Ryan (Members From Money Book 16)

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Ryan (Members From Money Book 16) Page 21

by Katie Dowe

  She could take her job anywhere and tutor anyone. Hell, she could even do it online. But Amanda didn’t like being uprooted just as she was getting everything settled. And nothing was final. Abi spoke about the things she and Danny would do once they left but Amanda only felt a hollow feeling in her stomach.

  Danny had tried to talk to her but Amanda kept her distance. It was frustrating to him as much as it was to her but Amanda was going to keep him at arm’s length.

  Which was what she would love to do with Georgina Chao. Amanda was sure she was responsible for the things happening lately to her but Amanda didn’t want to call her out on it and be wrong. So she kept her mouth shut and suffered in silence.

  It was just after lunch when Abi bounded into the classroom that Amanda was helping out in, her eyes sparkling.

  “Hey, Amanda. I mean, Miss Tyson.” She added sheepishly when the ninth grade teacher raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Hey.” Amanda put down the workbooks on the teacher’s desk and went over to her. “How was the history test?”

  “Awesome!” Abi squealed. “One hundred percent!”

  Amanda whooped and they hugged.

  “That’s brilliant!” Amanda couldn’t stop grinning as she stepped back and ruffled Abi’s hair. “And you didn’t need to worry at all.”

  “I guess I was panicking the dates would get in the wrong order.”

  Abi was proving that even with dyslexia she was a star pupil. She was top of her class and getting between ninety and one-hundred percent on all of her work. The other teachers were pleased with her progress and Judy was more than impressed. Amanda was sure this would help when she became the official school tutor in September.

  “I can’t wait to tell Danny.” Abi was dancing around, her antics making the teacher Amanda was with shake his head but with a smile.

  Amanda sobered a little when Danny’s name was mentioned. She hadn’t said anything to Abi about what had happened but she was sure the teenager knew. They didn’t speak about Danny unless Abi mentioned him in passing and, even then, it was brief. It was as if she knew it was an off-limits subject.

  She took Abi’s arm and led her out into the hall.

  “I’ll see you after break, Chad.”

  “No problem. Take your time.”

  Amanda walked Abi down the corridor, both of them dodging students running in several directions at once.

  “Do you want some tutoring tonight or do you want a night off?” Amanda asked.

  “How about you come around and we can celebrate?”

  Coming around. That meant interacting with Danny. Amanda wasn’t sure if she was able to do that. But she smiled and shrugged.

  “We’ll see.”


  “Well, you’ve got a physics test on Friday to study for and a geography chart to work on.”

  “I can do those in my sleep.”

  “Nevertheless, let’s do a bit of work on them and then we can celebrate. Celebrating always feels good after you’ve done some work.” Amanda winked. “I’ll see about bringing the prosecco if your brother doesn’t mind driving me.”

  Abi giggled and ran off, joining a group of her friends at the next classroom. Amanda was amazed at her pupil’s new found confidence. Before Abi hadn’t had many friends and those she did have were superficial. Now with her work at the top of the class, Abi’s confidence had grown enormously. She had ditched her old friends and made new ones. She was happier and Amanda’s heart swelled when she saw the teenager enjoying life.

  Georgina Chao had no idea what her daughter was really like. All she cared about was ruining her daughter’s life the way she believed Abi had ruined hers by coming into the world. The old woman was mean and selfish. Amanda was glad Abi had cut her out of her life.

  Chapter 8

  She was humming as she went into the staffroom and sat down at the computer. Might as well check some emails before going on with her break. With her work email, it went to the computers in the staffroom and the school’s internet was the only place you could access them. The email addresses weren’t exactly rocket science since it was just their names in the address but they weren’t used for social events. If a parent wanted to get a hold of them they could email but they were far and few between.

  The advantage of having a woman like Judy in charge meant she didn’t tolerate helicopter parenting. She shut that down the minute she saw it. The parents knew eventually their demands would fall on deaf ears and backed off and the few that refused to bow down to her took their children to another school. As a teaching assistant, Amanda didn’t get as much as the other teachers so she was in a slightly better position. Very few parents went after her.

  There was an email flagged as important at the top of her inbox. Thinking it was an important memo, Amanda clicked on it. Then she felt the blood drain from her head as she read the email.

  It was disgusting. Cold. Frightening. Amanda froze, unable to move as she read it again. Even then it still made her cold.

  “You keep hanging around Danny Chao and you’re asking to get raped. If you don’t want to have your panties ripped and your pussy destroyed, leave him alone. He doesn’t want you and he certainly won’t want you after I’m done with you.”

  Not another one. Only this one was worse.


  “This is vile.” Jacob sounded disgusted. “Absolutely vile.”

  As soon as Amanda had managed to react, she had called Jacob asking for his help. She had gotten to know Jacob over the past few weeks since Abi had moved out. He had come up and introduced himself one time he came to see his daughter’s recital. Amanda had warmed to him and the knowledge he had helped Abi out against her mother gave him some points in her book.

  So when the first threatening email had arrived she had called Jacob. He had told her to document everything and keep everything in one place so they can build up enough for an arrest.

  “Are you able to trace this one?” She asked.

  Jacob sighed and sat back.

  “Our tech support has been working hard but they can’t seem to get anything. Everything is encrypted and when they get past there, they find that they came from an internet café, using a card of a person that doesn’t exist and nobody’s tracking it.”

  Amanda groaned. Ten emails over the past month and the police had got nothing. It didn’t exactly help her confidence. She knew they were trying but it was irritating that they were getting nothing.

  “Great.” She slumped into a chair. “That’s all I need.”

  “After reading this, I wouldn’t put it past these sick bastards to try something soon. They don’t stick to taunts for long.” Jacob frowned at her. “Are you sure you still don’t know who’s doing this?”

  “I’m sure.”

  Amanda had racked her brains and couldn’t think of anyone. Judy had been informed and she was just as concerned. But the school internet didn’t seem to be able to catch the crazy, either. They were dealing with someone who really knew their computers.

  “But you think this is because you’re tutoring Abi.”

  Amanda nodded. She tugged her hairband out and put it back in. Her hands were shaking.

  “That’s the only thing that’s changed in my life lately that could link to this. And they constantly mention Danny. The only time I see Danny is when I’m at his place to see Abi.”


  Jacob was looking at her skeptically. Amanda frowned. Why was he looking at her like that?

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Because I thought…” Jacob blinked and coughed, going a little red. “Sorry, Amanda. I thought you and Danny were an item.”

  Amanda felt her cheeks going red. She was glad she was dark enough that Jacob wouldn’t notice.

  “No.” She said evenly. “We’re not. Why?” She narrowed her eyes at him. “Did he give you that impression?”

  “He never said a thing to me but the few times we
’ve all been in the same room I saw the way he looks at you. It’s like how I look at my wife.” Jacob shrugged. “I thought you were keeping it very quiet because of who he was and his mother.”

  That would be understandable but Danny, as far as Amanda knew, hadn’t had any contact with Georgina since that night. While the thought of a relationship with Danny was tempting, Amanda didn’t want to fall into something comfortable and then have him up and leave in a short while.

  “If we are in a relationship, I didn’t know about it.”

  Jacob grunted. He nodded at the computer screen, which now had the screensaver up.

  “Does he know about any of this?”

  “No.” Amanda said sharply. “He doesn’t. It doesn’t involve him.”

  “You’re wrong about that, Amanda. He is mentioned in these emails, in the letters. You need to tell him.”


  “Tell Danny about this or I will.” Jacob stared at her unblinkingly. “No arguments.”

  Amanda knew he was serious. If she didn’t do anything about it, Jacob would go to Danny himself and tell him everything. Amanda didn’t want Danny angry at her but she didn’t want to tell him.

  Better to do it herself. Danny would be even more angry if she didn’t say it herself. She sighed and slumped in her seat.

  “Fine. I’m tutoring Abi tonight. I’ll tell him then.”

  “Make sure you do. Because he could be in danger, too.”

  Amanda didn’t believe that. The threats were directed at her. But Jacob was serious about this. So Amanda knew she would have to treat it the same way.

  All she wanted was for the emails to stop.


  Danny stood in the kitchen and watched as Amanda and Abi worked at the dining table, Abi’s head bent as she worked on her geography chart. Amanda sat beside her and gave her a few comments and suggestions but Danny could sense there was something else on her mind. She was quieter, out of sorts.

  There was something wrong. Danny could feel it.

  If it had been any other person, he would have asked outright what was wrong. But this was Amanda. And she had been avoiding him the past month. Whenever he tried to talk to her alone, she would hurry away. She focused on Abi and had turned down the offer of another date.

  Danny was hurt. He had thought there was a mutual attraction between them. If there was an attraction that went both ways, surely Amanda would be jumping through hoops to accept another date.

  He didn’t know if it was because of a genuine attraction or because Amanda was the first woman to turn him down, but Danny wasn’t about to give up. Certainly not until he knew why Amanda was pushing him away.

  Tonight might be the night to do it. He glanced at the clock.

  “Abi, what time is your friend expecting you?”

  Abi looked up, looking confused. She looked at the clock in her room and her eyes widened.

  “Oh, shoot! I forgot about that.” She stood and began to gather her things. “At least I’ve got some time.”

  “Time for what?” Amanda was looking startled. “What’s going on?”

  Danny chuckled. He leaned against the door.

  “My sister has a memory like a sieve outside of her schoolwork. She’s meant to be having a sleepover with a group of friends at her friend Natalie’s house. It’s Natalie’s eighteenth and she wants a movie night.”

  “On a school night?”

  “Natalie’s parents are working on the weekend and none of us are in tomorrow due to the teacher training day.”

  Danny had never understood that with teacher training days. This one was in the middle of the week. But, at least, Abi would be out of the house. Because he planned on having a very private talk with Amanda.

  “Can I go and pack?” Abi asked.

  Danny chuckled.

  “You don’t need my approval to pack. But go ahead.”

  “I’ll tidy up here.”

  Amanda stood and started tidying away the papers. She was moving quickly as if she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Abi and Danny exchanged glances and Abi rolled her eyes before she left the room. Danny went to the table and took a box file off Amanda.

  “Let me.”

  Amanda glanced up at him before looking away. Danny could tell she was blushing.

  “Thanks.” She mumbled.

  “You okay?”


  Amanda straightened up and made to walk around Danny but he stepped in front of her. Amanda attempted to go around him again but Danny moved with her. She glared up at him.

  “Could you move out of the way, please?”

  “Not until we’ve talked.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “There is.” Danny grasped her chin as Amanda tried to turn her head away and made him look at her. “What’s wrong, Amanda? Why are you so jumpy?”

  “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “Bullshit.” Danny saw Amanda’s eyes widening at his language but he ignored it. He lowered his hand. “You can tell me what’s wrong. And I want to help.”

  He watched as Amanda fought with herself. She clearly had something to tell him but she didn’t want to. But he waited; this was something he couldn’t rush.

  When Amanda did finally speak, it came out in a rush.

  “I’m being stalked.”

  Of all the things Danny was expecting, that was the last thing he was expecting Amanda to say. He stared.


  “I have a stalker. Remember when my car was keyed and the windows smashed in?”


  “That was the start of it.” Amanda sank into the chair she had recently vacated. She sighed. “Now it’s escalated.”

  Danny connected the dots in his head.

  “You mean the shooting was part of the stalking?”

  Amanda nodded.

  “Along with everything else.”

  “What do you mean, everything else?”

  “I’ve been getting emails and multiple letters. They all go to my workplace, never to my apartment. Pictures of me leaving your condo and ‘I know what you’ve done’ phrases plastered all over them. There were pictures of me with my face destroyed. Most of the emails were threatening me, trying to tell me to back off you or they were going to spread lies around and ruin my reputation.” Amanda rubbed her hand over her face. “Today I got an email saying if I kept seeing you I was going to be raped.”

  Danny felt like someone had hit him over the head. This had been going on since her car had been vandalized and she hadn’t told him about any of this? He felt sick.

  “Do the cops know about this?”

  “Jacob does. I went to him as soon as I started getting the photographs. He’s got everything.”

  That was something. But Danny could feel the anger building.

  “And you never thought to tell me?”

  He hadn’t realized he was raising his voice until he saw Amanda flinch away from him. Danny gulped and fought his anger down, pulling out a chair to sit beside her.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Why didn’t you tell me, Amanda?”

  “Because I thought it was someone being pathetic and it would die down eventually.” Amanda shrugged. “Stalkers get bored, right?”

  “No, they don’t. They just back off, wait until you’ve let your guard down and start again.” Danny’s hand clenched into a fist on the table. “Amanda, a rape threat is serious. I have been known to have some people obsessed with me but none of them have threatened to rape someone I’m interested in.”

  That had Amanda sitting up straight. She stared at him.

  “You’re…interested in me?”

  Danny wanted to say more but now was not the time. Amanda’s safety was more important. He grabbed at her hand.

  “Someone wants to hurt you and they want to scare you before that happens. From the way you’ve been acting, it looks like it’s working.”

Amanda was staring at him like she had never seen him before. Danny knew she had got stuck on what Danny had said about being interested in her. If he was honest, those feelings went further than interest.

  He was in love with her.

  Amanda swallowed.

  “Jacob has someone drive by my place every night. He got his brother to put in security cameras and double my security on my house. I’m protected.”

  Danny knew Jacob would do his job but he couldn’t have someone there every day. He growled.

  “Like hell you are.”


  Amanda gasped as Danny’s hand darted out and scooped her cell phone off the table. She tried to grab it back but Danny stood, moving out of her reach.

  “What are you doing?”

  She stood and hurried after him but Danny was already dialing a number. He put the phone to her ear, never taking his eyes off her.

  “Hello, is this Helen Tyson? This is Danny Chao, Abi Chao’s brother.” He grinned and Amanda’s heart skittered. “I’m glad you’ve heard of me.”

  Amanda stared.

  “You’re calling Mom?” She screeched in a whisper. “What the fuck?”

  She tried to grab at her phone again but Danny moved away and ignored her.

  “Listen, could you do me a favor? Amanda is having a little problem right now and I want Abi to have a little more tutoring. Simple solution would be to spend the nights at my place. I’ve got the room and we’re closer to the school than at her house. Is it possible you could pack a few things for her? She’s a little busy helping Abi right now.”


  “No, she doesn’t know about this. I’m just very worried about her and want her safe.” Danny’s grin widened. “That’s great, thank you, Mrs Tyson. Okay, thank you, Helen. I’ll text you my address. You’ve got it already? Brilliant. See you shortly.”

  He hung up and tossed the phone onto the couch. Amanda stared at him, wondering if he had taken a leave of his senses.

  “What the fuck was that?” She shouted. “Mom doesn’t know anything about this and I don’t want her to. You’ll get her all worked up.”


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