Smash into You

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Smash into You Page 6

by Sherry Soule

  “Such as?”

  “Hand me your phone.”


  He stopped walking and held out his hand. “Trust me.”

  For some reason, I did sort of trust him. I dug it out of my front pocket and placed it on his palm. With one hand he thumbed through my phone, pressing buttons, then gave it back to me.

  “What were you doing?”

  “It now has late-night booty call enabled.”

  I scoffed. “Cute, but I’m not looking for a late-night anything. And from what I’ve seen, you don’t need any more hook ups.”

  “Ouch!” He pretended to clutch at his heart. “I’m not dating anyone serious. Not since my high school girlfriend ditched me for Melvin Snuckler.”

  I choked back a laugh. “Don’t tell me…a mathlete?”

  “How did you know?” His eyes widened in mock surprise. “Bastard not only stole my girl, but he went to Harvard. He’s probably starting his own version of Facebook by now. And I’m just a lonely dog walker.”

  “I get the feeling that you’re much more than that, Cole.” I bumped his shoulder. “No serious dating at all?”

  He pretended to ponder my question by tapping a finger against his chin. “Dating—what a strange, mammalian concept.”

  I laughed. “What do you like to do when you’re not saving canines?”

  “I like to read, go camping, play my guitar—very badly—and cook.” He smiled, that dimple peeking out in his cheek, and it kicked up his wicked charm a notch. “What about you? What do you like to do besides walk across campus alone at night?”

  “My current hobbies include cutting the ‘do not remove’ tags off mattresses, memorizing the contents of friends’ medicine cabinets, and collecting non-winning lottery tickets. Impressed yet?”

  Amusement lit up his eyes. “Very. Any accomplishments that you’d like to boast about, Ms. DuPont?”

  I nodded. “Well, there’s my perfect attendance at Clown College and I was voted best cat herder three years in a row. And you?”

  “Besides being an excellent dog-walker, I’m a snake charmer, and an action film critic.”

  “Equally impressive.”

  “And first-rate tour guide.” He pointed at the building looming behind us. “Your destination.”

  We paused outside Stevenson Hall. The lampposts pushed at the darkness, and heavy clouds skimmed the horizon. Two girls passed us, one flipping hair over her shoulder and smiling crazy big at Cole. He seemed unfazed by the attention.

  “Well, this is my stop.” I crouched and scratched two of the pups behind the ear. “I’d like to thank you fine gentlemen for escorting me home.”

  “It was our pleasure, my lady.” Cole bowed. “Hey, I’m curious, why did you transfer schools?”

  My stomach lurched. Not a question I wanted to explain to a hot guy.

  “I have to go,” I said hastily. “Thanks again.”

  “No prob. It was fun smashing into you.” He turned and the dogs followed, sniffing the grass and bumping into each other.

  Dammit. I was becoming overly smitten with the irresistible Cole Prescott. He was an incredibly gorgeous complication that threatened to crush my newfound resolve. Keeping him in the friend zone wouldn’t be easy, especially when the sizzling chemistry between us was so damn combustible. This funny, handsome, strange guy had invaded my life at the worst possible time. And he would be hard as hell to resist.


  As I joined Raven, Vanessa, and three other girls from my dorm in the cafeteria for lunch later in the week, I carried a tray with a whole-wheat turkey sandwich and a large soda. I dropped into a chair at the end of the table and let my overflowing book bag thud to the floor. I didn’t have time to hike it back to the dorms before meeting Vanessa for lunch.

  I set a dog-eared copy of Sense and Sensibility from my Comparative Literature class beside my food. I gazed around the cafeteria at the other student’s talking, laughing, and eating. No sign of Cole. I squeezed out three packets of mayonnaise onto my sandwich and sighed.

  Raven dipped her spoon into a cup of non-fat yogurt. “Do you even know how many extra calories you’re consuming?”

  I took a big bite, licking mayonnaise off the side of my mouth. “Delicious.”

  “That actually looks pretty good,” Vanessa said, munching on a chocolate chip cookie.

  Raven rolled her eyes and resumed chatting with the other girls seated at our table.

  “How are your classes going?” Vanessa asked. “You seem stressed.”

  “Fine,” I lied with a quick smile.

  My art history class had been packed to the rafters this morning and was a lot smaller than the lecture halls depicted in movies. Almost every student knew the artist, year, and medium of every work the professor displayed on the projection screen. My classes seemed a lot tougher than my old college. I’d have to work extra hard to sustain my grade-point average.

  “I know this is going to sound obnoxious, but if you ever need any help, I’m totally here for you.” Vanessa pushed up her glasses with one finger. “I was valedictorian of my high school and I currently have a four-point-o.”

  Okay. Was she offering to help me, or showing off? Neither one made me feel any better.

  The girls at our table gossiped about hot guys and other students on campus, but my ears perked up when someone mentioned Cole Prescott’s name.

  “Cole’s dad is starring in that new action film, Instant Vengeance with Sarah Michelle Gellar,” one girl said.

  “Must be nice to be the son of a famous movie star,” Raven replied.

  “When Cole’s grandmother died, Cole inherited a trust fund that would bring a sentimental tear to Paris Hilton’s eye,” another girl named Beth said.

  “I heard Cole’s some big advocate for animal rights and donated a bunch of money to a local shelter,” Raven said. “He’s like a rebel with a canine cause.”

  “But no respectable girl would date an Alpha Tau Omega brother,” Beth said. “Those guys, even Cole, are kinda shunned on campus.”

  The table grew hushed when the Zeta Beta trio emerged from the lunch line. Jade led the way, with Brooklyn and Claire trailing behind. Jade sauntered by us, her brown eyes sliding over me with an amused grin teasing her red lips.

  Claire paused and stared directly into my eyes. “Oh. Hello there.”

  The other two girls stopped. So did my heartbeat.

  “This is the girl I was telling you about,” Claire said, tilting her head and studying me.

  Prickles of apprehension arose in my chest, and I swallowed hard. I sensed the other girls at the table glancing at one another.

  “Seriously?” Jade strode toward me, looking me up and down. “You’re our Stalky McStalkerson?”

  My mouth was so dry I couldn’t swallow, let alone speak out in my defense.

  Stalky McStalkerson? Was that some insulting name for a female stalker? Oh, god. I was tumbling headfirst down the Zeta Beta’s social ladder.

  Raven cackled. She had a loud, gruff laugh, like that sound a dog made just before it threw up.

  Jade raised a perfectly waxed eyebrow. “I thought she’d be a cool spy girl instead of so…fugly.”

  Ouch. My heart sped up and a flare of heat warmed my chest. Weren’t we a little old for the mean girl routine? But if the ground opened up and swallowed me, I’d be a happy camper.

  “Fugly? Get real!” Brooklyn snorted, then covered her mouth with her hand, and her eyes found mine. “Ohmygosh, you’re frigging cute as damn.”

  Uh-oh. Girl fight? Jade gave Brooklyn a scathing look that made me think they’d end up tearing out one another’s freshly highlighted hair.

  “Thanks? But I-I wasn’t spying. Honest.” The excuse sounded lame. I licked my lips and tried again. “I just happened to be looking out my window when I noticed you guys…”

  Jade smiled, but it seemed false. Only painted on her full lips. “What’s your name, Stalky?”

a DuPont.”

  “I’m Jade. This is Brooklyn and Claire,” she said. “We’re Zeta Beta sisters.”

  “Hi,” I said with a shy smile.

  Raven scooted back her chair and stood to buy a soda. Vanessa’s phone chimed and she hurried out the side door to answer the call. Nice. They’d left me alone with the Zeta Beta mafia.

  “I’m guessing you’re new here,” Jade said. “Where are you from?”

  Brooklyn stepped closer. “Why are we bothering to talk to a potential stalker?”

  “Because I’m curious. So shut it,” Jade snapped, then turned back to me. “Well?”

  I pushed my half-eaten sandwich aside and prayed I didn’t have mayonnaise anywhere on my face. “Um, Laguna Beach.”

  Jade’s eyes narrowed. “And you left the hottest zip code in Cali because…?”

  I cleared my throat, picking the crust off my sandwich. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “Boy troubles?” Brooklyn asked.

  My stomach slammed against my spine. I still hadn’t told anyone what actually happened—what had pushed me over the edge. Partially because I wanted to forget that it had occurred at all.

  I shrugged one shoulder. “Something like that.”

  “Nobody cares about your tragic sob story anyway. Hashtag loser,” Jade said. “Now that you know who we are and we know who you are, maybe you can find a new hobby and ditch those stalkerish tendencies.”

  I tried to take a deep breath, but couldn’t. Muffled giggles surrounded me.

  “Come on, girls,” Jade said, turning away.

  Brooklyn fell into step beside Jade and they walked off together. Except Claire, who hesitated and frowned.

  “Sorry,” she said. “Jade can be a real bitch.”

  I shrugged. “If you say so.”

  “What were you doing that night?” she asked.

  “Painting the moon.” I leaned back, my shoulders less tense. “I caught a glimpse of you guys, but I wasn’t spying. Just curious about sorority life. Seems like a lot of fun.”

  “Oh, it is. Not as many rules as living in the dorms.” She tucked a flyaway curl behind her ear. For a moment, her light blue eyes found mine and they appeared a little sad, although she faintly smiled. “See you around.” Claire trailed off after her friends.

  “Way to piss off the Zeta Beta sisters.” Raven retook her seat and shook her head. “And you want to pledge their sorority?”

  Vanessa sat in the chair beside mine, tucking the cell into her purse. “Please tell me that you weren’t really spying on them.”

  “Of course not! Our window faces one of their bedrooms and I saw them one night,” I replied. “That’s all. I don’t know why they’re making such a big deal out of it.”

  Dammit. I wanted so badly to pledge their house and become a Zeta Beta. Now I’d blown it. I would have to do everything I could to scramble out of the hole I’d dug for myself by becoming Stalky McStalkerson before it spread outside the sorority circle. An ironic nickname I was determined to disown.

  We ate in silence after that, but the other girls kept darting odd looks in my direction.

  As Vanessa and I left the cafeteria, Cole pushed himself away from the wall and fell into step beside me. That thin silver ring in his eyebrow winked in the sunlight.

  “’Sup, blondie.”

  His shoulder brushed mine, and serious sensory overload struck my senses. My heart pounded hard and loud, and I was sure anyone within a five-mile radius could hear it. I was overwhelmed with more than just instant attraction to this charming guy, my interest became stemmed from a deep curiosity, too. But my heart warned me to be cautious. My love life had gotten me into a whole lotta trouble in the past.

  I turned away, letting the long strands of my pale hair create a curtain around my face. I didn’t like the feelings Cole provoked whenever he came near me. And I didn’t want to be like the other fangirls at Beaumont that swooned in his presence. I didn’t want him to have any effect on me at all.

  Vanessa widened her eyes dramatically and gave me a look that said: Hello, superstar! How do you know this campus hottie?

  I shot her a look and a shrug that said, Search me.

  She moved aside to stand under a tree to give us some privacy and wait.

  “Hey,” I said casually, although my pulse was racing.

  “I got something for you,” Cole said.

  He produced a small ring from his pocket. It was super gaudy, bright red, and made of clear plastic. I absolutely loved anything sparkly. He held it up between his thumb and forefinger.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “It’s a prize I got from a gumball machine and I decided to give it to you for good luck.”

  I wasn’t ready to start anything new. I was still shell-shocked by my recent all-hell-broke-loose relationship. Since the first time we’d spoken, I had gone from zero to hundred percent crush on the guy. Who could blame me?

  Still, I raised an eyebrow and narrowed my eyes. “Why do you think I need luck?”

  “Everyone can use some on occasion,” he replied smoothly.

  “I guess, if you like tacky jewelry,” I said, tossing my hair over one shoulder. I bit my lip to keep from grinning. “Did you snag this from some unsuspecting sixth grader?”

  “No! I purchased this gem with my own two bucks…but if you don’t want it.” He started to put the ring back into his pocket.

  “Wait...” I put out my hand. “I could use a little luck.”

  “I thought so.” He slipped it onto my ring finger and gazed directly into my eyes. “Now we’re going steady.”

  Flirt intended? Definitely.

  Girl intrigued? You bet.

  Entering romantic danger zone? Oh, yeah.

  I snorted. “Who even says that anymore?”

  “I do.” He gazed at my hand and the jewel gracing my finger. “Now you have a piece of tacky jewelry that’ll change your luck because it came from me.”

  I smiled at the silly romantic gesture, then extended my hand, letting the sunlight reflect off the goofy plastic diamond. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He leaned closer and brushed hair from my face. “I’m glad you like it.”

  My stomach filled with butterflies and my girlie parts did a happy dance.

  Oh, no. No, no, no! Red alert! Danger ahead! This guy was hot like fire, but dating him would only get me burned.

  Cole rubbed his chin and squinted at me. “You know, you seem nearly perfect. Which makes me suspicious…any deep, dark secrets you need to reveal?”

  The question instantly sent a blast of adrenaline surging through my veins. The lusty impulses vanished as if I had taken a cold shower.

  “Um, I gotta go. Thanks again!” I hurried away, but glanced over my shoulder and gave him a little wave.

  Cole backed up toward the quad, hands in his pockets, grinning suggestively. I caught at least three girls staring at me with unabashed envy. As Cole turned away, two guys jogged to catch up with him and match his long strides.

  I stared down at the plastic ring shining in the sunlight, feeling indescribably happy until I sensed someone watching me. When I glanced up, I stared directly into Claire’s clear blue eyes. She stood a dozen yards away near the stone benches at the center of the quad, but from the intensity of her stare, she may as well have been on top of me. I waved with uncertainty. Then she blinked and turned away.

  “Who was that?” Vanessa asked.

  “Major trouble.”

  “More like sex on a stick. But seriously, who is he?”

  “The notorious Cole Prescott that everyone was chatting about during lunch.” His name rolled across my lips like the inside of a smooth chocolate truffle.

  “Awesome!” She was standing on her tiptoes to watch him as he and his cohorts were enveloped by the crowd. “Before you overheat, what was all that about?”

  “I have no idea,” I said softly. “But I’d sure like to find out.” Even if it wasn’t a smar
t move.

  “Who wouldn’t? The guy’s insanely hot,” Vanessa said. “How do you two know each other?”

  I told her about my previous encounters with Cole and his cute dog walking skills.

  “Sounds like a case of insta-lust, huh?” she teased. “Since we’ve both got a free period, I think it’s time to do a little cyber stalking,” Vanessa said.

  “What? Why? On who?”

  Vanessa grabbed my hand and pulled me toward Stevenson Hall. “Mr. Prescott—who else? C’mon, let’s head back to the dorm and do some online snooping.”

  “I don’t know…I’m already getting a bad stalker rep.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Come on. At least with cyber stalking, we can’t get caught.”

  Vanessa had a point. Plus, I was a bit curious to see what we’d discover about Mr. Super-Sexy-Dog-Walker.

  All the way to our dorm, Vanessa peppered me with questions about Cole, but I didn’t have much else to say. Once we went back to our room, Vanessa powered on her monstrous desktop computer, and I stood behind her desk while she Googled him. One site featured a column posted about the family.

  …Colton Prescott is the middle child of world-famous movie star, Alaric “Rick” Prescott and costume designer, Demi O’Flynn. Mr. Prescott’s philandering and violent outbursts on set are legendary in Hollywood. Rumors that he has an illegitimate son from an affair with another actress have caused major conflict within the Prescott family…

  “Crazy fam drama, huh?” Vanessa said, clicking open a new tab. “Let’s check Facebook.”

  She typed in his name and over twenty different men with similar names popped up. She scrolled down the page until we spotted a profile pic of Cole. Vanessa clicked on the name and his Facebook page filled the screen, with a cute photo of him with his arm wrapped around a big dog.

  His status read: “Man’s best friend” may fight to the death in dogfights, often with thousands of dollars at stake. Dog owners often kill the losing canine, and even winning dogs can die from their wounds. If you suspect dog fighting in your neighborhood, please contact local law enforcement authorities…


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