Hail Mary

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Hail Mary Page 3

by Alice Red

Three felt the cold but the demon wasn’t done, yet, licking and nibbling on her clit so effectively that Three came quickly and hard. The penis pulled out of her mouth and she moaned into the night, gasping. Her arms were strained from having being tied so long to the sides. Her ankles hurt and her legs were sore.

  And she could feel herself dripping, four sucking her juices before they soaked the cross.

  “Turnabout is fair play,” she said as she came back up, her face looking like Four’s again, even her veil perfectly in place, her robes covering her in modesty.

  Three leaned her head back against the crucifix, tears running down her face. “Just end it, demon. You had your fun, and I know I can’t beat you,” her own words stung her. “Just… end it.”

  Four’s face split into an ugly, spiteful smile, her eyes turning red, her teeth sharpening, her breath shallow and burning.

  “As you wish,” she said, pushing against Three, wrapping around her, her head beside hers, the penis growing back and through the robes as it prodded for entry.

  “I’m going to enjoy this,” she hissed.

  She would have pushed in, but a flash of light stopped her. Something grabbed her from behind and pulled her down. She went down in a flurry of snow and shrieks.

  Three’s wrists and ankles were suddenly free. She tumbled down into the snow, which welcomed her like a warm friend. Wait, it wasn’t just snow. She lay on feathers, held up by strong arms.

  She looked up, tired and confused.

  “Rest now. You are safe,” a soothing voice said. She saw the perfect face, framed by light, strong arms holding her and covering her with wings.

  An angel.

  Her prayers had been answered.

  She was safe.

  She nodded into an easy sleep, in the warmth and comfort of those arms.


  She woke up not long after, to the sound of shrieking. She recognized Four’s voice, but it was laced with something else. Something demonic.

  She jerked awake.

  “Don’t be frightened,” the angel holding her said. “We’re merely going to tame the demon,” he offered by way of explanation as Three gazed at Four.

  She felt no sympathy for Four. Or, she supposed, Lyciax, which is what the angels called her. Her hands were bound behind her. Vines had grown through the snow to hold her ankles in place.

  Two angels flanked her. One in front, one behind.

  “She’s a lust demon,” the angel holding her said. She looked at him. His beauty took her breath away. He gently held her against him, not forcing her to stay, but she certainly couldn’t think of anywhere else she’d rather be. “The only way to free her is to make her feel an angel’s fury.”

  “Or two, I suppose,” I offered. He gave a short laugh. “She is particularly stubborn,” he said. “I’m Gabe, by the way.”

  “Three,” she said. When he looked at her with a raised eyebrow, she smiled. “Mary. My parents called me a name I think I’ve forgotten.” Gabe nodded, as though that explained everything.

  He focused back on the racket Four was causing, and Three followed his eyes. She felt no mercy or pity for this Lyciax, though part of her wanted to. Kindness and humility. She should feel something, even if the demon had tried to destroy her.

  The angel behind Lyciax held her arms back as he thrust in her ass. Another angel was bent in front of her, taking her penis in his ass, but it was clear he was the one pushing back on her, not the other way around.

  Their skin glowed with exertion. Not the way a human’s glowed. Their wings were spread out to give them better balance, the night now still and without wind. Snowflakes fell down in almost straight yet lazy trajectories, avoiding landing on the angels. None of them fell on Three, either. She kept warm in Gabe’s wings and arms.

  The angel in front of Lyciax groaned, took a deep breath, pushed back with his ass and then pulled forward triumphantly. Lyciax screamed, her beautiful face twisted in agony as the angel pulled away, having ripped off her penis. Her skin seemed to shift, and it returned to its original form, only a hairless vagina remaining.

  Still, losing the penis had been violently physical, and Three felt her pain. Lyciax met her eyes for a split second before looking away quickly, as though embarrassed. The angel behind her wasn’t done plowing into her, holding her arms back and grunting as he thrust. Her breasts jiggled madly as he pulled her up, showing the other gathered angels what she had to offer.

  A brown-haired angel seemed to take up the challenge and he came forward, fully erect. He shifted her hips, the vines loosened so he could pull her legs up, and he thrust into her vagina.

  Lyciax was now sandwiched between two enthusiastically thrusting angels, pushing deep into her and grunting with pleasure as they bounced her around. Her mouth was opened as she made sounds of protest. A third angel, floating slightly off the ground, grabbed her mouth and shoved his penis inside of her, forcing her head back and forth.

  He was going deep, and Three understood how painful that could be. How Lyciax had made it painful for her.

  The angel who’d been enjoying her ass came, sending a ripple of climaxes. He jizzed in her ass, the second angel came in her vagina, and the third followed suit, holding her head still as he forced all his cum down her throat.

  It was clear that it was hurting her. She fought wildly, bound as she was, to try to pull away from their cum, but they allowed no quarter. She grew less aggressive and went limp as they pulled out, falling to her knees in the snow, her head bowed.

  Three could smell burn on her. Lyciax looked up, and Three saw the blisters forming around her mouth. She could only imagine what the trembling demon felt inside, where angel cum was burning her from within.

  Lyciax spat out black blood, tried to look defiant, but just looked defeated as three other angels went to take their turn.

  “Wait!” Three shouted, surprised by how authoritative her own voice sounded.

  Gabe looked at her with surprise, but he didn’t try to silence her. If she was about to do something very foolish, he was willing to let her do it.

  The three angels stopped and looked at her.

  She disentangled herself from Gabe, missing his warmth immediately. She stood. He remained seated, watching her with keen interest.

  “I think she’s learned her lesson,” Three said, stepping toward the other angels. She wished she wasn’t still completely naked, but seeing as they all were, she at least didn’t feel embarrassed about it.

  She walked to Lyciax. “Don’t…” the demon spoke in rasps, “…don’t do me any favors, human. I would have killed you.” She paused, and as though to add effect but lacking any of her earlier zest, added, “And I would have enjoyed it.”

  Three looked down at her and felt nothing but pity. The demon might have been human once. Some humans had turned to demons. But she might have never known love. She might only need to be given one chance.

  And Three was willing to give her that chance.

  She looked to Gabe. “Must you destroy her? Can you just take her and, I don’t know, lock her up?”

  Gabe nodded, but looked at the three angels standing to the side. “We can. But the three, they’ll need... some help.”

  Three nodded. She walked to them without hesitation. She knelt before them, lowered her head and gave a silent prayer of thanks for the rescue. She then lifted her head and welcomed an angel’s penis in her mouth. It tasted like snowflakes yet was warm and gentle in her mouth. Where they had been rough with Lyciax, they were treating her gently.

  She sucked with eagerness, enjoying the feel of it in her mouth. She then held out her two arms, palms open and outstretched. The other two angels quickly understood and her hands were soon full of angel flesh. She sucked, pulled, rubbed and licked, losing herself in the motion of giving them release until they came. They sprayed her with their jizz, warm and rosemary scented.

  She felt calm, at peace. Like she had always meant to be here.

  When she
opened her eyes again they were gone. Lyciax was gone, too. Three stood up, concerned.

  “She’s fine,” Gabe said, appearing before her in a halo of light. “They’ve taken her up. See what we can do for her.”

  “Thank you,” Three said, meaning it. In a strange way, saving Lyciax was the best thing she’d ever done. Kindnesses were far and few in between. Maybe the demon could learn, grow, evolve.

  “That was kind of you,” Gabe said, taking a step toward her. His eyes, deep blue wells, pierced her soul. “Do you remember me?” He asked. His voice sounded familiar and comforting. His eyes were breathtaking. Every line of his chiseled jaw and chest tugged at the realm of her memories.

  “The nights,” she whispered. “The nights I’d lost. The nights I woke up alone and warm, outside… it was you that I was meeting.”

  He flashed her a smile, perfect white teeth lit like the moon. “Yes. You weren’t supposed to remember. Just tests we give here and there. Getting to know you. The core of you. See the soul the priest cannot see.”

  “You held me,” Three said, closing her eyes. He came forward and held her again, and she remembered just being in his arms, quiet and still, enfolded within his wings. Nothing more. Nothing less.

  It had always been perfect.

  “Kindness is an important trait, and one that’s underrated nowadays. By choosing mercy for the demon, you sealed your own path in a way I’d always foreseen you would, Mary.”

  The name on his lips sent chills up her spine. She looked up, ready, unafraid, and welcomed his lips on hers. He tasted unlike anything she’d ever known. He breathed hard as he kissed her and she did as well, her nipples erect, as though it had always been his embrace that she’d waited for.

  She opened her mouth and welcomed his tongue, perfect for her mouth, warm and smooth, gliding in easily and dancing in perfect unison with hers. His hands travelled down her body, gently cupping her breast as his lips found the wound left by Lyciax on her neck. He kissed it and she felt it heal. She didn’t stop to marvel at it, intent on the feeling of his lips going lower to her breasts as he gently lowered her to the ground, his wings under her to keep the snow from touching her.

  He gently sucked on her breast, his hands gentle but not timid. Once he’d touched every part of her, he slipped in between her legs. She welcomed his pressure inside her, moaning as he took her virginity. He sealed her moan with a kiss, waited, and then began thrusting.

  She gasped, each thrust like tiny explosions inside her womb, her legs wrapping around his fine waist, her lips greedily asking attention from his, even as she gasped and moaned.

  He thrust in harder and harder until he came and she cried out, the warmth filling her to the tips of her fingers, of her toes, and of the root of every hair. She rode the climax as long as she could, and then she collapsed under him, exhausted.

  She slept soundly and didn’t wake as he brought her back to her bed.


  The next night, the nuns and the priest stood in a line below the night sky, looking up into the darkness and praying.

  A new star shone bright. No one had any idea who had been the chosen. They wouldn’t know for months. Three said nothing, feeling peace like she never had before, trying to force herself not to place a protective hand on her belly.

  A new star. The seed had been cast. The Savior would return.

  And the demons only had a few months to try to make Him theirs, or destroy Him completely.

  Three looked up at that bright star.


  He would protect her, she was certain. And the son he had helped create.

  When the battle came, which it would, he too would be there.

  She hoped, and she prayed.

  The End

  To be continued in The Second Coming 2.

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