More Than Famous (Famous #2)

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More Than Famous (Famous #2) Page 21

by Kahlen Aymes

  I laughed as relief washed over me. I hadn't betrayed my baby. Thank you, God.

  "So when was Brook there? It had to be before three." He wanted to know more of the details.

  "Yes, she said around two. Wendy was apparently very unpleasant to her."

  "Unpleasant?” Ethan shook his head and smirked. “Cade. Why does that surprise you, man? That bitch doesn't have anything pleasant about her, other than her ass, that is. And after seeing her naked, that's only marginally so." He lifted his hand, fingers spread and shook it. “The cans are fake.”

  "Yeah. I think her bum is way too wide." We both burst out laughing.

  "Yeah. Baby definitely got back," he laughed again and I leaned back in the booth grinning. “I mean bum,” he mocked me.

  "Thanks, Ethan. Man, you've just saved my bloody life."

  "Do you need me to talk to Brook's little ass?" he asked, still smiling as he ate his lunch.

  "Here's the amazing thing; she said she believes me and said she doesn't' need proof since we've talked through it. However, I don't want her to have any lingering doubts. My plan is to invite you, Dawson, Jennifer and Wendy to dinner with us and then we'd all have a little chat," I said and knew the anger was showing in my face and my voice.

  "Cade, I didn't think you had it in you to be mean and nasty like that. However, I do have it in me, so hell yes! I'm in."

  "I'm not going to be mean, but Wendy's going to know that she didn't get between Brook and me, and she never will. I tried telling her as much several times, but she wouldn't take me seriously. She is always taunting Brook about how she was going to shag me. She even asked Brook to bloody help her once and she throws David in my face continually."

  Ethan's eyebrows arched. "Um, when exactly did Brook lose that little shit, anyway?" His mouth twitching in a grin.

  "Shortly after we said goodbye after the first wrap party." I knew my expression softened at the memory.

  "Yeah." He nodded in understanding. "We all saw how hard that was on both of you. Nice song you sang to her, too." I flushed at his accuracy. "So why don't you guys just come out with it already?"

  "The studio thinks it will hurt the box office on the other films." I almost groaned aloud. "Our contracts forbid any involvement with co-stars. You have that same clause, in case you didn't know." I grinned at him.

  "Well, shit. Then I guess you can't be my bitch either," he laughed. "Fucking suits!"

  I took a bite of my lunch and could barely contain the smile on my face. I knew I looked like a git and I didn't care. I was happy as hell.

  "HEY," BROOK SAID into her phone. That voice was my favorite sound in the world.

  "Hello, love. How is your day going? Are you finally on a break?"

  "Yeah. They are checking the rushes and we’re just waiting around. I'm bored stiff. I got the call sheets for next week, and we're doing some of the hospital scenes. At least most of it is with you."

  "I miss you. It's been like six and a half hours since I've seen you." I closed my eyes. I was so thankful to be at the bottom of the whole Wendy mess. It was like my life could start again... and Brook was life.

  "Only six and a half hours? It feels like days to me. Guess I miss you more than you miss me, huh?" I could hear the smile in her voice.

  I chuckled softly. “That’s hardly possible, my love. Why aren't you asking me about what happened with Ethan, hmmm?"

  "Because I told you this morning that it didn't matter, Cade. I meant it," I heard her take a breath, "and I figure you'll tell me when you tell me."

  "Have I told you how much I adore you today?" My heart swelled at her words. Even if this had worked out the other way, we would have been okay. I felt emotion flood through me.

  "Not for six and a half hours." She laughed on the other end of the phone, the sound lighthearted and warm.

  "Well, I'll make it up to you tonight."

  She drew in her breath sharply, in indication of my words sinking in. "Does that mean you're gonna give in, and give me what I want this evening?" The lilt in her voice made me smile.

  "No, I'm going to give you what I want this evening. It works out well that you want it too. Mmmmm, I'm hard just thinking about it. It's been too bloody long." I felt the grin split my face when I heard her gasp on the other end of the phone.

  "Brook, I can finally breathe now. I'm so thankful that I wasn't so fucking stupid. I'm never going to drink like that again. It's a bloody miracle."

  "I love you, Cade. I'm really anxious for tonight, too. So anxious."

  I sighed into the phone and neither one of us spoke for a minute. I could hear her breathing through the phone. It got me so hot. I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

  "Okay, I changed my mind. Tell me everything," she suddenly said softly.

  "How long is your break, maybe I'll run down there. I could watch you when you're filming."

  "I don't have that long, and um... "

  "What is it, honey?" Maybe it was the length of time we'd been separated that made me uneasy at her hesitation, but I felt anxious.

  "It's not a big deal, babe. It's just, it's that scene where Julia is in the sheet, so it might be weird. I think it would just be easier to get through it if you weren't here, I'm sorry. Noah is already irked at me because I told him I didn't feel like rehearsing tonight."

  Jealousy infused my face with heat. “Like there are many more scenes to rehearse with him. He want’s in your knickers."

  Brook giggled softy. “That’s cute.” She teased. "Besides," she was teasing me now and I knew she was doing her best to make me feel better, "don't you have some plotting and planning to do?"

  "Oh, yes, how could I have forgotten that?" I chuckled.

  "Well, I don’t have a clue because it's all I've been thinking about." Her voice took on a velvet quality, so sexy and I felt my body tighten. Amazing that just the sound of her voice could affect me like that.

  "Oh, Brook. I want to lick your skin off, love. I want you so much," I said through clenched teeth.

  She gasped at my words and I laughed that I could get a reaction from her as easily as she could from me.

  Jesus, I felt so much better after my talk with Ethan; the difference between the world ending and not having a care in the world.

  "I'm so glad we're ‘us' again. I've really missed you." Her voice thickened and I knew the tears were welling in her eyes.

  "Hey, don't cry, my love. I'm dying for tonight. I can't wait to get my arms around you. I'm going to call Ethan, Jen, Dawson, and Wendy and invite them to join us for dinner so we can get this bloody thing behind us, then I'm going to make love to that luscious body all night long. All night, Brook. I don't know if I'll be able to wait if I see you, so let's just meet at the bloody restaurant. What time are you finished?"

  "Um, six, I think." She cleared her throat. "Okay, I do want to know what happened."

  I smiled into the phone and ran my hand through my hair. "Ethan took me home, Wendy was there and naked, like you said. He put her in a cab, and I was passed out cold. That's really it. You must have been there before we got there, my love. I'm so sorry, Brook."

  "Uhhhhh...," Brook let out a deep breath. “She must have come back.”

  Hmmm, she's more relieved than she let on.

  "Yes. Are you okay? How do you want to do this, Brook?"

  "Yeah, I'm good. I’m so relieved, Cade. I am glad this isn't hanging over us, but it wouldn't have made me leave you." Her voice turned serious.

  "Nothing is going to come between us again. I'm committed to that, Brook." I could picture her nodding on the other end, since she didn't respond. I knew her so bloody well. "So, are you going to bitch-slap Wendy, or am I?"

  She laughed out loud on the other end and the sound was so fucking beautiful. I smiled as I let my breath out.

  "Mmmm... I think I should do it. If that’s okay? My inner bitch is screaming."

  "Yeah. I'm quite looking forward to it, actually. You'll be brilliant. I
can just sit back and relax." I was so happy I thought she could hear my smile through the phone.

  "Babe, I have to go. Martin is motioning for me. Text later with the time and place, okay?"

  "Yes, I will. Love you."

  "Love you, want you, need you," she whispered in the phone and once again my heart beat faster.

  I'D CHOSEN A little Indian restaurant because I knew it was one of Brook's favorite cuisines, and I had Denise arrange for a private room where we wouldn't be disturbed for our little confrontation.

  I'd asked Ethan, Jennifer and Dawson to come about twenty minutes earlier than I told Wendy to arrive. Brook was going to get there as soon as she could. I spent the afternoon working with Denise to get Brook a gift or two and she asked Jeanne to get a key to her room from the hotel. We put candles, fruit and champagne in her room along with the black negligee that I'd sent her out to get. She'd come back with five different ones so I could pick the one I wanted. My mouth lifted in a grin. She was a great manager, but better friend, and she shoved me in the shoulder when I asked her to make sure we had Twinkies and strawberries. The beautiful memories of San Diego were inspiring.

  As I sat at the restaurant waiting, I was vibrating in anticipation for the coming evening. It had been too fucking long since Brook and I touched each other like that. I felt like I was starving and I couldn't wait to get this part of the bloody evening over with.

  Dawson, Ethan and Jennifer all walked in together. They really were a good-looking group, and I was thankful for each and every one of them. Literally becoming like my brothers and sister over the course of these films; we had such a solid relationship that I was certain would follow into real life. Brook and I were lucky to be surrounded by such supportive friends.

  Ethan was grinning from ear to ear because he already knew what was to come, and Jennifer and Dawson looked at me expectantly as they took their seats.

  "Ethan told us this was big, but he wouldn't tell us what it was about. Can you let us in on it, Cade?" Jennifer asked.

  I glanced at Ethan and he shrugged. "I thought it was your place to tell them, dude."

  "Yeah, I appreciate it." They all took their places at the end of the table, leaving three seats at the other end, I took the one closest to Jennifer; Dawson was on the end and Ethan next to him. Leaving one chair on the end closest to me, and one directly across, open.

  The restaurant was done in shades of gold and red; the lighting soft with candles on all of the tables. Soft Indian music played in the background. The waiter came and took our drink orders and I took the opportunity to speak to him and ask that he not interrupt us once we had our meal, then I turned back to Jen and Dawson.

  "Um…” I cleared my throat as I began. “Brook and I have had some problems because Wendy lied to us both. She tried to convince Brook that I had sex with her on New Year's Eve, but that wasn't the case. Neither one of us knew the whole story, but with Ethan's help, we now know the truth."

  Jennifer's eyes widened. "Oh, but she left the bar before us, didn't she?" She glanced at Ethan and he nodded. "Is that why Brook has been so sad? I thought it was for the film, but she's kept so much to herself. I wondered what was wrong."

  "Yeah. It's been extremely painful and confusing, but thanks to Ethan, that’s all behind us now. He took me home and knows that nothing happened. Wendy is a manipulative little bitch, and I feel that she needs to know we are on to her bullshit. I've asked you to join because I thought it would be the best way to keep her in line so she can’t spread more lies about any of us. If she thinks we're all united, maybe she'll cease the bloody games. None of us can trust her, so I hope you don't feel we're putting you in the middle."

  "No, Cade. We're glad to do it." Dawson put his hand on my shoulder before taking his seat next to Jennifer. "She's something else."

  "That's one way of putting it." Ethan rolled his eyes and I nodded in agreement.

  Brook walked in then, and stole my breath away. She was beautiful in a short blue dress, and black leather jacket. Her hair flowed down around her shoulders in cascading waves and her high-heeled shoes made her legs look like they went on for miles. Her make-up was more pronounced, her brilliant blue eyes glowed and her cheeks were flushed, the candlelight casting shadows on the planes of her face. I stood up to take her in my arms and kiss her temple. She smelled delicious and felt even better. I sensed the familiar quickening of my blood pressure at her nearness.

  "You look gorgeous." Her arms tightened around me and splayed on my back.

  "Thank you for the gift. I love it. I can't wait to wear it for you later," she whispered as she leaned up on tip toe. "Hey guys. I'm glad to see all of you. Ethan," Brook turned to him to give him a hug, "Thank you for helping us with this; all of you. I am so thankful you’re my friends."

  I pulled out her chair next to me and she took her seat at the same moment Wendy walked in. She was dressed more casually in jeans and a white T-shirt. She threw off her jacket as she approached and took the seat across from me.

  "Hey, am I late?"

  "Not at all, Wendy. Glad you're here." I was amazed at how calm Brook seemed in light of what was about to go down. She leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs.

  "Brook, you're looking more dressed up than usual. What's the occasion?" Wendy raised her eyebrows at my girl.

  "Oh, I just feel like celebrating tonight. Finally, the gang is back together." Her lips twitched in the start of a smile as she spoke.

  Wendy gazed warily in my direction, and then her eyes went back to Brook as she tried to determine if we were going to confront her. It was obvious she was taking note of the way we were leaning toward one another and talking softly to each other. Her eyes hardened as she watched us.

  That's right, bitch. She's with me. And we know what you did. Could she possibly think we'd let this slide?

  Dinner progressed with casual set conversation. We talked about the premieres that we'd been to, and the scenes that were coming up for each of us. Finally the waiter cleared the plates, and brought a last round of drinks. I glanced at Brook and reached under the table to take her hand in mine. She squeezed my fingers.

  "Um…” I hesitated, but only briefly; meeting Brook’s eyes with mine. “Brook, are you ready to order dessert?" My mouth lifted into a smile as I watched her. Her eyebrows went up and she sat up a little straighter in her chair.

  "Um, yeah." She smiled brightly at me and took my hand.

  Ethan glanced at me and leaned back in his chair, he knew what was coming and he was fucking enjoying every second of it. Jennifer was leaning into Dawson and they were looking expectantly toward our end of the table but no one said anything. Wendy looked from one of us to the other, noting how everyone was watching her and no one was speaking. She had to feel fucking cornered.

  "Wendy, we had another reason for inviting you to dinner tonight." Brook's voice was calm, methodical. "I wanted to clear the air about something."

  Wendy shifted uncomfortably in her chair as she sat down her glass of vodka, and her eyes were hard as she stared at Brook and then glanced toward me. I'm sure she knew what Brook was getting at.

  "The little stunt you pulled in January caused a lot of grief between Cade and I, and I'm not going to let that happen again. Someone I love deeply was hurt, and that fucking pisses me off."

  "I don't know what you mean, Brook," she said with an air of aloofness.

  Brook sighed and shook her head. "Cut the bullshit, Wendy. You're only embarrassing yourself even more. The fact is, I don't give a damn about you, what you think, or what you tell people. However, Cade wanted this conversation, so here we are."

  "Cade and I are—well, let's just say he is not available for your little shenanigans and he really never was. Since you won't listen to him when he tells you he's in love with me, then I'm forced to step in. I'll admit, you hurt me in January when you answered his door to his apartment, but I know better than to believe anything you say or do ever again. We love each other, and
you will never come between us. Never."

  "But… I was with him that night, Brook. What? Did he tell you otherwise?" Wendy laughed softly as she tried to weasel her way out of the situation with more lies.

  Brook's face hardened. "Are you really going there? Really? With Ethan sitting right here? Are you that stupid, Wendy?" she shook her head with a disgusted look on her face. "Now that I'm thinking clearly, I realize that if it did happen, you would’ve had pictures plastered on the front page of ten of the rag mags and all over the Internet. I can't believe I didn't think of that before, but I guess, indescribable fucking pain clouded my judgment."

  Ethan leaned forward on the table, and made a gesture with his hand. "Wendy, just stop. You and I both know there is no truth to what you say. You'd be better off to just apologize, and move on."

  Wendy's face flushed a bright red.

  "Where the fuck do you get off, Brook?" Her voice elevated in volume and pitch. "For months you've been denying any relationship with Cade, other than that he is your best friend. You tortured and abused him with your little hard-to-get routine, throwing David in his face, constantly. Fuck! You hurt them both. And now you sit here and think you can just say you love him and it erases all of that? You're a liar, and you have the nerve to accuse me?"

  I watched Brook' face. She smirked; her voice remained calm as her fingers entwined with mine on top of the table this time. "I don't trust you, Wendy, and deep down I never did. Of course, I wasn't going to tell you the fucking truth! Cade absolutely knows everything. He's the important variable here, not you. He's known for quite some time how much I love him, and for how long."

  Wendy's eyes widened and her chin snapped up as she glanced at me. I nodded to confirm Brook's words.

  "Hmmmpht." Brook let her breath out in a snort "And, where do I get off?"

  She looked over at me and I let go of her hand, leaned over and pulled her chair close to mine, then my hand went to her leg to grasp around her bare thigh. She brought her hand up to my hair, stroked down the back of my head and kept stroking the hair at the back of my neck. Her touch sent goose bumps down through my whole body.


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