Step Lover

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Step Lover Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  He licks, sucks, and I beg for more, plead for him to keep on going, to not stop. To give me what I need, and it feels so good.

  Myron presses a kiss to my mound, and then he’s between my thighs.

  “I’m really sorry.”



  Hurting her was never my intention.

  I didn’t want to.

  It’s hard to hurt the woman you love, but I knew she was a virgin. She’d told her mother she hadn’t been with any guys, and I just know her.

  Feeling her tight heat surround me and her cunt squeeze me, it’s heaven. My hell is the scream, and feeling the half-moon shapes of her nails as they sink into my flesh from tearing into her cherry, and finally claiming her as mine.

  I want to fist pump and scream how good it was, but I don’t. Instead, I take several deep, shuddering breaths and count to ten. When that doesn’t help, I kiss her, hoping I haven’t hurt her too much.

  Slowly, I feel her body start to respond, and as far as I was concerned, that was the best damn Christmas present ever.

  Pulling away, I check to make sure the pain is gone, and I see the need in her eyes. I have no doubt she’ll be a bit sore, but I’m willing to take my chance. I can lick and suck at her pussy all she wants and needs.

  I ease out of her until only the tip of my dick remains. She lets out a little whimper, but rather than stop, I slam inside her.

  She cries out.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, don’t stop. It feels good. Full, but so good. Please don’t stop. I don’t want you to.”

  I don’t want to stop either, but that would make me selfish.

  In and out, I fuck her, watching her body. The draw of her rocking tits is almost too much. I’m so close to coming, but I keep control of myself.

  I want this to be good for her. Rearing back, I spread the lips of her pussy and see how wet she is for me, and how she is spread around my length.

  So beautiful.

  So sweet.

  All mine.

  I feel her cunt tighten around me, and I know it’s not going to be too long before she finds her second orgasm. Only this time, I want it to be filled by my cock.

  When she does, I grit my teeth because it is better than I had imagined. I’m not wearing a rubber, and even though I want to fill her with my cum, I know we’re not ready for the consequences, at least not yet.

  I pound inside her, feeling the tingle in my balls, and as I come, I have a split-second decision but ease out of her warmth, spilling my cum onto her stomach.

  Soon, I’m going to fill her pussy and watch my release fill up her tight heat. Collapsing over her, I take several deep breaths, trying to gain control once again.

  I’ve just fucked my stepsister.

  Only, she’s far more than my stepsister.

  One day soon, she is going to be my wife, and I am never going to let her go.

  Chapter Five


  After Myron cleans up his … release, I honestly don’t know what to call it. He comes back to the bedroom, and I don’t make a single move to get changed. I don’t want to put clothes between us.

  I don’t want anything between us.

  Getting to my knees, I run my hands over his chest, feeling my own need start to build once again. Would it be so wrong to give in to temptation once again?

  His hands grip my ass.

  “Now I see you’re getting it,” he says.

  I nibble my lip as nerves start to spring back up, and I’m unsure what to do.

  “You’re not regretting what we just did, are you?”

  “No!” There is no way I could ever regret what we did. In fact, I want to do it again. I feel a little sore, but in all honesty, I don’t care. All I want is to feel him inside me again. To have his hands all over my body. It feels like I’ve been waiting my entire life for this moment, and now I don’t want to give it up, or him.

  “Then tell me what it is you want. I’ll give you whatever it is you need.”

  “I want you.” I don’t even hesitate this time.

  Why fight it?

  There will be plenty of time after Christmas or even when our parents return for me to finally get my sanity back, but until then, all I want to do is give in.

  The grip on my ass tightens, and this time, I let out a gasp as he flips me to my knees.

  “I’m going to have to go and get some condoms.”

  “I’m on the pill.” I look over my shoulder and smile at him. “I’m safe, and I don’t have anything.”

  He groans. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

  I don’t get a chance to respond as his cock slams in deep. It takes me by surprise as I didn’t anticipate him being that big and hard so quickly.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  His hands hold onto my hips, and I grit my teeth, not wanting to let go. He’s driving me crazy as he starts to fuck me, not giving me a single moment to breathe, but I don’t want to.

  All of a sudden, I’m flipped back over though, and his mouth is back between my legs, and I don’t fight him. I watch as he flicks my clit, slides down to my entrance, and he’s using his tongue to fuck me.

  It feels so good that I can hardly think, not that I want to ever think again. All I want to do is feel.

  Thinking gets me into all kinds of trouble and makes me wish for things that I’m never going to have. Like now. This is more than I ever could have imagined. Myron wanting me, touching me, licking me.

  This is all in my dreams and I never for a second believed it could be a reality, but here we are, together, and he’s bringing me closer to another orgasm.

  Again, in my dreams but never thought it would actually happen. It is happening, and as I spiral into my release, he doesn’t give me the chance to come down from my high. He’s moved me so I’m now taking his cock and sinking down on his length.

  I can’t contain my screams of pleasure, and the tightness with which he holds me, it feels so fucking good.

  It’s more than I ever thought possible. He pulls me down to kiss me, and I give in.

  I give into it all and do so easily. I never want to fight him. When he holds me, I finally feel like my world is complete, and there is nothing else I want in the world other than him.

  He’s all I can think about, and now that I have him, can I ever let him go?

  I push those thoughts aside and only focus on the now and being with him.

  Wrapping my arms around him, I kiss him back, wanting him completely. The moment he comes and fills me with his cum, I know I’ve never felt so whole in all my life.



  Our parents return, but neither of them acts like they know anything. In fact, they are both being rather cautious in the way they are acting, pretending like they don’t realize how close Kate and I have gotten.

  I took her a grand total of four times, and I know she has to be in a little bit of pain.

  “Honey, you’re going to have to cook for you and Myron tonight. Frank got us into a little competition. We’re heading out to go and play some cards.”


  “Yes. In fact, we won’t be home tonight. We’re heading toward the lodge and are going to make a date of it. You two can fend for yourselves, right? Take care of the dogs? That kind of thing.”

  I smile as Frank gives me a wink.

  “We can take care of ourselves,” I say. I don’t need our parents to leave as I could have taken Kate to my place. In fact, that is a damn good idea.

  “Actually, I was thinking of showing Kate my place. She hasn’t seen what I’ve been up to lately and I’d like to show her what I’m all about. I’m more than just a handyman.”

  “You know, Suzy and I didn’t think of that.”

  Kate looks at me, then back at her parents. “I thought you wanted to spend the holidays together?”

  “We do, and we’ve got all over Christmas to enjoy each other’s
company. I think it’s only fair you and Myron get to know each other. It has been a couple of years really since he’s been around.” Suzy hugs her daughter. “I’m going to go and call … our friends to let them know we’ve got a change of venue. It’ll save us some money and we don’t have to worry about heating up that lodge.”

  “What about the dogs?” Kate asks.

  “We’ll take care of them. Go, have a good time.”

  In no time at all, I have her wrapped up and am taking her home to my place. I smile just thinking about the shocked look on her face.

  “I hope you know they’re lying,” she says.

  “Oh, believe me, I know our parents are lying. There is no way they organized something like that.”

  “What I don’t know is why? Do they think we’ve had a falling out or something?”

  I smile. “Kate, our parents know.”


  “I told my dad, and he told your mom. They both know I’m in love with you and that I intend to make this work, the two of us.”

  I start up the car and pull out of the drive, feeling her gaze on me.

  “Doesn’t that freak you out even a little bit?”

  “No, why would it?”

  “Our parents know about us,” she says, her voice rising with every passing second.

  “I know, and doesn’t it make you feel a little better that they don’t care?” I took her hand, kissing her knuckles as I navigate the road. It is snowy, but the roads are easy to drive on as they’ve been treated. “It means we can be together.”

  “You keep talking about us being together.”

  “I mean it.”

  “Don’t you think everyone will treat us weirdly?”

  “Is that what you’re worried about? People looking at us differently?”

  “No. I don’t know. Maybe. Don’t you think it will be a bit weird?”


  “We’re, you know?”


  “No, I don’t mean like that, but there is that kind of stigma. I am your stepsister.”

  I smile. “Kate, we’re not related.”

  “But don’t you think it’s weird?”

  “I think it’s weird you’re even worried about this at all.” I pull into the parking space reserved for the building. As I own one of the apartments, it has become really fancy and even has my name on it. Turning the car off, I look at her. “We’re not breaking any laws here, Kate. It’s just you and me.”

  “I’m really cold.”

  “Then come on. Let me show you my place.” I sometimes hate my apartment. It is lonely, but knowing I’ll be able to share it with her, well, it fills it with possibilities.

  I let us into the main building and work my way up the stairs. The elevator is in serious need of repair, and I don’t mind the walk.

  I live on the third floor at the end of the corridor. Sliding my key into the lock, I open the door and let us in. Flicking the switch on, I go immediately to the heating. It won’t take long for us to get warm.

  “It’s not much, but it’s home.” I’ve done all the interior decorating myself. I love things nice, light, airy, including cream walls, bright ceiling lights, and I’ve made sure the apartment I got faced the sun. No matter the season I get a nice bright morning or evening. I love it.

  The kitchen is modest. It is a good place to start a family, and I already have my eye on a house to actually have a family in and I can imagine Kate heavily pregnant with my child.

  Removing my coat, I go to her, taking hers off.

  “It’s a really nice place.”

  “I was thinking after college, you could move in with me.” I hear her gasp and turn to look at me. “I wasn’t joking when I said I wanted you, Kate. What I’m after is forever.”

  Chapter Six


  I must be in some kind of alternate universe! It’s crazy. I want to believe it.

  He’s being serious.

  This isn’t just some playtime to him.

  He’s being open, honest, and he wants you.

  It’s hard to really focus my thoughts. This is all real.

  “You’re not joking around.”

  He comes to me, hands on my face, tilting my head back so I could look into his beautiful eyes, and they are so serious. More so than I could have ever imagined. I lick my lips and wait.

  “I’m so fucking serious. I am completely in love with you, Kate. I have been for a while.”

  “But, if you’ve been in love with me, why did you push me away? Why were you so cold toward me?”

  “I had to.”


  “My dad. Our parents. The whole situation. It was far out of my comfort zone, and I couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t handle the very thought of seeing someone else with you. I was an asshole, but only because he told me to stay away from you.”

  “Frank told you to stay away from me?” I don’t even know why that surprises me. He was always protective and said he wouldn’t try to replace my father, but he hoped I would feel safe and comforted in his presence. I did. He is an amazing stepdad.

  “He didn’t think I was ready to settle down. You had college and your whole life ahead of you.”

  “I haven’t finished college. I can’t just quit. I’ve come this far. It would be easy to give it up.”

  “No. I won’t let you just quit. I know you’ve given a lot to your career. I’ve waited this long, and I’m going to wait until you have.”

  “But what if my dreams mean I don’t come back here?” I ask. The truth is, I’m homesick. I didn’t realize how much I was, until coming back home. I thought college was right and good, but it’s not, not for me. I realize that now more than ever. I know it’s important for me to finish it, and I will, but it’s not where I want to be. Myron has been the person I’ve wanted and all I’ve ever wanted. I didn’t think Myron would ever want me, but now I know the truth.

  “Then I will follow you.”

  His answer is not what I’m expecting.

  “You would?”

  He kisses my lips. It’s a light one, but I feel it all throughout my body. This is the kind of love people write about and I’ve watched in movies.

  “I will follow you wherever you go. My life is no life without you.”

  I’m shocked.

  “I’m coming back home,” I say. “When I’ve graduated. If I do.”

  “You will.”

  I smile. “You have so much confidence in me.”

  “I have no reason to doubt you.” He strokes my cheek. “You are perfect in every single way.”

  Okay, a girl or woman can only handle so much.

  Throwing my arms around him, I kiss him hard, feeling an answering wake in my pussy. I want him inside me so badly. I’ve been thinking about this moment a lot longer than before I was legal.

  Myron has been my first and only crush, so thinking about making babies with him is high on my list.

  He grabs my ass, lifting me up, and I don’t care about how heavy I am, or if he can handle me. I know he can.

  Wrapping my legs around his waist, I hold onto him as he moves me through his apartment to his bedroom. His place isn’t large, but I can see myself living there.

  Once inside his bedroom, he puts me to the floor, and I’m already attacking his clothes. It has warmed up a bit, but the cold doesn’t affect me.

  I’m heated by my own lust.

  Shoving his shirt over his head, I stroke my hands down his chest, kissing his neck, and trailing my lips down to touch him wherever I can. I want to completely consume him. It’s like a desperate ache flooding my body, and I can’t seem to control it until I’m with him. Taking him or he’s taking me. I want him to fuck me, love me, and do whatever he wants with me.

  He grips me around the neck, holding me in place as he slams his lips down on mine. I open up and he plunges his tongue into my mouth, but that one action makes me think of other things.

; Sinking to my knees before him, I flick open the button of his jeans and reach in, past his boxer briefs, to hold onto his dick. I take him out, and he’s already hard for me. I can’t imagine him being anything different now that we’re together and neither of us have a single reason to not be.

  Running my hands up and down his length, I lick my lips.

  “Oh, fuck, you want to taste my cock, don’t you?”


  “I don’t know if I’m going to last.”

  “I don’t mind.” The thought of him blowing in my mouth, I don’t think about dirty thoughts, but it is close. I want him to lose control, to only think about me.

  Licking the tip, which is already slick with his pre-cum, I let out a moan.


  His curse echoes around the room, and I love it. Following the thick vein down the side of his length, I ease up, and then move to take more of him into my mouth, taking him deep, swallowing him. He hits the back of my throat, and I feel taken over, needing more.

  I gag and pull back. Saliva fills my mouth, but I don’t stop in my pursuit. I need him, want him.

  It’s a desperation within me, all-consuming.

  He wraps my hair around his fist and begins to pump into my mouth. I don’t fight him. I can’t help but close my eyes and take as much of him as I can and then open just to look up and watch him.

  Dare I say it? This man is mine.

  I know he is.

  “You look so beautiful with my dick in your mouth. Those lips spread around my length is how they are supposed to be.” He drives in, fucking my face, and even though I’m new to this, I love it.

  I want to give him all the pleasure he could ever dream of, and as he finds that pace, I feel his cock begin to swell.

  “I’m going to come, Kate. If you don’t want to swallow it, you need to stop. You need to let go so I can pull out.”

  “I want it all.”

  When he comes, I swallow every drop, but there is more than I can take, and some spills out of my mouth. After he has finished, he collapses to the floor, kissing my mouth even with his essence on my lips.

  “Now I get to lick your pussy.”


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