Lion's Heart (Blood Moon Book 4)

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Lion's Heart (Blood Moon Book 4) Page 18

by Natalie Aejaz

  “And I wouldn’t mind some martial arts lessons,” she said.

  He grinned. “That’s a great idea. You should be able to look after yourself.”

  She trailed her thumb against his lower lip. “The only thing is, Junaid, my mother’s a big part of my life, and she always will be. And now we’ve left the Association, she has no one but me.”

  “You’re wrong there,” said Junaid, “She has me, too. We’ll work something out.”

  And her heart surged with love and gratitude. She kissed him again. “Thank you…oh yes, and there’s also our maid Fareeda. She’s like an auntie—”

  “Bring whoever you like into the bargain. I don’t care, as long as you’re included.”

  She laughed as he flipped her so she was on her back. He was instantly on top of her. In between his kisses, he whispered. “I want to be with you, always…if you’ll have a shifter.”

  She couldn’t think of anything she wanted more…

  ~ Three months later ~

  IVY SAT BACK IN THE chair and stretched her arms out above her, yawning. It was nearly time to leave the main office building, which she’d taken over after kicking Michael out. It had been a long day but one of the most satisfying ones so far. She’d just clinched a five-year consultancy contract with a big global player. A day well spent. She still found it difficult to believe she’d wasted years sitting at home, doing nothing but wait to get married and bear children.

  The first couple of weeks had been difficult here, as she’d adjusted to understanding her company and other financial assets. She’d also had to develop a new routine of being at work every day, and telling other people what to do did not come easily at first. Junaid had supported her through the transition, and his experience as a manager helped no end.

  And a few weeks ago, mother and she moved from that area brimming with Association members, and they now lived in two apartments in the same block, giving both of them independence. Fareeda stayed in mother’s apartment but found time to hustle her way into Ivy’s place, convinced she could not even manage a meal without her. The arrangement worked well, and although it took some adjustment, Ivy enjoyed her newfound freedom.

  The door opened and mother walked in, dressed in a knee-length black dress and matching jacket. She had just had her hair colored dark brown, and that stoop was gone. It as if the last three months had taken years off her. And she’d managed to stop taking those sleeping pills, too. She frowned at Ivy’s laptop, still open. “You’re not spending more time in here, are you?”

  “No. Junaid’s picking me up in a bit. We’re going out.”

  Mother was initially wary of meeting Junaid, but they got on now, and she sometimes even forgot he was a shifter. As for her friends, they got along with him like nobody’s business. Whereas they’d wanted to stay away from Michael after first meeting him, they were always keen to join Junaid and her whenever they could for a night out. And of course, Ivy got to spend more time with her friends these days. Just today, she’d been out with the girls for lunch.

  My life finally belongs to me.

  “I’ve emailed you some information,” mother said. “Account balances and details of more investments we should be looking at. But don’t look at them now. Leave it until the morning.”

  Ivy smiled. Who the hell was this woman before her? “I will. Did you hear anything from the lawyer?”

  “The Association wants an out of court settlement.”

  Ivy bet it did. She met with Ann a few weeks ago and suggested she register a complaint against John, but the other woman was unwilling to take on the Manhattan leader. But mother had filed a statement with the police, and when she went public, three more women from the Manhattan branch made complaints against John. Ivy hoped more would come forward.

  A small smile crept across mother’s face. “When I mentioned the offer of an out of court settlement to the other women, they said they want to take this to court. They want to make the Association and him pay. In public.”

  “Fantastic news.”

  The case against John was ongoing, but there had been pressure, through phone calls and anonymous letters, to withdraw the case. Ivy had even been threatened with dire consequences if she did not denounce Junaid and return to the organization. But she was no longer scared.

  Pearl leaned over and took her hand. “Thank you, Ivy. For everything.” She waved away her mother’s words, not knowing what to do with them. And then her mobile rang. Junaid. As she answered, her mother winked. “I’ll leave you to it. Have a good night.” And with that, she left the office.

  When Junaid spoke over the phone, as always, his voice made her stomach flip. “I’m in the car park, Ivy. Can’t wait to see you.”

  She rushed downstairs. No need to worry about her own vehicle, because they were spending tonight together, and Junaid would drop her here in the morning. She opened the door and got inside his car. He leaned in to give her a kiss before moving back to stare at her as if he’d never seen her before. “Your place or mine?”

  She shrugged. “How about ours?”

  He frowned. “I don’t get it.”

  “I know we’ve only been together for three months, but we see each other nearly every day, so I was thinking…well, maybe we could try living together…if that’s what you want?”

  He grinned. “There’s nothing I want more.” He paused. “I guess it would make more sense for me to move into your place, with your mother—”

  “Seriously, Junaid, mother is going to be fine.” It was amazing how Pearl had come along, meaning Ivy had none of the concerns she did three months ago. Mother could now look after herself, and as they worked at the same company, they would still see plenty of each other. “We can live anywhere…my place, yours or a brand new one. As long as we’re together.”

  “I like the sound of that.” His smile was wide as he intertwined his fingers with hers. “How about we look for a new place? One that’s perfect for us?”

  “I love that idea.” The suggestion was just what she’d hoped for. He drove out of the car park, a big smile on his face. Now there was only one thing that worried her. “No more news from the Association?”

  It was the only threat that still lingered over them, but they would fight it together.

  “We’re expecting something to kick off soon,” he said. “Blade has put together a group that is already making plans to tackle any potential problems.” He parked up outside his apartment and turned off the engine. “Some of the supernaturals…well, let’s say they don’t take too kindly to humans…so Blade has suggested getting a human on board who can make them see things differently.” He cleared his throat. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to suggest your name.”

  “Me? Negotiate with supernaturals?”

  “You’d be a voice of reason. You’d make my kind see the other side. We need someone like you, someone who understands why humans are so scared of us. And because you were with the Association so long, that will help, too.” As they got out of the vehicle, he asked, “What do you think?”

  As she followed him up the stairs toward his apartment, she considered the offer. It was one that scared her, but she’d decided three months ago that she wouldn’t allow fear to stop her. She loved managing the business, but by getting involved in this work, perhaps she could prevent others from experiencing the situation mother and she were once in…a situation where they feared for their lives…

  After they stepped inside his place, she glanced at the weapons on the wall. She had learned to handle several of them, and before they left in the morning, she would have a training session with Junaid. “I’ll do it,” she said, “It’s a fight I can’t help but become involved in.”

  “Hopefully, it won’t turn to a fight,” he murmured, pulling her toward him. “I’ll let Blade know. But let’s forget about it for now…”

  When his mouth met hers, all other thoughts dissipated. As he softly bit her lower lip, she asked, “Is your beast joining us

  “I want you just for myself, so no fangs and claws tonight.”

  “I want you just for myself tonight, too,” she said, pressing her lips harder against his.

  As he kissed her, there was no more fear or guilt to separate her from him. There was no room for anything else between them…apart from love.


  Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, please could you take a moment to leave a review at your favorite retailer site.

  Have you read the other books in the series? Continue reading for the first chapter of Marked by the Alpha, Shaun and Angie’s story.

  Thank you.

  Natalie Aejaz, Author


  I love making things up!

  I am Natalie Aejaz, an author who enjoys travel and make-believe.

  While managing a plethora of other activities, I focused on a series of social novels over the past few years. I wrote my first paranormal romance a few months ago, unexpectedly becoming addicted to the fun and freedom of creating universes. The opportunities for play were as limitless as my imagination and since then, I write in this genre.

  Aliens, shapeshifters, vampires and witches…they are on their way in my future books.






  Blood Moon

  (Adult Paranormal Romance)

  Book 1: Marked by the Alpha

  Book 2: Demon’s Soul

  Book 3: Bitten and Twisted

  Book 4: Lion’s Heart

  Shifters Unleashed

  (Adult Shifter Romance)

  Book 1: The Wolf’s Bride

  Otherworld Warriors

  (Adult Fantasy Romance)

  Book 1: Hela

  Book 2: Zhinghaas


  Blood Rose: A Vampire Romance

  Starstruck: A Paranormal Romance

  Lost and Found (Part One)

  Lost and Found (Part Two)

  Forbidden (Part One)

  Forbidden (Part Two)


  * * *

  Shaun, an unmated wolf shifter and property magnate, is interested in females for only one thing. Sex. But after a one-night stand with the human Angie, he can’t get her out of his head. He wants her, but there’s one problem. His latest property acquisition, which has come to him courtesy of the mob, also happens to be her family business.

  That night with the hot shifter was just what Angie needed to get over a broken heart, and now it’s time to put her past behind her and focus on getting her family business back from the mob. After discovering that Shaun is the one standing between her and the property, she should hate him, but instead finds herself fighting her feelings for the shifter.

  As the attraction develops into something that means more than sex, will they be able to get past their dispute and find a way to be together?

  * * *

  FIRE HAD BURNED THROUGH SHAUN’S veins since the sun set over an hour ago, making his beast howl with the need for release. The full moon sent the mating urge through his blood, and it was one hell of a day to be dealing with urgent business, but he couldn’t leave his office without sorting this deal out. His wolf would have to wait.

  “Spit it out, Jack,” he told the suited thug who sat on the other side of the desk. “Will I get anything out of this partnership, or is the mob boss trying to pull a fast one over me?”

  Jack leaned forward and placed his elbows on Shaun’s desk, his rolled jacket sleeves exposing those barbed wire tattoos. “I’ve checked it out. That little antique shop is the real deal. Bars and restaurants and designer shops have been shooting up in the area. Give it a few years, and it’ll be prime estate. Long-term investment, but at the rate Will’s arranged? A bargain.”

  The building this meeting took place in was part of Shaun’s property investment firm and used for the less savory practices. He’d sat in this same office—a spacious room decorated in a neutral color scheme of crème and brown—and brokered countless deals before this antique shop reared its head. This little gem came to him through Drake, high up in the mob. Shaun had no qualms about dealing with guys such as him, but the deal had one damn caveat. He would have to convert it into an upmarket lounge bar, and if those mob members had discreet business and needed to use any of the private rooms, he would feign ignorance. No qualms about that, either. When Drake said discreet, he meant it. He knew better than to disturb the exclusive clientele such a venue would pull in and even planned to take care of the initial construction work.

  It was a prospect any other entrepreneur in the industry would salivate waterfalls over, if the deal stopped at being associated with Drake…but as if anything in this business could be so straightforward. The caveat meant a partnership with James, the mobster Drake answered to—a man as unstable as they came and so egotistical, he would see this offer as a great honor. If Shaun turned it down, the mob boss might take it as a matter of high offense, and he was someone who, when slighted, did not give up until he got even. Few people in this business did.

  The thought of James should have been enough to keep Shaun’s focus firmly on this meeting, but because of tonight’s full moon, his damn shifter blood pumped urgency through his system until he ached to sate his beast’s appetite. Not long to go now…he’d already arranged a date, and the female he was about to meet was of a similar mindset, only wanting to get laid with no interest in useless commitments. Nobody would harness his wolf…that’s what it meant, being attached to another, didn’t it? Losing at least some control over your own life. It was a mystery why anyone would want to go that way, when there were countless casual encounters to be had. And when such encounters took place during the full moon, they were particularly satisfying…as heat stirred his insides, he forced his attention back to the meeting. The sooner he got out of here, the sooner he could get down to what he’d anticipated all day.

  “Any legal issues?” he asked. If anything would dampen the urge building inside him, it was talk of legalities.

  “The owner died last year, leaving an outstanding loan that James purchased.”

  “And I reckon the loan shark had put in a hell of a clause, one the debtor was too desperate to dispute?”

  “You got it. The owner agreed to a deal that would enable the creditor to take possession of the shop at any time.”

  “And nobody’s contesting it?”

  “The dead owner’s kid has been in touch with a lawyer for a while. One persistent broad. She wouldn’t back off even when James sent his thugs.” Not even when faced with those guys? A woman with a death wish. “Drake’s filled the right pockets, so all’s nearly sorted.”

  “Nearly sorted?”

  “She’s a feisty one, I admit—you know how heavy James’ men are. But as I said, Drake’s been dealing with it through the legal route.” And unlike the scenario of a few years ago, taking the legal route now worked in the favor of the mob. When supernaturals were first exposed as living among mortals, criminal organizations took advantage of the fear that spread like a contagious disease. They promised to protect humans in return for advantages sanctioned by the government. It was why the authorities ignored activities—such as loans with illegal caveats that enabled loan sharks to rob debtors of their properties. “Shaun. The legal issues aren’t anything you haven’t dealt with before. If you go through with this, you’ve nothing to worry about.”

  Apart from James. Otherwise it was one hell of an opportunity. As Shaun leaned back in his leather chair, he should have been buzzing with the satisfaction that came after investing in a property that only guaranteed profit. Because he would invest in this deal, if only to keep James sweet, but his brain cells were already at work, anticipating how to manage the mob boss. “Great job, Jack. You’ll be
well compensated.”

  The other man winked as he stood, a gesture out of place on his hard face. “I’ve no doubt about that.”

  When the door shut behind Jack, Shaun leaned forward to rest his head in his hands and then closed his eyes for a few seconds. Let’s get out of here. “Shut the fuck up, beast.”

  He opened his eyes and then picked up his mobile, a struggle because the agitation brought on by the full moon had spread through his body, forcing his fingernails into claws—if he had the damn time to look in a mirror, there’d be flashes of amber in his gray eyes. Just as well the humans he employed weren’t easily scared by shifters or other supernaturals—in fact, for staff like Jack, it was an honor working under one.

  Damn, it was after 9 pm. Shaun would never dream of contacting his more legit associates this late, but the broker Will was far from that. The cunning human had turned up yesterday, carrying that briefcase he loved so much, and inside it were the details of his latest acquisitions, as he liked to call the deals he spent his miserable life hunting out. And then he informed him that James had personally chosen Shaun to take over an antique shop and convert it into an enterprise that would also benefit the mob. One hell of a dubious honor. But it was obvious why James honed in on him. After years in Manhattan, Shaun had learned to negotiate the mob and the legal authorities. And it didn’t hurt that he’d already launched a couple of successful lounge bars. He brought up the broker’s number on his mobile and then hit the call key.

  After a few seconds, the grating voice came over the phone. “Shaun?”

  “Will. About that antique shop? I want to go ahead with the deal.”

  He could just imagine the weasel rubbing his hands together in glee. “I knew you would—it’s not every day that James makes such an offer, is it?” Which was why Shaun knew better than to refuse it. “But you understand the caveat?”


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