Home > Romance > POSSESSION > Page 18

by Jaimie Roberts

  My head pushes its way back into the pillow. I’m willing myself not to come, but the more I will it away, the faster it comes. Strangled moans escape my lips even though I’m trying my hardest not to let them escape. I feel the bed jerking as Joe picks up his pace. He’s close too, and I hate the fact that he’s going to get his wish.

  “Agghhh,” I cry as the feel of Laney’s tongue hits new heights.

  “That’s it. Fucking come for me. Give it to me, little one. Fucking give it to me.”

  With both hands and feet, I pull at the restraints as Laney keeps working on my clit. It feels like it’s on fire and about to explode at any moment. Bit by bit, the feel of her tongue lashing over my clit again and again and again makes my head dizzy and my knees wobble. It’s coming, and I know the moment I let go. I scream out, and with it comes my orgasm, crashing down on me like a tidal wave. Laney slows, but carries on gently licking me as my orgasm violently jerks my body in response.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come. I’m going to come!” I feel the bed jerk violently, and I know that’s when Joe’s found his release. As the girls stop licking and my orgasm fades, so too does my euphoria. I open my eyes and find Joe standing behind Laney with that cocky I-just-won look on his face.

  “That has to be the best experience of my life. We’ll have to do this again someday.” He smacks Laney’s ass as she stands up and licks her lips. Again, no emotion. No tell-tell sign that she either liked what she did or loathed it. I look away, disgusted with myself for not only enjoying the experience, but also for coming.

  “Do you know women will pay ten thousand pounds to have done to them what you just experienced? You just got that one for free, and you look like daddy’s just taken your toys away. You should be a bit more grateful, little one.” He gets dressed, walks towards me, and grabs my chin. “You can’t deny that what you felt was most probably the best experience of your life. I saw how hard you came. I saw the way you furrowed your brows and parted that gobby mouth of yours with bliss. You can’t hide what I witnessed.” He trails his hand down my body until he reaches my pussy. He feels around my wetness before sticking a finger inside me, making me gasp. “So fucking wet I could slide my cock in that tight little cunt of yours with no problems. You’re still full and swollen from your orgasm, little one. Feed on the euphoria.” He pulls his finger out and then walks over to the girl with blonde hair. “Taste her juices for me. I bet they taste incredible.”

  She immediately complies, putting her mouth over his finger and starts sucking. “Hmm, this is making me hard again.” He then looks at me. “Do you fancy round two?” My eyes widen and he laughs. “Maybe not. One freebie today is enough, but definitely another time. That was seriously fucking hot. Every man’s dream come true.” He pulls the head of the blonde towards his lips and kisses her. “Come. I have plans for you, blondie.” He smacks her arse and opens the door to the awaiting douche number two. “Make sure the girls clean her up good for tonight. No touching.”

  Douche number two looks disgruntled, but nods his head. “Yes, sir.” I guess Joe is the boss whenever Isaac isn’t around.

  It’s then that I feel it … the disgrace for letting myself let go. Joe wanted that victory, and he made sure he got it. I hated him for making me feel he was the only way out, and I hate him for taking me and forcing me into this. I thought Isaac was supposed to be the evil one, but so far, it’s only been his son. It makes me wonder if Drake knew Isaac even had a son. He obviously didn’t know who Joe was. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let him anywhere near me.

  I don’t know what kind of game Joe is playing. I’m sure his father didn’t plan for what just happened to happen. I feel that he forced it. I feel sick that I was made to go through that, but most of all, I feel sick that he made me enjoy it. Maybe he knew that, and that’s the reason why he did it. No doubt now he’s having sex with the blonde girl who, only minutes ago, was sucking on my nipple. Closing my eyes, I feel sick. Those girls most probably hated every minute of that, yet I was as high as a fucking kite on euphoria. What does that make me? Again, I suppose Joe knows this, and again—because let’s face it, he’s a sick fuck—he made it that way.

  Nausea builds up at the thought that one day, Isaac’s aim is to make me just like one of those girls. A virtual zombie, void of any emotion. No pleasure taken—solely given. For the first time, I feel real fear. I don’t want to be one of those girls. I don’t want to stare down at another girl like me in a few years time and make her come like I was made to. I don’t want someone like Joe thinking they can make me do things like a lap dog. Just yesterday, I was someone’s wife. True, it was not under the best of circumstances, but at least it was Drake and Drake alone. It’s funny how I can now curse myself for not listening to Drake and not following his rules. Look where I’ve ended up because of it. Did Drake always know this may happen? Is that why he kept me prisoner—to keep me safe?

  Lots of questions. Questions I’ll probably never have answers to. I would rather die than be here forced into things that I don’t want to do. I don’t know for sure what Isaac has in store for me later, but I can hazard a guess.

  And the thought petrifies me.

  The girls unhook me from my restraints before I’m led for an all over makeover. I’m waxed all over until there’s virtually no trace of hair on my skin. I’m then plucked, manicured, and pedicured before finally my hair and makeup are done. And then, eventually, I’m dressed in a see-through baby-doll camisole before being led into a darkened room where Isaac is waiting. My eyes widen when I see he’s standing in front of a virtual replica of what Drake strapped me into in his basement.

  Present Day

  My heart starts thumping when I look around and see a pair of red velvet curtains covering what I can only assume is a window.

  “Come,” Isaac shouts, making me jump. I look back at him and see him smile. “I have a feeling you’ve seen one of these before. Did Drake let you in on his dark secret after all?”

  I frown. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  He starts shaking his head and tutting. “Drake really did keep you in the dark, didn’t he? I thought you may have been used to this by now, but it seems we have a lot to teach you.”

  Before I can respond, two men grab my arms and force me into my restraints again. Is this how I’m going to live the rest of my life? Tied down and forced into situations beyond my control? “Drake’s going to kill you!” I seethe, straining against my restraints. My wrists are sore from earlier, but I still pull on them nonetheless.

  Isaac walks up close to me and nods his head to the man on my left. He yanks the rope until I’m suspended in air. I can’t move. I am completely immobile. My heart starts beating, thumping through my chest until it’s ringing in my ears.

  “Drake can’t kill me if he doesn’t know where I am. Besides, he’ll eventually find another plaything to replace you. You’re all replaceable.”

  He and I both know that’s not true. Drake would stop at nothing to get me, and he knows it. For some reason, Isaac doesn’t seem to care. In fact, I would go so far as to say that he welcomes it.

  He deliberately roams his eyes up and down my body. “Oh, well. What’s Drake’s loss is my gain. You look simply stunning this evening. I’ve got a line of very wealthy men behind that curtain who are dying to see you. They know you come from a good family and were hoping you were a virgin, but never mind. You’ve only had the one, so at least they know you’re a good girl. They like the virginal-looking type, and you have that written all over that pretty little face of yours.”

  I want to know more about what he meant about Drake, but my eyes follow towards the curtains in front of me. Knowing that there are men waiting to see me behind that curtain makes the bile rise inside of me.

  “Ben,” Isaac says, making me jump. I look towards Ben, and he’s coming towards me with a needle. I start to struggle again.

  “I have a feeling you’re going to want to talk and struggle, and I know
my clients prefer the quiet types.”

  I start straining again, shouting and screaming. “You’ll never get away with this. Drake will find me and he will kill—” I feel the needle going into my arm and cry out.

  Isaac is beside me. “Hush now.” He starts stroking my hair. “Soon, it will all feel like a wonderful dream.”

  Immediately, my eyes begin to droop, and I feel light-headed and fuzzy. Isaac smiles and motions to someone to open the curtains. Once they’re open, I find around nine men—all in expensive business suits—lined up, straining their necks to see me.

  “Good evening, gentlemen. I’ve invited you here this evening for a rather special event. As you all know, this young lady—who has only recently turned eighteen—comes from a very prestigious upbringing. She was brought up pure of heart and of body. Unfortunately, I can’t offer her to you as a virgin today, as again you already know that she was bought for five million a while back. The person who bought her has been her only sex partner. Unfortunately, he’s dead, but I’ve luckily acquired her for myself.”

  I want to scream and shout out that Drake isn’t dead. He’s very much alive, and he’s coming for me. My mouth parts, and I try to speak, but no words come out. I want to feel the fear and adrenaline pump through me enough to strain, kick out, scream … do anything. But I can’t move. I can’t speak. I can’t do anything, but listen to the lies Isaac spews out of his disgusting mouth.

  Isaac points his hand to me. “You can see how beautiful she is. I’m sure whoever wins her tonight will get the night of his life.” He smiles back at them all through the window. They don’t have much of an expression—just one of interest.

  “Now, would you like to briefly come through and have a few seconds to look before we begin?”

  My head starts to lull back. I try to keep my focus, but whatever drugs he’s given me have rendered me unable to care. A part of me wants to sleep, but another part is telling me to keep awake. I know my subconscious is fighting this, but for some reason, I don’t feel fear, anticipation, or anger. I just feel ignorantly blissful.

  I watch in a haze as the men walk through and come towards me. At first, they just look. Then, they pull my head back and inspect my face before hands are touching me. I feel them on my breasts, squeezing my nipples, and down towards my pussy. Several of them—I don’t know how many—stick a finger inside me. I should react, but I don’t want to. Again, I don’t care. Again, I don’t speak. I just let them because I know I can’t do anything about it.

  “Very pretty,” one of them says. “Five million, did you say?” Isaac nods. “Hmm. Was she so good that she killed him?”

  They all start laughing together like this is some big fucking joke. I want to laugh too at the craziness of it all, but no sound comes out. Again, I don’t care.

  “You never know,” Isaac replies. “I believe it actually was a heart attack.”

  Liar, liar, pants on fire.

  More hands are on me. I can feel some big, some small, some hot, some cold. All of them are exploring my body. All of them breathing heavily as they do. My head lulls back again, and I close my eyes. I don’t want to shut down, but I’m fighting a losing battle. I can feel every pinch, every grope, and every glide of their hands on my skin. One hand, two hands, three hands, and then it feels like a dozen of them feeling their way around. At one point, I think I feel a tongue on my nipple, followed by a quick nip. Again, I don’t care. I suppose that’s what the drugs are for. I’m just how these men want me. Compliant. Quiet.

  Sit still, look pretty.

  “Stunning,” one of them says breathlessly.

  “Isn’t she?” Isaac asks proudly. You would think I was a prized possession the way I’m being treated, touched, and looked at.

  “Would you gentlemen like to take your seats for the bidding?” He motions for the men to go back to their chairs, and in a fuzzy haze, I watch them walk back to their seats.

  Once settled, the door is shut again, and Isaac addresses them all. “Now, let’s start the bidding at two hundred thousand.” Immediately, all the men put their hands up and Isaac acknowledges. “Okay, now three. Who will give me three?” A few hands go up again. “Okay, let’s make this a little easier on everyone. “Who will go for five?” Three men put their hands up. This goes on and on until it reaches seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds.

  “Sold to Mr Thomas!” I hear Isaac shout. “Mr Thomas, you have all night with the young lady. To the rest of you gentlemen, I bid you a good night.”

  I must pass out at that point because I don’t remember them leaving, and I don’t remember this Mr Thomas being in the room with me. When I try to focus, I find I’m still tied up like before, but Isaac isn’t here. It’s just me and this strange, overweight middle-aged gentleman in a navy suit. I watch as he comes closer to me, taking off his jacket and loosening his tie as he does. Once in front of me, he lifts my head up and forces his rancid tongue down my throat. He moans, grabbing my nipple and squeezing it hard. Again, I don’t care. Again, I take it. Again, I say nothing.

  “I’m going to want you on a bed, but I couldn’t resist fucking you tied up here first. I want to feel your long legs wrapped around me as I bury my cock inside you.” He plunges a finger inside of me. “Hot, tight little cunt. I can’t wait to get in balls deep.”

  With some fight coming back, I manage to lift my head away from him in defiance. I don’t look at him. I know that if I do, he’ll disgust me. I can feel him, though. I can feel his hands all over my skin. On me. Squeezing me. Inside me. I can hear him as he moans and breathes his hot breath against my neck.

  “I can’t wait any longer. I’m going to fuck you now.”

  I hear the zipper of his trousers and feel when he pulls my legs up to position me in the right spot. It’s only when I feel something push at my entrance that I suddenly find the strength.

  “Drake,” I whisper.

  I feel him stiffen. “What?”

  “I’m Drake’s.” I manage to look him in the eye and see him swallow hard. It would make me smile if I could muster one.

  “Drake who?”

  “Salvatore’s wife.”

  Within an instant, he’s off me, pulling up his zipper. He looks like a frightened lamb about to be slaughtered. Again, I want to smile but I can’t.

  “You’re … You’re Drake Salvatore’s wife? You’re Evelyn?”

  This time, I manage a smirk. “Yes, and he’s going to kill you,” I sing. I throw my head back, and suddenly find my laughter. Man, whatever drugs he’s given me are making me all kinds of fucked up.

  This makes him flee. He’s across the room and banging on the door quicker than a tramp on chips. He starts frantically banging on the door before someone answers. “I demand to see Isaac,” he bellows. Soon after, Isaac is inside the room. He looks at me and then back at Mr Thomas. “What is the trouble?”

  He points to me. “The trouble is that you lied to us. Her master isn’t dead because this is Evelyn, Drake’s wife. If I had known this, I would never have bid on her.”

  Isaac grits his teeth as he looks at me. At one time, his look would have made me cower, but again—because of the drugs—I don’t seem to care. Instead, I smile at him.

  Isaac sighs his displeasure and shakes his head. “Come,” he says, placing a hand on Mr Thomas’ shoulder. Let’s discuss this elsewhere.”

  The door is quickly shut behind them, and I’m left all alone, hanging from this contraption. I want to sleep still, but every time my head lulls back, I’m snapped out of it again. I start swinging, and once I start, I can’t stop. Laughter erupts as I sway back and forth. For a few fleeting moments, I feel like a child.

  That is until Joe walks in. “Having fun, are we?” I start giggling and throwing my head back again. “You are, aren’t you?” I’m stopped by a grip of two hands around my hips. “My father’s going to be real pissed at you. What use are you now if word gets around that you’re Drake’s?”

  “Why do you
think I told him, dumb-arse?” I start giggling again, but sleep takes a hold of me quickly as my head lulls to the side again.

  I feel his hands push my hair back. “Maybe I can convince my father to make you my own personal slut. He’s preoccupied now, so I can do anything I want with you.” He pushes my head up and darts his tongue into my mouth. At first I let him, but a little fight left in me comes to the surface. I bite his tongue causing him to scream out. “Fucking bitch!” He slaps me across the face, but I hardly feel it. Again, I don’t care.

  “Someone needs to teach you a little lesson.” I feel him biting me on the shoulder and my brain knows it’s hard, but doesn’t react. I know he wants a reaction, but I’m not going to give him one. When that doesn’t work, he pulls a condom out of his pocket and starts undoing his jeans.

  “I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to stand for a week.”

  I should care, but somehow, I don’t. In a sense, I’m glad that I’m drugged, so I won’t have the emotion that comes with being raped. My mind knows he’s going to rape me, but it’s also shutting down any feeling that will come from that thought.

  I just don’t care.

  It’s like I’m completely detached from my body. Almost like I’m floating above and looking down at the scene. Joe is frantically undoing his jeans. He’s in a hurry because he knows his father will be back shortly. I watch as he places the condom on his erect penis, and I watch as he pulls my legs up, and positions himself between my legs.

  I feel when he pushes in and my head lulls back again. “Drake,” I whisper, feeling something wet fall from my eye.

  “Drake doesn’t exist anymore, little one. It’s just Joe now. Only Joe. Fuck, you feel tight. Fucking incredible.”

  I feel when he starts moving inside of me, and that is when I will the sleep to come. I close my eyes and try not to feel the invasion. I can feel it though. I can feel and hear him as he thrusts his way inside of me.


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