More Than Famous (Famous #2)

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More Than Famous (Famous #2) Page 4

by Kahlen Aymes

  "I know. I understand. I love that you care about me that much. Having Cade Carlisle jealous over me is sorta hot." I smiled.

  "Hmmph!” He snorted. “Are you kidding, Brooklyn? I’m so furious I can't even put it into words. I still want to beat him to a bloody pulp." He tensed as he said it.

  "Cade." I said gently, and placed my folded hands on top of his chest to rest my chin on them as I looked in his face. Moving made me wince a little and his brow dropped over his eyes and he drew in his breath.

  "That bastard, Brook. My blood is still fucking boiling.”

  "Babe, I know and I love you for it. It's so sweet." I smiled up at him.

  "Sweet?" His brow raised and his mouth quirked. “It’s bloody sweet?”

  "Yep. There’s no need to go after David or for you to get hurt in the process."

  "You think I'd get hurt? Pffft! Fuck that." He was agitated as he moved from beneath me to sit up on the side of the bed.

  "I didn't mean he could hurt you, physically, babe. He could do damage in other ways. We don't need the wrong type of publicity right now." I moved up behind him and wrapped my arms around him and snuggled up close to his back. I nuzzled into his neck and his hand came up to cover mine in front of his body.

  "I know, but I can't let this go without saying something, Brook."

  My phone went off again, and I started. Cade knew the ring tone and stiffened in my arms.

  "He’s got a lot of nerve calling you after yesterday." He stood up and walked into the bathroom, leaving my empty arms wanting.

  "Cade, please don't pull away from me. I know you're upset, but don't let this come between us, okay? It's over." I waited in silence and my mind pictured him in the bathroom with both hands resting on the vanity before he decided how to answer me.


  He came back out with a towel around his waist. "I don't know. How do you want me to feel, Brooklyn? The thought of him trying to kiss you is bloody bad enough, but to put his hands on you against your will... Bloody hell!" I could see the color rush into his face as he spoke. "I can't stand the fucking thought of it, let alone the reality that he could bloody well convince you to leave me." His hands went to his hips, and his head dropped as he rubbed the back of his neck.

  Still on my knees, I reached out a hand to him.

  I watched the conflict cross his features until finally he took my outstretched hand. I tugged him to me until he sat on the bed and then I crawled into his lap. His arms circled around me immediately as I settled in close to him.

  "That isn’t going to happen, so what can I do to make you feel better? What do you need to happen?" My hand traced patterns on his chest as he held me, and he sighed, but he didn't say anything right away.

  "I don't understand you, Brook. You should want me to pound the shit out of him."

  "The truth is he does care about me, and I can understand his feelings to a point. You've got me, he lost me to you and he has to be hurting. I thought he was over it, but he was only pretending to be my friend because he thought he’d be able to win me back." I reached up to kiss the underside of his jaw. The stubble rough against my mouth, but I liked it. He was oozing sexuality without even trying.

  “I knew it.”

  "David knows now that there is no chance I'll ever leave you, Cade. I told him flat out, okay?"

  He took my hand off of his chest and took it to his lips where he placed a wet kiss to the palm, his eyes never leaving mine. He took a deep breath and smiled.

  "Okay, babe. So I won't kill him then, but he and I are going to have a few choice words between men, yeah?"

  I let out my breath. "Yeah, okay." I smiled and set my forehead against his cheek. "I love you."

  "So, I guess I love you too." He laughed before his mouth descended on mine in a hard kiss. My mouth opened to his and our tongues slid on and around each other's as we deepened the kiss. My hands slid around his waist as he held me on his lap when the phone went off again.

  Flash! Ahh ahh!"My phone lit up. Cade stiffened and pulled away from my mouth.

  "Brook, bloody hell, please change that fucking ring tone. It drives me up the wall! I'm begging you."

  I wound my arms around Cade's neck and buried my face in his shoulder trying to stifle a laugh.

  "Um..." I bit my lip as I looked at his face with amused eyes, "what would you suggest I change it to, then?" My shoulders were still shaking with laughter as my brows rose.

  "Well... ‘Beat it' might be more appropriate."

  We both burst out laughing and Cade tightened his arms around me. I threw my head back and giggled. "Oh my God! That's hilarious!"

  "Yeah, probably that wanker's favorite activity of late. That's bloody brilliant."

  We both laughed so hard we cried.

  Several minutes later after our laughter had died down we lay on the bed facing each other. I could’ve stared into his face forever and never tire of the sight.

  Cade took my arms gently, and pulled me closer to him, before brushing the hair off of my face.

  "You're so beautiful, honey." He placed a soft kiss on my mouth.

  "Mmmm… I want more." I moved closer and moved my mouth up to his.

  The phone rang again and Cade rolled away from me onto his back to stare at the ceiling. "Fuck! Just take the call, Brook!"

  I gathered the sheet around me and went to find my phone in my purse.


  "Hey Brook. It’s David."

  "Um, I know."

  "Can we talk? They have us on the same flight later, and I thought we should talk first."

  I bit my lip and glanced at Cade. Shit. I forgot about the flight with him.

  Cade rolled to his side and propped up on his elbow as he listened intently to my side of the conversation.

  "Maybe, David. I'm not happy about what happened and um, I'll need to talk to Cade."

  "Oh, I see." I could hear the sadness in his voice. "I really need to speak with you before we leave, so can you just call me when it's okay to come down there?"

  "Yeah. Okay."

  "I'd like to talk to you alone. Without Cade there."

  I sighed. "I'm sure you would, David, but unfortunately after that scene in the car, you've put me in a difficult position. He's very upset, but I'll ask him."

  "What, is he your fucking dad now?" His tone took on a sneer.

  "David, enough. You did this, not Cade. He cares for me and is feeling a tad protective right now. Deal with it."

  Cade's eyebrows shot up sarcastically, then he angrily pushed off the bed, going into the bathroom and slamming the door behind him.


  David sighed on the other end of the line, but didn't say anything.

  "Okay, I'll call you back. Bye." I closed the phone and threw it back in my purse before going to the bathroom door and knocking.

  "Cade, can I come in?"

  He flung open the door to let me in. The water was running and he walked toward the shower, pulling his towel off as he went and giving me a good view of his gorgeous ass.

  Steam filled the room as he went about his shower without saying a word to me.

  "Why are you mad at me? If you want to talk to David, he's going to come down here when I call him back. He said he wants to talk to me."

  "I'll bet he does. Are you going to ask me to leave before he gets here?"

  "No. He doesn't want you here, but I do." Cade turned his head to look in my face and I bit my lip. "Babe, what did I say that upset you?"

  "I'm a tad protective of you, am I? I care about you, is that it? Jesus, Brook, I care about my next door neighbor's dog, for Christ's sake, but not even close to adequately describing what I feel for you."

  I smiled despite myself. His possessiveness sent a rush of love right through me. It was sweet and kind of cute.

  "What should I have said? I figured you'd have some things you'd want to say to him yourself. Don't you?"

  He was shampooing his hair and he stopped and lea
ned his head against the side of the tile. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm just wound really tight, I guess. I didn't expect the feelings that would rush through me at the sight of those bruises, love."

  I threw down the sheet and opened the shower door. When he raised his head and turned to me, his eyes raked across the bluish marks and the pain flashed across his features.

  "Hey, I'm here to make you feel good; not cause you pain." I looked into his eyes and raised his hand to my breast. "I know these hands will never hurt me," I whispered against his mouth as his arms slid around me and his mouth opened over mine in an earthshaking kiss, his tongue sliding into my mouth to play with mine.

  "Uhhh... " I moaned against his mouth and then dragged my lips down to his shoulder as he bent to lift me, taking all of my weight in his arms and pinning me up against the shower wall. I sank my teeth into his neck and Cade groaned.

  "Oh God, Brook," he breathed against my skin as he slid inside my body, filling me with every inch of him. Making love with him was amazing every time; to feel his body connected so intimately with mine, knowing he wanted me as much as I wanted him was everything I needed and more.

  He was everywhere. Over me, under me, all around me, and inside of me; yet it wasn't enough.

  I couldn't touch him enough, get close enough to his body, or taste enough of his kisses. I wanted more. Always more. I needed to ease the ache in his heart caused by the events of the last twenty-four hours, wanted to show him how much I loved him, and that I'd always be his.

  As our bodies moved together in the heat of the shower, we needed no words between us.

  In the total silence, except for the sounds of the water rushing and our panting breaths, our bodies communicated our love better than words could.

  The desperation we felt to be together, the pain we'd gone through to get to this place, the overwhelming love between us... It was all screaming in the silence, as he brought my body, heart and soul to places only he could take me. He pushed into me over and over, our hips grinding together, our mouths hungry as he made love to me.

  When it was over, he held me in place for several minutes, placing soft kisses all over my face and then on my mouth, his body still connected to mine as we regained control of our breathing.

  Finally, he spoke as he rested his head on the tile beside my head and turned his mouth toward my ear.

  "Dear God, I love you, Brook. If I could never touch you again, having you like this for even a moment is worth an eternity of pain."

  I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held on for dear life as my heart squeezed within my chest.

  AS I SAT IN the living area of the suite waiting for David to arrive, I heard Brook fidgeting in the loo. She was nervous about what I was going to say to him. He'd be left in no uncertain terms of where we both stood in regard to Brook. I'd make sure of it.

  I was dressed casually in black jeans and a white button down with the long sleeves rolled halfway up my forearms and both Brook's and my bags were waiting by the door. I had called Jeanne and asked her to book me on the same flight as Brook and David and to make sure she and I were seated together.

  "Cade, you know we're supposed to keep you and Brooklyn traveling separately."

  "For God's sake, Jeanne, can you just do it this time? Something's happened and she needs me with her. I'll explain everything when we get back to L.A. Martin and David are both on that flight, so what's the bloody difference? We won't be seen at the airport alone, and you can send different cars for us, okay?"

  There was a knock on the door and Brook came out of the bathroom. Pausing to look my way, she started toward the door when I indicated that I'd be right there.

  "Okay, Cade. I'll take care of it."

  "Thanks, Jeanne, I love you, you know, but don't tell Denise, she'll get jealous." I smiled into the phone.

  "Okay," she laughed. "Me, too. See you both when you get back."

  I rang off and waited as I listened for a moment to the exchange in the other room.

  I hovered back from the doorway and waited.

  "David, what did you need to say to me?"

  "Just that I'm so sorry about yesterday in the car, but I love you and the thought of you with him, makes me nuts."

  "I accept your apology, but um, nothing is going to change between us. I'm in love with Cade. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Some things just happen." My heart filled up as I finally heard her say the words to him.

  Brook was dressed for traveling too, in jeans and black leather jacket she wore on the red carpet over a white T-shirt. I could see her running her hands through her hair in the mirrors reflection across from me.

  He took a few steps toward her, reaching out toward her. It was my cue to casually turn the corner and lean on the doorframe.

  "After yesterday, I'd think twice before you ever fucking touch her again." My voice was low, but menacing. He stopped and his hands dropped to his sides as he looked back at Brook.

  "So what? You hide him in the bedroom to ambush me?"

  Brook started to speak but I moved forward and took her arm, pulling her slightly behind me to my right side.

  "I'd reconsider your tone when you talk to her. I haven't quite figured it out in light of current events, but she seems to really care for you, and her feelings are my first priority, which is where you get lucky.”

  My eyes narrowed as I looked at him, the anger simmering just below the surface, I could feel my muscles tighten and my skin began to burn.

  It wasn't really my style to rub salt in the wound but he'd hurt her, so I would make my point, and make it well.

  "Brook told me what happened in the back of that bloody limousine. I was fucking livid, to put it mildly. If it were up to me, I'd rip your bloody head off; however, she seems to think you'll behave from now on." I took her hand and brought it to my mouth, looking at him from over her hand. "Is she right?"

  "I care about her. I love her."

  Brook put her hand around my arm above my elbow.

  That's my girl, I thought, show him you're mine.

  "We both know that if you really loved her, you'd respect her wishes and let her go." I sighed as I looked at him and shook my head. “You certainly wouldn’t be trying to man handle her.”

  Seeing the defeated flash across his features, I suddenly found myself feeling sorry for the bloke.

  Jesus, get a grip, Cade. This wanker tortured you for months.

  "I've learned to accept that the two of you have become friends, even though it's against my better judgment. It's what she wants, so I'll deal with it. For Brook."

  My gaze never wavering from his flushed face as I felt her hand tighten on my arm. I kept my voice even as I continued.

  "What I won't accept or allow is a repeat of last night. You're very lucky you weren't around last night when I found out, because I would have beaten you to a bloody pulp. I swear to Christ, if I ever hear of anything like that again, I will not be responsible for my actions. Am I clear?"

  "You're overreacting. It's nothing I haven't done a hundred times," David stammered.

  I put my hand up to stop his words. "Am I? For a fucking year I wanted her, but I didn't try to kiss her or seduce her against her will. I respected her bloody choice and I expect no less from you now that she's with me." I knew my mouth quirked at the corners when I said it.

  Damn it, I couldn't help it, the little bastard!

  He glanced at Brooklyn who stayed by my side with my hand in front of her, still holding her behind me.

  "You know Cade; you don't have to be such a prick. You got what you wanted. What you worked so hard to steal from me."

  "I don't see it that way, at all." I shrugged. "This thing between Brook and I is bigger than the both of us. I'm sure you're a decent guy otherwise she wouldn't care for you like she does, but she means everything to me, and I will do whatever is necessary to protect her. Even from you."

  The silence hung over us like a cloud and I ran my hand through my hair as my
eyes narrowed; watching him.

  Brook finally spoke. "David, I'm sorry you've been hurt. Truly. I... I meant it when I said I'd like to be friends, but I'll understand if you can't do that."

  "Yeah. I don't know. I've tried to do that, and it hasn't worked. I’m sorry, Brook."

  "I know." She smiled weakly. "I hope we can work past this and forgive each other, someday."

  She went to him and put her arms around him in a short hug. His eyes were wary as I watched him put his arms around her to hug her back, before she moved out of his arms and came back to my side

  "Are we finished then? It's almost time to go," I said when she moved toward me.

  David's eyes narrowed as he turned to go and slammed out the door.

  Brook flinched and I went over and took her in my arms and placed a kiss in the curve of her neck.

  "Okay, love?"

  "Yeah. Just don't let go of me."

  "Not in ten lifetimes." I pulled her tighter against my chest and bent my face into her hair.

  IT WAS FINALLY here. What we'd worked for the entire past year, and now, one short year later, my life was completely different. I'd watched the news and there was a report about our premiere at Mann's Chinese Theater showing the fans lining up outside more than forty-eight hours in advance. Jesus, that was completely unbelievable! I knew it was due to the book series and the fact Cade had top billing. I was lucky to have him on a film with me so early in my career. No way would I have had this kind of visibility without him.

  Cade's family was in town, and they, along with my parents and brother, would be attending with us. He was staying with them at the Beverly Wilshire, but our families were going to arrive apart from each of us. For once, Pinnacle was letting us arrive together due to the mass amounts of fans and traffic jams that would be involved. Thankfully, Noah, Jennifer, Wendy, Gavin, and the rest of the cast would arrive before us, which would limit our time at the press stations and with the fans before the movie began.


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