Easy Come (Plaything Book 1)

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Easy Come (Plaything Book 1) Page 8

by Tess Oliver

  He laughed and picked up a berry. "Robed in chocolate. I like that." He bit off the end with the chocolate. "Very good. You should try one."

  "Probably a good idea." I ate the strawberry, well aware that he watched me closely as I ate it. "I was right. Hard to resist."

  "You certainly are." There was something familiar about his tone, but I couldn't put a finger on it. All I knew was that it had momentarily taken my breath away. "Would you like to dance?"

  "Oh, I was just thinking about leaving."

  "But it's early. One dance."

  "I suppose I can stick around for one dance."

  With the manners of a man from an earlier century, where chivalry was all the rage, he gave me his arm. I took hold of it, and he led me to the dance floor.

  Now that I was moving through the crowd, my odds of running into Trey had greatly increased. I wasn't sure what I'd say or do if I ran into him. On the flip side, something that made me more nervous was his reaction to seeing me. He had been the one to give me the invitation, but after the disastrous ending to the boat trip, he no doubt never expected me to show up to the party. Oh, why hadn't I just stayed on the couch with Doris and Rock?

  We neared the dance floor. A hiccough chirped from my mouth before I could cover it.

  My dance partner laughed. "I used to get hiccoughs all the time when I was a kid. My older brother would get so annoyed. He used to make me lift my arms up above my head to cure them. By the way my name is Quinn, Quinn Armstrong."

  Chapter Nineteen


  Katrina placed her hands on her hips as she stared down at me from under some extremely long fake lashes. We had dated off and on a year ago, but, other than great sex, nothing ever came of it. "Trey Armstrong, I have not seen you dance once tonight."

  I got up from the table, picked up my drink and swirled it around. "Not in the dancing mood." The truth was, I wasn't in any kind of mood to be socializing. I hadn't recuperated from the shitty ending to my excursion with Georgie, where I'd acted like a fucking cocksure idiot. Chuck and Jordan were basically drooling over the side of their boat when they saw Georgie in her bikini. An unexpected surge of jealousy caused me to snap at her. I wanted to shield her from their eyes.

  "Your brother sure is in the dancing mood," Katrina said. "He's been out there for twenty minutes tearing it up with a cute little blonde in a black dress. I'm sure it's straight off the rack, but somehow she manages to make it look like it came from a designer's collection. Who is she?"

  "No idea, Kat. I don't keep track of Quinn's social calendar."

  Aidan and Chase joined us. Chase had a model on each arm. Aidan gulped his beer. "Who are we talking about?"

  I wasn't in the mood for small talk, especially small talk about my brother's dance partners, so I didn't bother to respond. But Katrina felt the need to fill them in.

  "I was just mentioning to Mr. Party Pooper here that his brother has been dancing with a cute blonde."

  Chase smiled at the models to let them know he needed his arms back. They reluctantly released him. "Yeah, I was surprised to see her." He looked at me. "I'm guessing you invited her?”

  "Invited who?"

  Katrina huffed with frustration. "The woman dancing with Quinn. Boy, you really are out of it tonight. Maybe you should have stayed at home, drinking a warm glass of milk in bed."

  "Think you're right about that, Kat."

  "Well," Chase continued, "did you invite her?"

  "What the fuck are you talking about, Chase?"

  "The reporter," Aidan snapped, having lost patience with the confusing conversation. "Quinn is dancing with the reporter from Contemporary Life magazine."

  I stood stock-still and stared at Aidan, wondering if he was joking. He nodded, letting me know he wasn't.

  I smacked the glass down on the table behind me and plowed through the crowd. By the time I reached the dance floor, Quinn was reluctantly handing Georgie off to a guy name Lowell, an ignorant asshole who worked for our accountant and who fancied himself to be a real ladies' man. Only the ladies didn't concur with him on that assessment.

  It was a semi-slow dance, and Lowell was taking full advantage by wrapping his arms around Georgie's back and hauling her closer than necessary. The tight line of her forced smile assured me she was not enjoying the dance. Which was all right because Lowell was going to need to find a new partner.

  Quinn stopped me on my determined path through the maze of dancers. "Hey, are you coming out here to dance alone? Lowell just stole my sweet little partner, but I plan to get her back on the next song."

  "Think again, little brother." I continued on my war path, leaving Quinn no chance to respond. Lowell had a stupid grin plastered on his face as he glanced over Georgie's shoulder at me. The grin faded fast when he realized I was marching toward him. His face blanched, and his arm fell away from Georgie's back.

  She turned around to see what had startled her dance partner.

  "Trey," she said through parted lips that were glazed in hot pink lipstick and just begging to be kissed.

  "Hey, Armstrong," Lowell said, with regained confidence. "You'll have to wait for the next dance. We just got started."

  "Sorry, Lowell, your dance is over." Just like with Quinn, I didn't wait for a response. I was in no mood for responses or conversations or small talk tonight. I grabbed Georgie's hand. She put up a good show of a shocked gasp but followed right along behind me.

  I led her off the dance floor and past a lot of curious, surprised stares as I walked her out to the hotel lobby.

  "That was rather rude," Georgie quipped as she toddled along behind me. I held firmly to her hand and didn't slow down, even as she struggled to keep up with my long, determined stride. "I guess rudeness is one of your character flaws," she continued. "I sure saw it on full display yesterday."

  The lobby was crowded. I still hadn't said a word to her or even looked at her, but she continued talking, apparently deciding this was the time to get everything off her chest.

  "And another thing, how dare you tell me to use my superpower and then the second I walk out in a bikini to use that superpower—"

  I pulled her through the crowded lobby toward the elevators. Some of our guests had spilled out of the ballroom to get fresh air or have a few minutes without the noise. They too watched with dropped chins as I led Georgie across the tile floor. But I didn't give a damn. There was only one person I was interested in seeing right now and that was the woman chattering away behind me.

  "And my boobs aren't my superpower—my brain is my superpower. Everything else is just extra, like condiments. Like ketchup on fries . . .”

  I slapped the elevator button and the doors opened. I pulled her inside the empty elevator and hit the button to close the doors. Then I turned to face her.

  She wasn't wearing her glasses, and her blue eyes sparkled as she blinked at me. "Or nacho cheese sauce, if you prefer extra fattening fries," she said a little less firmly than the first part of her scolding.

  "Damnit, Georgie, what the hell have you done to me?" I yanked her into my arms and my mouth slammed down over hers.

  Chapter Twenty


  Things sort of went blurry after Trey's kiss. Most likely because I'd been waiting for that damn kiss for so long, my head grew dizzy from all the release of tension. We'd hardly spoken more than ten words as we rode up to the top floor and race-walked along the richly decorated corridor to Trey's room.

  He slid his room card through the slot. The door opened into a massive suite with a view similar to the view he had at home. City lights decorated the skyline and made the polished marble and wood in the room sparkle. A round couch sat in the center of the living room, in front of a kitchen that was at least three times the size of my apartment.

  "Nice place," I quipped.

  Trey's hazel eyes had been dark and lustful for the entire ride up to the top floor. Now they looked positively predatory. And it thrilled the hell out of m
e. His dark lashes dropped as he surveyed my outfit.

  "Nice dress." He gripped the pleated skirt. "Let's see how easily it comes off."

  "Oh, I suppose we could do that." I lifted my arms without even a moment of resistance. My resolve to tell him off had begun to crumble the second I saw him on the dance floor, looking like a man possessed, with his breathtaking physique wrapped in a perfectly cut suit and his clean shaven jaw set with steely determination. I'd worked up courage enough to give him a piece of my mind as he dragged me through the ballroom and hotel lobby, but the second the doors on the elevator shut and the kiss seemed inevitable, I knew my original plan to tell him off had been obliterated.

  He swept my dress up and off with hardly stirring a strand of my hair. I was thankful that I'd pulled on my nicest black lace bra and panties to go with the dress.

  I stared at the dress he tossed on the back of the couch. "You, sir, have done that before. You are quite skilled."

  "It's one of my superpowers." He yanked off his coat and dropped it on the ground. I'd forgotten how hot he looked in a dress shirt. His arm circled around my back and he pulled me into his arms. "Should I show you some others?"

  My throat went dry as it occurred to me that this was happening. I was going to have sex with Trey Armstrong. Shit. What if it turned out to be peanut butter sandwiches? Impossible. The man had only looked at me and my panties were already clinging to me with moisture. I swallowed away the dryness. "I would like to see the whole catalog, if possible."

  "Considering how many times I've gone through this in my mind, I don't think that will be a problem."

  "You've gone through this in your mind?"

  "Many times." His mouth pressed hard against mine, and before I realized it, my bra slid down my arms and off my hands. I went to kick off my high heels, the one piece of my party attire I was more than eager to take off, but Trey pulled his mouth from mine long enough to mutter a command.

  "Leave them on." The second the words left his mouth, I felt my panties drop to my ankles. Apparently, stealthy moves that undressed women without their realizing it was one of his powers. The other one had to do with his kisses, kisses that I was feeling straight through my entire body.

  Trey's arm smoothed up my back. He gripped my hair in his hand, tugging it back just enough to lift my face higher. His tongue flicked over my bottom lip before slipping inside. A deep groan rattled his chest as he swept me up into his arms. I took the opportunity to kick my panties free from my ankles. Trey carried me down a short hallway to a beautiful bedroom with a massive bed that was covered with satiny linens.

  He hesitated and I worried he was having second thoughts. I lifted my head from his shoulder. "What's wrong?" I asked with some trepidation that he would drop me back to my feet and call the whole thing off.

  Trey shook his head. "I want you so fucking badly, I can't even decide where to start."

  I smiled and ran my fingers over his chin. "Just start with your favorite go to move, and we'll see where it leads."

  "Right." He dropped me rather abruptly in the center of the bed. Again, I reached to remove the shoes, but he grabbed both my ankles and slid my bottom toward the edge of the bed. The satin sheen on the sheets made me nearly slip over the side.

  "Thought I told you to keep those on."

  "My mom used to scold me when I put my shoes on the bed. Old habits, I guess."

  Trey propped my heels up on the bed so that my knees were up. He set my feet wide enough apart that my pussy was in full view, and rather than follow my instinct to drop my knees together and shield that view, I found myself dropping my knees farther apart.

  "You really do have powers," I said, my voice much grittier sounding than before. "I find myself doing things that I never would have done in front of other men."

  His demeanor had darkened, and the set of his jaw was serious and sharp. "You mean like spreading your knees, so I can see that beautiful pussy?" He ran his hands along my inner thighs and pushed my legs even wider as his fingers neared my pussy. His eyes stayed focused on my face for a moment longer, then his lashes dropped and he gazed down at my most intimate parts. I sucked in a breath as his finger dragged through the moisture pooling between the folds of my pussy. Then he lifted that same finger and tasted it. The erotic gesture caused gooseflesh to rise on my whole body. I badly wanted him to taste more of me. I dropped my knees wider, in invitation.

  "That's it, baby." He lifted his hand to unbutton his shirt. He went to push the shirt off his shoulders.

  I leaned back on my elbows. "Stop. Leave it on." I lifted one high heel toward his cuffs. "Unbutton those and roll them back to expose your forearms."

  He curved his brow in question.

  "Hey, we've all got our fantasy thing." I lifted my leg again to point out the shoes he made me keep on. "You've got your high heels. I want my rolled up shirt sleeves." I blinked up at him. "Shit, that sounded sexier in my head."

  He grinned down at me as he rolled up his sleeves, as if he was about to get to work. He was, it seemed. He knelt down next to the bed and began with a trail of kisses along my inner thigh.

  His hands slid beneath my ass, and he lifted me to his mouth and probing tongue. I gripped the bed covers and dropped my knees wider as he stroked the entire intimate length of my pussy with his tongue. His finger slipped inside of me, then two, as his tongue continued to stroke my clitoris. Oral sex had always been hit or miss with me, and I'd blamed myself. But, it seemed, it was the partner that made it a success. And this particular partner knew me as if he'd been between my thighs a million times. He knew exactly the right pressure and the places to touch that made me nearly slide off the satiny bed.

  As my body reached that point of no return, where it felt as if someone was just about to pop the cork on a shaken bottle of champagne, I rocked against the rhythm of his mouth. Each time his fingers, now at least three, impaled me.

  "Trey," I moaned, "holy shit, Trey."

  His hands still had a firm hold on my ass, and he spread my cheeks apart as he pushed my pussy firmly against his mouth. My wide spread knees closed around his head, and I held him there, captive between my thighs as I came hard against his mouth. His tongue didn't stop its sensual dance along my clit. Each caress made my entire body convulse with pleasure.

  A growl rolled up from his throat. He pushed to his feet, his lids heavy with lust. He pushed the shirt from his shoulders. His naked chest seemed to revive the stirrings he'd left behind with his mouth and fingers. He unbuttoned his fly. I watched eagerly, nearly biting a hole through my lip as he pushed his pants down and off. Yep, everything about him was perfect.

  "I don't want to kill the mood, but do you have a condom?"

  Even his ass was gorgeous as he walked to the dresser and pulled a handful of condoms out of his overnight bag. He carried the fistful of condoms to the bed and dropped them on the nightstand.

  "Wow, yes. I guess the answer is yes. I like a man who comes prepared." My eyes flicked sideways to the shiny packages piled on the nightstand. "That's a lot of them."

  "Yeah? I was just wondering if I brought enough." He towered over the bed. I watched with eager anticipation as he rolled the condom on, stretching it to capacity.

  I scooted back as he knelt on the bed and stood over me on his hands and knees. "Georgie, I've been waiting to have you naked in my arms since the first second I laid eyes on you. Spend the night with me and you'll have enough, not just for an article, but for a whole damn book." He leaned down and kissed me lightly, ending the intimacy with a light bite on my bottom lip.

  "See, I knew that lip was bitable. This time, I just need to be inside of you. We can get creative later because we've got all damn night." He took hold of my hands, lifted them up by my head and held them firmly against the mattress. He settled between my thighs, gazing down at me as if he could read every emotion on my face.

  His mouth covered mine and a deep moan vibrated my throat as Trey pushed inside of me. He started lon
g slow movements, impaling his cock into me in deep sweeping movements. With each thrust, his arcing movement jammed his cock tighter, touching every sensitive place, including the magic G-spot that I’d had no idea existed until the wonderful toy pointed it out to me. But Trey wasn't just any man, he was a man who made a business out of pleasure, and he was giving that pleasure to me good.

  He held my hands firmly against the bed, even though I struggled some to touch him, to feel his muscular shoulders as he braced his body over mine. But he kept control of my arms and, for that matter, my entire body. I loved every minute of it.

  His hazel eyes glittered with hints of green as he gazed down at my face, watching me as he drove into me with long, fluid motions. With each delicious dive into my pussy, his cock grazed that sweet spot that made my entire body pulse with pleasure.

  "You will come for me, Georgie. I won't finish until I've felt your pussy tighten around me."

  His request was easy to grant. I was teetering on the edge of an explosive orgasm. I lifted my bottom off the bed to meet his thrusts. "Oh, Trey, yes, fuck yes!" Drugging waves of ecstasy rippled through me as my pussy clamped around him.

  "Fuck, baby," he growled. "I knew you would feel like this. I knew you'd be fucking perfect."

  As sputtering, tender aches pulsated through me, Trey began moving faster, his body meeting mine, knocking the breath from me with each thrust. I threw my legs around his waist, making it easier for him to pump his cock into me. He released my hands. They tingled as I gripped his arms. He held me firmly beneath him and drove into me so hard the bed thumped against the wall.

  "Fuck yes," he groaned as his arms stiffened in my grasp. His entire body was like hard steel as he came inside of me.

  I reached up and wiped the bead of sweat off his forehead as his breathing slowed. He turned his face and kissed the inside of my wrist, gently. I was stunned how much I enjoyed just that simple gesture.


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