Secret Remorse

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Secret Remorse Page 5

by T N Lowe

  “At this time, Admiral and Mrs. Daly would like to ask you to join them on the dance floor,” the singer cuts in.

  Maks stands and helps me stand leading me onto the dance floor. For such a large man Maks is light on his feet and graceful. As he spins me I giggle and ask, “Where did you learn to dance?”

  “My mom taught me.”

  “She must have been a great teacher.”

  “She is. She home-schooled all four of us,” Maks tells me.

  “What? Your mother home-schooled you and your three sisters?”

  “She did.”

  “If your sisters are anything like you she had her hands full.”

  “Luckily for my mother, my sisters are far better behaved than I am,” Maks says with a chuckle.

  When the song ends, Dad joins us asking if he can cut in. Maks releases me. As we dance the singer croons Frank Sinatra’s Fly Me To The Moon Dad says, “I don’t trust him.”

  “We’re seeing where things go. I haven’t declared my undying love to him.”

  “I know but be careful; he’s hiding something. Samuel doesn’t trust him or his father.”

  “Then why is he allowing this?”

  “We need the support the Russians can offer us. In the political realm, they are influential.”

  “A keep your friends close and enemies closer kind of situation?”


  “Don’t worry Dad I promise to be careful.”

  The song ends and Dad kisses my forehead before passing me to Patrick. Patrick spends the song telling me the same things Dad did; he doesn’t trust Maks. I tell Patrick not to worry we’re going through the motions and getting to know each other.

  “Good, because CJ will kill me if you get hurt,” Patrick says then looks over my shoulder. “What the fuck? Please excuse me,” Patrick says releasing me and marching across the room where Maks is dancing with Lena.

  I follow Patrick knowing how protective he is of his wife and unborn child. “Do we have a problem here?” Patrick growls at Maks

  “No, sir. I was keeping Lena company while you and Shauna danced.” Maks wraps his arm around my waist, and I melt into his side. “I meant no harm.”

  Patrick nods, “No harm done.”

  “Maks, why don’t I show you around the house,” I say breaking the tension.


  As Maks walks me to the front door of my townhome, I ask, “Would you like to come in?”

  With a smile he nods, “I would love to.”

  Stepping into the entryway, “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No pchelka,” Maks says pulling me tight to his chest and crushing his lips to mine. His hands roam my body as his tongue slides between my lips. Our tongues tangling together like old lovers. “Bedroom?” Maks asks panting.

  I nod, taking Maks’s hand and lead him upstairs to my bedroom. As soon as we cross the threshold, Maks stops me, pulls the zipper of my dress down and lets it fall to my feet. His hands roam to my back unhooking my bra and letting it drop. Pressing his lips to the sensitive spot behind my ear, “You are so beautiful pchelka.” Kissing his way down my neck Maks hands move down my ribs to my panties. Hooking his fingers around the waistband, he pulls them over my hips placing kisses on my body as he goes.

  Spinning around, I push Maks tux jacket off his shoulders and onto the floor with my discarded clothes. Quickly untucking his shirt, I unbutton it and push it open and press open mouth kisses to his muscular pecs. Stars, symbols and Russian words decorate his pecks, abs, and biceps.

  Maks scoops me into his arms, “Enough teasing,” he says placing me on the bed. Pushing his shirt off Maks undoes his belt and pants pushing them to the floor. Crawling up my spread legs Maks places kisses to the inside of my thigs. “You ready for me pchelka?”

  “Yes,” I moan.

  “Thank God,” Maks moans as he slides into me.

  Chapter Six

  I wake to sunlight streaming in through the window; I was so wrapped up in Maks I forget to close the curtains. Maks is spooned behind me his arm hugging my back tight to his chest. I try to wiggle free from, but he tightens his hold on me, “Good morning pchelka.”

  “Good morning. What does pchelka mean? You have called me it several times.”

  Maks nuzzles and kisses my neck. “It means little bee.”

  “Little bee?” I ask rolling in his arms to face him.

  “Yes, your sharp tongue it reminds me of a bee,” Maks says kissing my lips.

  Kissing him back Maks hands begin to roam, “No, none of that until I eat,” I say pushing him away.

  “Fine,” Maks says rolling out of bed pulling on his tux pants then lifts me from the bed, “Let’s get you fed.”

  “Maks, I’m naked,” I say giggling. He bends over, and I pick his shirt off the floor, “To the kitchen.”

  In the kitchen, Maks sets me on my feet as the doorbell rings. “Would you mind getting that?” I ask while trying to button his shirt. Maks smirks then leaves me to answer the door.

  “Hey,” I hear Manus say from the entryway surprised to see Maks answering the door.

  “Hi,” Maks replies.

  Looking down making sure I didn’t miss any buttons as Maks and Manus enter the kitchen. “Hi, Manus what are you doing here?” I ask standing on the opposite side of the kitchen island from him, trying to hide my state of undress. Maks rounds the island and wraps his arm around my waist.

  “This is unexpected,” Manus says studying us.

  “Why are you here?” I ask again with a raised eyebrow.

  “I have some news… it’s um. Unexpected news,” Manus starts and my pulse skyrockets. “What? Are you okay?” I ask worry lacing my voice.

  “No, I’m fine. The Hurricanes GM called me this morning. They have traded me to Virginia, the Hawks.”

  “Is that bad?” I ask tentatively.

  “No. I’ll be the starting tight end. The Hawks traded their first two draft picks for me.”

  “Oh my god, that’s amazing. Have you told Mom yet?”

  “No, I’m on my way there now. I wanted to tell you first.”

  Rounding the island, I fling my arms around Manus’s waist and hug him tight. “I’m so happy for you Manus.”

  “Thanks, Sis. I’ll let you get back to your morning. I wanted to tell you my good news.”


  I have a huge smile on my face as I cook pancakes for us. “You are more beautiful when you smile,” Maks says watching me while he drinks his coffee at the island.

  “Great sex and good news makes me happy.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind for the future.”

  Studying the artwork decorating Maks chiseled chest I ask, “What do they mean?”

  “They represent my commitment and achievements to the Vory.”

  “Is it true to join the Vory you have to do jail time?”

  “Yes, and no. We have changed many of our ways to go unnoticed in today’s world. If you are born a member like me, no you do not have to do jail time. If you are an outsider wanting to join then, yes you must serve your time.”

  “So, you are not as dangerous as you once were?” I ask confused by the change in their induction techniques.

  “No, we are still very dangerous we are - how do you say, hiding in plain sight. Like your Family, you started as thugs for hire, and now you hide in the most powerful positions in the United States. We have learned by your example. We do not need a criminal record to show how ruthless we can be. In fact, we have grown more powerful and ruthless by blending in.”

  “How so?” I ask setting the plate of pancakes on the island and pulling the syrup from the fridge.

  Picking two pancakes from the plant Maks explains, “My position with the museum allows me to travel the world making contacts and transport items with few questions. Now we have business partners around the world giving us a further reach than we would have ever expected.”

  “I see,” I say taking a seat n
ext to Maks. “Everyone knew about the Vory; but they knew you as thieves, not museum curators.”

  “True. Now I have a question for you. Why was Patrick made the leader of The Family? He was adopted into The Family not a member by birth. Does he have the right to lead?”

  I chew on my lower lip not sure if I should tell Maks the truth, but something in his eyes tells me I can trust him. “What I’m about to tell you is known by a select few, and I can get into a lot of trouble for telling you. So please tell no one.”

  “I won’t tell a soul,” Maks answers setting his fork on his plate and turning to look at me.

  “Patrick, Dylan, and Rylie were not kids looking for a home. They were a way of joining The Family. Like how your father wants to marry me, the Vory will become a member; their parents allowed the Love’s adopting them as their way of joining The Family.”

  “Who would give up their kid as a way for joining? That is insane.”

  “Under normal circumstances, I would agree. Patrick’s father is the king of a small African country. A warlord from a neighboring country forced his way in and was trying to overtake the country. The king contacted Niall, Samuel’s father, for help. Niall explained he would have to join The Family for help. During this Patrick’s mother died during childbirth and his father could not care for him properly. Niall offered to care for Patrick and The Family would protect his kingdom.”

  “Wow, does Patrick know this?”

  “He does. Patrick and his father communicate regularly. I handle all the delicate and untraceable communication between the different groups of The Family.”

  “And Dylan and Rylie have similar stories?”

  “Dylan does, his mother was the leader of a mafia family in Greece. They were at war with the Italians, and the Turks, both of his parents were killed in a car booming. Dylan’s uncle became the leader and made a similar arrangement with Niall for protection. Rylie has a different story. Her father is a powerful Cartel leader in Mexico; her mother was one of his girlfriends. Rylie was born a girl, and with health problems, her father ordered her mother to get rid of the baby. Rylie’s mother was friends with someone who was friends with Brianna Love. Brianna helped bring Rylie into the United States and adopted her.”

  “A powerful family,” Maks replies.

  “It is.”

  After we cleaned up from breakfast and take a long, satisfying shower. As we dress Maks asks, “What are your plans for today?”

  “I have Lena’s baby shower this afternoon.”

  “And tonight?”

  “Going to dinner with you then snuggling on the couch and watching a movie,” I say kissing him on the cheek.


  “Yeah, stay here. Relax watch TV. The kitchen is stocked help yourself to whatever. I should be back in a couple of hours.”

  Maks walks me to the door kissing me goodbye before I get into Mom’s car with Caitlann and Regan. “Oh my god, was that Maks kissing you goodbye?” Caitlann asks as I fasten my seatbelt.

  “It was,” I answer quickly. “Mom, did Manus come to see you this morning.”

  “He did. I can’t believe he’s moving back home. Soon all my babies will be home again.”

  “What?” Caitlann and I ask at the same time.

  “Is CJ moving back?” Caitlann asks.

  “He got orders last week, they are moving to Maryland in two months,” Mom explains.

  “That is awesome,” I squeal as Mom parks in front of the Ritz-Carlton.

  Brianna, Patrick’s mother, is in charge of planning and saying she is excited is an understatement. She rented the ballroom of the Ritz-Carlton and everyone who is anyone will be in attendance. Last week I told Lena I wasn’t sure if I would come she begged me until I couldn’t take it anymore. Lena doesn’t have many friends, and since the news broke, she is Samuel’s daughter and Patrick’s wife everyone wants to be her friend. After what happened with her last friend I can’t blame her for being leery of people.

  We walk into the ballroom with an armload of gifts, and it looks like a baby blue bomb went off covering every table and chair. The tables are decorated with large blue boxes spelling boy with large baby booties sitting on top of the blocks.

  “Wow,” I say as we walk further into the ballroom.

  “It’s something, isn’t it?” Lena says coming to greet us. “I’ll be happy if I don’t see this shade of blue for the rest of my life.”

  “I’m with you,” Caitlann says.

  “Thank you for coming,” Lena says hugging us.

  “Do you need any help?” Mom asks as Brianna joins us.

  “The event planner and caterers have everything under control, but if you can help make sure everyone signs the guest book,” Brianna says.

  “We can do that,” Regan answers.

  The next hour the ballrooms fill, some I know some I don’t. Everyone coos over Lena and her growing belly; they offer her advice and fake sentiment. Once everyone has signed the guest book and have taken their seats, Brianna takes the stage thanking everyone for attending and announcing lunch will is being served.

  The baby shower is a dull event, a fancy four-course lunch, which is delicious. Then presents are opened, Lena and Patrick won’t have to buy anything but a baby crib. “Where are the stupid baby games?” I whisper to Mom.

  She shakes her head, “This is not that kind of baby shower. There are certain expectations for Lena, and she has to maintain appearances.”

  “I’m throwing her next baby shower, and we’ll play all the stupid baby shower games.”

  “You only have a shower for your first child,” Regan joins in.

  “What? Who says?” I ask.

  “It is the tradition,” Caitlann tells me.

  “Well, I don’t care. Lena deserves to have a fun shower. Not this stuffy one with people who came because of her father and husband.”

  After Lena has opened all her presents, she mingles with everyone thanking them for coming and their gift. Arriving at our table, Lena asks “What’s new?”

  Mom bounces in her seat like a schoolgirl, “Manus got traded to Virginia. He’s moving home, and CJ got orders and is moving to Maryland.”

  “That’s great,” Lena says. “Patrick and I will attend his games after this one is born.”

  “Are you excited for the baby to be here? I know when I was pregnant the first time I was nervous.” Caitlann asks.

  “I’m excited and nervous. I’m worried I will mess everything up,” Lena answers.

  “Don’t worry,” Mom says patting her hand. “Everyone feels that way the first time.”

  “Brianna and Hui told me the same thing, but the more I hear it, the better it makes me feel,” Lena says rubbing her baby bump.

  The chatter stops and the room becomes eerily quiet. Looking around, I see Patrick and Samuel making their way towards us. Some of the ladies try to approach Samuel, but his security waves them off. Patrick makes it to Lena’s side, he squats to her level kissing her on the lips then places a soft kiss on her belly, “How’s my boy?” He asks in his deep voice.

  “Sleeping finally. What are you doing here?”

  “We came to help bring your gifts home,” Samuel says kissing Lena on the top of her head. “And I have this for you,” Samuel motions for someone and a huge teddy bear with a big blue bow.

  “Oh my god, Dad. You shouldn’t have.”

  “Don’t be silly; I plan on spoiling all my grandchildren rotten.”

  “All? How many grandchildren are you planning on us having?” Lena

  “As many as you give me,” Samuel says smoothly.

  Lena tells her goodbyes as Patrick helps her to her feet and escorts her from the hotel with Samuel at her side and security tailing with a massive teddy bear.


  Mom drops me off at home where Maks is stretched out on the couch watching a movie wearing nothing but sweatpants. “Hi, honey. I see you made yourself at home,” I say picking at his sweats. “Where did
you get those?”

  Maks pulls me to sit next to him, and I melt into his side, “A friend went to my hotel room and got my stuff.”

  “You want to stay here with me?”

  “If you don’t mind, or I can go back to the hotel.”

  I straddled him raining kisses over his face, “Of course, you will stay with me.”

  Maks cups my cheeks and moves my lips to his in a breathtaking kiss. We break apart to breathe Maks says, “I have something to ask you.”


  “My parents are hosting a party Friday they would like you to come.”

  “How long would we stay?”

  Maks rubs his unshaved chin, “I was thinking a week. It would give me the chance to show you Philadelphia.”

  I finished up the gnome treasure project for Patrick and have nothing else pressing. “I should be able too, but I can ask Kegan at brunch tomorrow.”


  “With the whole family in town for the gala Mom hosts brunch before everyone leaves. I think Samuel cleared his schedule to come.”

  “Okay,” Maks says leaning forward pressing a kiss to my lips before standing and tossing me over his shoulder.

  Chapter Seven

  “My mother is excited to see you again, and my father is planning to announce you to the Vory,” Maks tells me as we board the Kinsman plane.

  “I don’t know if I packed something nice enough for dinner with the Vory,” I tell Maks worrying my bottom lip.

  “Do not worry, sweetheart. You will look wonderful in whatever you wear, but if you are worried we can stop and buy you a new dress.”

  I kiss him as we take our seats, “Thank you. I want to make a good impression. I want your family to like me,” I confess.

  “I know they will like you because I like you,” Maks says kissing the tip of my nose.

  Once the pilot clears us to move around the cabin, I pull my laptop from its bag and boot it up to work. The secret garden has a glitch, and Patrick wants this game launched in a week. I review the code looking for any mistakes that could cause the glitch. When I don’t find anything, I open the game, a gnome with blond hair in braided pigtails wearing a pastel pink hat and purple dress.


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