When the Sun Goes Down

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When the Sun Goes Down Page 10

by Erin Noelle

  He follows suit and sits on the counter opposite from me. “Let’s start with Daniel Saunders. What do you plan on doing with the pictures you took of him?”

  “Distributing them to the media, probably this Tuesday.”

  “What do you hope to gain from it?

  “Causing a little bit of chaos in the governor’s office and hopefully the mayor’s too.”

  He nods and thinks for a minute. “What’s after that? What’s the end goal?”

  “After that, I plan on doing the same thing to a couple more people in Robert’s office until people start questioning his ability to control his own employees, much less a state. I want to fuck his life up, and knowing that being governor is the thing he had always been working for, I want it taken away from him,” I explain with a half-truth.

  Unfortunately, Leo knows me all too well. He raises his eyebrows at me in disbelief. “So that’s the end goal to make him lose his job?”

  I refuse to make eye contact with him or answer.

  “Kat, you can NOT seduce your own father!” he yells at me, more forcefully than he has ever spoken to me.

  Snapping my eyes up to his, I narrow them at him. “I don’t plan on seducing him; that sick fucker would probably get off on doing his own daughter.”

  “So what then? What do you plan to do?” He jumps off of the counter and begins pacing around the kitchen. After a few laps, he stops right in front of me and asks the question I didn’t want him to ask. “Are you going to kill him?”

  I stare straight into his face. I can’t lie to him. “I want to.”

  He wraps his strong arms around my shoulders and squeezes me tightly against him. Unable to control them, tears begin streaming down my face as the onslaught of emotions from the past nine years come ripping through me. He holds me as I cry, knowing that I need so badly to get it out. After I finally get a hold of myself and the sobs subside, he releases me enough to where he can look in my eyes. Bringing his hand up to my face, he tucks my hair behind my ears and cups my chin. “I know you think you want to kill him — and I’m not arguing that you want him dead — but I’m not sure you’ve really thought about the consequences of going through with it. It’s not just the chance of getting caught, and you would be high on the list of suspects by the way, but it’s living with yourself for the rest of your life with his blood on your hands. No matter how much you hate him, that’s a huge burden to carry with you forever, and it’s something you really need to think about.”

  I nod my head, agreeing with him on everything he’s said, but it doesn’t change the fact I want him gone. “I’ll think about it more, but for now, I at least want to go forward with the first part of it.”

  “I’m okay with all of that, and I’ll help you the best I can. You need to be extremely careful though. Once you leak the first story, you’re going to have to cut back on your usual nightly activities. I know Manhattan has millions of people in it, but you can’t take the chance of a story about a girl who picks guys up and leaves them cuffed in hotel rooms getting out. If you want to do this right, and not get caught, you’re going to have to lie low for a while… and trust me.”

  “I know and I do,” I murmur.

  “My job is to keep you safe and out of trouble. Let me do my job.”

  I throw my arms around his neck and bury my head in his shoulder. “Thank you so much for understanding. I know I’m crazy, but I need to get the revenge on him that I told him I would.”

  “You’re not crazy. I loved her too, ya know.”

  We continue to embrace for a couple of minutes, and I’m reminded why I could never live without Leo. He’s the only one that gets me; he’s the only one that can understand.

  After the serious talk, we spend the rest of the evening eating and chatting as usual. The meal is good but it’s no Mama Rosa’s. I definitely need to work on the recipe again when I’m not so preoccupied with other things. As it’s getting late, I yawn several times and he picks me up and carries me to bed.

  “You need your rest, Miss Kat,” he says as he lays me down in bed.

  All of a sudden I feel awkward. I’m not sure if he’s planning on pleasing me like he normally does or not, and I’m not really sure I want him to, but how do I tell him not to. It’s not that it doesn’t feel absolutely amazing, because it does, but things are different with me now… and I don’t know how to explain that either.

  Almost as if he can read my mind, he leans down and simply kisses my forehead. “Since we won’t be going out as much in the evenings, just let me know what you want me to do. As always, my services are at your disposal.”

  He turns around to leave the room and despite the fact I didn’t want him to try anything sexual, my feelings are a little hurt that he didn’t. “Leo, why are you just leaving?”

  He halts mid-stride, but doesn’t turn around to answer. “Because it’s what you want.”

  “How do you know?”

  “It’s my job to know.”

  “Did you follow me again last night?” I whisper nervously.

  Still refusing to face me, he answers my question without answering my question. “He better be good to you, Katrina, or I’ll kill him.”

  And without another word, he disappears.

  I didn’t hear from Lucca on Saturday, but he told me Friday night that he would be attending a function with his cousin and would be gone most of the day. I was so busy on Saturday anyway; it was probably for the best. However, Sunday morning I wake up to the sweetest text I’ve ever received.

  Lucca: I woke up excited, thinking it was Monday and I’d get to see you, but instead I have to wait a whole ‘nother day.

  I actually giggle aloud when I read it. I haven’t felt this way about a guy in so long, that I’m not even sure what’s going on. All I’ve cared about for the last several years was getting a guy’s attention, and once I had that and got what I wanted, I had no use for him any longer. Lucca, in so many ways, ignites something inside of me that I thought was lost forever, and the crazy thing about it, is I barely know him. When he asked if he scared me, I couldn’t even begin to explain to him how much so. In just a few weeks of meeting and hanging out together a couple of times, he has me second-guessing so many things I thought I knew and the way I wanted my life to be.

  I think about how I should respond for a minute before replying. I’ve never done this dating thing and I know there’s supposed to be all of these stupid rules. I don’t want to look desperate or overly eager, but I really want to see him today.

  Me: Most normal people want the weekends to last longer, not wish for them to end.

  I hop out of bed to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, and by the time I get back, he’s already texted back.

  Lucca: What ever gave you the idea I was normal?

  Climbing back under the covers, I get settled and turn the television on before I answer.

  Me: Excellent point, Mr. Ellis, but nonetheless, it’s still Sunday — all day long.

  Lucca: What are your plans on this all-day-long Sunday?

  Me: My current plans include seeing how long I can lie in this bed and do nothing too productive. Yesterday wore me out.

  Lucca: Whose bed do you think is more comfortable?

  Me: Huh???

  Lucca: Which of our beds do you think is most comfy? It’s not meant to be a trick question.

  Me: Mine

  Lucca: What’s your address?

  Me: I’m not giving you my address. You could be some crazy stalker/ serial killer.

  Lucca: Then bring your cute ass over here. Let’s be lazy in my bed together.

  Again, I’m not sure how to answer this; I’m torn internally about what to do. I want to go spend the day with him, but I don’t want to want to go. Groaning, I roll over and bury my face in the pillow. Why did I do this to myself? I have so many other stressors in my life that I really don’t need to complicate it any more. The dinging of the phone pulls me from my feathery hiding hole.

  Lucca: Stop over-thinking it and stop being stubborn. I’ll see you in an hour.

  Me: Stop being a pretentious jerk.

  Even as I type out the last text, I’m getting out of bed to get ready. I tell myself I’m going to go over there and tell him that I don’t appreciate him ordering me around. I’m not some submissive, dainty woman in need of saving; I’m a grown woman who controls my own thoughts and actions. I’ve taken care of myself for the past nine years just fine, and I sure as hell don’t need a man to boss me around now.

  I take a quick shower, not even bothering to apply any make-up or to fix my hair; a messy bun it is. I throw on some black yoga pants and a pink V-neck t-shirt with my sneakers. If he wants to see what my lazy is, he’ll get it. I grab my phone off the bed and throw it in my purse before heading out the door.

  After nearly an hour’s worth of a subway ride there, I’m strolling up the sidewalk to ring the bell outside. The entire ride over I’ve been rehearsing what I’m going to say to him as soon as I see him, but when he opens the door in just a pair of plaid pajama pants hung low on his hips, every rational thought in my head disappears.

  “Would you like to come in?” he asks as I stand there ogling him.

  I blink hard and move my gaze up to his face. He knows exactly what he’s doing. I don’t say anything and just roll my eyes and walk past him inside the house. Strolling into the living room, I’m caught off guard by the two other guys lounging on the furniture playing a video game. They both look up at me with warm, inviting smiles.

  “Hi, you must be Trina,” the dark-haired guy on the couch greets me. Lucca comes up behind me and places his hands on my hips as the guy continues talking. “I’m Stephen, Lucca’s cousin, and this is our other roommate, Bran.”

  “It’s nice to meet you both. I hope I’m not intruding on your Sunday morning activities,” I say politely.

  “Oh please, you’re no intrusion at all. We’re happy to meet you; our boy here hasn’t stopped talking about you since he started his new job. You’ve made quite the impression, beginning with the bloody nose,” Stephen teases. I blush crimson.

  Sliding by me into the kitchen, Lucca laughs. “Okay, that’s enough of your mouth, cuz.” He looks at me and asks, “Would you like something to drink? Water? Soda?”

  “Water would be great.”

  He grabs the drinks from the refrigerator and then tilts his head towards the hallway. “Come on. Let’s leave these two with saving the world from zombies.”

  Once we’re in the room, he closes the door behind us and sets the drinks down on the bedside table. I’m trying hard not to stare at his chest but it’s just right there in front of my face. I stand awkwardly in the middle of the room, waiting for him to tell me what to do. Wait a minute! What did I just say? Apparently, the pep talk I gave myself earlier was not very effective.

  “Would you feel more comfortable if I put a shirt on?” he asks as he walks up to me.

  “Yes,” I whisper, even though I’m praying he doesn’t.

  “Why?” he challenges.

  “Because you’re walking around half naked and we barely know each other!” I scoff.

  “We barely know each other but you agreed to come be lazy in my bed with me on this all-day-long Sunday.”

  “No… but…” I try to argue but he puts his finger over my lips to quiet me.

  “We barely know each other but you sat in my lap a couple of nights ago and let me do this repeatedly.” As he removes his finger from my mouth, he bends down and takes my lips in his, kissing me softly. My hands naturally move up to the back of his neck, threading through his dark tendrils as the kiss deepens. I moan into his mouth as our tongues touch and twirl against each other’s. I’m thankful that his hands are gripping my hips firmly because I’m afraid I may melt into the floor.

  When the kiss ends, his lips linger against mine as he mumbles, “I think we’re getting to know each other pretty well, but I’ll put a shirt on for you.” He casually strolls over to his dresser, grabs a t-shirt, and slides it over his head. Turning around, he flashes me a huge smile. “Now get in bed before I throw you on it. We’re supposed to be lazy, devil woman!”

  Laughing hard, I step out of my sneakers and climb up on the mattress to where I’m propped up against all of the throw pillows. “Devil woman?! Why do you say that?”

  He dives on top of the comforter, landing next to me, and rolls over onto his back. Gazing down at him, I’m once again mesmerized by his eyes. “You’re a devil woman because you make me want to do very bad things,” he says with an over-dramatic expression on his face.

  I pretend to pout, sticking my bottom lip way out and crossing my arms over my chest. “I don’t want to be a devil; I want to be an angel.”

  He begins to tickle my side, which causes me to slide down next to him as I attempt to fight him off. Stopping once I’m eye level with him, he taps the end of my nose with his finger. “You know the devil was once an angel,” he says in a hushed voice.

  “Yes, but he got kicked out of heaven,” I whisper back.

  “I promise I’ll never kick you out of my heaven, no matter how bad you are.” He grazes his lips across mine in a quick kiss before pushing himself up to a sitting position and grabbing the television remote. I lie there a few extra moments, wishing so much that his words were true, but I know they won’t be.

  “Now, come lay with me, devil woman, while we watch some movies,” he commands. “I want to see how few times we can get out of bed today.”

  I cozily situate myself up against him like he requests and begin watching the television. I honestly don’t expect to like the movie much because it’s about vampires and shape-shifters, which is not my kind of thing whatsoever, but twenty minutes into it, and I’m completely enthralled. I’ve never thought of myself as a touchy-feely kind of person before, but I love how Lucca lazily strokes his fingertips up and down my arm and how he kisses my forehead at random moments. When I’m in his presence, I forget about everything else — all that has happened to me and the despicable things that I’ve done or have yet to do. He makes me feel safe from all that other bull shit, and even if it’s temporary, it’s the best feeling I’ve had in a really long time.

  After the first movie, we pause for a quick bathroom break and to get refills on our drinks before starting the sequel. As we’re getting back to how we were situated, he gives me a funny look. “What?” I ask with a nervous laugh. “Do I have something in my teeth or on my face?”

  “Actually, no, you’re missing something from your face — your glasses. Do you have contacts in today?”

  His question is innocent enough, but it makes me feel extremely guilty. I choose not to lie to him. “No, I don’t need glasses for vision. I just wear them more or less as a fashion accessory.”

  Grinning, he shakes his head. “Well, I must admit I do secretly like that smart librarian look that you rock at school; however, I love this natural side of you too.” He peppers kisses across my jawbone until he reaches my mouth, where he begins to nibble lightly on my lip. “God, you are so fucking sweet.”

  I playfully push him off of me. “No, you pretentious jerk! I need more Lycans and vampires. You can’t get me hooked on these characters and then withhold them.”

  “I’m the boss, devil woman. I tell you when we watch the movie and when we kiss,” he grumbles, but he’s already starting the next installment for me.

  Chuckling, I lean over and whisper in his ear, “Thank you,” and then peck his cheek before focusing back on the TV.

  At ten o’ clock that evening, I force myself to go home. We’ve spent the entire day in his bed, stopping only for bathroom breaks and to order food to be delivered. I have the strongest desire to stay the night, and not in a sexual way, but because I want to feel the same serenity while I sleep that I experience when I’m just next to him. But instead of asking me to stay, he offers to walk me down to the subway, but I insist that I’m more than fine. I’ve been in and aro
und the city since I was a little girl. After telling one last time that I’ve had a great time, we kiss goodnight and I leave. When I get to the end of the block, I see a very familiar black SUV parked; and as I get closer, the driver jumps out and opens the back door for me.

  “It’s not safe for you to be out alone at this time of night. I’m taking you home,” he growls.

  I don’t even try to argue with him; I just slide in the back seat with a scowl.

  And we disappear.

  Monday afternoon and evening I try my hardest to stay cool, calm, and collected, but I’m not doing a very good job. The excitement over releasing the pictures tonight has me feeling like a little kid on Christmas Eve, and time is creeping by at a snail’s pace. I keep myself busy cooking homemade tortilla soup and sipping on a new pinot grigio my vintner just got in. Leo is joining me for dinner again even though I told him it wasn’t necessary. I’m afraid he’s going to drive me crazy over the next month or so that I need to lay low and not go out every night, and I’m curious to see if he’s going to mention last night to me or not.

  He arrives a little after eight o’clock, and thankfully, he’s dressed a little more casual this time. I notice him smile when he sees that the flowers he brought over two nights ago are still on display in the middle of the kitchen table.

  “Would you like a glass of wine or something else?” I ask him while he takes his shoes off and makes himself at home, sitting on a bar stool.

  “Do you have any beer?”


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