Home > Romance > POSSESSION > Page 23

by Jaimie Roberts

  I think back to that memory as a child. I will always remember our very first meeting because it was the first time that I felt a real connection to another human being. Drake’s right. There definitely was something there between us. Throughout everything we’ve been through together, there’s always one thing that’s been constant in our lives.

  Our connection.

  “Do you love me, Drake?”

  He frowns. “That’s a very odd question to ask. I would have thought it obvious. I’ve also told you often enough.”

  “That’s not answering the question.”

  Grabbing my hand, Drake strokes it tenderly with his thumb. “Despite what you think of me, my love for you is undeniable. I have never loved—nor will I ever love—anyone as fiercely as I do you. The only one who will come a close second will be our baby.”

  He smiles a big, heart-warming smile, and I make an effort to bite my lip to hide mine. It’s useless, though. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy or not, but I want to cry and crawl onto his lap and hump him all at the same time.

  “And despite the fact that you haven’t told me, I know that you love me too. You’re just too stubborn to admit it.” And with that, he orders the cheque, and I’m left as dumbfounded as I normally am with him. How quickly he can turn my emotions upside down.

  Present Day

  It’s scan day today, and for some reason, I’m as nervous as hell. I have found myself in a situation where I know I need to start reading up on the pregnancy and preparing myself for what’s to come, but I always seem to find an excuse. Studying is definitely one of them. I started college a few days ago, and everything’s going extremely well. The only problem I have is that people tend to either walk the other way when they see me or they act extra nice. Even the teachers are giving me preferential treatment, and I hate it. It’s actually gotten so bad that I’ve had to have a talk with my tutor to request that I’m dealt with in the same manner as everyone else. Of course, I tell people that Drake and I are together as I feel I have to out of some strange, deep sense of loyalty towards him. He is never far away. He drops me off at college every day and picks me up afterwards. I know it’s partly for show, but I’m also certain that he wants to make sure I’m safe. No matter the reason, all I know now is that my feelings for him aren’t going away in a hurry. A part of me wants them to so that I can put all the things that have happened to me in the past. I should close that chapter in my life and move on with a brand new, fresh start.

  But, I can’t. I can’t move past the fact that I not only need Drake, but I want him too. I miss him when he’s not here, and I find myself randomly texting him for no reason. I could deny him and the feelings I have for him, but I won’t. Despite the circumstances, we’re married, and we’re about to have a baby together. My head says that I can do this on my own, but my heart wants the marriage and the family life. A life that I was never truly blessed with as a child.

  “You’re fidgeting.”

  I look across at Drake, who’s sitting beside me in the car. “I guess I’m nervous about the scan results. I also need to pee really badly.”

  Scooting over to me, Drake takes my hand. “Everything will be fine. I promise.”

  I start laughing. “I know you like to control everything, but some things are just beyond your control. What if something’s wrong with the baby? Look at all the drugs I was given when I was pregnant at the beginning. What if they’ve had an adverse effect on the baby’s development? What if—”

  “Shh,” Drake whispers, stroking my hand. “Stop worrying. Everything will be fine.”

  “Easy for you to say,” I mutter under my breath.

  “We’re here, sir.”

  I look out the window and see the clinic. My nerves kick up a notch, so I take a deep breath.

  “I’m here with you every step of the way, remember?” I nod my head and he smiles. “Come. Let’s go and meet our baby.”

  We get out of the car and make our way inside. Drake talks to the receptionist because my mouth is too dry to even utter one word. My hands are clammy, and my body trembles as we’re ushered in to take a seat. There are two other couples waiting, and they smile once they see us. I know the gossip will start from today. There will be no hiding the fact that Drake and I are pregnant anymore. It makes me wonder how he’ll spin this.

  I feel an arm around me as Drake pulls me to him. He places a kiss on my head and whispers, “There’s no need to be nervous, baby. I got you.” I instantly relax and lean in to him for support. I know the other couples are watching our every move, but for now, I don’t care.

  “Mr and Mrs Salvatore?” We both look up. “Dr Taylor will see you now.”

  Drake helps me up, and we both make our way inside the room where Dr Taylor awaits us. “Ah, Mr and Mrs Salvatore. How are we today?”

  “Evelyn’s a little nervous—anxious to get this done.”

  The doctor looks at Drake and nods his head. “I understand. Why don’t we skip the formalities and head straight to it then?”

  I nod. “Yes, please. I also really need the toilet.”

  He starts laughing. “Okay. Just go through that door and lie down. I just need you to pull your jeans down a little so we can begin.”

  Nodding my head, Drake and I head through the side door and see the big scanning machine next to the bed. I take a deep breath and climb on top. Once settled, I undo my jeans, which are getting a little tight for me now, and I notice the relief I feel once I pull them down. It’s amazing how much they were actually pressing on my bladder.

  Straight after, Dr Taylor comes into the room and starts preparing. He gets a tube of lubricant and squeezes it on my belly. It makes me jump from the cold.

  “Sorry. It can be very cold once it goes on. It’ll warm up soon enough.” Grabbing the scan probe, he holds it over my belly. “Okay, let’s have a look.”

  Drake is right beside me, holding my hand. When he places the probe onto my belly, at first all I can see are a load of blobs. But as he presses down a little more, the shape of a tiny baby begins to emerge.

  “Now, here’s the head, and you can see the arms and feet there.” The doctor points to the screen, but all I can do is stare. It looks amazing. “Now, if I move this a little …”

  All of a sudden, there’s the sound of a loud heartbeat. The doctor smiles, I gasp, and Drake squeezes my hand. “Do you hear that?” I ask Drake, feeling absolutely overwhelmed. Drake stares back at me with the most heart-warming smile.

  “I do, babes. Isn’t it the most beautiful sound? Look, you’re giving life. You’re such a clever thing.”

  I beam back at Drake, but I need to see the baby, so I turn again and see the doctor making outlines. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking measurements. It’s imperative to make sure that the baby is growing. It also gives us an indication of how many weeks along you are.”

  I bite my lip, getting worried. “Is everything okay?”

  The doctor looks back to us and smiles. “Everything’s perfect. The baby’s heart and lungs are fine, and he or she is growing well. I’d say you were around fifteen weeks.”

  A gasp of relief leaves my lips. “Oh, thank you, doctor.” He smiles, and without a thought, I turn to Drake and pull him to my lips. I kiss him like I’ve never kissed him before, pouring into it the immense happiness of knowing that despite all the shit this poor baby’s been through, everything will be okay.

  After a few seconds, Drake pulls back. “Wow! If I had known you would kiss me like that, I would have brought you in sooner.”

  The doctor starts laughing. “I will give you two some privacy. Evelyn, you can use the toilet now.”

  I sigh in relief. “Thank God!”

  I’m quickly handed some tissues from a smiling nurse, and I wipe myself down before pulling up my jeans and rushing to the toilet. Once I’m finished, I rush back outside where I see Drake in a heated discussion on his phone. Once he spots me, he quickly hangs up, and I run
straight into his waiting arms. “I’m so happy the baby’s okay.”

  He squeezes me to him. “See, I told you everything would be okay.”

  “Who was that on the phone?” I ask, pulling away.

  He smiles down at me and kisses my lips. “No one important.” He kisses me again and rubs his nose with mine. In this moment, I couldn’t be happier.

  “Would it be okay if you came round to my place for dinner? I don’t really want to let you go now. Besides, I think this is cause for a celebration, don’t you?”

  I bite my lip, silently wondering if I should go. I haven’t been to Drake’s since I left all those weeks ago. It’s crazy really because I’ve been pining over Ireland, and I’m desperate to see her.

  “Okay,” I answer without a moment’s hesitation.

  Drake smiles, takes my hand, and leads us out to the waiting car. “Oh, what about another appointment?” I ask as we’re nearing the car.

  “Don’t worry. I sorted that when you went to the toilet. You have to go for another scan in about five weeks. It’s then we can find out the sex of the baby … if we want.”

  I get into the car wondering if that is what I want or not. I decide finding out is easier because at least I will know whether to shop for a boy or a girl that way.

  “Where to, sir?” Kane asks as we settle in the car.

  “Home, please, Kane. Evelyn and I are celebrating.” Drake looks across at me with a smile, and it’s then that I feel my heart ache for this man. All this time I have been trying to deny my feelings, but I know that in this moment, I definitely have them.

  As we drive back, though, I wonder to myself whether or not I’m just getting caught up in the moment. Do I want Drake, or am I just being swept away by this awesome and precious moment between us? Right now, a big part of me just wants to take Drake into my arms and tell him never to let me go. But, come the light of day, would I end up regretting that decision?

  “We’re here,” Drake announces.

  I look out the window—only now realising just how deep in thought I really was. In front of us, the all too familiar gates open and we drive through. A little pang hits my stomach as we approach the stairs that lead toward the entrance. A small part of me feels like I shouldn’t be here, but this is the first step towards trusting Drake, and I believe him when he says that he won’t hold me prisoner.

  “Can we go see Ireland first?”

  Drake smiles. “Of course. I know she’s missed you.” I bite my lip as the guilt washes over me. “Come,” Drake commands. “Let’s go inside.”

  We get out of the car and make our way into the house. Some guards I recognise are here, and they greet us as we walk in. “Where’s George?” I ask, looking around. I’ve actually missed him in my own way.

  “George is taking some time off, but he will be back this evening to make us dinner. Do you have a special request?”

  I smile. “How about steak?”

  Drake smirks. “I thought so, but I wanted to be a gentleman and ask.” He then takes my hand and immediately leads me out back towards the stables. I practically run towards Ireland, kissing that little map on the top of her nose. She nuzzles into me, and I inhale, taking in her smell.

  “I’ve been regularly exercising her in your absence. Every time I take Max out, she comes with us.”

  “Thank you,” I reply, kissing her head again. “I suppose I shouldn’t ride her now … just in case.”

  Drake frowns. “Hmm. Until you have the baby, I think that’s wise. We can’t have anything happen to either of you.” He walks up to me and places a hand on my belly. When he captures my eyes with his, lust like never before courses through me. I find I can’t look away. Visions of him ripping my clothes off and taking me in the barn run through my head. Right now, I don’t care about the consequences of demanding that he does exactly that. I just know that if I don’t, I will burst.

  Gripping his shirt, I pull him towards me. The air has shifted between us. It almost feels like a huge electric charge, and I’m burning from the inside out. I need to have him inside me at any cost.

  “Drake,” I say breathlessly as I pull him even closer to me. I feel once his erection presses into my stomach, and I know he wants this just as much as I do. “Drake, I—”

  “Sir, you have Mr Montgomery waiting for you in reception.”

  All lust leaves me at the sound of my father’s name. What in the hell is he doing here? I look up at Drake and see the annoyance in his eyes. “Okay. I’ll be right there.”

  The guard nods. “Very well, sir.”

  The guard leaves, and Drake turns to me, leaning his head against mine. “I’m sorry about this. If you want to stay out here until he leaves—”

  “I want to come inside with you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod my head, but I can’t believe that Drake is letting me choose. He takes my hand and leads the way. All the while, my heart is thumping in my chest. What on earth could he be here for?

  Once inside, I see my father pacing in the reception room. He spots us and lifts his head, but he is obviously surprised when he sees me. “Brought her in to gloat I suppose?” he sneers at Drake.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Drake responds.

  “You know exactly what I fucking mean.”

  Drake storms towards him and picks up his collar. “Don’t you fucking dare come into my house and talk to me like this. You seem to keep forgetting who you’re talking to.

  “You must have known. You must have! Why would you give us all that money only to make us lose it all?” My eyes widen, wondering what the hell he means.

  “Because it was never about the fucking money. It was always about Evelyn.” Drake turns to me with a smile, but my father looks like he wants to kill me.

  “I should have sold you to Isaac when I had the chance.”

  In no time, Drake punches my father, and he lands in a heap on the floor. My father cries out, and I see when blood starts to drip from his nose. He tries to get up, but Drake holds him there by his foot. “I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen next. First, you’re going to leave my house and never return. Second, you’re going to take your penniless, worthless fucking arse out of this town and preferably out of this country. You are not to come within ten miles of this town. Ever. Again.” Drake bends down and grabs him by his collar again. “Be grateful to your daughter because if it wasn’t for her, you would have a bullet in your head by now. Got it?” My father vigorously nods his head. “Now, get out of here before I squeeze you by your scrawny little neck until there’s no life left.” Drake pushes him away, and we both watch as my father gets up, stumbles, and then walks out.

  At first, I don’t know what to say. Drake’s just standing there, looking angry. Thoughts of when he hit that pervert, Charles, come into my head, but this time, it’s different. I can really feel the murderous anger pouring off of him. But despite all his anger, I need to know.

  “What happened?”

  Drake inhales sharply before walking over and pouring himself a glass of bourbon. He takes a swig and then pours another before turning to me. “I like to play with the stock market at times, and people—including your father—know I’ve gotten good at it. There was a company called Briars, which was once a blossoming company. I got word that they had made some bad business decisions and were about to go bust. I just thought it was a good idea to convince your father to invest all the money he had left into it. I told him he would be set for life if he invested. He believed me as he had no reason not to. He invested all his money a few days ago and just found out this afternoon that he’s lost the lot. As you can tell, he is rather angry.” He finally smiles at me.

  “Did you do all that for me? But all your money—”

  “You heard what I said. It wasn’t about the money. It never was. Things changed for you in a dramatic way, and while you got the shit end of the deal, they were left lording it up like they were a king and queen. How
was that fair to you? Something had to be done.”

  My eyes start to water immediately at his words. I know Drake has always been there for me, but I never thought he would do something like this. Does this mean he truly loves me? He must. Mustn’t he?

  Without another thought, I walk up to him and place my hand on his arm. “Can you get your driver to take me home? I would like to freshen up for our dinner.”

  “Of course. Do you want me to come with you?”

  I shake my head. “No. I will only be an hour tops. Stay here, and I will be with you soon.”

  Drake nods and asks Kane to escort me home and wait for me once we get there. Once home, I take a quick shower and slip into the one dress I can still fit into. It’s long, red, and coincidently one of Drake’s favourites. Once I’m ready, I slip into my high heels, walk over to my coffee table, and deal with something I should have dealt with ages ago. Once done, I grab my bag and head outside to where Kane is.

  “Are you ready?” I nod. “You look beautiful.”

  I smile. “Thank you.” It’s then I remember something, but I just haven’t had the chance to ask. “Erm, Kane?”


  “That day at the hospital—” I notice his sad expression, so I stop.

  “I will always regret that day. I wanted to help… I thought I was helping. But, I only ended up leading you into danger.”

  Grabbing his arm, I squeeze. “You can’t blame yourself for that day. I would have run no matter what. I was pretty determined.” I chuckle and he laughs too.

  I often think back on that day and of Dotty. A couple of weeks ago, I managed to find Dotty on Facebook. It was pretty easy to find her, considering she was clutching that pogo stick she’d mentioned. I got in touch with her, told her I was safe and happy, and asked for her address so that I could send her a card to properly thank her. She was over the moon that I was finally settled and requested that I keep in touch. I sent her the thank you card along with a hundred pounds. I also included a hundred pound gift card for Marks and Spencer. She contacted me via Facebook Messenger a couple of days later, telling me how naughty I was and that she never expected the money back. I assured her that I still intended to pay it forward. The very next day, I gave a homeless woman one hundred pounds. It felt extremely rewarding. The homeless woman couldn’t believe it and wanted to hand some of it back. I just told her the same as what Dotty had told me. “Keep it, and pay it forward.” She had smiled and promised that she would.


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