Enemy Infiltration

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by Carol Ericson

  “Everything changed. I feel like a different person away from Greenvale, a person not tied to my mistakes. I don’t want to waste time anymore. Here we are closer to your departure, closer to getting a handle on Gil’s journal, closer to maybe never seeing each other again.”

  “I can’t imagine that, Lana, no matter what happens. Even if we never figure out Gil’s code, even if I never find out what Major Denver was doing in Nigeria, I have to see you again.”

  “Even with my baggage?”

  “Carla isn’t baggage.”

  “Everyone, including Carla’s father, thought I had gotten pregnant on purpose to trap him—not so different from Violet.”

  “Except you didn’t use the pregnancy to trap him. You gave him a free pass...oh, and you’re not a thief.”

  “That’s not what your family thinks.” She plucked at the sheets. “Your brother thinks I set the fire to finagle my way into the house.”

  “I’m pretty sure I told you I don’t give a damn what my family thinks. Only you.”

  “Then what I think is we should continue with our little make-out session because you’ve gotten me all hot and bothered.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He slipped both of his hands beneath the nightgown and ran his palms across her bare skin. He wedged two fingers between her legs and trailed them up her inner thigh.

  She hissed between her teeth. “Tease.” Then she dropped her head on his shoulder and pressed her face against his neck, baring her teeth against his flesh.

  As his fingers crept closer to her sweet spot, she jerked her head back from his shoulder.

  “Stop? Do you want me to stop?” He could hardly get the words past his tight throat and disappointment.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and blurted out, “He tried to kidnap me.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Logan withdrew his hands from her body, making her feel cold and vulnerable all over again.

  “Someone tried to kidnap you last night?”

  She massaged her right temple, memories in bits and pieces assailing her brain. “The fire didn’t wake me—a man did. He shook me awake out of a deep sleep, and it was only then that I smelled the smoke and heard the fire—otherwise, I would’ve never gotten out in time.”

  Logan had scooted back from her, his hands wedged against his thighs. “He was trying to rescue you.”

  “No! I mean, yes, I suppose he was trying to rescue me from the fire, but where is he now? Why didn’t he stay?”

  “Did he say anything to you?”

  “Just some soothing words.”

  “Soothing words? That doesn’t sound ominous.”

  “I thought at first he was you, but...but he didn’t smell like you.”

  “Smell?” Logan’s eyebrows jumped to his hairline. “What did he look like?”

  “I don’t know. I couldn’t see.”

  “The smoke was that thick?”

  Lana wrapped a hand around her throat. “I couldn’t open my eyes. I couldn’t move. Didn’t you say that when you discovered me, I was paralyzed?”

  “You had a hard time speaking. You couldn’t seem to move your limbs.” He hunched forward and grabbed a handful of the nightgown bunched around her legs. “Are you telling me you were experiencing that immobility before the fire? Before the panic and the shock?”

  Lana nodded, as a cold fear whipped through her body. “I couldn’t move. That’s why he picked me up and carried me out. He threw me over his shoulder like a sack of corn.”

  Logan’s jaw formed a hard line as he smoothed the soft material of Angie’s nightgown across her thighs. “What happened? Why didn’t he see his plan through? He must’ve just dropped you in the dirt.”

  “You raised the alarm. You saw the fire, which he wasn’t expecting. He still had to get off the ranch lugging my lifeless body and must’ve thought he couldn’t make it. So, he dropped me and took off.” She fell back against the headboard, dragging a pillow into her lap. “Why couldn’t I move, Logan? What did he do to me and when?”

  “It must’ve been at the bar, Lana, and maybe he did it to both of us. I felt tired last night, too, but not to the extent that you did.” He pushed up from the bed and paced to the window. “How many beers did you have last night?”

  “Two. You?”

  “I didn’t even finish my first. I was driving home and these roads are dark. More than a few ranch hands have driven off the road at night after having a few too many at the Longhorn.”

  “You think someone slipped something in our beers? Who? Didn’t you know everyone there?”

  “Everyone except the new guy.”

  Lana covered her mouth. “Drew.”

  “I think I need to pay a visit to Alexa’s hot cowboy. Is there anything you remember about the man who picked you up?”

  Lana couldn’t remember much except that he’d placed his gloved hands against her bottom as he’d carried her out—and that he didn’t smell like Logan. “Not really. Maybe his cologne or soap. That’s what brought back the memory for me. When my nose was pressed against your neck, I remembered doing the same thing to the man who carried me out of the house. That’s when I knew he wasn’t you.”

  “We can’t have you running around the ranch sniffing everyone’s neck—except mine. Do you think he’s worried now that you can ID him?”

  “But I can’t, and he knows it. That’s probably why he slipped me that drug. He knew its effects—temporary paralysis, even of the eyelids, and probably short-term memory loss. He knew I wouldn’t be able to fight him or see him to identify him, and he probably set that fire so I’d go with him willingly.”

  “Even if you can’t ID Drew as the man who picked you up, we can have a talk with him, but if we do he’s gonna run and show his hand the minute he knows we’re onto him.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t reveal that we know we’re onto him.” Lana chewed her bottom lip. “Unless he’s gone already.”

  “I agree. Let this play out with him, and the best way is to go about our business today. Are you feeling up to checking out the stables? I’ll come with you.”

  “Of course.” She kicked the sheet off her legs. “I’m fine—now that the drug has worn off.”

  “I’ll send someone to the house to get your clothes, if they haven’t burned up in the fire.”

  “I never even unpacked, so if the fire didn’t engulf the living room and my suitcase I should be okay.”

  “It didn’t. Once your stuff gets here, you can shower, get dressed and come down to breakfast.”

  “Is this like a family breakfast where your siblings and in-laws are going to give me the third degree? If so, I’ll make do with the food on the tray.” She pressed a hand against her belly.

  “You’re in luck, buffet-style.”

  She blew out a breath. “That I can handle.”

  Pinching her toe, Logan said, “I’m beginning to think you can handle anything, Lana.”

  She gave him a weak smile. What she couldn’t handle was saying goodbye to Logan Hess.

  * * *

  DRESSED IN A pair of faded jeans and a plaid work shirt, Lana crept down the curved staircase of the Hess house as quietly as her cowboy boots would allow. She remembered seeing the dining room to the left of the staircase when they arrived yesterday, and she followed the sound of clinking silverware and the smell of bacon and coffee.

  She peered into the room and let out a breath when Logan, sitting alone at the table, raised his coffee cup.


  “Yes.” As he began to rise, she put a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll help myself.”

  After pouring herself a cup of coffee and loading her plate with pancakes and bacon, she pulled out the chair across from Logan. “Have you seen anyone this morning?”

  “You just missed Cody and Melissa.”
He shoved the small pitcher of cream toward her. “How are you feeling?”

  “Completely normal. You?”

  “My brother is never normal.” Alexa sashayed into the dining room, twisting her wet hair around one hand. “Heard about the fire. I’m glad you got out of there okay. Daddy says it was someone smoking on the property.”

  “We heard.” Logan twisted his head around to watch his sister fill a plate with fruit. “Where were you last night when this was going on? I didn’t see you outside. Did you sleep through the commotion?”

  Alexa’s mouth turned up in a smile as she plopped into the seat next to Lana’s. “I was otherwise engaged.”

  Lana flashed Logan a quick look. “Were you with the hot cowboy?”

  “I’ll never tell.” Alexa put a finger to her lips. “Do you kiss and tell, Lana? I noticed my brother never left your room all night.”

  Logan dropped his fork to his plate where it clattered. “You barely know the guy, Alexa. He’s some temp ranch hand Hugh hired yesterday.”

  Alexa poured a stream of cream into her coffee and swirled it around with the tip of her finger. Then she popped her finger into her mouth. “Did I say I slept with Drew? Mind your own business.”

  “Ha, that’s rich coming from you, who ran right over to Lana within minutes of her arrival to dish all my personal dirt.”

  “That’s different.” Alexa flicked her fingers in the air. “I’m a grown woman. I’ll do what I want, when I want and with whomever I want.”

  “Just warning you—” Logan leveled a finger at his sister “—be careful.”

  Alexa spent the next half hour telling Lana about the horses and Charlotte’s students.

  When Lana finished eating, she picked up her empty plate. “What do I do with the dishes?”

  “Lupe will clean up. We’re the last ones to eat. I’ll let her know we’re done.”

  When Alexa left the dining room, Lana pulled up a chair next to Logan’s. “If Alexa spent the night with Drew, he couldn’t have set the fire and tried to kidnap me.”

  “My sister was acting coy. She never admitted to being with Drew last night. Sometimes she likes to pretend she’s worldlier than she really is. Don’t get me wrong, she’s not above bedding a guy she just met...not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

  Logan must’ve noticed her blush. After all, she’d been ready to give up everything to him this morning and they hadn’t known each other much longer than Alexa and Drew.

  “Maybe I can get the truth out of her—you know, woman-to-woman.”

  “Give it a try. In the meantime, let’s get you to work and keep an eye on Drew and his behavior today.”

  Fifteen minutes later, as Lana approached the stables with Logan by her side, the head groom sauntered out to greet them.

  “Lana, this is Jake. Jake, Lana’s going to be taking over lessons for Charlotte while she’s on maternity leave.”

  “Good to have you on board, Lana. I heard about the fire last night at the guesthouse. Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, thanks.” Lana clasped Jake’s rough hand. “Can you show me all the horses used for lessons?”

  “I’ll make the introductions and do you one better.” He unhooked a clipboard from the side of the stable door. “Here’s a list of all our students and their mounts with Charlotte’s notes. Some students started on one horse and moved to another. You’ll see.”

  “Perfect.” She took the clipboard from Jake and followed him into the stables, inhaling the scent of hay and horse manure as whinnies and snorts greeted her.

  She went down the line, allowing the horses to nuzzle her as she stroked their necks and fed them carrots, taking notes on the clipboard and listening to Jake’s account of each mount.

  About halfway through the introductions, Logan held up his phone. “Junior wants to talk to me at the house. Will you be okay?”

  “I’m fine, Logan.” Lana pushed at his back. “I’ll catch up with you at lunch or something.”

  As Jake wrapped up the meet and greet with the horses, Alexa strolled up with Drew and Lana’s heart flip-flopped. The man’s easy smile didn’t give away a thing.

  “How do you like our little stable?” Alexa went right up to the horse called Ginger and kissed her nose.

  “Little?” Lana rolled her eyes. “Hardly that. All the horses are beautiful.”

  “Some are a little feistier than others.” She ran the heel of her hand between Ginger’s eyes. “Like my little gem right here.”

  “Jake already told me Ginger is off-limits for the students.”

  “That’s for sure. Ginger’s all mine, but you can try Coco. She’s a pretty little mare, spirited but not too frisky.”

  “Why don’t you and Lana ride together?” Drew flashed a set of white teeth at Lana. “Alexa came out to ride, but I told her my break wasn’t long enough and I didn’t want to get in trouble my first day on the job.”

  The hair on the back of Lana’s neck quivered. Could Drew be the man who’d set that fire and then carried her outside only to kidnap her? His voice gave away nothing.

  “Maybe I will.” Lana raised her eyebrows at Jake.

  “I think that’s a good idea, Lana. Alexa can show you the trails Charlotte uses for the more advanced riders.” Jake hoisted one of the saddles from a hook on the wall of the stable. “I can saddle up Coco for you.”

  “I’d like that.” Lana touched Alexa’s arm. “Is that okay with you? Do you want the company?”

  “If I can’t have the company I expected, I guess yours will do.”

  “Thanks for that warm invitation.” Lana curled her fingers around Alexa’s arm. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “You girls go.” Drew grabbed another saddle. “Jake and I will saddle the horses for you.”

  Alexa placed a hand on her hip. “Wouldn’t want to cut into your break time.”

  “I’ve got just enough time for you, ma’am.” Drew tipped his black cowboy hat.

  As Lana propelled Alexa outside, she wondered if Drew was putting on a cowboy act to convince her he really belonged here. She couldn’t exactly sniff his neck, but she could find out if he had an alibi.

  Several steps away from the stable, Lana put her hands on Alexa’s shoulders. “Girl, you need to be careful. Drew is as smooth as a baby’s behind.”

  “He’s so sexy though.”

  “Did you sleep with him last night?”

  Alexa bobbed her head up and down. “I did. Don’t hate me. We both had a little too much to drink and wound up in his bed. He took good care of me.”

  “Spare me the details.” Lana held up her hands. “You stayed with him all night?”

  “Sneaked back into my own bed this morning.”

  Lana’s shoulders slumped. Drew couldn’t have been the one who set that fire. Alexa had just given him an alibi.

  She pinched Alexa’s waist. “Just watch yourself. Don’t fall so fast, so hard.”

  “Ha!” Alexa tossed her hair back. “That’s almost funny coming from you.”

  The stable doors burst open and Jake came out leading Coco, while Drew had his hands full with Ginger.

  Drew brought the horse to Alexa and helped her mount, his hands lingering on her rounded hip, although that girl clearly didn’t need any assistance.

  He patted the horse on the rump. “Watch out for this girl. She’s as wild as someone else I know.”

  Lana rolled her eyes at Jake as he helped her into the saddle.

  “Have a good ride, you two.” Jake waved as they trotted off.

  Alexa pointed out the paddocks Charlotte used for the beginners and, for all her flightiness, proved to be a useful source of information about the lessons and the current students.

  Alexa gestured to the right. “There’s a nice trail this way with some tree
s and a river, which is cool in the summer. The other way has some rougher terrain, more rocky, fewer trees.”

  “Let’s head to the river.”

  As they plodded side by side, Alexa asked, “Did you hear anything more about the fire?”

  “No. I’m hoping Logan is finding out more about it now. I can’t believe you slept through all the commotion, sirens and everything...or maybe you weren’t sleeping.”

  Alexa giggled. “Oh, I was sleeping all right. I was so tired when we got back, I could hardly keep my eyes open.”

  “Really?” Lana drew up on Coco sharply.

  “In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret that should make you and my brother feel better. Drew and I actually never made love. I was so out of it and he was the perfect gentleman. We did sleep together, but I really do mean sleep.”

  “You didn’t wake up the rest of the night?”

  “Slept right through the sirens and everything.”

  “And Drew?” They’d almost reached the river, but Lana’s pounding heartbeat almost drowned out the sound of the running water.

  “Sleeping right beside me all night.”

  “Well, as far as you know because you were sleeping soundly.”

  “Oh, I know.” Alexa pressed a hand to her heart. “I felt his presence, and he was right beside me when I woke up and he insisted I head home.”

  “I’ll bet he did.”

  “You think he did that to save his own skin?” Alexa leaned forward on Ginger and patted her neck. “He did it for me, for my reputation.”

  “Alexa, you barely know the guy.”

  But Logan’s sister wasn’t listening to her. She’d pulled out her cell phone and was reading a text message. “Oops, I have something to do back at the house. You can continue down this path and you’ll run into the river. The trail follows the river for a bit and then opens up for a real gallop. That’s what Charlotte does with her students.”

  “Alexa, about Drew...”

  Alexa had turned her horse and waved behind her. “I know, I know.”


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