Murder by Prescription

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Murder by Prescription Page 21

by Breakell Richard

  “Ah…” said Tony again, “I see I have your total attention now. Excellent.” And then he stood up and punched Monk square in his face, breaking his nose. Wiping the blood from his hand, he sat back down, “I normally find no delight in physical violence, Monk, but in your case, it gave me a lot of pleasure.”

  Tony signaled one of his men, “Get the man something to wipe his face.”

  Monk grabbed the towel and tenderly daubed at his smashed face.

  “Now I am finished with our one-way conversation. It’s time that we talked together. Your friend, Billy, who, by the way, you should thank for you still being alive, told me about your adventure with a man in the car.”

  Monk’s head snapped up!

  “Yes,” said Tony, “and I was very intrigued. Something about some bigshot owing you $500,000. I would like you to tell me about that.”

  Monk tried to talk but blood gushed out and the words were unintelligible.

  “Take your time, Monk, we’ve got all night.” Tony stood up and walked toward a counter. “Would you like some water?” he asked as he poured himself a glass from the pitcher.

  Shaking his head, Monk looked around the room. It seemed to be some old warehouse office with a bathroom off to the side. He pointed to the bathroom. “Yes, of course” said Tony as he pointed at one of the men, “Lucky, help Monk get cleaned up and then we’ll have a nice conversation.”


  Marty received a cell call just as the women arrived back at the office.

  “Mr. Cooper, Mr. Maurrel has asked us to attend an emergency meeting upstairs in Mr. Chiles’ office and he wants Nancy and Pam there also,” said Kelly.

  “Thank you, Kelly. I was in contact with Mr. Chiles, so let’s all go now.”

  Rob stood by the door. “I’ll leave you folks and we’ll talk later. Good luck.”


  One by one Nancy, Kelly, and Marty filed into Tom’s office, followed by Pam with her note pad.

  “I am assuming that you have all brought yourselves up to date on the idiotic pronouncements from our esteemed President,” suggested Tom.

  There was a collective head nodding.

  “Good. I have been in contact with one of our spokespersons, Dr. Arthur Kenmore, and he is currently preparing a statement to be issued shortly. I want you all to make yourselves familiar with it and we will meet here tomorrow morning at 8 and integrate his statements with whatever points that emerge tonight.”

  He continued, “I’m sure I don’t need to emphasize the scope of what has happened, but I want you all to understand that tomorrow morning at the opening of the bell, the pharmaceutical industry is going to lose over $25 billion dollars in valuation. Our company will lose at least 15%. That, of course, is a huge issue, but more importantly, it is going to dramatically impact our image which we have been protecting for decades.”

  Tom started pacing. “I want our response to reflect our revulsion at the irresponsibility of our President for deliberately jeopardizing the health of our nation, the indirect besmirching of the thousands of men and women who toil in our industry, the denigration of the oversight agencies controlling our medical, financial, and educational institutions, …etcetera.”

  Tom paused to take a breath, “By tomorrow afternoon, I want us to have blanketed the airwaves and print with our outrage at these accusations. TV, radio, social media, blog interviews, anywhere and everywhere.”

  He pointed to Derek, “Coordinate your stuff with Derek and Kelly. I realize that this is a short meeting to have come in for, but I wanted you all to understand the seriousness of the situation and perhaps, some of you may decide to work at your desk. That’s it. Thank you for coming in on such short notice.”

  As they all started to file out, Tom called Pam, “Pam. Could you stay for a few minutes?”

  She looked at him oddly and then nodded. As she turned to go back, she made an anxious face at Kelly and Nancy.

  Derek started down the stairs and Marty, Kelly, and Nancy headed to the elevator as Nancy said, “I did not like that look from Pam. Do you think she is in trouble?”

  “Who knows,” said Kelly, “why don’t we go to your office and call Rob?”


  Just as the meeting was being convened at Chiles, Arken, Monk was emerging from the bathroom with a clean towel over his nose.

  “You look much better now, Monk,” observed Tony. “Come over here and sit again and we’ll have a talk.”

  Monk shuffled to his chair, where Lucky roughly pushed him down.

  “Now,” started Tony, “take me from the beginning about this man in the car.”

  With obviously much pain, Monk began his history with Tom Chiles. How he had, from time to time, done jobs, ranging from terminations, to psychological and physical intimidation of investigative reporters, to dirty tricks against Big Pharma’s antagonists.

  “How did this $500,000 item emerge?” questioned Tony.

  Monk went on to explain the hit that had been completed.

  “Whoa…” Tony uttered, “are you telling me that you were the one that put the hit on Congressman Barnes?”

  Monk nodded.

  “My… My… you have come a long way, Mr. Monkman. I’m impressed. …and your fee was $500,000?”

  Again, Monk nodded, at which point, Billy interjected, “Boss, I don’t think that is quite right.”

  “Why do you say that, Billy?”

  Billy puffed up with pride and said, “When Monk talked to the man in the car, he said I want the ‘balance,’ which means there was a previous payment.”

  “Excellent deduction, Billy. Do you agree, Monk?”

  There was silence.

  Tony started pacing, “Monk, I am disappointed that your previous story was not complete. As I stated earlier, I personally don’t enjoy violence, but our friends here seem to get pleasure from inflicting it. My observation is that you have reached another fork in the road. Either talk or pain. I am anxious to hear your decision.”

  Monk started shaking, “Tony, I am not holding out on you. The balance of the million is in an account in Grand Cayman and I was going to tell you.”

  Tony paced some more, then leaned over the chair and stared into Monk’s eyes, “Monk, you have used up whatever credibility you may have had, so I have one more question and I would suggest you consider your answer carefully. Do you have any other money on deposit in Grand Cayman?”

  Staring into Tony’s black, dead eyes, Monk knew any resistance was futile. “Yes, I have a balance of around $700,000.”

  “Excellent,” burst Tony, “I always enjoy entering a new partnership with sufficient capital.”

  Monk groaned.

  “Oh, don’t worry, Monk, you will be treated fairly,” chuckled Tony. “Now,” he said, “I would like to start on a method to acquire these funds. Do you have any thoughts?”

  Silence again.

  Then finally, Monk spoke, “There is one other matter that we would need to handle.”

  “Do tell!” said Tony, menacingly.

  Monk outlined the situation regarding his identity being breached to Pam.

  “…and who is this woman?” asked Tony.

  “She is the executive assistant to Tom Chiles.”

  “Interesting,” mused Tony as he paced back and forth in deep thought. When he finally spoke, he had a sly smile on his face. “OK,” started Tony, “my first assessment is that our man… what is his name?”

  “Tom Chiles,” responded Monk.

  “Right… Mr. Tom Chiles is in a rather compromised position, being responsible for the killing of a United States Congressman. A daunting problem. It seems to me that he would be amenable to a nondisclosure agreement.”

  Monk shook his head, “Tony, he is the CEO of a major pharmaceutical company and has resources that are beyond even you.”

  “That may very well be, Mr. Monkman, but let us not forget that he can only maintain that position as long as his secret stays secret, and there is a
price for that.”

  Tony paced some more, finally stopping in front of Monk, “I want you to call and tell him that he needs to meet you right now. You have a situation that requires he have the money tonight and you are willing to negotiate. Tell him if he is not at this address within the hour, you are prepared to anonymously report his involvement in the assassination to the secret service tonight. Tell him to also bring his assistant, Pam, with him. If he asks ’why her,’ just tell him it is for all our protection.”

  Monk was shaking his head, “He will never go for that.”

  “And why not?” asked Tony, “it’s a win-win for him. He gets you off his back and he thinks he’s going to get a better deal.”


  Tom and Pam had just sat down to work when a cellphone buzzed in his desk drawer. He looked guiltily at Pam as he held it to his ear.

  “Yes,” answered Tom.

  “Where are you right now?” said Monk.

  “In my office,” responded Tom.

  “Are you with your assistant?”

  Tom glanced again at Pam, “Yes.”

  “Have you made arrangements for the balance?”

  “Not yet, I was…”

  "Never mind. Listen to me carefully. I am prepared to offer you a better deal, but we need to do it tonight. This is not a suggestion. If we don’t meet tonight, our deal is off and I will anonymously notify the secret service of your involvement in the death of the congressman. I have recorded all our calls from the past, so don’t think you can negotiate an alternative.

  “I want you and your assistant at this address within the hour. 1774 Harry Hines Blvd. around the back and I will be waiting. Bring this phone with you in case of emergency. Have you got all that?”

  Tom stood up, “Wait… it’s 9:30…”

  “Just do it, or else.”


  “Considering your nasal condition, Monk, you did splendidly. Now… while we are waiting, I want to hear the details as to the where’s and how’s of our money. We won’t have any problems with this discussion, will we?”

  Monk, still holding the towel to his face, muttered a begrudging, “No.”


  Tom stared at the cell for a long time, trying to conjure up a believable reason for asking Pam to accompany him. He couldn’t understand why Monk would want her there, but that was not the issue.

  Finally, he spoke, “Pam, I need to ask you a favor. That was one of our major shareholders and he wants to have a meeting right now regarding the President’s announcement. He asked if I could please bring you.”

  “Why would be want me there,” she exclaimed.

  Tom smiled, “Well, there are a couple of reasons. One, he has often told me how he respects you. Two, I would like you there with me for support.”

  A rush ran through her body, sending danger signals. How could she say no without raising suspicions? She hesitated. She just couldn’t come up with a good excuse. If they went in Tom’s car, she could only hope that the SS had put a tracker on him. That would be some small sense of safety.

  “I realize what an imposition this is, but he sounded very insistent.”

  Finally, she nodded accent.

  Chapter 19

  When Kelly and Nancy unlocked the door to Cooper Consulting, they both jumped when the light flicked on and there sat Rob. He smiled and said “…and just where have you girls been all night?”

  It broke the tension they were feeling as they all laughed.

  They relayed to Rob the content of the meeting and the ending. He did not look pleased. There were some odd things happening and he did not like coincidences.

  The SS tail had reported that Monk’s car had not moved for a couple of hours and there were no lights in his room and now Pam being alone with Tom did not sit well.

  He rubbed his chin while pondering what to do. He could not remember if Clay had told him they had a tracker on Tom’s car.

  He addressed the girls, “You guys stay here. I am going to check something downstairs. Leave your cells on.”

  He rushed to the elevator, which took forever to arrive. Exiting the parking floor, he started looking for Tom’s car in the executive area just as the elevator pinged its arrival. Ducking behind a car, he watched Tom and Pam walking toward him.

  As they climbed into Tom’s car, he heard her say, “I don’t understand why he would want me there.”

  As the car backed out, Rob pulled out his cell and entered Clay Dearsome’s number.


  “Clay! Tom Chiles has just entered his car with Pam Styles. They are pulling out of his parking space at the building. I don’t know if you have a tracker on his car. I am going to try and follow them. Notify the tail on Pam and see if he can follow them. Call me back.”

  Rob ducked down as Tom’s car slid past. When they turned the corner, he jumped up and ran to his car. It would be a miracle if he caught them.

  Just making the turn from his parking space, Rob’s cell buzzed.

  “Yes, Clay.”

  “We have no tracker on Tom’s car and the agent for Pam is not responding.”

  “Shit,” burst Rob, “stay on with me while I see how I make out in catching them. Better still, why don’t you alert your team to be on standby and then call me back.”


  Considering her fear, Pam was remarkably calm. She knew the worst thing she could do was show any concern, but she was certain the motive for this trip was not the feeble excuse he had offered. His nervousness was palpable, which further heightened her anxiety.

  Questions raged! Had the secret service agent seen them leave? Would the girls try to find me? Where were we going? Finally, she was able to reign in her imagination and confront her situation. …and the thought struck her like a thunderbolt.

  As they exited the parking garage and entered the tollway toward LBJ Freeway, she feigned a yawn and semi-closed her eyes. She saw Tom glance over to her and then back to the road.

  Ever so slowly, she slid her hand into her purse, feeling for her cell. She felt along the face of the dial pad until she hoped she was over the 7.

  She opened her eyes, looked over at Tom and calmly asked, “Where are we going?” She asked as they swung off the tollway onto LBJ Freeway.

  “Our investor said he was at a funky little restaurant on Harry Hines Blvd.,” responded Tom.

  That was all the confirmation Pam needed to justify her fears. No one went to Harry Hines Blvd alone at night. Pam leaned over with her free hand and turned on the radio as she hit the cell button with her other hand.

  “Maybe we can get some stock news,” she offered.

  Rob had swung out of the building and just caught a glimpse of Tom’s car entering the Tollway south. It was going to be tough to catch them. He dodged in front of a car and started up the ramp, ignoring the angrily blaring horn and just missing an eighteen-wheeler roaring by in his lane. With the heavy traffic, he knew his chances were slim.

  Just then, his cell buzzed. He assumed it was Clay and pressed the car speaker.

  “Yes, Clay,” he answered. He looked down at the speaker as he heard a muffled voice say something about ‘stock news.’ He was sure it was Pam’s voice.

  “Hello,” he yelled… but all he heard was what sounded like an automobile and then a radio being changed. Then he looked at the screen and saw Pam’s name. A rush went through him. Good Girl, he thought.

  He was approaching the major exchange to LBJ and didn’t know which way to go, so he took the access road and pulled over. Picking up his phone, he hit the conference button, pulled up Clay’s number, and called.

  “Yes, Rob.”

  “Clay, I have lost them, but Pam has activated her cell and I have conferenced you in.” He gave Clay her number. “I think she is on AT&T. Call them and put a trace on her and I can follow your directions.”

  Pam thought she had heard Robs voice, but she dared not check, so she kept flipping the radio until they caught the
last part of a newscast saying that the Big Pharma news was, no doubt, going to drag the Dow Jones down at the opening.

  “Shut that off,” growled Tom, “We already know that.”

  She switched to some music and desperately tried to think of something to say. “This is going to be a great opportunity for Dr. Kenmore to shine.”

  Tom looked over at her like she had leprosy.

  “That blowhard!” he burst, “he’ll be lucky if he doesn’t explode from his own wind.”

  “But I thought he was our frontline defense against COSM,” suggested Pam, trying desperately to keep him talking.

  Tom harrumphed. “A lot of good he is going to do against the President,” said Tom as he turned off LBJ Freeway onto Harry Hines Blvd. which caused Pam’s agitation level to rise even higher.

  Rob was having trouble controlling his own emotions. As he waited, he was trying to pick up clues from Pam’s muffled voice. Waiting was not his strong suit and he was about to try Clay when his phone beeped. “Yes, Clay,” he said hastily.

  “They were on LBJ and just made the turn on to Harry Hines, heading south.”

  Rob jammed the car in gear and started for the ramp to LBJ West.

  “We are tracking you as well and I see you just entered the LBJ ramp,” Clay continued, “we have a SS Swat crew mobilizing right now. They are about twenty minutes from being ready.”

  “I’m guessing they are going to somewhere on Harry Hines, or else there would be no reason to get off LBJ,” speculated Rob, “is your team coming from the south?”

  “Yes,” responded Clay, “…hang on, Rob. …they just turned east into a driveway …wait …here’s the address. It’s 1774 Harry Hines. We have a chopper lifting off right now. He should be hovering in about ten minutes.”

  “No… No, Clay. I don’t want to jeopardize Pam. Can you keep them out or earshot until I can get a feel?”

  Clay frowned, “Rob, you have not been in any action for a long time. This is an SS operation now. I need you to stand down.”


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