The Omnibus Homo Sacer

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by Giorgio Agamben

  538–40, 561–62, 581–82, 584–88, 602–5,

  952–56; medicine and, 132–36; miracles

  649–50, 653 –672; modalities and, 858–59;

  and, 609–23, 627–28; monastic constitunational belonging and, 605–6; oaths

  tions and, 930–34, 1100–1112; Nazi regime

  and, 262–63, 301–56; ontology and, 1129,

  and, 110, 123–24, 140, 144, 207; nomos’s

  1132–35, 1143–48, 1177–78, 1180–81, 1215–16,

  non­identity with, 29–31; norms and,

  1266; orality and, 947–51; performative

  174–75, 190–92, 195–97, 199–200, 240–41;

  utterances and, 336–37, 342–56, 535–36,

  oath­giving and, 301–56; office and duty

  538–40, 586–87; poetry and, 585–88, 600,

  under, 703–19; ontological difference and,

  785–86, 801–2, 836–37, 839–41, 868–69;

  460–64; ownership and, 985–1000; paradox

  politics and, 803–4; as remnant, 867–69,

  of, 49–50; permission and, 975–84; Plato

  871–75; shifters and, 838–39; the unsayable

  on, 30–33; positive law and, 18, 34, 979–80;

  and, 45, 769, 782–83, 785–87, 853–54,

  potentiality and, 36–43, 198–99, 467–69;

  856–57, 865–66, 868; vows and, 888,

  praxis and, 207–8, 242, 480–82; prelaw

  919–24, 932–33; witnessing and, 771–87,

  and, 312–13, 321–22, 542, 919; property and,

  803–4, 841–42, 857–58; writing and, 48–49,

  985–1000; providence and, 480–82; public

  947–51. See also being; ontology; saying;

  law, 150, 167–68, 201–11, 222, 231–36, 315,

  showing ( vs. telling); unsayable, the

  320, 374, 438, 525–38, 602–7, 927, 1121;

  Lanjuinais, Jean­Denis, 107

  punishments and, 92–93, 108–9; respon­

  Lanzmann, Claude, 784–85

  sibility and, 775–77; rights and liberties

  La Perspective curieuse (Niceron), 274–75

  and, 11–12, 102–4; Roman, 61–63, 67–73,

  Lassius, Leonard, 568–73

  75–77, 197, 201–10, 222–42, 302–3, 314–15,

  Lateinisches étymologisches Wörterbuch (Walde),

  318–19, 337–38, 344–45, 348–50, 581–82,


  606–7, 745–46, 775–77, 805–6, 912,

  Laub, Dori, 784–85

  923–24, 977–79, 1040, 1046–47, 1278–79;

  INDEX 1307

  rules and, 912–26, 930–31, 941–46; slavery

  Lévi­Strauss, Claude, 25, 68, 311–12, 351–53

  and, 1038–45; sovereign’s position with

  Lewental, Zelman, 767–68

  respect to, 17–36, 44–53, 86–87, 90–93,

  Lex Baiuvariorum, 228

  142–43, 177–81, 197–98, 225–26, 468–69,

  “L’expression du serment dans la Grèce anci­

  542, 620–21, 924–25; spectacle and, 36–37;

  enne” (Benveniste), 303

  state of nature and, 33–36; subjectivity and,

  Lex Sempronia, 204–5

  998–1000; suicide and, 113, 118; suspen­

  L’herméneutique du sujet (Foucault), 1056,

  sions of, 18–28, 34–36, 54–55, 138–47, 167,

  1059–61, 1115–17, 1119–20, 1249

  170–84, 193–210, 222, 230, 1251; theodicies

  liberal democracy. See democracy

  and, 774–75; theology and, 62–63, 69–73,

  Liber comicus de toto circuli anni, 953

  302–3, 312–14, 318, 337–38, 344–45, 350–56,

  Liber de causis, 454–58, 621

  375–76, 494, 659, 735–36, 774–77, 805,

  Liber differentiarum (Isidore), 926

  925–26, 933–34, 985–1000; use and, 985–

  Liber Floridus (Lambert of St Omer), 283, 283

  1000, 1060–61; validity of, 19–21; violence

  Liber minoriticarum (Bartolo), 912

  and justice in, 31–36, 54–57, 95–96, 212–14,

  Liber officialis (Amalarius of Metz), 704

  217–21, 240–42, 347–48; of war, 170, 337

  Licinius, 380

  Laws (Plato), 32, 259, 322–23, 1279

  life: aestheticization of, 1113–18, 1120–21,

  League of Nations, 110

  1249–51; animality and, 1193–95, 1207–8;

  Le courage de la vérité (Foucault), 1119–20

  apostolic, 961–74; as art, 915–16; biopoli­

  lectio, 897, 909–11, 947–56

  tics and, 6–10, 150–54, 1211–13; biopower

  Lectures on the Religion of the Semites (Smith),

  and, 6–7; bios and, 5, 12, 56–57, 106, 146,


  148, 973, 1192–93, 1221–26; the body and,

  Lederer, Emil, 211

  1101–2; capital punishment and, 69–70;

  “Le droit pénal de la Grèce antique” (Gernet),

  care and, 121–26, 1056–62; citizenship and,


  105–12; common, 898–901, 913–14, 919–24,

  Legum allegoriae (Philo), 315

  929–37, 991–92, 1038–39, 1204–6, 1217–18;

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 475, 570, 616–18,

  concentration camps and, 113–31; contem­

  737, 1159–61, 1163, 1169–71, 1179–80

  plation and, 1221–26; Dasein and, 1166–93;

  Leo III (Pope), 575

  “effective, ” 25; eternal, 596–601, 1234; ex­

  Leo the Great, 683–84, 733–34

  amples of, 901–3, 999–1000, 1261–62; exis­

  Les Illuminations (Rimbaud), 600

  tence and, 1156–57, 1164, 1168–72, 1177–81,

  Les mots et les choses (Foucault), 1127–28

  1185–88; forms of, 46–47, 952–58, 1221–26,

  Les pleins pouvoirs (Tingsten), 171–72

  1265–66, 1277–78; happiness and, 1222–24;

  Letter of Aristeas, 654

  homo sacer and, 62–63, 919–20; law’s

  Letter of Clement to the Corinthians, 659–62

  relation to, 44–53, 167–68, 240–42, 975–84,

  Letter on Humanism (Heidegger), 1191–92

  1001, 1266–67; liturgy and, 952–56, 980–81;

  Letter to Alexander (Arius), 422–23

  living and, 1227–39; the Muslim and,

  Letter to the Ephesians (Ignatius), 394–96, 408,

  795–98, 863–64; national belonging and,


  105–19, 144; oikos and, 258; overcomatose

  Letter to Theodore (Proclus), 484–85

  persons and, 132–36; politics and, 1021–26,

  Letter to the Romans (Paul), 407

  1204–5, 1217–18; as praxis, 915–16; rule

  Letter to the Whole Order (Francis), 983

  and, 887–88, 893–911, 934, 936–37, 941–47,

  letting­be, 42, 92–93, 1269

  961–74, 1246–48, 1261–62; sacredness of,

  Levi, Primo, 151, 771–78, 782–92, 796–815,

  56–57, 61–63, 71–73, 82–87, 973; slavery

  820–29, 841–42, 861, 869, 871

  and, 1031–48; of the spectacle, 1024–25;

  Levi, Sylvain, 577

  survival and, 82–84, 861–64; technology

  Leviathan (Hobbes): body metaphors and,

  and, 1098–99; temporality and, 905–10;

  104; eschatology and, 285–90; frontispiece

  unworthy of being lived, 113–19, 151; use

  of, 265, 266, 267, 268, 271, 271–72, 283,

  and, 888–89, 1029–48, 1073–80; vegetative,

  286; people vs. multitude in, 277–80;

–36, 862–64, 1025; vital functions of,

  Schmitt and, 284–85; titling of, 282–83

  843–45; zoē and, 5, 12, 56–57, 106, 146, 148,

  Levinas, Emmanuel, 124, 831, 1104, 1158,

  973, 1025, 1203–4, 1221–26. See also bare


  life; being; language; ontology; politics

  1308 INDEX

  “The Life of Infamous Men” (Foucault), 856

  Mairet, Gérard, 43

  Life of St. Francis (Bonaventure of

  Majdanek, 790

  Bagnoregio), 970

  Malcolm, Noel, 273

  Lillge, Otto, 374

  Malebranche, Nicolas, 610–21, 625, 627

  limit situations, 793–98, 803–4, 816–17

  Mallarmé, Stéphane, 45, 588, 1143–44

  Lincoln, Abraham, 145, 182–83

  mana, 68, 209–10, 311–13, 352–53

  Lingens, Ella, 820

  Man and Technology (Oswald), 1090

  Linneaus, Carl, 624–25

  Man and the Sacred (Callois), 67

  Lipps, Theodor, 1101–4

  maneries, 1231

  Liturgical Movement, 675–76

  Manganelli, Giorgio, 848–49

  Liturgiegeschichte Quellen (Herwegen), 675

  Mann, Thomas, 547

  liturgy, 524, 526–30, 535–36, 538–46, 561–62,

  manner, 1105–7, 1231

  572–75, 580–82, 584–88, 593, 604–5,

  Marbaix, Ghislain de, 1022

  649–50, 653 –674; definitions of, 956;

  Marcion, 421, 442, 781

  ethics and, 723–24; exile as, 928; form­of­

  Marcus Antonius, 204

  life and, 888–89, 957–58, 980–81, 998–99,

  Marcus Aurelius, 389, 399, 408

  1001; law and, 952–56; life and, 952–56,

  Marett, Robert, 311

  980–81; mystery of, 675–700; office and,

  Maria Laach, 929–30

  703–19, 731, 923–24; rule­following as,

  Marius Victorianus und die Entwicklung der

  952–56; temporality and, 905–10. See

  abendländischen Willenmataphysik (Benz),

  also effectiveness; office(s); rules and



  Markus, Robert A., 400, 404, 418

  Lives of Infamous Men (Foucault), 1234

  Marquard, Odo, 376

  Lives of the Fathers, 968

  martial law, 169–70, 181

  Livy, 81

  martyrdom, 778–80

  localization ( Ortung), 20, 34, 144

  Martyrdom of Polycarp, 399

  Lodz ghetto, 820

  Marx, Karl, 146, 452, 1017, 1023, 1066, 1097,

  logos: language and, 10; Plato on, 1144–48


  Lombard, Peter, 669

  Mascall, Eric L., 571

  Loraux, Nicole, 254–62, 264, 304–6

  master­slave relationship, 387–88, 709, 833,

  Louis VI, 464

  924–25, 1029–48, 1059–62, 1156–57

  Louis XVI, 87

  Matteotti, Giacomo, 777

  love, 1054–55, 1177–78, 1199–1200, 1239

  Matthew of Acquasparta, 465, 517

  Löwith, Karl, 100, 376, 1196–97

  Mauss, Marcel, 65–67, 311, 313, 351, 575–77,

  Lucilius, 1075–76

  582–84, 780

  Lucretius, 1075

  Mauthausen, 790

  L’usage des plaisirs (Foucault), 1120–21

  Maximus, Valerius, 75

  Luther, Martin, 550, 956

  Maximus the Confessor, 427–28

  Lycurgus, 302, 326

  Mazon, Cándido, 916–17

  Lyons, Andrew D., 134

  Medawar, Peter, 135

  Lyotard, Jean­François, 784–85

  Mediator Dei (encyclical), 666–68, 671–74, 678

  medicine, 113–36, 151–52

  Maastricht Treaty, 605

  meditatio, 909–11, 954–55

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 205

  Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), 389

  machine­world, 475–85, 488, 495–97,

  Meier, Christian, 261–62

  499–500, 512, 619–20, 629–30, 1096–99

  Meillet, Antoine, 307, 310, 349, 745

  Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius, 62, 69, 84

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 121

  Madness and Civilization (Foucault), 19, 21

  Melville, Herman, 43, 267, 728

  Magdelain, Andre, 232, 234–36, 349, 717

  membership, 23–24

  magic, 333–34, 350, 576–77, 813–14

  Mémoire sur la décomposition de la pensée (de

  Magna Carta, 102

  Biran), 1085–86

  Magna Moralia (Aristotle), 1046

  memory, 778–80, 842–43, 866

  Maimonides, 338, 341, 552–54

  Menexenus (Plato), 255–56

  INDEX 1309

  messianism, 49–50, 282–86, 869–70, 925,

  Monteiro, Adolfo Casais, 839–40

  1079–80, 1275. See also eschatology

  Montesquieu, 34

  Metaphysics (Aristotle), 40–42, 314–15, 379,

  Monumentum Antiochenum, 234–35

  419, 434, 442–49, 455, 724–26, 803–4,

  moods, 1189–90, 1194–97

  1037–38, 1044, 1083–84, 1091, 1137, 1140,

  Mopsik, Charles, 578–79


  Moralia (Gregory the Great), 283

  Meuli, Karl, 227–28

  More, H., 781

  Meyerson, Ignace, 422

  Morgan, T. H., 120

  Michael of Cesena, 976, 991

  Moses, 952

  Michel, O., 392

  mourning, 222–29

  Middell, Emil, 206, 222

  movements (socio­religio­political), 675–76,

  middle voice, 1052, 1083–84, 1181–82


  Mielke, F., 130

  Müller, Max, 307, 311–12, 352

  Miller, James, 1114

  multitudes, 276–77, 509, 529–30, 539–42,

  Milton, John, 781

  545–46, 1218–20

  Minima Moralia (Adorno), 814

  munus, 703–4, 718, 724

  ministry, 507–19, 613–15, 649–50, 658–72,

  the Muslim (figure), 151; bare life and, 805–7,

  675–700, 704, 714–19, 724

  822–23, 861; characteristics of, 783, 788–92;

  miracles, 488, 609–23

  as core of the camps, 795–97, 815, 822,

  Missale Romanum, 715, 723–24

  861–62; death and, 808–11, 863–64; hu­

  Mitrale (Sicardus of Cremona), 704

  manity of, 798–800; passivity of, 834–35;

  Mitscherlich, Alexander, 130

  shame and, 801–2; studies on, 871–75;

  modalities, 858–59, 1158–76, 1179–84, 1186–87,

  testimony and witnesses to, 784–87,

  1189–90, 1229–30, 1237–46, 1262–64

  792–95, 800–801, 807–8, 815–18, 841–42,

  modernity: biopolitics and, 6; citizenship

  850, 861–62, 865–66, 869–75; visibility of,

  regimes and, 101–2; concentration camps

  794–97, 813

  and, 143–47; contemplation and, 1223;

  Mussolini, Benito, 207, 238, 546, 777

  disenchantment and, 241, 375; the law and, mutatio vestis, 532–33

  187–88; modality and, 1183–84; mytholo­

  Mystagogic Catechesis (Cyril of Jerusalem), 585

  gemes of, 91–93; nation­state configuration mystery, 29–30, 377, 391–420, 497, 509–10,

  and, 106–12; ontology of, 420; theology

  514–15, 563–64, 601, 649–50, 662–72,

  and, 375, 518–19, 623–32. See also biopoli­


  tics; ontology; secularization; sovereignty

  Myth of Er, 1252–64

  Moerbeke, William of, 6, 485

  “Myth of the State” (Kantorowicz), 78–79

  Moingt, Joseph, 373, 418, 431

  mythologemes: oath­making and, 327–28;

  Mollaret, P., 132–33, 135

  purity and, 218–19, 241; scientific, 64–68,

  Mommsen, Theodor, 62, 202–4, 206–8,

  209–10, 312, 482; sovereignty and, 432–33,

  233–35, 523, 525–26, 531–32, 538, 607

  467–69; state of nature as, 89–93, 171;

  Monadology (Leibniz), 1161

  visual representations of, 265; Voice and,

  monads, 1159–62, 1170–71


  monasticism: asceticism and, 927–34; clothing

  of, 901–5; excommunication and, 913–14,

  Nagy, Gregory, 556

  916; form­of­life and, 887–89, 901–2, 934,

  “The Name of God and the Linguistic Theory

  957–58; law’s relation to, 912–26, 1100–

  of the Kabbala” (Scholem), 339

  1112; liturgy and, 888–89, 954–55; poverty

  naming (of God), 330–41

  and, 888–89, 975–1000; priests’ distinction

  Nancy, Jean­Luc, 27, 51, 53, 95

  from, 954–55, 965–66, 980–81; rules of,

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 170, 175, 191, 216, 238

  893–911, 941–46, 1261–62; temporality

  Napoleon III, 176

  and, 905–11; vows and, 919–24, 932–33

  National Recovery Act (USA), 184

  Mondzain, Marie­José, 373

  Native Americans, 311

  Monophysite heresy, 427

  Natorp, Paul, 1138–39

  Monotheism as a Political Problem (Peterson),

  natural history, 1248

  433, 502–3

  natural life. See zoē

  1310 INDEX

  nature, 1038–40

  Numenius, 439–42

  “The Nature and Function of Sacrifice”

  Nuremberg laws, 110, 123–24, 140, 144

  (Mauss and Hubert), 780

  Nuremberg trials, 116, 127, 717–18, 774

  nausea, 1104–5

  nutritive life, 1046, 1144, 1208, 1210–13

  Nazis: biopolitical analysis and, 7, 107–8,

  Nyszli, Miklos, 778

  113–26, 815–18; collective guilt of, 824–26;

  Führertum and, 238, 439, 711; glory and,

  oaths, 301–56, 535–36; amnesty and, 262–63

  567; Heidegger and, 124–26, 1198; insignia

  obedience (to rules or laws), 717, 748, 812, 921,

  of power and, 533–35, 546–47, 549–50,

  937, 1097

  602; laws under, 110, 123–24, 140, 144,

  “Oblique Rain” (Pessoa), 839–40

  207; medical experiments of, 127–31; as

  Ockham, William of, 467–68, 976, 978–79,


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