The Naughty One: A Doctor’s Christmas Romance (Season of Desire Book 2)

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The Naughty One: A Doctor’s Christmas Romance (Season of Desire Book 2) Page 24

by Michelle Love

  I hold her close as we stand by my rental car and my head feels light, but it’s not from the three beers I drank, it’s from her and her alone. “You are something else, Peyton.”

  Her giggle sends chills through me as I take a step back, making her back touch the car as I push my body closer to hers. “I hate that you have to drive all the way back to Austin tonight.”

  “You should come with me,” I say as I lean down and kiss her cheek.

  “Should I?” she asks as she runs her hands over my back.

  Slow, hot kisses I run down her neck and I can feel her body grow warm. “You really should.”

  Heat fills me as she runs her fingernails lightly across my back and I decide I can’t wait any longer to do what I’ve wanted to since I saw her this morning. Slowly I kiss her neck then make my way to her jaw. Her chest stops moving as she stops breathing, anticipating what I’ll do next.

  Cupping the back of her neck in my hand, I run the other over her shoulder and down her side as I move my mouth to hers, I find her lips quivering as they touch mine. She parts them and I slip my tongue inside and find hers. Our kiss deepens and I find her mouth succumbing to the pressure of mine as she moans a little.

  It’s better than I imagined, and I lift her up. She wraps her legs around me and I push myself into her softness as I taste her. Lemon is what she tastes like and I can’t get enough of it. I can’t get enough of her. I reach down to open the car door and step back with her as I open it, then lay her back in the back seat and move my body over hers, never letting our lips part.

  Her hands tangle in my hair as she arches up against me and I move my body in a grinding motion over her. I’m growing harder by the second and the strain in my shorts is getting uncomfortable. I reach between us and pop the button open and unzip the zipper before I bust them open.

  Free of the denim material between us, I rub against her shorts and wish they were gone. My hand finds her breast and I rub it and squeeze it, making her moan. Her legs come up on either side of me and she holds me between her legs, moving her body up to mine as I grind her underneath me.

  She pulls her shirt up and takes my hand, placing it on her bra. I run my hand around the back and unlatch it then bring my hand back to touch the supple, yet tight flesh of her breast. It’s perfect and fits perfectly in my hand.

  I want to see how perfectly it fits in my mouth, so I take my mouth away from hers and she groans in protest, but it changes to moans as I kiss and nip at her neck then kiss my way down to her breast. Leaving little kisses all over her breast, I take it in my mouth and find that it fits there perfectly as well.

  She must like it as she runs her hands over my back and pulls at the bottom of my T-shirt. I pull my mouth off her and sit up and take the T-shirt off as she obviously wants.

  Her eyes light up as she looks at my chest and runs her hands over my tight abs.

  “Shit! I knew you’d be beautiful,” she says.

  Her shirt is still on and her bra is halfway on.

  “May I take this off for you?” I ask.

  She gives me a nod and I have them off before she can change her mind. I look at her as she looks at me and find her to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. The moonlight shining through the tinted windows lends a smoky shadow to her tight breasts.

  “Kip,” she says quietly. “You are one handsome man. I can’t believe you want me like this.”

  “You’re gorgeous and I can’t believe you want me.” I kiss her stomach and make my way up to pull one breast in my mouth as I take the other in my hand. Her hands flow over my bare back and I find myself aching to be inside her.

  One hand I run down to unbutton her shorts and she runs hers down too and unzips them for me. My fingers move beneath her lacy panties and I find her folds hot and wet as I move my fingers around, finding her clit swollen and pulsing. She groans loudly as I touch it, then pinch it, gently. “Damn it, Kip!” she moans as she writhes under me.

  It takes me a second to realize she may have never been this far with a man before. I pull my mouth from her breast. “Peyton, have you ever done this with anyone?”

  “The most I’ve done is kiss, never even have I let someone get to second base and you’re at third. And it feels beyond what I imagined it would.” Her hands run over my back as she wiggles under me.

  I continue to pinch and pull at her clit and watch her facial expressions as I do.

  “You like it then?” I ask, but I know she does, I just want to hear her say it.

  “I like it, Kip,” she says as she licks her lips.

  Her tongue makes me want to feel it moving with my own and I kiss her again. Moving my tongue along with hers as I run my fingers down until I find the opening I seek and plunge one finger in, gently. Her whole body arches up and her arms go around my neck.

  She’s tight as hell and so wet, but I know there’s no way she’s ready to accommodate what I have. It reminds me of her innocence and how it’s not something to be taken in the back seat of a rental car. Also, I have no protection and I’m sure she doesn’t either. Splashing my juices all over the back seat is not really how I want our first time to be.

  I ease up and decide to allow her to come undone under my touch, but my need must wait until a better time. With my head clear about things I plunge my finger into her over and over as I twist my tongue with hers until I feel her vagina tighten even more around my finger. Turning my hand, I tap my thumb on her very swollen clit until she pulls me to her hard and moans into my mouth as she pulses around me.

  Moving my finger slowly in and out until she stops pulsing and her body relaxes, I kiss her softly then pull my mouth from hers. Our breaths are ragged and I kiss her behind her ear then whisper, “How did you like that, love?”

  “I liked that very much, but I feel bad about you,” she says.

  “Don’t,” I say and pull my hand out of her panties, running it up her stomach and leaving it on her ribcage as I look down at her. “I don’t want to rush you into anything. I want you to decide to let me make love to you. Not in the backseat of a car either.”

  Her light brown eyes with little green flacks dart back and forth as she searches mine.

  “Never would I have believed you could be such a good man, never. You could have easily taken me.”

  “I know that, but that’s not how I want things to start between us.” I run my hand over her blonde curls. “I want this to last, and I’ll not do a damn thing to make you think you mean less to me than what you do.”

  “I mean something to you?” she asks.

  I smile and kiss her lips softly then pull them away from hers. “You mean more and more to me with each passing moment, Peyton.” I look at her and ask, “Do I mean anything to you?”

  Her eyes glisten as she says, “I am afraid so, and to be honest it’s scaring me to death. I know who you are what your life is and I know I have no real place in it when you have to go.”

  I wink at her. “So, you’re saying you’ll miss me?”

  “I will miss you, Kip. Don’t think for a second I won’t.” Her hand runs over my cheek.

  I look down at her and wonder if she will accept my invitation if I give her one. I wonder if her family would give her hell if she did. They’re close and her brothers are crazy protective, and I don’t want to cause a rift between them. So I gaze at her and try to decide what the right thing is to do.

  But I’m just not sure!

  Part 4 Star Gazers


  Wind blows through our hair as we ride in my Jeep with the top off to take in a day of tubing one of the crystal clear rivers our fine state has and spend the night in my family’s tent. I’m letting Kip drive so that he can feel manly, something I really want him to feel like so he can protect me from all the night creatures that go along with tent camping.

  We packed up all the camping gear my parents use once a year. That was after my brothers all left to go back to their homes or they would’ve pro
tested that I should never go alone anywhere with Kip or any other man.

  We have today and tomorrow then he has to go to Dallas, and he’s told me he has a surprise for me tomorrow when we go back to Austin. I suppose he wants to leave me with a ‘remember’ gift, not that I’ll ever forget Kip Dixon.

  I shake my head to throw off the melancholy I already feel with the thought that he and I can’t be like this forever. Free and happy with no cares. His hand touches my knee.

  “Penny for your thoughts, love.”

  I’m not about to bring his mood down with the truth so I offer up a little white lie, which is really closer to the truth than it is a lie. “I’ve never camped without my parents and I get really afraid at night when all the creatures of the woods come out. I’m not sure about this sleeping in a tent thing.”

  He takes my hand and gives it a light squeeze. “No worries, love. I’ll protect ya. I’ve taken on a croc before, I’m sure I can handle a few squirrels for you.”

  “And just how big was this croc you took on, Kip?” I ask as I know there’s no way it was a big one.

  “Size doesn’t matter when you’re talking about taking on a croc.” He gives me this look that says those things are dangerous in all sizes.

  “It was a baby one wasn’t it?” I ask with a giggle. “Did it bite you?”

  He laughs. “It nearly ripped my finger off!”

  “Your finger, huh? Sounds like a real monster. There’s some type of a creature in the area around the river we’re going to. Kinda like a bigfoot, but meaner, so the legend goes.” I look at him to see if he’s buying my story at all.

  “Oh, yeah?” he asks, but he seems not to be believing me.

  “Yeah, I’ll tell you all about the stories my parents used to tell me, but tonight around the campfire. It’s better that way,” I say and see the turn to go to the camp ground. “There it is, turn here.”

  “Finally!” he says. “We’ve been on the road for two hours. Is every blasted thing in this state so far away?”

  “Afraid so,” I say as we pull up to the entrance. “Now we get to see if we can figure out how to set the tent up.”

  “I’m sure we can, I’m no idiot, Peyton,” he says as he pulls his sunshades up and looks at me with those deep blue eyes.

  “I know you’re not,” I say and squeeze his hand. “I trust you.”

  He smiles and my heart melts a little. “I guess we go inside and get our site number, huh?” I nod and he jumps out and comes to my side and picks me up off the seat as I giggle like a little girl. “Come on, love, let’s get this camping thing going.”

  I feel like Jane in a Tarzan movie!


  I amazed Peyton by putting the tent up right the first time. She kept telling me to read the directions and was positive I was doing it wrong, but in the end it stayed up so I proved to her that directions are for idiots.

  Floating down the river on large tubes, I pull a couple of cans of beer out of the small ice chest I brought along and hand her one. She pops the top and takes a sip.

  “There’s nothing like floating in this cold water and drinking a cold beer on a hot summer afternoon,” she says, as she looks up at the sky.

  Her little foot with pink polish on her toenails runs through a rope around my tube, keeping us from floating away from each other. Unable to resist it any longer, I pick it up and pull her closer as I rub her foot. “It is relaxing.”

  She leans her head on the headrest and says, “Mmmhmm. It is.”

  Natural springs run out from the sides of the small cliffs along the river. A doe drinks from the water just ahead of us and I whisper, “Look there, love, a dear. We’re going to go right past it.”

  She lifts her head and looks. “How sweet.”

  We pass the deer and it looks right at me. No fear at all. I find myself taking Peyton’s hand in mine and feel a spark run through me. Everything is so beautiful, and she fits in wonderfully with it all.

  I kiss her hand and she looks at me and smiles. “So, do you like?”

  I nod. “Very much, this was a great idea.”

  Laying her head back, she says, “It was, thanks for coming.”

  My mind goes to later on tonight in the tent and I feel a warm sensation run through me as I will finally be able to hold her all night long and see her first thing in the morning and I can’t wait. I wish I could pin point what it is about her that makes her so damn appealing to me.

  She’s one-hundred percent natural. Pretty, smart, and knows how to have fun. We’ve only today and tomorrow then I have to get back on the road and the tour which will take us away from each other, unless I can get her to come with me. At this point I have no idea of what she’ll tell me.

  The fact is I’m afraid to even ask, because if she tells me no, I know it’ll bring me down and I want every second with her to be great. I suppose I’ll wait until just before I have to leave.

  I pray she says yes!

  Her head lifts. “Do you hear that?” she asks.

  “What?” I ask as I’ve been distracted by my thoughts.

  “The water?” she says and sits up somewhat tensely. “It’s the first waterfall. Should we go down it or walk around?” She looks at me.

  “How should I know?” I say and sit up a bit tensely myself now that she seems so damn nervous all of a sudden. “Peyton, you’re the one who’s been down this river a million times. What do you usually do?”

  “I haven’t been down here in the last three years. It might be all different now. But I used to get out and walk around with Mom while Dad and my brothers went down it. They always told me I was being a baby. So what do you think we should do?”

  “Hell, that’s easy. If they could do it so can we. No worries,” I say and run my foot under the rope of her tube. “I won’t let you go, love.”

  She starts untying her rope and mine then ties them together. “I’m not taking the chance of your foot or mine slipping. I’m tying us together.”

  “You were so relaxed a second ago. It’s just water, Peyton, if we fall off we just get back on.”

  She looks as me and laughs. “Have you tubed a river before?”

  “Well, no, but how hard can this be?” I ask. “No one would do it if it was truly horrible.”

  With a small smile, she says, “Okay then, let us see how this goes. Don’t let me drown, please.”

  The water starts to move us faster towards the now roaring sound of the water as it falls over some very large boulders. It does look ominous and we can hear other people scream as they disappear once they get to the first, large rock. Her hand has mine in a death grip and I see sweat sprout on her forehead.

  We both have on sunglasses so I can’t see her eyes, but I bet they’re wide and full of fear, poor girl. “It’s going to be fun, love.”

  She gives me a quick glance then she begins to back pedal with her hand. “Crap! It’s sending me down first! Shit! Kip!”

  Then, BOOM, she goes over the first boulder and I’m pulled right along with her as our tubes hit the smoothed rocks and sends us down through a tunnel of the monster sized things. Some soft and some hard bumps we go through as Peyton screams I’m sure her eyes are closed tight as there really is nothing to be afraid of. It’s a fun ride.

  I laugh as she screams and we’ve made it through the fall and are slowing back down. She stops screaming and starts to laugh as she looks at me. “We lived!” she shouts and lets my hand out of her death grip and holds it up for a high five.

  I meet her hand in the air and wrap her hand back up in mine and give it a kiss. “Damn it, you were a wreck,” I tell her as we drift along the back to peaceful river.

  “I guess I don’t do well in tense situations.” She smiles and takes a long drink of her beer.

  I think if she smoked, she’d be lighting up after that little upset. “How many more falls are there?”

  She shrugs. “There were five more, but like I said, it’s been years since I’ve been here,
so it’s a mystery really.”

  “There’s one near where we set up the tent, so we have at least one more to go through, think you can take it?” I ask as I give her a smile.

  “Maybe, since you’re with me,” she says. “I’ve never went down one before, but I feel safe with you for some odd reason.”

  She feels safe with me!


  We made it all the way back to our campsite and somehow I lived through five waterfalls. Me screaming through each one as Kip laughed his ass off at me. This is the first time I’ve ever been without my parents and brothers on this river and I find myself enjoying it even more than I ever did when I was a kid. Somehow Kip seems to make everything better.

  Someone had put up a little rock wall, making a natural small area of semi-deep water right at the edge of the water where we put our tent up. I lie back on Kip as my legs float out in front of me and he holds me loosely in his strong arms. His lips touch the top of my head and he moves his hand to stroke my stomach. In the nearly freezing water, my stomach heats up with the movement of his hand.

  I twist in his arms and he leans down, placing his lips on mine and I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself up to sit on his lap. The cold water runs over us as I go all hot inside.

  He doesn’t know it yet, as I want to be sure about it before I let him in on this, but I brought a box of condoms and I think tonight will be the night for me, for us. He has to leave soon and I’ve found myself thinking that I’ll be eternally pissed at myself if I don’t give myself to him.

  Even if we never see each other again after tomorrow, I’ll have that memory to keep. His hand slides down my back and over my hip, squeezing it as he pulls me closer to him. His tongue flows over mine and mine his as I run my tongue over every bit of his mouth memorizing it. I want to keep every kiss, every touch in my memory forever.


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