Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)

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Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3) Page 17

by D. F. Jones

  Time in this graceful spot did not tick. No need to rush to and fro to tasks requiring his attention or the constant plotting and planning while attempting to stay one step ahead of The Creator and his warriors.

  Luc held the human female in his arms and felt the warm blood pump through her veins. He pictured a different world. The world where he and The Creator were friends. The world where The Creator consulted him on the creation of the earth and its inhabitants. A world where this gorgeous female was neither human nor angel, but his mate. A partner for eternity. Never before had the thought even crept into his mind.

  Fat snowflakes began to fall, and Luc waved his hand, so the snow fell on everything but them. He whispered, “I’ve never brought anyone here with me. I’m questioning the sanity of it.”

  Sandy turned to him, and with a frown, she said, “Why did you bring me here?”

  Luc shrugged and said, “I was taking you to New York, we were passing through the mountains, and I haven’t been here in a long time.” He chuckled. “Well, to be accurate, it’s been decades. Time for me doesn’t hold the same relevance as it does for humans. One day, one year, a thousand years makes no difference.”

  Sandy asked, “Makes no difference for what?”

  “For anything. No schedules, no clocks ticking, no time. Einstein was a ward and figured out time and space were woven into a single continuum with his theory of relativity. He hit the nail on the head, so to speak. Close your eyes for a moment and try to visualize no time, no space. No right, no wrong. How does it feel?” Luc traced his fingers along the soft skin of her arms. He was inclined to kiss the exposed part of her neck. Curious as to the taste of her. Baldric marking her—would it repel him or drive him to possess her?

  Sandy followed his instructions without an argument. She played the game well, and he wondered what it would feel like to be inside this human. Sandy opened her eyes and swiveled around in his arms to face him. What was the look in her eyes? Curiosity? Or something else?

  She replied, “I believe you’re describing heaven. As long as the earth rotates on its axis, time will tick for humans. I read H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine. To be honest, I’ve always wondered if time travelers existed until I met real angels and demons. All the UFOs humans report seeing. They’re seeing angels or demon angels. The Chariot of Fire taking Elijah into heaven was angels. The burning light of The Creator, the light of love, has no time and space.”

  She searched his eyes and said, “It amazes me how a person of faith scoffs when you tell them you’ve talked to angels. But they do. You ask anyone of faith if they believe in angels. They’ll reply, ‘Oh yes. I believe in angels.’ But tell the same person you see angels and carry on conversations with them, and, well, they’ll lock you up and throw away the key.”

  Luc laughed so hard his shoulders shook. “You amaze me. Humans make me sick. But you make me laugh. I won’t lie or try to convince you to think I like humans, or that I consider humans as having redeeming qualities. I don’t. I never have. But once in a long while, I’ll meet an exceptional person who gives me pause to reflect. You’re one of those humans. The thing is, your life span is short in the big scheme of life. So, exceptional or not, humanity will not change until the end of an age and that day is coming sooner rather than later.”

  Luc said, “I want to show you, New York, as night falls over the city. It’s quite spectacular.”

  Luc and Sandy materialized to a high-rise building in Manhattan. Even though it was still considered winter, the opulent patio of his penthouse suite had an array of blooming flowers in exotic-looking planters. Full-grown trees grew out of the concrete floor with plants and vines intertwining up their trunks.

  Luc encircled Sandy with his arms and leaned close to her cheek. “The sunset glistening on the Hudson River is one of the reasons I love New York. I love everything about New York with all the excess, glitz, and wealth. One of my top ten cities. Why should you live unceasingly unsatisfied? Do you want to live an average life in an average world when you can live with me in splendor?”

  The wind from the river blew Sandy’s hair off her shoulders, and he inhaled her sweet, peach-ripened scent. She held onto the rail of the patio as he held onto her waist. With a tilt of her head, Sandy replied, “My life is beautiful. I’m deeply satisfied. Material things without love are empty. The convenience is nice, but it doesn’t warm my soul.”

  Ignoring her comments, Luc rubbed his cheek next to hers and said, “Our view faces south toward lower Manhattan. I prefer to be close to the water while I’m here. I want you to see the city the way it was before the revolution.”

  Luc snapped his fingers, and all of the modern buildings disappeared. The streets below reflected an eighteenth-century New York with dirt streets and horses and buggies. Wooden-hulled hundred-foot ships driven strictly by sails anchored in the harbor. The people below were oblivious to the time travelers. “See? Time travel does exist. I control earth and at my discretion may manipulate time. You are different, aren’t you? Most humans would’ve passed out or screamed in fear. But look at you. Daireann, the wonder in your face is quite refreshing indeed. I see why Baldric is interested in you.”

  Sandy shrugged out of his arms and walked along the patio wall. He watched as she took a glimpse into the distant past of America. “I’ll say you have some cool tricks. I admit, I’m awestruck. However, I wouldn’t want to live here. It’s bad enough today the lack of respect women get, but back then women were the property of the fathers and husbands, and I’d miss indoor plumbing.”

  Luc chuckled and walked over to Sandy and grabbed her face with his hands. He leaned close, nearly touching her lips to see if she would take his kiss. She didn’t. Scruples in humans were rare indeed. “Come inside. Let’s drink a cocktail.”

  Luc had purchased the penthouse in the 1920s and everything about the suite carried the elegance of what it looked like living at the top of the heap. The views were breathtaking from his penthouse at night with the lights of the city. Sandy followed Luc inside the penthouse. She looked around and traced her fingers along the back of the white sofa sitting on top a rug made of thick white shag carpet. Two mohair club chairs were positioned close to the twenty-foot white marbled fireplace.

  The combined living and dining areas had dark hardwood flooring that offered a grandeur the average working class only saw in the movies. The sleek black dining table held a silver candelabra along with fine china settings. A Parisian-inspired screen separated the dining room, with a long, black onyx bar fully stocked with any cocktails one might desire. Luc stepped over and out of thin air produced two cosmopolitans and offered one to Sandy. She took it from him and sipped. He was making slow progress.

  Sandy sipped her drink and sat down in one of the club chairs. “You live well. I’m sure the other women and men you’ve brought to this suite went gaga. I grew up in a house that didn’t have expensive furniture or china. We didn’t live extravagantly. While I love beautiful things, beautiful things cannot love you back. Living to excess, having the best of everything the world offers, does it make you happy?”

  Luc was taken aback by her question. He couldn’t remember anyone ever inquiring about his happiness. Sandy touched a part of his soul no one ever had, except The Creator. Most humans and demon angels wanted something from him. It didn’t take long in most cases to figure it out, and he used their desires to lock them into a contract he recorded into his testament. “Ever the clever one. Happy, what does it even mean? Can you honestly say you’ve lived your life happy? Baldric finally had the balls to admit his feelings, and it was the happiest moment of your life. Well, what have you been doing the other twenty-eight years? I’ll tell you. You’ve masked happiness with power. You’ve used your quite enticing body to bring men to their knees, sexually. But how many of those men wanted to marry you outside the throes of passion? Maybe one lovesick moron. And your lifelong best friends. You resent their happiness. You resent their constant judgment over your lifestyl
e choices. Well, I say, celebrate who you are. Celebrate your sexuality. Don’t allow society to dictate how you’re supposed to feel.”

  Luc walked over to the bar and pulled out a bottle of tequila and said, “Drink with me, Daireann. Celebrate who you are. Celebrate with me.” The slight change of her expression and the twitching of her upper lip gave him an indication he was close to sealing the deal.

  Sandy stepped over to the bar and drank a shot of tequila. “I used to think that way. The old saying, if it feels good do it. God, it was my motto for years. I’ve slept with many men and satisfied my sexual hunger. I loved the rush of the power I held over the men in my life. It took your thug, Cole, nearly killing my dad before I realized why I used my body.”

  Sandy ran her finger around the rim of the shot glass, then sat it down on the bar. “It was because of my child abuse, which you were probably behind anyway. I sat in St. Timothy’s and poured my heart out to The Creator, and Baldric appeared. The Spirit of Man paired us. I know the difference now between sex for the hell of it and what it means to make love to your soul mate. I’d rather have one night with Baldric than years of meaningless sex. Sex without love is like watching two dogs go at it.”

  Luc got mad and threw his shot glass into the fireplace, sending shards of glass across the floor. “Damn it, woman. Don’t you think Baldric lusts after you? It’s because of his honor and respect to The Creator he paired with you because he was your guardian. He was sworn to protect you. Do you have any idea how many human females Baldric fucked? If you don’t believe me, ask him. Don’t you see the possiblities we could have together? All that you see and don’t see on earth belongs to me.” Luc grabbed her face between his hands and he leaned in close to her mouth. With barely a whisper, he said, “You’re the first human female since Cleopatra I’ve wanted to mate. I’ve never made love to a human, and I want to make love to you. I desire you.”

  Luc caressed her cheek and then rubbed the top of her lip with his thumb while he stared into her hazel green eyes sparkling with specks of gold. He took in her beauty and released a moan of desire. “I’m giving you choices I’ve never offered another human. Mate me, bear my children, and we’ll create a superhuman race.”

  Luc released her and went over to stand at the floor-to-ceiling windows. With his back turned to her, he said, “Baldric thinks he loves you, but he’ll never leave The Creator or the AAF, not even for you. Don’t delude yourself. Your one night will have to last an eternity because it’s all you’ll ever get from him.” He turned toward her. “Before you blurt out an answer you’ll live to regret, sleep on my offer tonight.”

  Sandy ran her fingers through her hair and walked over to stand in front of Luc. She took in a deep breath and exhaled, then said, “Just so we’re clear, I’m paired with Baldric. He is my soul mate. As miraculous as this trip has been with you, I wouldn’t trade my life with him for anything you have, real or imagined. If I only get the one night with Baldric, it was worth it. You don’t have the capacity to love.”

  Sandy opened her arms with her hand’s palms up. “I have no idea why The Creator keeps you alive to wreak havoc on the whole world. The only thing I can fathom is you are His creation. You were once a part of His inner circle. It’s like the prodigal son parable in the Bible. You’re his lost son. He waits for your return to admit and repent your wrongs against him and the earth. He still loves you. But judgment day comes to all, and you’re not the exception to the rule.”

  Luc’s eyes glowed red, and his wings extended. He threw his head back and screamed so loud it shattered all of the windows in the penthouse. How dare she speak to him about The Creator. Luc grabbed Sandy by her hair. The next second, they were back in the caverns in Sandy’s chamber. Luc threw her on the floor and yelled, “You have twenty-four hours to submit before me. I want you willingly. But if you feel you can’t, then I will take your soul. You’ll lose everyone you love. Remember this, pretty fades, but stupid lasts forever.” Luc disappeared in a whirlwind, sending Sandy flying against the stone wall.

  * * *

  Sandy sat on the cold stone floor and cried. Had Baldric slept with many human females? He had lusted after her. She hadn’t read his come-on signals wrong. Had Baldric only paired with her out of respect for The Creator?

  Sandy shook with fear and drew her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. By the grace of the Almighty, she’d survived the trip with Luc. She closed her eyes and prayed for help. Sandy prayed for deliverance.

  Twenty-four hours to choose between her everlasting soul or the people she loved. The Prince sacrificed himself for humanity. The Prince prayed for deliverance. Sandy complained many times growing up about going to church every Sunday. The countless drills of memorizing Bible verses in Sunday school paid off. On her knees, she closed her eyes and prayed. “Father, if you are willing, take this cup of suffering from me. Yet, I want Your will to be done, not mine.” Sandy repeated the verse aloud several times.

  Pain and suffering had plagued Sandy for most of her life. Why did some suffer more than others? Her choice would affect many lives. She thought about her soul. The inner spirit never dies but lives on forever. How could she give up her spirit to live an eternity with Luc?

  Luc had many bad qualities, but on the turn of a dime, he oozed charisma. One moment he was tender and the next manic. Sandy thought about the look in Luc’s eyes on Mount Mitchell. If Luc loved anything, it was earth. But his manipulations of humanity were destroying the very thing he held dear. Sandy thought of the legion of angels, including Caiojezeal, who loved Luc so much they pledged allegiance to him and were cast out of heaven. Maybe Caiojezeal found Baldric. Maybe they would rescue her before her soul was damned.

  People were clueless to the supernatural warfare waging around them as they went about their lives. The earth was held in a fragile balance of good and evil. Sandy curled into a ball on the floor.

  Baldric had committed to her in front of the Spirit of Man. He was her husband whether their union was sanctioned or not. Sandy wouldn’t hold it against Baldric if what Luc told her was true. She’d used enough men in her life. Sandy was a mere blip on the radar of life. As she drifted in and out of sleep, she decided on her answer and would give it to Luc in the morning.

  A warm, glowing light filled the cold chamber. “Sandra Daireann, you will not fail The Creator, your husband, family, or friends. You have my inner light within you. Keep your faith and hold it dear. Your divine soul is not yours to give up. Rise, my daughter.”

  Sandy opened her eyes. She wasn’t dreaming. The Spirit of Man levitated before her. “He said he would take my soul if I didn’t submit.”

  The Spirit of Man waved her hand over the top of Sandy and filled her with great strength. The Spirit of Man said, “Luc’s been using that old chestnut since the beginning of humanity. He cannot take your soul unless you give it to him. Luc also is extremely manipulative when he doesn’t get what he wants. Baldric loves you, dear. He and you share a rare love. Love is the strongest power in the universe. Stand strong and be brave, for I will be with you until the end of an age.”

  The light faded, and Sandy knew the spirit was right. Love was the answer, and she would fight for Baldric and their love unto her death.

  * * *

  Ruby lay in bed with Reed spooning her. She’d set the alarm for three thirty. Reed was still sound asleep as she stared at the digital clock radio on the nightstand next to one of her wedding photos. Behind the wedding picture, a larger silver frame held a picture of Ruby holding Joe with Reed’s arm around her waist. Ruby knew The Creator had blessed her beyond measure with the man of her dreams and their bouncing baby boy. But in a couple of hours, her happy little family might be destroyed in spiritual warfare. Knots twisted in her stomach at the thought of losing Reed.

  They’d spent the night with her parents. Anna and Jerry along with the guardians were meeting at four o’clock in the kitchen to launch the SEU rescue mission. Harry was babysitting Joe d
uring the battle. Ruby tried to talk her mom out of fighting, but Lee wouldn’t budge. She explained she’d fought in battles before, and the team needed her experience.

  Frightened but determined, Ruby would give her life for her family and friends. She knew they felt the same about her. Love sometimes meant sacrifice. Her heart fluttered wildly as if summer butterflies were having a party. Her mouth was dry as a bone.

  Reed stirred and nuzzled her neck. “Were you able to sleep at all?”

  Ruby rubbed his hands and flipped around to face him. His beautiful chiseled face and whiskey brown eyes reflected the love he felt for her. Reed volunteered for the mission. Tears welled in her eyes and she said, “I want you to know you’ve made my life.” He started to say something, but she pressed her finger to his lips. “Please let me finish. If I die today, I know my son has the best daddy in the whole world. I know how much you love me, but I want you happy. I want you to celebrate this miracle we call life. I want you to move on and find someone who will love and take care of you. We’ll meet again in a place where there are no tears.”

  Reed wiped her tears away and held her face in his hands. “Ruby Jane, I love you more than my life, and I will not let you die today. The guardians trained me well, and, Jellybean, I’m a lethal machine. So get the thought out of your pretty red head.” He kissed her slowly and moved away slightly to kiss each cheek before grazing her lips again. Ruby breathed him in, and as their kiss lengthened, they touched each other’s shoulders, trailing their fingers over each other’s arms until they clasped hands. His soft sensual touch was delicate as a feather, and when he made love to her, it was as close to heaven as she wanted to be.

  After they showered and dressed, Ruby and Reed checked on little Joe. Joe slept soundly with drool slipping out of the corner of his lips. Ruby lightly ran her fingers through his curly red hair. She carefully lowered the rail of the baby bed. She bent down and kissed his soft, chubby cheek, and Reed leaned over and kissed Joe, too. She returned the rail to its former position and tucked Joe’s blanket around his body. Ruby straightened her shoulders, lifted her chin, and with an intake of breath, she said, “I’m ready. Let’s go see who’s here.”


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