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The Alpha's Unknown Son: A Shifter Romance

Page 20

by Skylar Thomas

  I did have a figure, but it didn’t work in my favor. It was just another thing Morgan could use to objectify me. I bit my bottom lip, took deep breaths, and told myself that it would be over soon.

  “I’m giving you three seconds,” Morgan growled lowly, pulling me back to reality.

  I quickly hurried out of my bathroom, nearly falling in the ridiculous heels Morgan forced me to wear before I finally made it to the door. When I opened the door, I could feel Morgan’s rage radiating off of him.

  “Next time, come when I call.” He growled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and forcefully pulled me into him, his fingers digging into the wound on my hip he’d given me yesterday. I had to grit my teeth to prevent a scream from coming out.

  We made our way to the giant foyer where all the girls from our pack waited. Their voices were buzzing and hopeful. As Morgan walked me down the stairs, I instantly put on a mask of happiness and adoration like I’d trained myself to do despite my hatred toward him. I learned that the better I performed, the more mercy he showed once the curtain fell.

  The girls we walked past looked at me with envy and whispered about how they wanted their mate to treat them like Morgan did me, but they did not know what they were wishing. I wouldn’t wish this on anybody. Not even Morgan himself.

  “You look beautiful,” Morgan whispered but said it loud enough for the other girls to hear him.

  The corners of my lips turned up into a fake smile before he tenderly placed his lips on my forehead, causing the girls to let out a series of “awws,” letting me know that I was selling it. Morgan continued walking me through the sea of girls, all of them giving me wishful glances except for one.

  Tracey, the plastic Barbie of the pack, glared daggers at me, which caused me to shrink back a bit. She knew that Morgan and I were just for show, and she even joined Morgan in beating me sometimes. Even though she saw what a horrible person he was, she still hated me for being “with him.”

  I tried to shrug her off, but it was hard when her gaze was burning into my back like a laser. Eventually, we were in the very front of the crowd, waiting patiently in front of the doors for our guest to arrive.

  After a few moments, Morgan’s beta, whose name I did not know, rushed up to us and whispered that he was here, which caused my heart to speed up for some weird reason. I quickly shook the feeling away, knowing that I was being ridiculous. I couldn’t be mated to one of the strongest alphas in history, and even if I were, which was impossible, he would reject me upon sight. I couldn’t even stand up for myself, let alone help to lead a pack or bear pups. Plus, I already knew the cruelty of one alpha, and I didn’t need to learn another’s.

  A sigh pushed past my lips as Morgan’s grip suddenly became tighter around me, letting me know that it was game time. I straightened up and took a deep breath, causing the most addicting scent in the world to rush into my nose and for my inner wolf, which had basically been dormant for the past five years, to immediately go crazy. The smell was a drug consisting of fresh rain and cinnamon, and I couldn’t get enough of it. It was like I was addicted.

  The large front doors opened, revealing a man who took my breath away with about eight warriors from his own pack following closely behind him. He was tall, standing at about 6’3 with an incredible build, and the face of a model. He had hazel-green eyes framed by his thick eyelashes and perfectly arched eyebrows. His nose was perfectly straight, and his lips were soft looking. The blade he called a jaw was covered in black stubble that matched his obsidian black hair that my fingers were itching to run themselves through. As my eyes wandered down his body, I could see that his muscles were bulging underneath his black short-sleeved t-shirt and I could even see the outline of his abs. Dominance radiated off him in waves, and he didn’t even have to say a word for you to know that he was a force to be reckoned with.

  Mate! My wolf screamed, and I froze, fear taking over me as my body slightly began trembling.

  I couldn’t have him as my mate. I refused to. Yeah, he was gorgeous, and he made me feel ways I thought were impossible to feel just by looking at him, but I couldn’t. The man was attractive, but looks could be deceiving.

  Morgan taught me that.

  I tried to hide behind Morgan, but he firmly held me to his side, determined to show me off. I prayed to the Moon Goddess above that Morgan’s scent along with all the other girls would be enough to mask my scent. As soon as he walked through the doors, he froze with his muscles taut.

  “She’s here,” he whispered, his velvety voice sounding like pure music to my ears. I could listen to him talk for hours and never get bored…

  No, Ariel. Snap out of it! I scolded myself. You can’t do this to yourself. Not again. Just keep your head low and don’t make a sound.

  He took a deep breath as he slowly made his way down the rows of hopeful girls, getting closer and closer to where I stood. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip so hard that the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth, but I remained still and silent.

  His addicting smell was soon in front of me. I could feel his eyes burning into my being, and I had to keep the tears that wanted to escape at bay. Suddenly, I felt his index finger gently hook itself underneath my chin. Sparks almost as addicting as his scent rushed through me, causing me to open my eyes with a small gasp. Instantly, I was met with his eyes, and my knees turned to mush. He looked even more handsome up close.

  A small smile grew on his face as he looked at me. “My Goddess, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he repositioned his hand so that he was now cupping my cheek, his thumb lightly caressing it.

  Butterflies exploded within my stomach as I became lost in his eyes and drowned in his voice.

  “What?” Tracey shrieked in her annoyingly high voice, causing us both to snap out of our trance and turn to look at her. “You did not just say that that tramp is—”

  Within a second, he was standing in front of her, his tall, muscular body looming over her small skinny one.

  “You will not disrespect my mate like that,” he said in a deathly low voice, sending shivers down my spine. His warriors stood beside him, ready to assist if need be. “Apologize,” he demanded, but she was paralyzed with fear. “Apologize!” he said louder as her face began turning red.

  “I’m s-sorry,” she stammered out, and as soon as she did, he gave her a curt nod though hatred burned in his eyes.

  “If you ever disrespect my mate like that again, pup, I won’t be so merciful, and I’ll have your head,” he spat. “Everyone, out!” he yelled, and instantly, all the girls filed out until only me, him, his warriors, and Morgan remained.

  He slowly made his way back over to me, his features much softer than they had been mere moments ago, but fear still rose in my chest.

  What if I did something he didn’t like? Would he do that to me too… or worse?

  He must have noticed my attitude because he gently cupped my cheek once more and looked me in the eyes, which made a feeling bloom in me that only he could. Despite how much I hated it, he calmed me down instantly.

  “What’s your name, love?” he whispered as he gently wrapped his arm around my waist and took me from Morgan’s grasp.

  “Ariel Anne Carter,” Morgan said in a tight voice, anger radiating off of him in waves. “She doesn’t talk.”

  “Ariel.” Shane mused. As he continued caressing my cheek, more addicting sparks moved through my being. “What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”

  I couldn’t fight the smile on my face as I found myself leaning into his calloused hand, loving the feeling of it on my cheek. We just stayed there for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling of each other’s skin when suddenly Shane stopped, his body tensing.

  “What’s this?” he questioned as his eyebrows furrowed and his thumb moved against my cheek. When pain shot through my cheek, I knew that he’d found my bruise.

  A low growl escaped from his lips before his hands left my body, and in the blink of an eye, he had
Morgan pressed against the wall. His face mere inches from Morgan’s.

  “What have you done to her?” He growled loudly as he squeezed Morgan’s throat to the point his face started turning blue. “What did you do?” He growled lowly once more, causing Morgan to do something that I never thought he’d do.

  He wheezed out a laugh.

  That simple action made Shane livid. His once hazel-green eyes turned pitch black, which let me know that his wolf was rising to the surface. He drew his fist back and delivered a solid punch to Morgan’s face, which knocked him to the ground. Then another. Then another.

  Blood was now covering Morgan’s teeth and leaking from his nose, but that didn’t satisfy Shane, especially because Morgan still had a smile on his face. A string of curse words spilled between Shane’s lips like water as he delivered punch after punch. Kick after kick. He showed no mercy even after Morgan’s bones cracked.

  I was frozen in pure terror as I watched as he beat Morgan the way Morgan had done me. I thought that Shane might do the same to me if I made a move he didn’t like or if I didn’t act the way he wanted me to.

  I brought a shaky hand up to my mouth to silence the cries that threatened to escape from my mouth as my eyes desperately looked for somewhere to run until my eyes landed on it: the door. I glanced back to Shane before I bolted for the door and saw that he was still preoccupied with Morgan, and Shane’s warriors knew better than to try to break them up.

  I slid out of my heels as I clumsily ran to the door before throwing it open, and thankfully Shane’s warriors didn’t try to stop me. A blast of cold air hit me in the face like a hard slap and goosebumps arose on my skin, but that didn’t stop my bare feet from running out the door and onto the rough, uneven earth.

  My wolf screamed for me to turn back and she even started pushing against her boundaries, causing pressure to build up behind my eyes and a scream to escape my lips.

  Mate! Mate! She chanted in my head as I covered my ears trying desperately to block her out, but that just sent another wave of intense pain through my skull.

  Despite the pain, I forced my legs to move faster, not caring that my dress was being ruined or that my lungs were crying in protest. All that I cared about was getting as far away from Morgan and Shane as humanly possible.

  Suddenly, Shane’s stupidly addicting scent rushed into my nose. Before I knew it, two strong arms that sent sparks dancing across my skin and tingles down my back gently wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me close to his body.

  “Why did you run, love?” he whispered gently in my ear, genuine concern and hurt in his voice.

  A million reasons surfaced in my mind, but I didn’t turn them into words. I allowed the silence that fluttered between us to talk to him.

  “Please…” He trailed off, words failing to complete his sentence.

  Despite how comfortable I felt or how perfect our bodies fit together, I pulled away. Shane’s hands helplessly fell to his sides, but I knew that they’d still be around me if he really wanted them to be. We stood there in silence, the moonlight that trickled through the branches of the trees cascading over us.

  “I wish I could’ve gotten to you sooner,” he whispered, regret saturating his voice. “If I had known where you were. What you’re going through…”

  He reached out for me once more, but I stepped back and shook my head, not wanting any contact with him. I knew that if I let myself drown in the ocean that was his touch, no life preserver or lifeguard could ever bring me back.

  “Love, just…just please, let me get you out of here. No one deserves to go through what you went through,” he said gently as his hand found its way back to my cheek, and no matter how much I wanted to pull away, it was like his hand was a magnet. “Please, Ariel.”

  I broke eye contact with him and stared at the tree that rested just beyond his head.

  “I know that we need to take things step by step and I’ll do that. I’ll do anything for you. Just please, let me take you out of here, and after that, you never have to see me again if you don’t want to. I’ll respect that.”

  I looked into his eyes, searching for any possible reason for me to turn around and run away again, but I saw none. I sighed before I slowly nodded, causing a knee-weakening smile to grow on his handsome face, and that was it.

  I was in hook, line, and sinker.

  If you enjoyed this sample, look for

  The Broken Vow of Silence

  on Amazon.



  Nicole Riddley

  “I, Logan Carrington, future Alpha of Shadon Geirolf Pack, reject you, Genesis Fairchild, as my mate and future luna of my pack.”

  Rejected and broken-hearted, Genesis Fairchild turns to her best friends and come up with a plan to give Logan, the school’s major player, and future alpha, a taste of his own medicine.

  One Operation Payback later, a silver-gray eyed lycan joins in the picture and like a moth to a flame, Genesis feels the instant connection between her and the Lycan Constantine.

  When she is introduced into the pack of lycan royalty, she not only deals with her changing identity, but also the arrogant future Alpha’s retracted rejection and determination to finally claim her, leaving her life a bit more interesting and a whole lot more complicated.

  Will Genesis allow her one true mate to complete the mating bond?

  Or will she follow her heart and become the erasthai that she has been long destined to be?

  If you want something fun and light to devour in one sitting, then get lost in Genesis’ world of arrogant werewolves, royal brats, and an irresistible lycan god.

  Grab a copy now!



  T. Lanay

  “My mate’s a guy!”

  Aiden is your average seventeen-year-old senior with crazy best friends and a supportive family… unless you count the fact that he’s got a big secret to tell. Aiden is what most people would call a “closet gay,” something he believes he can’t let his school know. And the secrets don't stop there.

  Aiden goes through high school the best way he knows how—being invisible. But his perfect survival plan comes to a screeching halt when his cousin, the big bad bully himself, gets dropped off at his home to stay for a few months.

  In a drop of a hat, Aiden finds himself falling straight down the rabbit hole he once managed to escape from, and the only person that can help is Liam Moore, the star quarterback, the most popular and definitely the straightest guy in school. There is NO WAY!

  But what Aiden doesn’t know is that Liam has his own share of secrets. He’s trying his best to fight it, but his eyes that glow bright yellow in the most in-convenient of times betray him.

  The full moon is fast approaching, and the pull gets stronger and stronger. How long will Liam and Aiden last? Is the big bad soon to be alpha wolf corrupting poor innocent little sheep? Will Aiden finally learn to stand up for himself?

  All It Took Was One Look is all about acceptance, unconditional love, and embracing your sexual identity—no matter if you’re human or not. Don’t miss this one of a kind LGBT slash werewolf read! Grab your copy now!


  I wanted to give a huge shoutout to all my Wattpad followers and readers. I wouldn’t of had the amazing opportunity to get this book published without the continued support of you all. I also wanted to thank my husband and my boys for continuing to motivate me to be the best I can be, I wouldn’t be where I am without you three. Lastly I wanted to thank my family and friends who have offered their congratulations and encouragement to me, it means so much to me to have supportive people like you all in my life. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to share this book with the world, thank you all!


  Thank you so much for reading The Alpha’s Unknow Son! I can’t express how grateful I am for reading something that was once just a thought
inside my head.

  Please feel free to send me an email. Just know that my publisher filters these emails. Good news is always welcome.

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  One last thing: I’d love to hear your thoughts on the book. Please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads because I just love reading your comments and getting to know you!

  Can’t wait to hear from you!

  Skylar Thomas


  Hi! Im Skylar Thomas’s I’m a 19 year old who fell in love with writing at a young age. I live in a small town in Oklahoma, with my husband and 1 year old son! I love being able to tap into a fictional universe to bring readers a thrilling story, they love to read!




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