Murder by Prescription

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Murder by Prescription Page 9

by Breakell Richard

  After clearing security, she approached the lounge wondering if she would see Mr. Cooper and his wife. Her interaction with Mr. Cooper had been next to none and she wasn’t adroit at idle chitchat.

  The reality was that she desperately wished she could be more conversationally adept, but she allowed her insecurities to force her into silence, which manifested as snobbish and cold.

  From the corner of her eye, entering the lounge, she instantly spied Marty and his Wife but continued to the check in counter. Feigning fumbling with her purse she walked to the other side of the room and settled in a comfortable lounge chair, pulled out her cell, and dialed her mother.

  “Hi, Mom. I’m at the airport in Dallas, waiting to fly to Venice. …yes, Venice, Italy… It’s a business trip on a cruise for eight days.”

  Her mother was always keenly interested in everything that Pam did. Pam could never quite figure out if she had any real interest in her life, or she was just envious.

  Pam had left home ten years earlier, in a less than joyous atmosphere. She had called a cab and as the door slammed, her father was still yelling his perpetual dirge… whore… slut… no good… never will be… good riddance… while her mother stood behind him, wringing her hands. Pam had long ago inured herself to their dysfunctional world.

  She had worked hard to reach a level of comfort with herself. Nevertheless, she longed for a close relationship. Pam finished her superficial conversation with a perfunctory ‘I love you’ and hung up. She wondered if she really meant it or even if she knew what love was at all.

  She glanced up from her phone as Mrs. Cooper approached.

  “Miss Styles?” asked Myra.

  Pam stood, “Yes.”

  “I’m Myra Cooper,” offered Myra, “we noticed you come in and wondered, being as we are on the same flight, if you would like to join us.”

  Pam paused, hoping she was not being rude but trying to sort out a response. “How very kind Mrs. Cooper. I have a few things I need to clean up,” she said, holding up her phone, “but I would be glad to join you in a few minutes.”

  “Wonderful,” Myra said cheerily, “just come over when you can.” She pointed to the corner where Marty sat.

  “Thank you. I will be over in a few minutes.”

  As Myra walked away, Pam started to breathe again. She was swirling in conflicting emotions. The last thing she wanted was to begin what could end up being a ‘clingy’ relationship in the first hour of an eight-day trip. Yet, it was a genuine gesture that she did not want to slight the offer, and it might be nice to have a female companion.

  While she pondered her next move, she faked a phone call in case they were observing her, then slipped the cell into her bag and collected her things.

  For travel comfort, Pam had chosen white capri pants and a loose-fitting silk blouse and as she proceeded across the lounge, a chorus of male heads swiveled in unison. She smiled inwardly… Men… so predictable.

  Marty and Myra rose as she approached. “Pam… I am so happy you are joining us,” Offered Marty.

  “Well, thank you for asking me. I must admit I was feeling a little alone, especially in the face of the long flight ahead.”

  Myra waved her hand to a seat. “Please, sit down,” she offered just as an attendant walked up. “May I get you anything to drink?”

  “I could use a coffee,” said Pam.

  “Make that three,” suggested Marty with a questioning look at Myra, who nodded approval.

  “So, Pam… Are you on the trip for fun or work?” asked Marty.

  Pam paused, then smiled, “Purely pleasure. I have never been to Europe and Mr. Chiles suggested I come… So, here I am.”

  “How nice,” said Myra with a surprised tone. Pam turned her head to Myra with her disconcerting stare.

  Myra paled.

  Pam had been told many times that she sometimes unconsciously exhibited a look that bordered on defiance and she knew this was one of those times. She quickly offered, “Yes, I thought it was extremely generous of him.” She continued, “What about you… have you previously traveled abroad?”

  “No,” answered Marty, “it’s the first time for both My and I and we are very excited. However, I will be involved in business discussions throughout the trip.”

  Pam turned back to Myra, “Good! That will give us some time to enjoy the cruise.”

  Myra, still a little shaken by Pam’s mannerisms, smiled, “Yes, that will be nice.”

  The attendant arrived with the coffee and some Danish treats and updated their boarding time to forty minutes.

  “Do you know Dr. Kenmore,” inquired Marty.

  “Not really,” replied Pam, “I have met him on a couple of occasions at the office, but that was only introductions.”

  “I am looking forward to sharing our views with him.”

  Good luck in penetrating that ego, reflected Pam. “Yes… I imagine that will be exciting,” she said.

  The next thirty-five minutes were taken with idle chitchat and finally, their flight was called.

  After stowing their carry-ons, Marty and Myra settled into their plush first-class section, as did Pam, one row back and across the aisle. Flight time was ten hours and twenty-five minutes, which would put them in at 4:30am Madrid time for a two-hour stopover.

  Thank God for Wi-Fi, thought Marty. After takeoff, he immediately opened his tablet and started updating his research. Myra buried herself in her book. Across the aisle, Pam stared out the window, watching the diminishing landscape and wondering what the next week would bring.

  Something told her this was not going to be just a nice, quiet vacation.


  Kelly woke early Monday morning after a fretful night. The attack on Pam, together with her upcoming double duty had played on Kelly’s mind all night. She really had no idea why someone would decide to commit a robbery in the middle of the afternoon. Whoever it was, knew where the safe was. How? To her that said ‘an inside job.’

  Well, at least she was in the clear. Her key entry would show she had just entered the building. Oh, well… not her problem. She had her own obstacles to deal with.

  Traffic was easy this morning and she arrived a little early at her desk. Mr. Maurrel had not arrived yet. She started toward the break room for coffee when the lobby door swung open to Rob Schafers. There was always a reason he was on the premises. The rumor mill was normally ahead of his arrival, but in this instance, everyone was baffled.

  All eyes followed him as he entered the break room behind Kelly, greeting her with a smile, “Good Morning, Kelly. Did you manage to get some sleep?”

  “Hello, Mr. Schafers and yes, I did. Thank you.”

  He glanced around to make sure they were alone. “Kelly, I wondered if you had any further thoughts regarding the Saturday incident?”

  Kelly wrinkled her brow. “No… not really. I did wonder why someone would do that in the middle of the day.”

  “There’s no telling what’s in a criminal’s mind. Anyway, if you think of anything, please get hold of me and please remember, this whole thing is just between us.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said as she walked back to her desk to find Mr. Maurrel opening his office door. “Good Morning, Mr. Maurrel.”

  “Oh… you startled me, Kelly. How are you?” Then his eyes widened as he saw Rob climbing the stairs to Tom’s offices. He recovered and turned back to Kelly, “Can you come in, Kelly?”

  Kelly entered first and Derek closed the door. He didn’t waste any time, “Were you here on Saturday when the break-in occurred?”

  “Yes, sir,” she responded, “I had just arrived to meet Pam for an update. I heard a noise upstairs and, thinking it was her, I went up just as I heard the hall door close.”

  Derek steeled himself for the next answer, “Did you see anyone?”

  “No… I just heard the door close at the end of the hall.”

  Relief prickled through his body. One worry allayed. “Thank you, Kelly.”

p; “Mr. Maurrel, I hope I haven’t broken my word to Mr. Chiles. He asked me to not talk about the incident with anyone, but I assume that did not include you.”

  Derek controlled the shock he felt. “No, Kelly, you did the right thing.”

  “I also wanted to remind you that I am working with both you and Mr. Chiles this week.”

  “Yes… thank you. I’m sure there will be no problems.”

  Kelly walked out to the front desk. “Crystal, please refer any calls to Mr. Chiles through my desk while Pam is gone.”

  “Yes. There have been no calls this morning.”

  “Thank you,” she said and headed for Mr. Chiles’ office.

  Tom walked into his office from his private elevator with his cell at his ear, went straight to the door, and pointing at Kelly, said, “Kelly, please come in.”

  “Yes, sir,” answered Kelly.

  “Has Derek arrived yet?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Please have him come up.”

  She picked up the intercom just as she saw Mr. Maurrel coming up the stairs.

  “Kelly, do you know if Tom has arrived yet?” he asked.

  “Yes. I was just going to call you. He would like to see both of us.”

  They both started toward the office as Tom arrived at the door. “Morning, Derek,” barked Tom, “come on in.”

  They both followed Tom into the office and saw Rob Schafers seated in the living room area. How did he get here? thought Kelly, he must have used the private elevator.

  “I’d say let’s get a coffee, but we won’t be in here long enough,” said Tom, “the four of us, plus Pam, who is on the plane to Venice, are the only ones that know about the break-in on Saturday and I just wanted to caution us that we want it kept that way.”

  Derek worked hard to keep his face neutral and not register the panic that was consuming him. Was Tom going to drop ‘the other shoe?’

  Everyone remained perfectly still as Tom, one by one, looked everyone in the eye. They all nodded in agreement.

  “I know you probably have questions, as do Rob and I, but now is not the time to waste while we are going to be coordinating information from Marty as well as continuing the ramp up of the Sistophan launch. Rob will continue to look into the incident, but the rest of us just need to ‘move on’ and do our jobs.”

  Again, everyone nodded in agreement. “That’s it!” said Tom as he rose. Derek and Kelly started to leave. “Kelly, why don’t you mainly work from Pam’s desk this week so I can have closer communication. Is that alright with you, Derek”?

  “Certainly,” responded Derek, “I can always contact her quickly.”

  Kelly hesitated… “Let me run down to my desk and get some things and I’ll be up shortly.”

  “Good… Good,” replied Tom.

  Kelly started to collect some of her necessary things while Derek went into his office. He was befuddled by the results of the meeting. Why were Tom and Rob not asking about the office door and the door to the safe being open?

  How long was he going to be left twisting in the wind?

  “Mr. Maurrel, is there anything I can do before I go upstairs,” enquired Kelly.

  Derek shook his head, “No… I’ll get hold of you if I need you.”

  She hurried up the stairs just in time to see Tom’s office door close. Obviously, she was not needed at this moment.


  The cell in Tom’s drawer buzzed

  “It’s Monk… Confirming that we are go!”

  “Confirmed.” Tom threw the phone in the trash and nodded at Rob, who had a troubled look.

  “You know I am not comfortable with this, Tom,” mumbled Rob. Tom scowled, “Rob, don’t assume that you know what you’re talking about.”

  “Tom… How long have we been together? Don’t fuck with me. You hire me to ‘have your back’ and I am telling you that you are entering an arena that you may not be equipped for.”

  “Ok… Ok… don’t get ‘in a wad.’ We have been through tougher times than this might be. I can’t just sit back and jeopardize what we have worked for. The ‘flack’ is getting heavier by the day and it’s affecting the stock price. Recently, we’ve lost ten million dollars in capital value and we can’t continue, especially with our launch in a few weeks.”

  Rob granted, “I understand, but this is ‘federal’ you’re messing with.”

  “Don’t worry, we’re working with the best.”

  Chapter 9

  It had been a long, tiring trip. It was just after noon, Venice time. Marty, Myra, and Pam exited immigration in Venice and saw their ‘welcome’ sign.

  Walking with their porter to the limo, they noticed down the walkway a cluster of what appeared to be a press conference. Marty assumed that the congressman had arrived. Then the crowd parted and he saw it was Dr. Arthur Kenmore addressing the adoring media with his usual, imperious manner.

  Marty excused himself and walked down to the crowd, waiting until it thinned, then walked over to Dr. Kenmore with his hand extended.

  “Dr. Kenmore… Marty Cooper… Cooper Consulting.”

  Dr. Kenmore looked down at the extended hand, then up to Marty. “Oh, yes… Tom mentioned that we should get together.”

  “I just wanted to say ‘Hello’ while I had the chance.”

  “Yes… Well, we will see each other later,” he said and turned and hailed a taxi. Marty was left with his hand in the air, his mouth open, and a few expletives hovering on his lips. Kenmore’s ego was widely known, but to experience it was quite another thing.

  It occurred to Marty that perhaps the doctor needed some ‘tuning up,’ or there wasn’t going to be much cooperation on this cruise. He double checked the time in Dallas, then pulled out his cell, happy that Tom had given him the private number.

  Tom answered on the second ring, “Hello, Marty… How’s the trip going?”

  “Fine, sir. We just arrived in Venice and are about to board. I happened to see Dr. Kenmore just now and went over to meet him. He was, to say the least, very rude and barely acknowledged my introduction. I am alerting you to this only in the interests of having successful results from our meetings. Perhaps he has misunderstood the intent of our being together in our persuasions of Congressman Barnes.”

  “Interesting,” mused Tom, “…to be frank, between you and I, he is a royal pain in the ass, but we need him to support our launch. Let me have a talk with him and I am sure there will be no problem. Thanks for alerting me, Marty. Have a successful week.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Chiles.”

  Tom immediately dialed Dr. Kenmore’s international number.

  “Dr. Kenmore speaking. Who is this?”

  “Arthur, it’s Tom Chiles and we need to talk.”

  Dr. Kenmore was taken aback. “Tom… to what do I owe this privilege?”

  “This is no privilege call, Arthur. I wonder, just why you think you are on this cruise?”

  “I beg your pardon,” sputtered Dr. Kenmore.

  “Begging my pardon won’t do you a damn bit of good. Arthur, you are there for one reason and one reason only, and that is to coordinate with our consultant, Marty Cooper, and sway the congressman in our direction.”

  “Tom, what is this all…?”

  “So… What I suggest, Arthur, is that you rewind your arrival and reintroduce yourself to Marty Cooper. He is going to be your partner in this enterprise and it would help if you could deign to at least recognize that he exists. By the way, he did not call me to whine. He called to check as to whether he had received the correct briefing.”

  “Tom, I am not accustomed to being talked to…”

  “You still don’t get it! You will cooperate, Arthur. We would not want our stock price to devalue because you chose to not understand and I don’t want to have to investigate that large block of stock that was bought in the Caymans. Do I make myself clear?”

  There was silence and finally, Dr. Kenmore responded, “I will fulfill my commitment.”

  “Thank you, Arthur. Enjoy your cruise.”


  Marty and Myra, having received their welcome package, walked up the bridge to the ship and were met by Captain Lucania Papadakis. “Mr. and Mrs. Cooper… Welcome,” he said in a pleasant Greek accent. “We are happy to have you aboard and look forward to giving you a memorable time.”

  “Thank you, Captain, we are excited to be here,” responded Marty.

  Meanwhile, Pam received a call just before entering the walkway. “Hello… Pam Styles.”

  “Pam… It’s Kelly. I just wanted to check how you are feeling.”

  “Oh… Thanks, Kelly. I’m fine. Just a little tender, but nothing serious. How’re things there?”

  “No problems so far. We had a brief meeting this morning to solidify the blackout on our… uh… event.”

  Pam smiled, “Yes… quite an ‘event.’ Any answers yet?”

  “No, and I don’t know if we will ever know anything.”

  “I’ve had some thoughts, but nothing concrete. I have to go, Kelly, we’re just boarding.”

  “OK. Have a great week. I hope I don’t have to call you.”

  “Me too. Bye.”

  Pam turned to start boarding and bumped into a man just starting up the ramp. He glanced at her with irritation and continued. That’s strange, she thought, he acted like he knew me.

  She continued up the gangway and, after being welcomed, was directed to her deck and room. Tossing her purse on the bed, she walked over to the balcony, opened the door, and stepped out to a stunning view of the Mediterranean. She was thrilled. She had never seen anything like this and she stood for a few minutes soaking it in.

  In the adjoining cabin, Myra was unpacking while Marty fired up his laptop and logged into the ship’s secure server. He had just started to sort through his e-mails when the cabin phone chimed. Marty waved at Myra with an ‘I’m not here’ gesture.


  “Mrs. Cooper?”


  “I hope I am not interrupting. This is Dr. Arthur Kenmore. Could I please speak to your husband?”


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