Gods of War (War of the Gods Series)

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Gods of War (War of the Gods Series) Page 17

by Jory Smith

  “They are withdrawing for now,” Athena said as she watched the enemy retreat. “We did pretty well. Glad one of the other gods couldn’t possess them. Whoever sent them will have the dragon men injure themselves to create more.”

  “That is horrible. Who created those things?”

  “It was Zeus. Ares was conquering the world and Zeus’ followers needed help, so Zeus gave them an army. Then the other gods took his creation and put their own twist on it. Try fighting Apollo’s men. Those are near invincible when it is day. I had to block the sun out for my followers so they could kill his dragon men. Almost lost my city that day,” Athena stated. She had a burning hatred in her voice.

  “What do we do now?” Jessica asked.

  “We will go and finish the boat. Then I will help Amadi get that bomb of yours. Finally we will see if your plan works.”

  The two women turned around and ran back to the command post. Their timetable had just been pushed up faster than they could handle.

  Chapter 16

  Ares was on his throne filled with anger. In front of Ares slumped Apollo, held up in the air by chains attached to his wrists, with Artemis behind him whipping him recklessly. Ares watched the crowd making sure none of them looked away.

  “So you lost Hermes and the human he was with?” Ares said from his throne. “And then you managed to let the other human with Aphrodite steal your playthings? Remind me again why you deserve your position? At least Thantos has a real excuse for why he hasn’t killed his human. You not only failed me once Apollo, but twice.”

  Ares waved his hand and Artemis stopped whipping so the sun god could talk.

  “They had help. They also have power I didn’t realize possible,” Apollo said between gasps. “They are more powerful than any demi-god ever. They are even more powerful than your brother, Heracles.”

  Ares walked up to Apollo and slapped him hard across the face. “You will never say that name in my presence ever again. Besides they are humans. The one with Aphrodite, I understand, but you let Hermes make a fool of you. Hermes!” Ares struck Apollo again, causing him to spit up blood. Turning to Atlanta he asked, “Tell me you know where they ended up.”

  “Hermes and the one called Nicholaus went into Poseidon’s domain. The other human, Tereus has entered yours. Aphrodite has taken the humans they saved to Zeus’ domain. One of them is a demi-god. Not powerful, but still a demi-god,” Atlanta responded.

  Ares nodded and motioned for Artemis to continue with Apollo’s punishment.

  “So we have to figure out what Hermes is doing with Poseidon. Any Ideas?” Ares asked the other gods. He didn’t worry about the other humans; they were going to be taken care of soon. One was in his domain and the other will be facing the Kraken. It was the one that entered Poseidon’s domain that worried him. Poseidon has hated Zeus after that incident with Triton and his daughter Nike, so what were they trying to do? Ares thought. Why would he be helping Zeus after all of these years?

  “Dionysus you will go to Poseidon. Find out what is going on.” Ares commanded. “Thantos, those humans better be dead before the Kraken gets to them or you will be fed to it. Atlanta my dear, take Artemis and hunt down the human who has entered my domain.”

  Ares, now back in his throne, summoned slaves to bring him drink and food. “The new age has come.” Ares shouted. “You have to prove yourselves to be worthy to rule in this new age. If not, I will create new gods to take your place. Leave!”

  One by one the gods left, by teleporting or running towards their items that helped them travel, leaving Ares alone with Apollo. Looking at Apollo with disgust, he animated the whip Artemis left behind and watched it continue with Apollo’s punishment. I am going to have to birth new gods. Gods loyal to me and better than the filth I have following me. Who better to do that than Aphrodite? Ares started laughing as he noticed how much he had changed when he was first visited by that spirit. He couldn’t fathom how he had lived so differently.

  “Alright ladies,” he said summoning his harem in front of him. “Let’s see what you have learned in your lessons so far. Dance!” On cue, the slaves removed their robes and started provocative dance called, The Sisquani. Watching the women sway their hips and the blood pouring from Apollo’s back, Ares was finally enjoying himself.

  “Hermes!” Zeus yelled “Hermes, where are you?”

  “I think he is still gone, Father,” A female voice said from behind.

  Turning around Zeus found a young prepubescent girl sprawled on his throne. With dark baggy eyes, stretching repeatedly, and with excessive yawning she had the look of someone who had just woken up.

  “Hebe, you have finally awoken. What took you so long?”

  “I was enjoying my sleep. I had some great dreams,” Hebe said as she got up and stretched. “Why would I want to be awake? Seeing how I am not powerful enough to have my own domain and earth is off limits, it gets rather boring.” Summoning a drink she asked, “Who is it this time? Ares or Hades?”

  “It’s actually Ares, but Hades and many of the younger gods have joined him. The few that have not joined Ares are either with me, staying neutral with Poseidon or are still in the Sleep like you were.” Zeus summoned a chair and sat next to his daughter.

  “I believe you have more than you can handle, Father. I don’t like it. I would rather go back to the sleep.” Hebe took a deep breath, already regretting what she was about to say. “What would you like me to do?”

  “Thank you for your help daughter. I will appreciate it. First thing, you can help me find the Graeae’s eye. It is the only way they will be cooperative and give me a correct foretelling,” Zeus said after hugging her. Together they got up to look for the eye.

  Aphrodite waited in Ares’ chamber to divert Atlanta and Artemis from killing Tereus. The fool had the audacity to send those children to kill Tereus. I am going to have to deal with him when I get the chance.

  Aphrodite could hear the door open to Ares’ ante chamber as Atlanta and Artemis walked in discussing how they were going to handle the human. Aphrodite was still amazed with how Ares had managed to manipulate the other gods under his control. He learned much over the years under both the shade’s and her influence. He was doing much better than he normally would have. In the past he would have killed Apollo. ‘Damn Zeus and his edict’ Ares would say.

  Even with his new methods, Ares was still making enemies among his followers. Using humans as his generals was both smart and dumb. It freed up his biggest assets, but the gods, being the egotistic maniacs they are, didn’t like it. If her plans came together, which would require the human to stay alive; she wouldn’t need the other gods. She would create a new species that would over power the gods and the Titans.

  Aphrodite waited for the pair to enter Ares’ chambers. Then he had these two, Aphrodite thought. They were the only two gods who were truly loyal to him, if you can call being controlled loyalty. Artemis would kill him if she wasn’t being controlled by that fabulous piece of jewelry, and Atlanta was only being loyal because he was protecting her from the curse.

  “What are you doing here?” Atlanta asked as she walked into the room.

  “I am here to see my little kitty,” Aphrodite said mockingly. “Where is your cat litter? I don’t see it anywhere.”

  Atlanta hissed at Aphrodite and pulled her sword. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t run you through right now.”

  “One is easy. How about I give you two? First, Ares has forbidden it. Second, I am going to remove that curse you have. For you, dear Artemis, I can get that necklace removed. Then you can have your revenge on Ares.”

  “Didn’t you already make a deal with Ares?” Artemis said.

  “Dear Artemis, when you get older, you can come and play with the big girls. That is why I put that curse on you in the first place. It wasn’t personal; it was just another scheme in the game we play.” Walking towards Atlanta, Aphrodite started tracing her curves with her fingers. “What do you say? Do yo
u want to serve me and truly be free or stay with Zeus and be his plaything?”

  Cringing from Aphrodite’s touch, Atlanta swallowed her pride and asked, “What do we have to do?”

  “The human you are going to hunt, you need to keep him alive. I have big plans for that one.”

  “How are we supposed to do that? Ares has commanded him to die.” Atlanta replied.

  “What were his orders exactly?” Aphrodite asked.

  “His exact words were, ‘Deal with the human.’” Artemis said

  Aphrodite stopped her caressing. With her mouth opened and eyes open wide, and stared at the two with a slack-jawed expression. After starring at them with pity, she finally spoke up.

  “If you can’t see the amount of loopholes, I feel sorry for you. With orders like that you can do anything you want, including lying with him.”

  “Why should we believe you? We are both in this situation because of you. You put this curse on me, and it was you who gave Zeus the idea to send Artemis to spy.”

  “Because of this.” Aphrodite walked up to Atlanta and placed her lips on Atlantis’ lips. Atlanta’s began whimpering as her whole body tightened up and started to convulse. She grabbed onto Artemis squeezing her arm tightly. Finally Aphrodite let go and Atlanta gasped for breath. Letting go of Artemis’ arm, a bright red spot had formed in the shape of Atlanta’s grasp.

  “What did you do to me?” Atlanta gasped, trying to regain her breath.

  “I have removed the curse. Ares will still feel it on you, but you are no longer under his control. You dear Artemis, we will have to wait until we make our move against Ares. Don’t worry, you will get you revenge. So do we have a deal?” Aphrodite asked.

  “We do.” Athena sat down still shaken from the ordeal. “How about you, Artemis? Are you in?”

  “I am in,” she answered coldly.

  “That is good. By the way Artemis, I love the look.” Aphrodite said looking at her in the dress Ares forced her to wear. Walking past her, Aphrodite pinched her butt. Then she turned around and said, “Perhaps we can celebrate our new found alliance sometime.”

  Aphrodite finally left the two young gods to continue with her plan.

  “Let’s go Artemis, we better find the human before Ares’ beasts kill him.” Atlanta said as she regained her strength. “Do you have an idea?”

  “I am the goddess of the hunt; of course I have an idea. Give me my bow and I will show you how it’s done.”

  Chapter 17

  Where Nicolai was dropped off, he could only count three of the rivers of the underworld. He walked along the bank trying to find any markings to place his position. After walking for what seemed like hours, he decided to head back. As time passed a strange feeling crept up on him, a feeling of both enjoyment and dread plagued his soul. The enjoyment of death filled his soul yet his human side angst as life was sucked from him. Not finding the spot where Poseidon left him, Nicolai decided to sit down.

  Pulling out the map, he unfolded it and laid it on the ground. Looking at his surroundings and the map, Nicolai scratched his head trying to understand it. It didn’t help Nicolai as the language was written in Ancient Greek and only one marking was on the map. The marking looked like a pier and there was no pier within his sight. The map showed all five rivers wrapping around various islands and Nicolai could only count three from where he was at. Finally the map showed the rivers emptying into a pit.

  Finding the map completely useless, Nicolai turned back to his pack. Let’s see what else Poseidon gave me.

  Searching through the pack, Nicolai pulled out a coin and some food. Tossing the food into the river, he watched a dark cloud of smoke rise where the food touched the water. How am I going to get out of here? Nicolai thought. I am lost and the there is no way to get off this bank and the water is acid. Looking at the coin, an idea came to his head. The stories say the dead had to pay the ferryman to cross. They never said how they pay. Packing up his belongings, Nicolai took the coin and tossed it into the water watching it skip until it was swallowed by the darkness.

  Out in the distance Nicolai barely made something out coming towards him. As it got closer, Nicolai made it out to be a small boat with a man shaped figure at the stern steering it towards Nicolai. The figure had a robe draped over him and in his hand was a staff. So this must be Charon, Nicolai thought as the boat docked. He doesn’t look to scary.

  As the Charon exited the boat, he spoke. “Took a while to find you. Usually the dead come into the entrance of the Acheron, not the Phlegethon. Yet you are not dead.” He then started sniffing the air. “Human, but not human. You have the faint smell of Hades among you. What do you want?”

  “I seek passage across to reach Hades.”

  Charon pulled out the coin Nicolai threw. “You have paid the toll. You can pass.”

  Throwing his belongings into the boat, Nicolai jumped almost losing his balance as the boat jerked. Softly Nicolai heard Charon mutter, “To Hades” when the boat lurched backwards entering the river once again. Falling down, Nicolai tried to catch himself but failed. The hand that held the map, fell into the water, pulling his hand out he watched as the map dissolved and felt a tingling sensation in his hand.

  “Be careful human,” Charon grinned. “Only a god could survive these waters. That is only if he doesn’t get swept into Tartarus.” Charon let out a gruesome laugh, thinking what he said was funny.

  Nicolai tried to look at his surrounding as the boat sped through the waters, but the darkness that engulfed the area prevented him from noticing anything out of the ordinary. The wailings of the dead disrupted the silence as they cut through the water. Looking at the dead souls, Nicolai noticed one in particular. It was Celeste’s father wrapped in chains being led to his doom. Laughing to himself, Nicolai looked up to the ceiling and saw it covered with strange bat-like creatures.

  “What are those?”

  “Guardians of the underworld. Ever since Cerberus failed Hades decided to put in extra security measures.” Charon replied. “If you don’t play by the rules, they go after you. If a soul leaves their judgment place, they go after them. If one leaves the underworld without permission, they go after them.”

  This is going to be a lot tougher than I thought. But no one is going to stop me when I am this close.

  Further along the river, a bright light pierced through the darkness drawing Nicolai’s attention. Nicolai leaned up to get a better view where it was coming from. Tracing the light to its beginning, he saw an island that was ablaze with light.

  “Is that Hades’ Lair?” Nicolai asked being drawn to it.

  “No, that is the Elysian Fields,” Charon snarled. “That is where the dead go who did great things in their life.” Charon spit in the water as he looked at the island.

  “I need to go there.” Nicolai watched as the island got closer, getting anxious with every moment his hands grasped tightly to the boat. That was where Celeste had to be. She didn’t belong anywhere else. If she was elsewhere, Nicolai vowed to set the underworld on fire.

  “You don’t get to choose where you go. This is a one-way trip human.”

  Nicolai turned around and stared Charon right in his eyes. “You will take me there or you will feel pain like you have never felt before.”

  Charon laughed as he poked Nicolai in the chest. “I live in the Underworld. What pain can you bring me?” Charon started to walk back to the boats stern.

  Nicolai grasped Charon’s arm, causing him extreme pain to pulse through Charon’s body. Charon screeched a deafening sound that made Nicolai let go to cover his ears. When Nicolai recovered, Charon had regained his composure standing over him. Wings–that were wrapped around his body to look like a robe—were now extended outwards with deadly claws at the end. His staff was glowing in his hand burning the boat where it touched.

  Charon screamed towards the ceiling and the bats woke up. “Kill the human!” Charon yelled pointing to Nicolai.

  The creatures dove to the bo
at to attack Nicolai. They weren’t attacking Nicolai; instead they would just fly right past him and go back to the ceiling. Charon couldn’t believe at what he was seeing. They should have torn the human to pieces by now.

  “What is going on? Who are you human?”

  Standing up, Nicolai looked at Charon with the mark of death on his face. “I am Nicolai Altukhov, better known as Nicholaus, son of Hades. To you I am Death.” He raised his shotgun which he had pulled out moments before and had it charged to its fullest capability. “Hope you enjoy Tartarus, freak.”

  With those last words, Nicolai shot Charon in the chest, causing the lifeless corpse to fly back into the water sinking.

  With his last obstacle removed, Nicolai moved to the stern of the boat to steer the ship to the wanted destination. Finding nothing to steer the boat with, he remembered how Charon got the boat to move in the first place.

  “The Elysian Fields,” Nicolai tried, and the boat started changing course as it headed towards the island.

  It didn’t take too long to reach the island, but to Nicolai it seemed like hours. For the first time in his life he was actually nervous. I have done terrible things to get this far. I hope she forgives me.

  When the boat landed on the island he quickly jumped off. Walking until the sand turned to grass he came up to some sort of field that covered the fields. Pressing his hands to the field he noticed he could walk through it.

  He continued walking until he came to the end of a cliff and took in the most amazing sight his eyes laid on. He thought Atlantis was amazing, but this place was far more beautiful. He was staring at paradise. The island had open and spacious meadows and waterfalls that were connected by rivers and streams that emptied into lakes so pure, you could see the bottom. The majestic mountains with their snow top peaks took his breath away. It went as far as he could see and further.


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