In the Eye of the Storm

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In the Eye of the Storm Page 13

by Jennifer Hayden

  “Are you having fun?” he asked. There was a lot of noise in the background and she could tell he was having a hard time talking over the top of it.

  “I am. Are you?”

  “Not really. I’m not a fan of all this crap. I hate make-up and I don’t like being bronzed.”

  Kate smiled at the image of Beau Callahan being primped. It didn’t fit his tough guy persona.

  “So where are you?” he asked.

  “I’m outside waiting for Patrick. I think he went to use the restroom or something.”

  “Outside where? By yourself?”

  She instantly heard the change in his voice. “Beau there are a million people around. I’m outside Victoria’s Secret.”What are you talking about?”

  “Where the hell is Longwell? He’s supposed to be with you at all times.”

  “People have to pee once in a while, Mr. Callahan,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Calm down. He’s been good to me all day long. And you know how I can try a person’s patience.”

  He snorted at that, apparently calming down. “I suppose you have a point. So what did you buy?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “A surprise? For me?”

  “I told you I’m standing outside of Victoria’s Secret.” She heard him let out a curse and found herself smiling again.

  “Listen baby, I have to go. Isn’t Longwell back yet?”

  Kate viewed the street around her again. For some reason, she was beginning to get an uneasy feeling. Patrick had been gone far too long to have just gone to the bathroom. “He’s not back yet.”

  “Okay. Go back into the store and wait in there. I’ll send Tommy over to get you.”

  “Beau, I’m fine. I’ll just do a little more shopping and take a cab if I have to. Patrick will probably catch back up with me. Quit worrying so much.”

  “Not a good idea,” he argued. “This isn’t Montana, Kate.”

  “There are plenty of women walking around out here by themselves,” she said, observing just that.

  “None of those women are involved with me. Go into the store and wait for Tommy. Please,” he added. The tone to his voice had darkened and she took notice. He was genuinely upset.

  “Okay,” she relented and found herself backing into the store again. She was so certain that Patrick was going to show back up, that she kept expecting him to appear around the corner. He didn’t. But Tommy did, ten minutes later. He took her bags and loaded them into the ever-present black Suburban, looking a little sheepish. Kate knew he felt bad about whatever had caused Patrick to disappear.

  “I’m sorry about this, Kate. I don’t know what the heck happened.”

  “It’s fine,” she said, climbing into the vehicle. Tommy climbed in after her. “He didn’t call you or anything?”

  “Not a word. I assumed you guys were still shopping together.” Tommy rubbed a hand over his face. “I had no idea the kid was a flake. He’s been doing a great job for me up until today.”

  “I didn’t really need a babysitter anyway,” Kate said, trying to make him feel better. “Beau’s a bit overprotective sometimes.”

  “He’s got his reasons,” Tommy said quietly. “This guy has been bothering him for a while. He’s getting bolder and bolder. I can see why Beau’s on edge. I’m in trouble here, that’s for sure.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’ll talk to him.”

  “I don’t think so, Kate. He was shooting when I left but he was pissed off. Beau is an important client of mine. He’s also my friend. I feel really badly about this.”

  Kate could see Tommy was being sincere. “I’ll talk to him,” she said, again. “I’m sure everything will be fine.”What are you talking about?”

  Tommy didn’t look like he believed her.

  Ten minutes later, they pulled up in front of a large brownstone, several miles from the downtown shopping district.

  “He asked me to bring you here where he’s shooting. He’s probably just about done.” Tommy climbed out and she clambered out after him. They walked into a large foyer a moment later. There were people milling about everywhere—none of whom Kate recognized. Apparently Beau’s shoot was over because the majority of the people present were dismantling camera equipment.

  “What the fuck, Tommy?” Beau’s voice carried through the room. Kate turned and saw him coming toward them, and Tommy was right; he was pissed. He had a towel in his hand and was wiping at his face as he reached her.

  “Are you okay?” He directed his words at Kate.

  “I’m fine, Beau. You’re overreacting.”

  His expression soured and he looked at Tommy. “What the hell happened?”

  “I don’t know, man. I gave him explicit instructions. I all but spelled it out for him. He clearly didn’t get the message. I’ve called him numerous times now and he’s not answering his phone. I’m sorry.” Tommy looked at Kate again. “I already apologized to her.”

  “It’s not his fault,” Kate said quietly. Even she was a little uncomfortable with Beau’s anger. He wasn’t the type to jump down anyone’s throat unnecessarily. He was obviously extremely angry.

  “Stay out of this, Kate.”

  Kate frowned. “Excuse me, but it is me that we’re talking about.”

  “No, we’re talking about the fact that you were left alone in the middle of New York City when I have a fucking stalker on my tail. That’s what we’re talking about. I never would have left you alone with that guy if I had known this was going to happen.”

  “Nothing happened!” she said, raising her voice. She lowered it when several heads turned their way.

  He glowered at her, but turned to Tommy. “Is the car down there? I’m ready to go.”

  “It’s at the curb,” Tommy said solemnly.

  Beau said goodbye to a few people on his way out the door and Kate followed him awkwardly to the Suburban, climbing in while he held the door for her. When he was inside next to her, the door shut behind him.

  “You didn’t need to be so hard on him,” she said, knowing he wasn’t going to appreciate her words. She was right; he scowled at her.

  “Just drop it, Kate.”

  “You embarrassed me in there. You’re treating me like a child.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Is that right? I’m sorry if keeping you safe is my number one priority.”

  “It’s broad daylight, Beau. Nothing was going to happen to me.”

  He stared at her in silence for several tense moments. Then he cursed. “I knew bringing you here was a bad idea. I should have listened to my instincts.”

  “Then why didn’t you?” she asked, irritated. She didn’t like the turn this conversation was taking at all. It wasn’t like said, rolling his eyes. t 4Ihe’d been forced into asking her to come with him.

  “Because I wanted you to come. But I knew the risk I was running. This is a completely different world. You’re on display now. That makes you a target. I should have thought of that before I put you at risk.”

  “You didn’t do anything, Beau. I’m safe.” She reached over and squeezed his hands. “I’m here, okay? I’m fine. Besides, you haven’t heard anything from this guy for a long time. Maybe he’s finally given up and moved on.”

  Beau shook his head, his expression dark. “He goes in waves. He disappears for a while when he knows we&him. Then he comes back out and strikes when all is quiet.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “I’m so damned tired of feeling like a trapped animal.”

  This was the first time Kate saw actual fear on Beau’s face. He looked defeated in a way. She felt immediate anger at the man who had caused all this. “I’m sorry he’s doing this to you.”

  He let out a snort, leaning over and resting his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry for doing this to you. I know you were just doing what I told you to do—having fun.” He seemed to notice her hair for the first time. “I like the blonde. It’s hot.”

  She smiled at that, glad he was slowly morphing back int
o Beau the person again. “It was Enrique’s idea.”

  “Really. I guess I’ll have to thank him later, whoever he is.”

  They reached the hotel and once they were back in their suite, Beau disappeared into the bathroom to shower. Kate decided to make a quick call to Kylie. She hadn’t talked to her friend much in the last couple of weeks. She was anxious to see how things were going at baby central.

  “Why are you calling me?” Kylie asked, when she heard Kate’s voice a moment later.

  “Why not?” Kate asked, leaning back on the bed and twirling a strand of her newly blonde highlights.

  “Because, you’re in New York, silly. I’d be out in Times Square taking in the sights. Have you gone ice skating in Rockefeller Center yet?”

  “We did.”

  “We? You mean you got Beau Callahan on ice skates?” Kylie laughed. “That must have been a sight to see.”

  “His butt didn’t hit the ice too many times.” Kate smiled as she remembered the afternoon they’d spent skating.

  “You sound like you’re having a great time, Kate. I’m glad,” Kylie said, but her voice held an air of caution to it. Kate noticed the tone immediately.


  “What do you mean what?” Kylie asked innocently.

  “I can hear the tone in your voice. If you have something to say, just say it.” Kate braced herself. She’d figured Kylie and Trey would have something to say about her relationship with Beau sooner or later.

  “If you’re happy, I’m happy,” Kylie said quietly.

  “You don’t sound happy to me,” Kate argued. “What gives?”

  Kylie was quiet a moment. “Honestly?”

  Kate rolled her eyes. “We’ve been friends for too long to be anything other than honest, Kylie. What’s got you so upset?”

  “I’m not upset. Not really. I’m just a little worried about you. Things have moved pretty fast between you and Beau, don’t you think?”

  There was no arguing with that so Kate didn’t bother. “It’s not what you think, Kylie.” Kate struggled to find the words that she knew would put her friend’s mind at ease. At this point, she didn’t even know how to put her own mind at ease.

  “Then what is it, Kate? I know you like him. Obviously he likes you. I have never seen either one of you like this. But I get the feeling that things are complicated. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Because he could never be serious about me,” Kate figured out aloud, the words squeezing at her heart painfully. “I know all that, Kylie. Beau has been very upfront with me from the get-go.”

  “He has?” Kylie asked, sounding surprised.

  “We’re just having fun,” Kate said easily. She wasn’t sure who she was trying to convince more, Kylie or herself. It seemed like daily she was reminding herself of the rules in her relationship with Beau. And daily things got harder and harder to deal with.

  “Kate, you sound funny. You’re not upset, are you?”

  Kate rolled her eyes, willing her voice to stay even. “I’m fine, Kylie. You’re being a little dramatic. I’ve only known Beau for a little over a month. It’s not like we’re head over heels or anything. I’m actually enjoying the no strings thing.” The lie rolled right off of her tongue and she waited for Kylie to respond.

  “If you say so. Beau’s a great guy. He’s just a bit of a loner. Be careful.”

  “I’m being careful,” Kate said. A moment later, she hung up the phone.

  “Who was that?” Beau asked, stepping into the room, a towel wrapped around his waist. The make-up he’d had on his face earlier was gone and he was freshly shaven. His still damp, black hair glistened under the lights in the room. He looked good enough to eat and she found herself smiling, in spite of her anxiety at the conversation she’d just had with her friend.

  “It was Kylie. She thinks you’re going to break my heart.” Her voice held an amused tone to it that she didn’t really feel.

  He studied her face closely, those dark eyes of his struggling to read how sincere she was being. Eventually he walked over and climbed onto the bed, slowly lowering himself over her. “And just what makes her think that it’s not going to be you that breaks my heart?”

  She shut her eyes as his nose rubbed against hers. His hands moved underneath her and lifted#8217;re onto


  Beau ignored the fresh cup of coffee that a shoe store staff member set in front of him. He’d hadow long are you staying?”s ” K0 enough caffeine. As it was, he was damned near climbing the walls.

  He’d tried to cancel out on the personal appearance. Tommy had done his best to get him out of it, but in the end, he was under contract and that contract was binding. There was a lot of money at stake here and Beau’s integrity as well. Not only that, there were throngs of people waiting to meet him, along with the four other MLB players that were involved in the latest ad campaign for the shoe company. Beau was the headliner and if he didn’t show up the whole day was a wash for everyone. He had no choice but to man up and do his job.

  The idea that twenty-four hours ago, Patrick Longwell had been alive and well, was eating at Beau. He still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that the man’s body had been found behind a dumpster, not far from the last place Kate had seen him the day before. He’d been stabbed multiple times. The worst part was that there had been a note attached to him.

  This could have been her.

  That was all the note said. Beau realized immediately who her was, and his blood ran cold. This maniac was fixated on Kate now. Because of him, she was in imminent danger. And because of him, Patrick Longwell was dead.

  “Ten minutes,” Tommy said, stepping up and crouching down in front of Beau. He’d done a good job of keeping the press away from Beau so far that morning. The news of Beau’s stalker had hit the airwaves and it was the story of the day.

  Beau glanced at Kate, who was sitting silently next to him, her expression pained. She’d been that way since the night before when Tommy had called them and informed them of Patrick’s demise.

  They had both spent the night with the police, answering question after question. Kate had seen nothing. She’d noticed nobody suspicious around them during the day. Now she was blaming herself. No matter how many times he told her it wasn’t her fault—that it was his—she wasn’t buying it. He blew out a breath again, thankful for the amount of security on hand at the store that day. The place was literally crawling with cops. The chances of anyone causing any problems without serious repercussions were slim to none.

  “It’ll be okay, man. We’ll do this and go straight to the airport.”

  “I want her on a separate flight,” Beau said quietly, so that Kate couldn’t hear him. He looked Tommy in the eye. “She’s going back to Montana by herself. My brother will be there at the airport to take care of her.”

  Tommy looked surprised. “Are you sure? Maybe you should stick this out with her.”

  “I’m going back to Texas. If this bastard wants to play with me, he’s going to have to follow me there. I’m done with this. I’m going to wait there until he shows up and I’m going to kill him.”

  Tommy’s eyes grew wide. “You’re talking crazy now, Beau. Just calm down and let the cops do their jobs.”

  “Do their jobs? You mean like they have for the past year and a half while this bastard has tortured the hell out of me?” Beau shook his head. “No way. I’m done. My family is at risk now. My girl is at risk. No more.” Beau didn’t realize how much he meant the words until they were out of his mouth. He knew he was in love with Kate. He also knew there was nothing he could do about that. He wasn’t good for her. His lifestyle never they were gonhe was would be. As much as it pained him to realize that, he knew he had to.

  Tommy could only nod his understanding. “If that’s what you want. I’ll make sure she gets back to Montana safely.”

  Ten minutes later, Beau put on his game face and joined his fellow players. For an hour, they signed aut
ographs and took pictures. Occasionally, someone wanted a hug or a kiss, which Beau usually gave out freely enough. Today, the police stepped in and stopped any contact that boiled down to more than a handshake. Beau felt bad about the disappointed looks he received, yet there was nothing he could do about things. For all he knew, his stalker was one of these people. He had no choice but to keep them all at an arm’s length.

  When the event was over, he was more than relieved. He knew he had to find Kate and say goodbye. He was dreading the moment when he would have to look into her eyes and do exactly what Kylie had warned her he would do; break her heart.

  After her confession the night before, he’d agonized over things. He’d come damned close to admitting his own feelings to her. And then he’d received Tommy’s call. The minute Patrick Longwell had died, so had his chances of having a real relationship with Kate. He would never be safe and neither would she.

  Stepping into the backroom, away from the still crowded storefront, he looked around. Kate remained sitting where he’d left her earlier. He indicated over her head to Tommy, that he was heading out. Tommy nodded.

  He walked over and crouched down in front of her. “We need to talk. Come downstairs with me.”

  “I already heard what you said to Tommy. You don’t need to explain anything.”

  He winced. She was avoiding his gaze, yet he could see the pain in her eyes. “Kate—”

  “Just forget it, Beau. I know why you’re doing what you’re doing. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I get it. You think you’re keeping me safe.”

  “I’m doing what I think is best,” he said softly. “Don’t be like this.”

  “I told you last night I knew what was coming when this trip was over. Let’s just forget the theatrics and end it now. No strings.”

  “Damn it, Kate—”

  She stood up, looking over her shoulder at Tommy. “I’m ready to go when you are.”

  Tommy looked at Beau questioningly.

  “I’m sorry,” Beau said, for lack of anything better.

  She didn’t speak, she just turned around and walked away.

  The plane ride home to Montana was the longest plane ride of Kate’s life. Tommy had left her at the terminal. Once she’d been ushered onto the plane, she’d been left alone to wallow in her misery. Her heart was literally shattered. She’d expected this outcome, but she hadn’t expected the pain to be so severe. All the pep talks she’d given herself hadn’t done her a bit of good. She’d fallen in love with Beau Callahan anyway, and he’d broken her heart.


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