne), 978,
Daladier, Édouard, 177
Damasus (Pope), 517
de France, Marie, 90
dance, 686
De Francisci, Pietro, 239
Danièlou, Jean, 571
De fuga saeculi (Ambrose), 928
Dante Alighieri, 187, 343, 506, 600, 768, 795,
de Gandillac, Maurice, 571
821, 839, 1054–55, 1093, 1218
De Gaulle, Charles, 177
Das Buch von den Engeln (Peterson), 502, 956
De genesi ad litteram (Augustine), 449–50
Das christliche Kultmysterium (Casel), 677
The Degrees of the Forms (Giles of Viterbo),
Dasein, 125–26, 153, 684, 700, 845–46, 1063–
72, 1104, 1108, 1158, 1185–99, 1240–44
De gubernatione Dei (Salvian), 473, 488–89
Das Iusititum (Nissen), 204
De gubernatione mundi (Aquinas), 490–92,
Das patristische Wort “oikonomia” (Lillge),
494–97, 506–7, 516
De homine (Hobbes), 104
Dawesen, 1198–99
De interpretatione (Aristotle), 325
dead languages, 867–69
De iure naturae et gentium (Pufendorf ),
De anima (Aristotle), 41, 408, 725, 1033–34,
1144, 1146, 1207–10, 1227
de La Boétie, Étienne, 8
De anima libri mantissa (Alexander of
de la Rivière, Mercier, 491
Aphrodisias), 1078
De Lemare, Nicolas, 120
De arcanis rerum publicarum (Clapmar), 865
De l’état de siège (Reinach), 168, 216
1298 INDEX
Deleule, Didier, 482, 629
Des Bosses, Bartholomew, 1159–62, 1169–71,
Deleuze, Gilles, 19, 743, 1060, 1085–86
De l’évasion (Levinas), 1104, 1197–98
Descartes, René, 439, 1118–19
De l’existance à l’existant (Levinas), 1158
desire, 1061–62
Deligny, Fernand, 1235–36
despotēs, 387
De lingua latina (Varro), 716–17
Des Pres, Terrence, 822–24, 850
De l’ordre social (Le Trosne), 627
destiny, 480–83, 500. See also providence
Delorme, Ferdinand, 993
destituent potential, 1268
demand, the, 1180–82
desubjectification, 836–42, 861–62
Demeny, P., 837
De substantia corporea (Des Bosses), 1159–60
democracy: acclamation and, 602–3; bodies
De theologicis dogmatibus (Petavius), 624
and, 102–4, 816–17; collapse of, in
De Trinitate (Augustine), 1156–57
Europe, 171–72; constituting vs. constide Troyes, Chrétien, 432
tuted power in, 36–43, 1278–79; govern
De usu partium (Galen), 1074, 1081
ment by consent and, 3
70, 605–8; Greek,
De veritatis primis (Leibniz), 1171
56–57; lawsasrules in, 38–39; modern vs.
De virginibus velandis (Tertullian), 942
classical, 11–12; oathgiving and, 302–3;
devotio, 81–85, 323–25, 327–28, 351, 353, 733–34,
ontology of, 1122–23; providence and, 495,
919–24, 933–34, 983
500–501; slavery and, 387–88, 1029–48;
diaita, 1232
social contract theory and, 88–93; states of dialectics, 561–62, 671–72, 947–51, 1033–34,
emergency and, 168; theological inher
1039, 1069–72, 1143
itance of, 619–23; totalitarianism and,
Dialogue with Trypho (Justin), 395
11–12, 100–101; virtue and, 736–37. See
dictatorship, 193–95, 198–99, 206–7, 209, 214
also Schmitt, Carl
Dictatorship (Schmitt), 171, 193–94, 196, 216
De monarchia (Dante), 187, 1218
dictatorships, 171–72
demonology, 282–83, 285, 288–89, 522
Dictionnaire étymologique de la languae latine
Demosthenes, 326, 653
(ErnoutMeillet), 67
De mundo (Aristotle), 379, 434, 436, 737
dictum, 535–36
De mysteriis (Ambrose), 681
Didache, 907–8
denationalization, 109–10, 123–26, 140–47
Diderot, Denis, 621
De natura deorum (Cicero), 318
Die Hegemonie (Triepel), 238
De natura et gratia (Augustine), 464, 1084–85
Die Kirche (Peterson), 378–79
De octo spiritibys malitiae (Niles), 911
Dieterich, Albrecht, 548
De officiis (Cicero), 317, 706, 711–12
Diezinger, Walter, 684–85, 714
De officiis ministrorum (Ambrose), 704
The Differend (Lyotard), 784–85
De officio hominis et civis (Pufendorf), 737–38
Digest (Justinian), 198, 315, 709, 860, 942,
De oratione, 908
De ordine (Augustine), 453
dignitas, 79, 86, 150, 235–38, 459–60, 593,
De perfectione evangelica (Olivi), 999
De perfectionibus moribusque divinis (Lessius),
dignity, 799–807, 809, 813–15
Dimanche de vie (Queneau), 53
De philosophorum Graecorum silentio mystico
Dio Cassius, 231, 235
(Casel), 677
Dio Chrysostom of Prusa, 329
De praecepto et dispensatione (Bernard of
Diocletian, 531
Clairvaux), 932
Diodorus Siculus, 390
De principiis (Origen), 411–12
Diogenes Laertius, 705, 1073–75, 1259
De regimine civitatum (John of Viterbo), 473
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 587
De regno (Aquinas), 471, 473
Dionysius the Aeropagite, 507–11, 513, 533,
Der Hüter der Verfassung (Schmitt), 230–31
The Omnibus Homo Sacer Page 202