Lion's Heart (Blood Moon Book 4)

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Lion's Heart (Blood Moon Book 4) Page 8

by Natalie Aejaz

  “That’s not true.” She placed her hand on the door handle. “Yes, Association members compromise sometimes, but only when it’s for the greater good. On the whole, they—”

  “Bull shit. Who the fuck decides on the greater good? It’s all about money and power. Your leaders don’t give a damn about anyone else’s good. You’re happy to marry someone like that, yet I’m not good enough for you, just because of my nature.” Damn, he could punch the wall in frustration.

  “You’re right,” she spat, “You’re not good enough for me. You’re an abomination…you go against everything I believe in.”

  And with that, she turned and rushed through the door, shutting it behind her.

  An abomination?

  He wanted to go after her, tell her what a hypocrite she and the other people in her fucked up organization were. But she wasn’t worth it. None of them were.


  * * *


  Junaid knew it, and yet he stood at the rail of the upper landing and stared at the crowd below, wondering if tonight was the night that would break through her ice…stir something in her that might bring her to Freefall. He leaned forward, releasing a deep breath.

  She wouldn’t come tonight, either.

  And why should she? She’d had her bit of rough, and if he wanted to hold on to his sanity, he needed to let her go. He hardly knew her, so what the fuck was this inexplicable attraction? It wasn’t as if he could even imagine having a human as a mate or something…

  There was a touch on his shoulder. “Hey, Junaid, are you all right?” He turned to face Ethen, the fae owner of Eclipse. “You seem a bit distracted recently. Something going on?”

  Junaid shook his head. “Nothing more than the usual.”

  The fae leaned forward so his elbows also rested on the rail. He remained like that, silent, for a few moments before speaking. “We need you to stay alert, Junaid. You know what’s going on at the moment with the mob and everything. If they target supernaturals, they’ll probably go for Eclipse first.”

  “I don’t need telling, Ethen.”

  “Part of me wonders if we’re being paranoid—damn, when the Association booking came through for that wedding, Blade was convinced it was a setup of some sort. You’ve been handling the booking…what do you think?”

  Junaid would have preferred some elaborate Association ruse to this…to having to face Ivy and her fiancé and watch the asshole kiss her and hold her hand. “It’s a legit wedding. In fact, the bride had her bachelorette party here, at Freefall.”

  And he instantly wished he hadn’t said that, because the fae’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “An Association bride came here? I wonder how the other members feel about that.”

  “We need to keep it quiet…nobody else knows.”

  “Well, as long as she enjoyed herself. If the rumors about that organization are true, it’s the last bit of fun she’ll be having.”

  Junaid was not the only one whose eyes searched the dance floor. When there was a flash of red among the dancing bodies, the fae’s attention went there, and his mouth tightened in anticipation. But the red-haired female in the crowd was not the one Ethen was looking for.

  It was a badly kept secret that the fae was interested in a human, Shaz. The best friend of the wolf Shaun’s girlfriend, she had been a regular at Eclipse until she suddenly stopped her visits here. The surprising thing was that they’d never even spoken. According to the wolf, Ethen had seen her once, and he was done for. It was no coincidence that since then, the fae had taken to doing rounds of the various zones. But of course, if you mentioned it, he’d flat out deny that he was interested in a human, a species his kind treated with disdain.

  “Why don’t you just ask Angie where Shaz hangs out these days?” said Junaid. If the fae wasn’t so stubborn, Shaun’s girlfriend might even put in a good word for him…

  Ethen frowned. “Shaz? Who the hell’s that?”

  The fae’s words fooled nobody, not when his hands gripped the rail at the mention of Angie’s red-haired friend.

  “Angie’s friend. Red hair, tall, hot…”

  Ethen shrugged. “No idea who you’re talking about, mate…”

  Junaid would have found the fae’s situation hilarious if he wasn’t hankering after a female himself. At least Ethen wasn’t arranging the wedding of the one he was interested in.

  Again, tension gripped Junaid’s chest. Could he really go through with this? But he had no choice, not when Blade had put his trust in him. And Ethen and the demon were both right. They had to watch their backs where powerful human organizations were concerned. And if Ivy could handle her emotions, he damn well could, too…yet…although she was cold toward him in the Phoenix office, she responded to his kiss.

  Was he more than a one-night stand, or as she claimed, a mistake? Damn these humans. They were confusing enough without being the religious sort. They were the ones with the real problems.

  But what did he feel for her? He wouldn’t be able to move on until he knew why this uncertainty had taken over his mind…what this need to be with her meant.

  FOR THE FIRST TIME IN long, Ivy looked forward to seeing Michael.

  Mother had gone all out as usual, with sandwiches, tea, coffee and homemade cakes.

  Ivy frowned at the spread on the table in the dining hall. “Mother. You do know we’re going out for lunch?”

  Pearl waved her hand, dismissing her protest. “A little refreshment beforehand won’t hurt—”

  “We are going out for lunch and won’t be staying for refreshments.” Better that mother heard it from her rather than being disappointed by Michael again.

  “Are you visiting the venue again?” mother asked.

  “There’s no need. The staff at the hotel have everything in hand.”

  And she did not want to risk running into Junaid again. It was difficult enough keeping her mind off him as it was.

  “You are sure it is adequate for the function? It is the most important day of your life, dear…”

  “More than adequate. It’s a beautiful place, and the hall is grand. When it is decorated with candles, it will look like a fantasy land.” And then she would leave that land and enter reality in Michael’s bed.

  “I knew John and Michael would make a good choice. Aren’t we lucky to have them to take of everything?”

  Lucky to have someone else making their decisions all the time? Yes, if you were the kind of person who was scared of thinking, that would be lucky...perhaps she’d been that person until a few years back, before she made the decision to go to a university of her choice. And since meeting the shifter, she’d been using her own mind even more...

  That day, she stormed out of his office after accusing him of playing games with her, but she wasn’t as angry with him as she was with herself. All it had taken was one kiss, and she’d melted in his arms. Despite knowing what he was, she had wanted him again…with a need that scared her.

  Her body had never been out of her control…she’d spent years learning to subdue its urges, but one touch from that supernatural was enough to release all those pent-up desires. He could have taken her against the wall, any way he wanted, and she wouldn’t have stopped him. In fact, she wanted him to.

  Even after knowing he was a shifter. How sick was she?

  If only she could experience half that attraction for Michael, and the marriage would be bearable. But the truth was that she only looked forward to today’s lunch because she hoped it would take her mind off Junaid.

  When the doorbell rang, she made an effort to greet Michael personally. When she stepped into the corridor, Fareeda was already at the door, ready to open it. “It’s all right,” she told the maid, “I’ll open it.”

  The older woman stood back from the door, and as she disappeared into the kitchen, Ivy opened the door. Michael was in a dark gray two-piece. After kissing her on the cheek, he looked her up and down, running his eyes over the long sle
eved burgundy dress that fell below her knees. “You look lovely, Ivy.”

  “Thank you.”

  Mother appeared at the corridor entrance. “Lovely to see you, Michael,” she called from a distance, almost as if she was wary of approaching him without permission.

  “You too, Pearl.” He then turned to Ivy without giving mother another chance to speak. “Shall we go?”

  She followed him to the Porsche. She had no idea of where they were going…but he had mentioned last week that there was a new restaurant he was interested in trying out, so she guessed that was the one he’d chosen. Sure enough, they soon stopped at the riverside, outside small black gates, a villa-like structure rising behind them.

  “It looks lovely,” she said.

  “It is a highly recommended restaurant. Gourmet food, thoroughly blessed.”

  The electronic gates opened, and he drove through them before parking in the small car park next to the villa. They got out of the car and then walked up a cobbled pathway, little shrubs on either side of them, pausing at a large wood door. A guy in a red uniform and cap saluted them before opening the door. It was all so formal that it nearly made her giggle, but she doubted Michael would appreciate that gesture.

  They entered the restaurant, a vast and elegant space with wood flooring and large windows that overlooked gardens and fountains. A pianist sat in one corner, playing melodies that enhanced the ambience of the place. A man who looked important enough to be the manager, in a dark two-piece, approached them. “Mr. Ryder. It is an honor to have you here.”

  He guided them through another set of doors and into a smaller room at the back, where there were fewer tables. The table they sat at was next to a large bay window, overlooking the riverside and with impressive views of the city skyline.

  “This is lovely,” she breathed.

  “It is, isn’t it? And it’s owned by an Association member, so there’s no danger of the food being contaminated through contact with unblessed ingredients.”

  She nodded. “That is perfect.”

  The liveried waiter placed menus before them, and when she opened one, she nearly gasped at the prices. He really was treating her today, wasn’t he?

  With the money from my business…

  Such negative thoughts would get her nowhere. She pushed the thought aside…he worked in the company and obviously deserved a decent salary. Still, her voice was less enthusiastic when she told Michael what she wanted to eat. He gave the order to the waiter, and soon her starter of roasted cauliflower soup with melted blue cheese and an oat muffin arrived. She tasted a spoonful. Delicious.

  She made her way through the starter at a slower pace than she wanted. She couldn’t embarrass herself before Michael by behaving the glutton, especially when his father often reminded Association members of what a sin such behavior was.

  After they’d taken suitable time over the starter, the main course of spinach and sundried tomato quiche arrived, and as she devoured the sensation, she glanced around the place.

  The people here were dressed in expensive designer clothing and knew how to conduct themselves in public according to the standards of their organization. Being here only emphasized what a big mistake she’d made with the shifter. She should never have allowed him anywhere near her. She couldn’t believe that after discovering what he was, she responded to his kiss that day…had wanted to have sex with him again. Why the hell did she feel this way? Junaid worked at what was basically a sex club and probably had a different woman in that swanky office every night.

  That thought hurt…and felt like a betrayal.

  Stupid of her, because there was nothing between them. She hardly knew him…and yet, she wasted so much time thinking about him. When she went to bed at night, he entered her thoughts, not Michael. And as soon as she awakened in the morning, he was there, invading her head the more she tried to push him out of it. She didn’t need a priest to tell her this was not right…she needed cleansing…perhaps even a confession.

  “I needed to talk to you,” mentioned Michael. He brought her here to talk? So that was the reason for this impromptu treat. “Some of our important members have carried out an analysis of our calendar, and the 29th of this month would be a more auspicious date for the wedding.” But that was only four weeks away… “I presume you agree with the date change?”


  But she had to go through with the wedding sooner or later, and perhaps this was the answer to the reactions that the shifter evoked in her. The worst thing was that since seeing him in the office that day, she’d been tempted to return to Eclipse...she needed to get rid of this desire to see him again before she made another mistake. And there was only one way to do that.

  “It’s a good idea.” She smiled at Michael, even as her chest tightened. “We’re moving away after the ceremony, and this way we can start our new life as soon as possible. And you don’t want to be in the borough anymore, either, do you?”

  “You’re right, Ivy, and always understanding. Father and I will sort the invitees, and if you could speak to the venue about the new date, that would be great.”

  “But it’s short notice. Do you think the date will be available?”

  Irritation entered his tone. “If it isn’t, we’ll look elsewhere. There are plenty of venues that will make room for an important Association ceremony.” He took a spoonful of soup, his blank expression giving no indication of what he thought of the taste. “Personally, I’m pleased the date is being brought forward. The quicker we get out of this borough, the better.” He paused. “And of course, the Boston branch of Harrison Business Solutions needs to be taken care of. Stupid leaving it in the hands of others when I could be there overseeing the work myself.” After they finished a creamy concoction of goat’s cheese, wild honey and beetroot, Michael stood. “I have to go back to work. Would you like me to drop you?”

  “I’ll get a taxi. And before that, I’ll call the venue to change the booking.”

  He leaned in to kiss her, such a familiar gesture and so devoid of emotion that they could be siblings.

  She walked to the front of the building with him, and after he drove away, she waited inside the restaurant gate. If she was going to bring the wedding date forward, she might as well deal with it as soon as possible. The sooner she was out of the way of temptation, the better.

  When she called the venue, a sickly sweet female voice answered. “Good afternoon, madam. How may we help you?”

  She gave her name and reference number. “I would like to bring the date forward, please, to the 29th of this month.”

  “Luckily, we’ve just had a cancelation for that date. But there will be a fee involved.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “Great. In that case, I’ll re-arrange the date for you. Do all other booking arrangements remain the same?”


  “Done. Anything else I can help you with?”

  “No. That will be all, thank you.”

  After ending the call, Ivy made her way outside the gate. She hadn’t even hailed a taxi when her mobile rang. A call from Phoenix?

  It was the same lady she’d just spoken to, but her voice was considerably less chirpy. “I’m so sorry, Miss. Smith. If you want to make any changes to this booking, you’ll have to contact the manager, Junaid, who’s in charge—”

  “But you just confirmed it was sorted.”

  There was a pause. “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to speak to Junaid.”

  Damn it. The shifter was doing this to goad her; she just knew it. “Can I have his number, please?”

  “Sure.” After the lady had given it, “I am so sorry about this—”

  “It’s all right,” Ivy snapped before hanging up on her. She bashed Junaid’s number into her phone and then waited.

  “Hello? Ivy?”

  That deep timbre threatened to diffuse her anger, but she held on to it, pulling it around herself like armor. “What the hell, Junaid? Why do I have to
refer every change in the booking to you?”

  “I am managing the booking, remember?”

  “Yes. And you’re using that to make things difficult—”

  “These are the rules. I’m in charge of the booking, so you must refer any changes to me. In person.”

  In person? No way…yet, there was a frisson of excitement at the thought of seeing him again. No…those were the kind of thoughts she couldn’t entertain. The kind of thoughts that had made her agree to bring the wedding date forward. She would meet him if that was what he wanted, just to sort this, and then she would avoid seeing him until the ceremony. And once that was over, she would never set eyes on him again. And she told herself that was the way she wanted it. “All right then, I can come and see you now about the new date. Where?”

  “I’m not at Phoenix today, but you can come to my office at the club if that’s convenient.” A pause. “You remember it, don’t you?”

  Yes, he was goading her. “See you there within half an hour, if that’s convenient.”

  “It is.” He lowered his voice. “And you’ve no idea of how much I’m looking forward to seeing you.”


  * * *

  JUNAID’S EYES KEPT FLITTING TO the clock. 1.00…1.10…1.15…1.20…1.25…

  It felt like hours since she’d called him, and he anticipated her rushing through the door at any moment. Yes, her accusation was partly true. He had deliberately blocked her from making changes to the booking without his permission, but not because he wanted to make things difficult, but because he wanted to see her.

  He’d been unable to get her out of his mind, and he needed to know what that meant. This urge that he felt…the way he was pulled toward her…it resembled the sensation his shifter friends described when it came to their mates. He pushed that idiotic thought from his mind, because going down that route would only lead to more complications.


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