Night Shadows

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Night Shadows Page 18

by Billiejo Priestley

  Zander shakes his head at Katarina’s question. “Nothing. Aileen restricted her magic and slowly unlocked it one piece at a time when we believed she had settled down. That was it; we told her if it happened again, she’d lose all her magic. There’s more, Katarina. Like she told me she’d told Aileen everything and that she just didn’t want to take her place as the leader, when in fact Aileen had no idea that this house and everything in it was hers.”

  “I can’t say I’m comfortable with this. If it is working here, then maybe, but things are nasty already and that is just among the witches. How bad will it be when others find out?” Katarina glances around.

  “Some may die. We’ve accepted that. If we don’t at least try to change things, then what? Monventla continue to run all of our worlds because no-one can control them or protect each other?” Zander says it like it is nothing, a simple fact on life.

  “You.” Katarina points to Cayson. “You remember how things ended with Yasmine? Would you be happy with that ending again?” Cayson looks at her.

  “I remember it, yes; it’s not something I can ever forget. No, I’m not happy with that ending, but what alternative do we have? You have seen what she saw, her parents and all of that. While I want to believe I’m part of this whole bringing-the-worlds-together thing, I also know I could be the thing that tears them apart and destroys them all just as quickly.” Cayson looks at her, he remembers her. He is in fact shocked she is still alive.

  “I didn’t see; Camille refused and so did Aileen.” Aileen nods slightly.

  “Because it can take an hour. It drains me of all my energy; I learnt that with the last local witches who just had to see for themselves.” Cayson smiles at Azalea and walks to Aileen, his hand reached out. “What?” Aileen looks at him confused.

  “Let her, you can draw energy from me if you start to feel worn out.” Aileen laughs slightly, Katrina gasping out loud.

  “Werewolves don’t agree to magic being used on them.” She stares at him like he’s crazy.

  “Believe me, after yesterday this is nothing. Actually after the past few months of being Azalea’s guinea pig, this is really nothing, trust me.” He sits, Aileen nodding as her eyes close. Katarina grasps her arms as Aileen holds Cayson’s hands, images flooding through her mind, her soul slowly becoming drained from seeing everything and feeling it all again.

  No-one speaks; they just watch, the locals waiting for it to end, the visiting witches sitting wide-eyed and waiting, wondering if it’s true all true. Aileen feels her body trembling as it ends, her body slumped forward, Cayson shaking his head.

  “I said-”

  “Which I am thankful for, but I’ll be fine after I sleep.” She doesn’t want to use him in that way.

  “It’s strange; I don’t know how it is possible. I saw it, I saw your parents as they destroyed the whole family. The magic was visibly flowing into them. When they died, it somehow was locked away until you saw the visions then it flowed into you.” Katarina looks at her, everyone else shocked.

  “It can’t be possible, surely!” One of the women looks towards Katarina.

  “Do you think she has fooled me with a spell? I would see the difference between a spell and real thoughts, Adelaide. The question is, how? It can’t just be us agreeing to work together with the werewolves and the vampires. The Monventla are too widespread, too strong. Nothing fears them anymore. Even together we can’t stop them.” Katarina looks back to Aileen.

  “Tell me, Aileen, do you know how to kill a Monventla?” She shakes her head, she’d never asked. Katarina looks towards Cayson. “You never told her?”

  “I didn’t see the point in her knowing the details. There are only two ways to kill a Monventla.” Cayson glances towards Aileen. “The first is tearing their body apart and burning it, only werewolves and other Monventla have the strength to do that.”

  “And the second?”

  Cayson shakes his head. “Will kill you or any witch who tries, so it doesn’t matter.”

  Aileen laughs slightly looking at Cayson, waiting for him to tell her. She shakes her head seeing he isn’t about to.

  “Well? If you don’t tell me, Cayson, I am sure anyone else here would.”

  He sighs. “The field, when you were doing a spell against Dan, drawing the dark out of him. The spell pulls the vampire curse from their soul and body. Only it has to pass through you, through the magic and no witch has ever survived it.” He can’t have her thinking she can do it, she’s lucky she didn’t get to complete the spell that day.

  “She might be.” Katarina wonders aloud. “We won’t know until we try.”

  “No! You are not testing a theory out on her. What if she dies trying, then what? I won’t agree to it.” He looks around at them all.

  “I have to agree with him; until we can be sure she is strong enough we can’t risk it. All the other witches turned: they didn’t just draw the magic in, they turned into vampires before dying.”

  Aileen looks towards Zander, shocked. “I agree, I won’t do it. I won’t risk becoming that even if I’ll die straight after, no way.” Katarina nods slightly.

  “In that case, Aileen, you have to try every day to unlock more, to unlock the next step. If it is foreseen that you and Cayson will marry, then fine, but find out how. We will agree, but in no way do we want a part in this until you know how to control the Monventla.”

  Aileen nods. “I know, well we know. I keep trying but it’s like I’m blocked from the next step, like Serliciaus doesn’t want me to see it for some reason.”

  “You have a book, Aileen, where is it?” Aileen shakes her head.

  “It’s staying hidden and locked away. Maybe one day I’ll give it to others, but right now I will not.” She can’t take it out with other witches nearby or they would then know. She can’t have anyone else know yet.

  “As long as it is safe. You have done well to hide it from your mind. The location and spells which protect it are powerful. All I can see is the book, nothing else.”

  Aileen simply nods, she doesn’t want it found by anyone: human, witch, werewolf or vampire. “I also sense you have it hidden from Cayson? If you trust him, why hide it?”

  “Because I can keep people out of my mind and the thoughts of the books, but I can’t stop people from seeing it in Cayson’s mind.” She trusts Cayson not to tell them but a witch could easily get the information, just as a vampire with the right powers could.

  “What about Camille? She has been the leader of this coven for decades.” Katarina looks around.

  “She’ll come back and when she does we will speak to her. While her actions were unjust, she wanted to protect herself and, in a way, protect Azalea from finding out the truth.”

  Cayson looks towards Aileen in shock. “It can’t be ignored; while she did nothing wrong this time, she was certainly vocal in telling everyone you caused the trouble.” Cayson looks at her.

  “He has a point. When you blocked her magic, Aileen, she should have learned from her mistakes. She didn’t, what she did cannot be ignored just because she hid a secret.” Zander turns and looks at Azalea. “What you do now is your choice, Azalea, but I suggest you take time and consider things. Don’t rush and make rash decisions because you’re hurting.” Zander smiles at her. “And before you say anything- yes, she lied. In a way she gave you up and lied about who your parents were. She is still your mother, and while she did give you up it was her way of keeping you close to her still. So, no decisions for the moment, okay? Think about it first; let yourself get over the shock.” Everyone turns and looks towards Azalea.

  “He’s right, Azalea. It isn’t a decision that you shouldn’t make quickly. As you know, Aileen and I will be here for you regardless of what you choose. I need to go.” He has things to work with Gwenael. Smiling he walks out of the house, Katarina looking around at everyone.

  “He could have started a war. Gotten revenge, got the werewolves to retaliate too. So for now I will ignore how wrong it f
eels that the witches and werewolves are mixing. Age is no longer on my side, I feel when this truce and allegiance become real I will no longer exist.” Katarina shakes her head.

  “You’re the oldest witch, an ancestor.” One of the witches looks at her shocked.

  “An ancestor I may be, Rosita, however what can I offer? Aileen has everything and more. It is clear that Serliciaus wants the witches to come to Aileen, not the ancestors anymore.”

  “What are you saying and what do you mean?” Rosita looks at her confused.

  “I’m saying, after seeing everything, it’s clear that Aileen is the key. I can breathe. I no longer need to be ready to give guidance, so when we return, that is it. See it as me retiring, in a way, if we witches and ancestors can even do that. My career has seen its last days.” Katarina sits, the room silent again as everyone stares around shocked.

  “How will that work? You have to agree to these meetings, how can it work?” Rosita looks at her confused.

  “I’ll soon turn ninety. I have watched you grow, daughter, and your children, and their children. See it as you taking over; you talk to Aileen and come to an agreement when needed. I have waited decades for this moment. Death is usually the only way out. Aileen is my early exit.”

  Zander laughs slightly. “What can she do from here? Someone still needs to be at each coven spot watching over them and passing on orders.” Zander looks at her. Each coven has always had that one leader, usually an ancestor, although sometimes not. When Camille passed on rules, messages and such the witches in charge ensured the covens listened and followed.

  “What Camille has for years. All I did was watch over the locals. Rosita can do that. She would have taken over when I died anyway.” Katarina sits back like a weight has been lifted from her, Rosita staring at her shocked. “We’ll discuss it when we get home, with the others there so they know what’s happening.”

  Rosita simply nods. The day passes by quickly as the witches sit and talk, the main topic being Aileen and how she could possibly bring the worlds together. The witches listen to how Cayson has saved Aileen, over and over, and the elder witches find themselves sitting alone as one-by-one, the children filter off to bed with yawns.

  Aileen finds out more about her parents as Katarina talks about them; about how she had watched them grow up alongside Rosita. Rosita tells her stories about her parents and how she practiced spells next to them. Aileen finds herself worn out, going over and over everything so that Katarina understands. While there were battles, Aileen knows it is nothing compared to the battle that will take place when they meet the vampires. Most have spent centuries ensuring they didn’t kill while feeding, so the threat that the Monventla may change that scares them all.


  “You said I could have her.” He looks towards Marcel, waiting.

  “Which has changed. Things change, Dan. That was before we knew exactly how strong and powerful she was. We have a choice. We either take her now and she might as well be useless, or we wait. We wait, and then the witches will fall. They are slowly becoming dependent on her.”

  Dan shakes his head.

  “You change the plan too much. First you brought me here with promises of a life which isn’t appealing at all. You promised I could have Olivia here, then you told me no. You told me I could see her only at night, and she wasn’t to remember me. Then you said I could take her. The wolves attacked and you said no again.” Dan looks around annoyed.

  “That was playtime, Dan. We need to time it perfectly. You will have Aileen, to do with her whatever pleases you, I promise. We need someone on our side, and I believe I know exactly who would agree. A promise for a promise, shall we say?”

  Dan glances at him confused. “Who?”

  “When the time comes, we need to blind Aileen’s senses so she cannot do magic. If she can’t see us she can’t hurt us. However, once we have her here, then what? We need to ensure she cannot perform magic or escape the room she is in. We need a witch. One who knows the spells.” Dan laughs slightly.

  “One like me.”

  Turning, Dan and Marcel look towards Camille, Marcel going to move as she raises her hand.

  “Now, now. You said a promise for a promise. I promise you I can give you what you need to capture Aileen, if you promise that my daughter and I will live.”

  Dan shakes his head. “We can’t trust her.” He moves, backing away slightly.

  “He’s right. You are so against Cayson and Aileen, but why on earth would you agree to work with us?” Marcel moves closer to her slowly.

  “I want the same as you, the werewolves out of the witches’ lives. Cayson out of our home, Aileen gone and no longer in control! They plan to get the vampires on their side and destroy the Monventla. I am the only person who knows where the book is; the spells are within it.”

  Marcel nods, sitting down.

  “What book might that be? The witches lost all of their written manuscripts centuries ago.” He looks at her waiting, Dan still stood on guard.

  “Aileen, she has been writing down all the spells she sees and hears, including the one that almost drained him entirely of dark magic. I know small parts, she thought she had blocked me out but she didn’t. One spell and I ensured my mind was linked to the book.”

  “Why, Olivia? What has she done to turn even you against the witches?” Dan looks at her, he knows. Marcel told him all about Camille and how she was the main witch here, how she hated werewolves and vampires and despised any witch who went near them.

  “For such a long time I ran that place. I brought up the witches, taught them and was their leader. And then, nothing. Just like that they don’t care if I disappear; they are turning on me for a werewolf. Even my own daughter is ready to walk away for them. All I want is what is mine back, and with Aileen gone I can have it.”

  Dan rolls his eyes. “I’m bored, and that often leads me to becoming hungry. Can we go where we were meant to now? You can’t be telling me you trust this witch?” He looks towards Marcel, waiting.

  “Trust? No, I will never trust a witch fully, but she has as much of a reason to get rid of Aileen as we do. If what she says is true, and they plan to get the others working with them, we need her on our side. She isn’t the witch I was thinking of, but she will certainly do.” Marcel stands up, his hands reaching out.

  “A promise for a promise? You ensure she cannot use magic within the room she is locked in, or escape, for that matter. In exchange I leave your whole family of witches alone and you put a stop to this nonsense of werewolves and witches working together.”

  Camille nods. “I need a place to practice, and if possible a witch to practice on.”

  “That can be done, Camille. When you’re ready, let us know. Once we have Aileen here, you can leave. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to eat.” Marcel walks towards the door and opens it as Dan follows.

  “See that she has a room suitable for our witch when she visits. She is to stay alive, and unharmed. No excuses!” A woman simply nods watching as they walk out, Camille smiling slightly as she follows the other vampire into a different room that she would find herself in until they took Aileen. The sound of screams swarm the room before the door shuts, silencing the cries outside. Her head drops slightly; she needs to ignore it for now, the fact they’re killing people so close.

  “Can we trust her?” Dan looks at Marcel, worried.

  “It seems so. The witch I had in mind would have agreed, but wouldn’t be able to do what Camille can. Look around you, Dan, your lovely partner is about to take control and have us all hiding in fear.” Dan simply nods, watching as Marcel smiles at the two women glancing around the building in confusion as they wake up.

  “Keep your distance for now, Dan, until the day comes that we can take her.” Nodding he walks into the room, the hunger now seemingly disappearing.


  It’s been a few weeks since Camille disappeared and no-one has seen or heard from her. The wedding planning seem
s to be going well, with Azalea helping Aileen, but there’s something odd about the absence of Camille that worries Aileen. She’d at least like to know where Camille is, for peace of mind if not anything else. It’s quiet in the house; Cayson left around a week ago to spread the word about the alliance between the werewolves and the witches, and Azalea’s spending the day with Zander and the rest of the coven.

  “Morning, queen,” comes a deep voice from behind her. Aileen jumps up and hugs Cayson tightly.

  “Did you miss me?” He asks, inhaling the familiar scent of her and smiling as she nods.

  “A bit. Azriel entertained me, though.” Cayson laughs at her.

  “Sure, maybe he should just move into here with you?” Cayson mock-pouts and Aileen glances around, her head shaking.

  “This is our home, Cayson, our place to get peace and quiet from the witches and werewolves. I would never have any other witch or werewolf believe this was their home.” He nods, kissing her. Aileen’s arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer then slowly moving to pull his top up, a chuckle escaping his lips.

  “Aileen, stop trying to seduce me! What about Azalea?”

  “She’s with the coven today; the house is empty apart from us. Now shush.” She stretches her arms up, easing his top over his head and throwing it somewhere. He nods, chuckling, moving to push her body against the wall. Cayson’s arms stroke down her body, teasing her slowly as his hands reach her bare legs and then slowly stroking back up in one fluid moment to lift her dress. He throws the dress onto the floor leaving her stood naked, his head shaking as he laughs.

  “I knew you were back today, so I was prepared. What’s the point of underwear if we were just going to take it off anyway?” He laughs and kisses her, his hands caressing her body, feeling the soft flesh beneath the tips of his fingers as Aileen unfastens his trousers and pushes them down. Cayson moves to step out of them as he kisses her neck, not willing to let his mouth leave her for one second, teasing her gently as quiet moans escape her mouth. His hands lift Aileen as her legs wrap around him, her hands grasping his hair and pulling him closer.


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