by Rita Hestand
"No, you didn't." Naomi turned her head away, thinking of the child now and wishing she'd been a bit nicer to him. But you are wrong about Martha and Helen, I liked them fine. However, I must admit, I don't like Painted Dove. She's evil John. You must see that."
"You're jealous! She said you'd be jealous of her. Never had such a beautiful wife, never known such love before. I cannot let her go."
"I'll admit, I was jealous of her before all of this, but not now. Not any longer. I see her for what she is, a troublemaker. That's all. I'm actually glad you found love, John. Please…. Just let me go. Go and do what you must but let me go."
Painted Dove came out and looked at the two of them. "What's going on, John?"
Red Elk was amazed, Painted Dove spoke English. She was here with Naomi's white husband. It made no sense to him. He waited and listened.
"She wants me to let her go, darling."
Red Elk could not believe what was going on. Painted Dove and John?
"No! I won't allow it!" Painted Dove hollered.
"Perhaps she's right. She doesn't love me. And you don't like her. Why not just leave her in the desert? She'll die, anyway."
"Red Elk has probably taught her how to survive. Besides, it isn't in my plan."
"What plan?" John asked innocently.
"Revenge of course."
"Revenge is never a good thing my dear," John insisted.
"I want my revenge John, it's part of my happiness. It's why I told you where to find her in the first place. She took from me, and now I'll take from her."
"I'm afraid I can't! We go to a land where we must obey the laws of the prophet." John finally sighed and pulled a gun out from his coat pocket. "You must understand my sweet. Brigham would never accept this kind of thing. I've killed for you, and I would do it again if I had to. I'd do anything for you, but she is of no use to us. And I will not kill a woman."
"Put that down, do you even know how to shoot it?" Painted Dove gasped.
"He does, he killed Dolin just minutes ago."
"We must let her go. She's no use to either of us. If she hates you and doesn't want me, why would we want her?"
"She took something from me. Now I will take something from her. It is right. I will not let her go back to Red Elk."
"Who is this Red Elk?" John demanded to know. "Who is he?"
"It does not matter." Painted Dove sighed.
"He's my husband." Naomi cried out.
"You love this Red Elk too?" John asked staring at Painted Dove with curiosity now.
"Of course, I don't love him. I was his willing slave for three years. I became his lover, until she came along." Painted Dove answered. "He would have married me, if not for her."
"She never loved him. But I do." Naomi told him.
Red Elk smiled. And he loved her!
"Then go to him… " John told Naomi.
"No!" Painted Dove shouted, taking a knife from her britches. She moved toward Naomi now, menacingly close.
"Put that down!" John shouted. "We don't need her to be happy, my love. There's no need for violence. Let her go, we can go north without her."
"I will not let her have him!" Painted Dove shouted.
"Do you love this man? This Red Elk." John asked Painted Dove now.
Painted Dove looked at John. "I worshiped his body. As he did mine. We were together three years. Three years John. Until she came. He was mine until she came. I would have married him and been accepted into the Apache tribe as one of them. Like she was."
"But that's a sin!" John shouted. "To simply worship the body!"
"She took what was mine, I'm simply taking what is hers." Painted Dove moved toward Naomi. Red Elk took an arrow and his bow and readied it to kill Painted Dove. He'd never killed a woman before, but for Naomi, he would do anything to save her.
"Put that knife down!" John insisted.
"I will kill her, if she does not go with us. She will never have him again. I won't allow her to." Painted Dove looked at John, "If she doesn't go with us, then I must kill her, so she'll never have him again."
"Then you do love this man?" John insisted. "I cannot share you, Painted Dove. You must know that."
"No man owns me. But he was mine. He never looked at another woman, until she came… The only reason he wanted her was because she was white. I'm much more beautiful than her. Anyone can see that, can't they?"
"You're jealous of her!" John asked incredulously.
"Don't be ridiculous." Painted Dove huffed. "Now put that gun down."
"I'm sorry my love but I cannot do that, not even for you. No, you will not kill or take her. I am the man of the house. I make the decisions." John told Painted Dove.
"Man! You know nothing of being a man. I taught you how to make love, you idiot. If you want me as much as you say, you will listen to me. She must go with us, John. I will have my revenge, and I will have it all my days."
John stood there staring at her in disbelief that she would make fun of him. The hurt on his face echoed his pain. The gun went off quite possibly because his emotions took hold of him, and Painted Dove fell to the ground in a pool of blood the knife lay not far from Naomi's foot.
John looked at the gun, then Painted Dove.
He threw the gun down, a terror in his eyes now.
"No!" he screamed. "She cannot die! Oh God, I love her so!"
Naomi stared. John ran to Painted Dove's body, then he glanced at Naomi. "Leave me! Get out of my sight. I don't want to look at you, you savage!" John spat as he bent over Painted Dove's body and wept like a child over her. But Painted Dove was dead.
Naomi got up. Red Elk came out of the bushes.
Naomi saw him and ran into his arms.
"Are you alright?" he asked her. He put his bow on his shoulder and reached to pull her into his arms.
"Yes, my love, I am now." She hugged and kissed him.
They both watched John hover over Painted Dove's body. Naomi was stunned that John could have pulled that trigger. This was not the man she married so long ago. It seemed as though Painted Dove had worked her evil on him too.
Naomi went toward John, holding Red Elk's hand. "John, I'm sorry. I don't love you. I never did. And I cannot live with you ever again! But don't cry over her, she isn't worth it."
"You're wrong." He stared at the two of them with tears in his eyes. "She was my true wife, and I loved her dearly." John protested his tears running down his cheeks. "I did not mean to kill her. The gun went off. I did not mean to kill her. I loved her!"
"I'm sorry, goodbye John… " Naomi told him and went into Red Elk's arms once more not wanting to look at the site of them.
"Is there anyone in the cave?" Red Elk asked.
"No, they let Patrick go, and John Killed Dolin the one that took me."
She turned as they were leaving, once last time to look at the grieving man who hovered over Painted Dove. "Will you go north now?"
For a moment he said nothing, then he nodded.
Naomi glanced up at Red Elk and nodded too.
"Let's go home," Red Elk told her.
"Should we bury her?" Naomi asked.
He looked at Painted Dove and John. "No, let him."
"Then… let's go home." She smiled at him. "I knew you'd come."
"I found your signs. You did well. But… how did this all happen? I mean the two of them?" He said it with such disbelief.
Naomi sighed heavily, "Painted Dove exacted a true revenge. One she planned to use for the rest of my life. I cannot image that much hate inside anyone. She left here and found her tribe, John had found them too. Apparently about the same time. They almost killed him, and she found him and nursed him to health again. She made him love her, they married, and she told him where to find me. John did love her. He really did, too. I have no doubt about that. More's the pity that she did not recognize it."
"I saw Blue Sky, he returned to the village. He said she was not with child."
"No, my love, she was tryi
ng to trick you into marriage is all."
"My God! What deception! I cannot begin to understand her mind."
When he looked at John still hovering over Painted Dove's body, he looked at Naomi. "I almost feel sorry for him."
"Yes, it is sad. But she did teach him one thing."
"What is that, my love?"
"How to love!" she smiled up at him as she cuddled into his arms.
"Do you want to take him into town or something."
"No, he got here on his own. He can leave on his own."
"What about his other wives?"
"The Comanche killed them all, and the child."
"I figured that might have happened. But how did the two of them end up together? How did he manage to live from the first raid?"
"He was hiding in the cellar. All that time, they were being killed, he hid like a coward. Painted Dove found her people, and so did John, unfortunately. He went after the Comanche's that attacked him. He found them, and so did she. He wanted to know if they had me. They nearly killed him, you saw his head, I'm sure. When she realized who he was, she made her plan. He made the mistake of saying my name. And her plans for me, almost worked." Naomi cuddled in Red Elk's arms now, feeling the safety and security of his arms around her, it was all the reassurance she needed.
"If he'd only just gone north, he might have made a life for himself up there with his own kind of people."
"Some people are lost from the beginning. But he can still go north. His people will accept him, but they would have never accepted her. Of that I am sure." Naomi said, her eyes looking on Painted Dove now with a sense of forgiveness. "She was as lost as he was."
"Yes, my love, she was. It is finally over now." He kissed her forehead. "Did anyone hurt you?"
"A man…named Dolin, raped me several times. But do not fear he is dead, and I did exactly as you told me. I am alright now. Can you still love me, knowing I was raped?"
"We are one now, nothing changes that. I will love you until the end of time. I am so proud of how you handled yourself. You are brave, like an Apache."
She kissed his jaw and snuggled into him. "How are the others… Bear Foot?" she asked with hesitation.
"He's alive." Red Elk smiled.
Naomi's head jerked about to look into Red Elk's eyes, "He is?"
Red Elk smiled, "Yes my love, he is. I knew you'd worry over him."
"Oh, I was so worried. I saw them shoot him, I saw him fall, I thought for sure he was dead. He tried his best to stop them." she slumped in Red Elk's arms now, "I am so glad he is alive. And Chosen One, is she alright?"
"She's fine. Nearly got a new wickiup made."
Naomi laughed. "I've missed you so. I'd hoped you could find the strings of the dress I left for you, but the rain was so hard I was afraid you wouldn't."
"You learned well, my love. I am proud of you."
He smiled, cuddled her into his arms and they rode home slowly. He kissed her forehead, "Let's go home now, where we belong."
It was nearly five months later, winter was over, and spring was fading into summer. "All the women want to learn how to embroidery." Chosen One told Naomi as they were talking about new designs they were making. Chosen One was heavy with child now and Naomi kept a close watch on her.
Naomi had made several blankets for the baby and some little outfits. They all had embroidery on them and they were so cute, Chosen One was thrilled to have them.
Big Hand had made a new cradle board for the baby and a bed.
Several young maidens had married that spring, and life went on at the Apache camp. Naomi had already helped bring four babies into the world. She helped the Shaman with the Sweat Lodge and the Medicine Man with healing herbs. She had become a valuable member of their tribe and everyone loved and respected her.
Now as they looked at the new patterns the two of them designed, they chatted about their plans. "Then let's get them together and we will do it." Naomi told her.
"We need a bigger place to gather." Chosen One told her.
"So, let's build a bigger wickiup. A lodge so many can gather at a time." Naomi laughed. "You can supervise and me and the others will work on it."
Chosen One laughed. Suddenly Chosen One bent over in pain. "Oh my, oh my, I think it is time. My water, just broke."
"The baby?" Naomie rushed to her side.
"Come lay down."
"Wouldn't you know it. The men have gone on a gun run and I am having a baby! Will this war ever end?"
"I don't know, I fear it will last a long time."
"I wish Big Hand was here with me too."
"Men are of little help during this time. But Red Elk has promised this is the last run they will make. They are closing Ft. Davis." Naomi told her.
"Ft. Davis, the one in Texas?"
"Thank God." Chosen One uttered as another pain hit her.
Naomi glanced out the wickiup for several of the older women. She spotted Little Fawn and Too Tall, they saw her and came running, "It is her time, Chosen One is in labor."
Everyone scrambled to help and Chosen One would bite leather to keep from screaming from the pain.
It was many hours into the day before they made any progress.
The women prepared the baby cradle and blanket, made diapers and boiled water for the scissors and knife that Naomi might need. The labor was intense but Chosen One had wide hips and the birth would be easy, Naomi noted quickly. Just after nightfall the baby was born. A beautiful baby boy with lots of hair.
Chosen One couldn't have been prouder, and the older women smiled when she took her first look at her son. "He's beautiful." They all told her.
"Thank you, all of you." Chosen One told them, beaming a happy smile at them. She squeezed Naomi's hand and looked happily into her baby's sweet face.
When Red Elk and Big Hand returned three days later Naomi smiled.
"We've got some news for you," Naomi told them.
"Oh, what news?"
"Big Hand is a father!"
Big Hand ran to Chosen One's side and gazed at his child as Red Elk and Naomi watched from the doorway.
"It's a boy!" Big Hand beamed.
"Of course, it is." Red Elk smiled and shook his hand.
There was much celebration, someone played the drums, Red Elk played his flute. Food was everywhere, and it was a wonderful homecoming for Big Hand.
All night there was celebration. Everyone in the tribe participated. The tribe danced, and Naomi even joined them. There were smiles and laughter, lots of food, and Chosen One and Big Hand sat proudly in front of their wickiup watching the festivities.
Bear Foot was beaming as he played his drum too. His shoulder and leg had healed nicely. He was a very tough and rugged man, Naomi was very glad, when she walked by him, she stopped to kiss his forehead, she was ever thankful for Bear Foot.
After much dancing and music, they ate a feast of a meal.
"What have you named your son?" Red Elk asked as he handed Big Hand and Chosen One their plates full of the foods.
"Red Hawk." Big Hand beamed.
"It is a good name."
Later when Naomi and Red Elk went home, she got ready for bed, taking all her clothes off and curling into her husband for some love.
"I hope you are not too tired." She smiled warmly up at her husband who stared down into her eyes.
"For you, never."
He kissed her softly on the lips, letting his lips make a trail down her neck and onto her shoulders. Then down farther to her breasts.
His lips surrounded her nipples, playing with them watching them curl into a pucker. "You are more beautiful every time I look at you. But something makes you more so tonight."
"You think so?" she asked playfully as she moved her hands over him. "What would you say if I told you— I'm with child… "
He stopped and pulled her up to stare into her shining eyes. "You are? Are you sure?"
/> "Very, I figure three months along."
"Three months, you look no different."
"A little, thickening around the waist, my breasts are a bit bigger…"
"Why didn't you say something earlier?"
"I didn't want to spoil the celebration. It was for Chosen One. I will have my time too. But not to spoil hers."
He kissed her hotly now, a kiss that simmered in her heart. "God, I love you woman. He has blessed us, we must give thanks."
"Are you happy?"
"Happy! I cannot tell you how much!" he told her.
Without the slightest qualm he entered her, she was hot and wet and ready for him. It was as though she were merely waiting for him to do so. He plunged himself as deep as he could within her. She moaned softly. "I love it when you go deep inside me like that. You fit so well." She murmured.
"I will plant many seeds inside you for many years to come, my love," he declared boldly.
"I want to go to the sweat lodge and be purified in the next few days. And I want to go back to the pool, every now and then, just you and me, together, planting those seeds."
"Yes!" he kissed her, laved her, made wild love to her half the night.
Their lodge was filled with the soft moans of making love. It was a happy time.
Naomi had found her love, her home, her life here with Red Elk. She belonged here.
The civil war raged on without them, as Red Elk had too many plans for the future now. The ravages of war were all around them, but somehow, they had managed to stay as far away as possible from the troops. Cochise had warred with the armies many times keeping them off his land. John and Painted Dove faded into mere memories, forgetting the bad and remembering the good of them.
Red Elk's tribe prospered, growing good crops, trading at Fort Apache for their needs. In the heart of winter, a baby boy was born in the wickiup. "What will you name him?" Naomi asked as she beamed at her newborn and his father holding him proudly.
Red Elk raised him up to the east, the west, the north and the south, and smiled. "His Indian name will be White Eagle, his white name will be Matthew, from the bible. That way no matter which world he walks in, he will fit."