Vengeful in Love

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Vengeful in Love Page 2

by Nadia Lee

  “To your promotion,” Alex said, raising his flute.

  Natalie blinked. “I’m sorry?”

  “Someone has to replace Vivien, and I’ve decided you’re the best candidate. Congratulations.”

  She automatically clinked her flute with his and took a sip. The cool bubbly vintage slid smoothly down her throat and warmed her.

  Placing her glass on the table, she debated how she should feel about this unexpected turn of events. Part of her was thrilled, but another part was cautious at the unorthodox way Alex had given her added responsibilities. Every DDE employee was formally evaluated in July and promoted—if there was a promotion—in September. Her coworkers might see the way Alex looked at her and draw erroneous conclusions.

  And there was the disconcerting matter of her reaction to him. His effect on her was far more potent than the champagne, and she was fairly sure people around them could tell she wasn’t immune to him, which would further fuel the gossip.

  Alex smiled. “I drop in on various divisions and streamline their operations every so often. A sudden shift in resources isn’t that unusual, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Natalie added perceptive to the list of qualities she was discovering about him.

  “So, would you like to talk to me about your expectations?” she asked.

  “No. That’ll be Ethan’s job.”

  She frowned. “Ethan?”

  “The executive from the London office. He’ll be replacing Ralph.”

  “Oh.” She wondered where this was heading. Was this a congratulatory dinner? If so, wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to wait until after her new boss’s arrival?

  “I don’t think I’ve ever worked for a British man before,” she said.

  “Actually, he’s American. I sent him to London to familiarize himself with our European operations and also to help straighten out some problems we were having there.”

  “Sounds like you trust him quite a bit.”

  “I do. He’s a good man, and I think you’ll like working for him.” Alex took another drink of champagne, the corded architecture of his neck clearly visible above his collar and tie as he tilted the glass back.

  She fidgeted idly with the flute stem, putting it between her thumb and index finger and moving her hand up and down the cool, smooth length of the elegant column. His gaze dropped to follow the movement, the eyelids lowering. She could sense something change in him, an elemental need surging up from somewhere underneath the polite layers of civilization, and it made her acutely aware of her femininity. The air in the restaurant seemed to grow hotter and thicker. How could a man she’d known for less than a day have such a powerful effect on her?

  Thankfully, their waiter reappeared and shattered the hypnotic spell. They both ordered steak and a few side dishes, but while she had a small filet mignon, he ordered the largest slab of beef on the menu, an enormous porterhouse.

  “I want it so rare it moos on the plate,” he said, and the waiter nodded.

  When the waiter vanished, Alex turned his full attention back to her. “So tell me… How did a woman like you end up with a name like Hall?” There was a slight emphasis on the you and the Hall that might have been offensive, but he was smiling easily. His eyes went to her ring finger. “You aren’t married.”

  Her personal life was one thing she didn’t want to discuss with anyone, especially the CEO of her company. Most especially one who somehow was making her think of tangled sheets. But how could she not answer without appearing rude?

  She took a long swallow of the champagne. “I was adopted,” she said, her tone discouraging further questions.

  “Korean descent?”

  She shrugged, irritation surging inside at his refusal to drop the subject. Perhaps he wasn’t as perceptive as she thought.

  It always bothered her that she didn’t know. Natalie’s younger sister—her parents’ biological daughter—Belle, was positive Natalie was either Korean or Japanese, while Louise always said she couldn’t tell one Asian from another. Brian hadn’t volunteered an opinion except to say: It’s not that important what ethnicity you are, is it, sweetie? All that matters is that we found you, took you into our family, and raised you as one of our own.

  A political statement if ever there was one. But then Brian had made a career out of being circumspect.

  Natalie shoved unpleasant thoughts of her family aside. Time to change the subject. “You’re not really interested in talking about work, are you?”


  “So why did you pretend otherwise?”

  A hint of humor tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Would you be here if I’d told you the truth?”


  “There you go.” He gave her an unrepentant grin.

  “Devious,” she said, her voice deliberately cool.

  He spread his hands. “But hardly criminal. What is criminal is ignoring a smart, sexy woman.”

  If he’d shown any sign of mockery or insincerity—even outright flattery—she’d have walked out on him, CEO or not. But somehow the simple way he spoke made her believe he truly found her desirable. His gaze roamed over her as if he could impart the carnality of his presence onto her.

  Sudden images of their bodies, naked and panting, raced through her mind, leaving her breathless. Every feminine intuition in her said that if she showed even a tinge of interest, he’d make love to her until she drowned in sensation. A man like him wouldn’t want anything messy like emotional entanglement. Earth-shattering ecstasy was all he promised, all she could ever expect from him.

  Well, too bad. Marcus O’Dell had been good in bed, and it just wasn’t enough. She wanted a man who could love her unconditionally and for the long term.

  “I don’t do the interoffice dating thing,” she said. “It’s kind of a rule with me. So, although this is really flattering, it’s not going to work out. Maybe you should find another woman who’ll be happy with what you’re offering.”

  He regarded her calmly. “I don’t want another woman. And I think it is going to work out.”

  “You do?”

  “Come on, you feel it. There’s a lot of chemistry going on here.”

  True…but still. She gave him her best oh-come-now laugh. “I’m not a teenager anymore. I don’t let my hormones make my decisions for me.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  Natalie raised an eyebrow. “Do I want to bet?”

  “I’ll bet you that you’ll have dinner with me again before the week’s over.”

  “And if I do? Then what?”

  “Then you lose the bet and owe me a full weekend to change your mind about this ‘no interoffice dating’ rule of yours.”

  “What do I get if you lose?”

  “Oh, I won’t lose. But if I do, I’ll give you a million dollars.”

  Her jaw dropped so fast she was surprised it didn’t hit the table. He couldn’t be serious. A million dollars?

  Their food arrived. Although it smelled absolutely tantalizing, her stomach was knotted too tightly to even think about eating. She could already feel the champagne churning dangerously.

  The waiter left, and Natalie leaned forward. “You’re joking, right?” she said in a strained whisper.

  “About what?” He popped a chunk of steak into his mouth. The chef had taken his instructions seriously. The meat looked like it had barely touched the grill.

  “About the bet.”

  “Not at all. One with six zeros behind it. Cash or wire, your choice.”

  She stared at him. There wasn’t even a trace of humor on his face. Her heartbeat accelerated a little, and she shook her head. “You’re going to lose.”

  Sighing, he put a hand over his heart. “You wound me. Would you truly condemn me to eating alone for the next four days?”

  “Oh at least that, if not forever.”

  A boyishly charming smile lit his face. “Is that so? Then it’s a bet?”

  As they gazed across t
he table, Natalie felt something stirring inside. It was more than just sexual attraction. Her feminine core was flattered that he found her desirable enough to risk a million dollars. And amused by and envious of his unshakable confidence that he could win her over in four days and a weekend.

  Marcus’s abrupt ending of their relationship had made her feel undesirable. She hadn’t been able to muster much interest in men since. Not until now.

  Would it be so terrible for her to indulge in a flirtation with Alex for a little while?

  Her eyes holding his, she picked up her silverware, pushing the fork into her steak and then drawing the knife through it slowly and deliberately. “You’re on.”

  Chapter Three

  THE NEXT MORNING, Alex entered his office and saw Ethan Lloyd, his best friend and right-hand man. The morning sun gave Ethan a small platinum halo over his blond head. Thin wisps of steam rose from a mug of black coffee by the seat he was leaning in. Ethan never sat, but he didn’t exactly slouch, either. It was an effect only he could create. The posture made him look lazy and easygoing. His golden choirboy looks and laughing blue eyes further disguised his true corporate-raider nature.

  “You’re getting indolent in your old age,” Ethan said.

  Although he was American, he’d lived in England long enough to pick up just a hint of a British accent. He adjusted his gray Savile Row suit jacket. Off-the-rack suits were not an option because of his enormous shoulders and narrow waist. It was the legacy of the amateur-bodybuilding phase of his life.

  When Alex raised an eyebrow, Ethan added, “I’ve been here for at least half an hour.”

  Alex snorted. “Eleanor said ten minutes, max.”

  “Traitor.” Ethan’s affectionate tone belied his words. “I even brought her a box of Belgian chocolates.”

  “She knows who signs her paychecks.” Alex walked around and sat behind his desk. “When did you land?”

  “Late last night.” Ethan opened a pocket-sized notebook and twisted his pen until the silver tip emerged. “So what is it that you want me to do here?”

  “The Rodales.”

  Ethan’s eyes sharpened for a moment before returning to their usual relaxed state. It occurred so fast most people wouldn’t have caught it. Alex did.

  “Is that why you got rid of Ralph and Vivien?”


  “I presume you’re going to handle the takeover personally?”

  “Yep.” Alex could almost taste the victory, the completion of his revenge against Emily Rodale. An eye for an eye. He wanted her to suffer as much as his family had. No, that wasn’t true. He wanted to return the pain tenfold.

  Alex’s fingers drummed on the thick sheaf of paper on his desk. It was a new valuation of Rodale International. “One way or the other, I’ll have it.”

  Ethan sipped his coffee. “Okay. So I guess you’ll want Jennifer to work with us on this as well.”

  “No. She’s staying in France.”

  “Then who’s replacing Vivien?”

  “Natalie Hall. She used to work under Ralph and Vivien.” Alex saw Ethan’s eyes narrow. “Don’t worry, she’s sharp. She’ll be fine.”

  Actually, more than fine. Alex would have liked nothing better than to have had her for dessert last night. Only the knowledge that he would win the bet by the end of the week had prevented him from acting on his male instinct.

  Ethan was looking at him. “You want to get her in bed.”

  “Crossed my mind. So?”

  “So she might be in bed with the Rodales.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “It makes no sense that Ralph would make so many blunders and lose two big contracts to Rodale International. Someone must be feeding information to the Rodales, and Natalie is a logical choice. She has easy access to the right information.”

  Alex leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. “I’ve considered the possibility.” That had been one of the reasons he’d sought her out.

  “But you don’t think she’s to blame.”


  Ethan shook his head. “Don’t let your attraction to her cloud your judgment. Willing women are a buck a bushel,” he said, reverting to his Midwestern roots.

  It was true that she intrigued him, and maybe that was affecting his thinking. But Alex’s instinct told him Natalie wasn’t the mole. Still, a woman had been the cause of his father’s downfall—a man who’d been invincible otherwise. “I know what I’m doing.”

  “Okay.” And just like that, Ethan dropped the topic, his eyes turning bland again.

  “Invite Natalie to dinner later this week.”

  Ethan’s mouth quirked. “Spanish Inquisition?”

  “No. You need to brief her on her new responsibilities.”

  Ethan rose from his seat, a lazy smile making him look utterly harmless. “Thursday all right?”

  Alex nodded.

  “Should I let her know who’s coming?”

  “Why would you want to do such a thing?”

  Shaking his head and laughing, Ethan left.

  Chapter Four

  NATALIE COULDN’T DECIDE what she ought to feel. Alex had ignored her since Monday, and she was both relieved and disappointed. The whole bet had probably been a joke; he must have been having fun at her expense.

  She was still in the same office, but now the plate on her door read “Senior Financial Analyst.” None of her coworkers had said anything about her promotion except “congratulations,” although Danielle had brought in a home-baked cake. Apparently there was a pay raise that came with Natalie’s new responsibilities. Not that she would need it once Alex paid her her million dollars, haha.

  “Almost done with the P&L?” Natalie said, stopping by Danielle’s cubicle on her way out.

  Danielle nodded. “Just a couple more adjustments.”

  “Thanks. Send me a soft copy when you’re done.” She said good night and left the office.

  Ethan wanted the figures first thing the next morning. Natalie was finding him fabulous to work for. Unlike Alex, he didn’t distract her with overwhelming sexuality. Not that he wasn’t attractive, but he was just charming enough to make her like him without clouding her mind with lust. Although…he did have great shoulders.

  Just before three, Ethan had sent her directions to a small but excellent Italian restaurant in Reston. Natalie knew the place; she’d been there once with Brian right before she’d gone to college. Louise and Belle, of course, had been too busy to spend the day with her. As usual.

  The restaurant was a low, square building in the middle of an Etruscan-themed shopping center, orange lights glowing inside and casting the diners into silhouette. The evening breeze toyed with an Italian flag as Natalie walked up the entryway. She pulled open the heavy cherry door and was immediately greeted by a tall man, all dark, wavy hair and white teeth, who called her signorina.

  She mentioned Ethan’s name and was led through the dining area back to a private corner where a horseshoe-shaped seat wrapped around the table.

  Ethan sat—or was it lounged?—on one end of the seat. His face lit up when he saw her.

  “Good evening.”

  She returned his smile, sat on the other side, and ordered a glass of Chianti. “Sorry I made you wait. The meeting this afternoon lasted longer than expected. How long have you been here?”

  “I just sat down, actually.” He sipped his red wine and gestured at the breadbasket full of crusty garlic bread. “Help yourself; they just brought it out. So, everything taken care of?”

  She nodded and reached for a piece. It was still warm. “Danielle should have the numbers ready by tomorrow morning.”


  A familiar baritone voice came from behind her, and Natalie’s heart almost stopped. She turned around to see Alex looming over her. “What are you doing here?”

  “Nice to see you again too,” he said in a bland tone that didn’t quite manage to hide his amusement. “Didn’t
Ethan tell you? It’s a welcome dinner for him.”

  She gave her new boss a sharp glance. He responded with a smile, which somehow failed to work its magic this time. She turned back to Alex. “So, where is everybody?” She made a show of looking around. “It doesn’t look like you invited anyone else from the office.”

  “Well, you’re the only one who’ll be working closely with him.” Alex sat beside her, and she had no choice but to move closer to the middle to make room. Now she was sandwiched between the two large men.

  Despite her apprehensions, Alex didn’t seem to want to focus his formidable sexuality on her. But her senses were so acutely attuned to his presence that it didn’t really matter what he did. The man had an animal magnetism that just wouldn’t quit. How could one person exude so much masculine force? It made her want to wrap herself around him and luxuriate in hot, virile male flesh.

  Doing her best to ignore him, she took a bite of the bread. Herbs and butter created an exquisite blend of flavors on her tongue. Alex and Ethan started talking about a recent tennis match. The restaurant was too crowded for business conversation, especially anything confidential. And a lot of DDE’s work fell into that category, given that the Department of Defense was the company’s biggest client. She pursed her lips. Why was she here? She felt out of place and excluded, especially since she didn’t know anything about tennis.

  When their waiter returned, everyone ordered. When had Alex and Ethan figured out what they wanted? They’d been chatting the whole time, their menus untouched.

  Ethan turned to her. “We never talked about your roles and expectations,” he said. “We’re consolidating the work of three people into two, so it’s going to be more challenging, but also a great growth opportunity for you.”

  She nodded. Two people doing three people’s job… Did it mean DDE didn’t plan to fill her old position which was now vacant? Or maybe Alex would be leaving soon?


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