Sassy Ever After: Sass Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: Sass Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 2

by Bella Roccaforte

  Peyton finishes his beer with a snarky smile on his face, studying Ryder.

  “What?” Ryder asks, concerned.

  “You, brother, got duped,” Peyton says, laughing.

  “How so?”

  “You really don’t know?” Peyton asks, studying Ryder for understanding.

  “Know what?”

  “They’re doing a special scenting ceremony.” Peyton slaps his brother on the back.

  Ryder throws his head back and lets out an exasperated breath, “Goddamnit.”

  “Yup, and with Barbara here, you’ll have no choice.” Peyton stands from the table.

  Ryder gives it some thought for a moment and relaxes back into his seat.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours? You can’t leave now, you’re already here,” Peyton warns.

  “Nah, I’m not worried about it.” Ryder locks his fingers behind his head, “If I haven’t found a mate yet, I’ll get out of this one, too.”

  Peyton quirks his brow, “Holly’s going to be at the ceremony and I’m pretty sure Mom’s got high hopes.”

  “I’ve taken in enough of Holly’s scent to know she’s not the one.” Ryder chuckles, “Mating isn’t for me.”

  “Good luck with that.” Peyton’s eyes widen as he looks at the door. “And this.”

  “What?” Ryder looks behind him and sees Holly standing in the doorway shooting daggers through him.

  “Well if it isn’t Ryder Crane.” She puts her hand on her hip, awaiting a response.

  A sly smile stretches across Ryder’s lips, “It most certainly is.”

  Holly stomps over to the table and leans down to Ryder, “If you think you can just blow back into town and everything is going to be okay between us, you’ve got another thing coming.”

  Ryder inhales through his nose, watching Peyton’s amused expression, “Holly, I wouldn’t blame you one bit if you never spoke to me again. What I did was reprehensible, so no, I don’t think I can come back to town and everything will be okay.”

  Peyton’s brow furrows with confusion.

  Holly blinks her eyes, trying to gain some understanding. “Um, this is the part where you apologize?”

  “If I were sorry, I would’ve apologized the moment you walked through the door. But I’m not going to lie to you, I have far too much respect for you to do that.” The words flow from Ryder’s mouth like rancid molasses.

  Holly turns to Peyton, “How drunk is he?”

  “Not at all, I don’t think.” Peyton shrugs, shifting his eyes between Holly and Ryder.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Holly swats Ryder’s shoulder.

  “Holly, we grew up together as friends. That’s all we ever were. Just because our mothers have some crazy idea that we’re to be mated, doesn’t make it true.”

  “You’re a piece of shit.” Holly picks up his beer and dumps it in his lap.

  “That may be true. Doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to be mated to you,” Ryder says, taking the cold beer in his crotch in stride.

  Peyton can’t help but laugh at the scene unfolding.

  Holly growls, eyeing Peyton’s beer on the table. Peyton grabs it protectively.

  “On that note, I’m going to go to Mom and Dad’s and get changed.” Ryder stands and looks down at his wet pants. “Will I see you there later?”

  “I’m on my way now, I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Peyton says throwing a twenty dollar bill on the table.

  “So, you’re just going to walk out, just like that?” Holly demands an answer.

  “Yeah, babe, it’s kinda my thing.” Ryder makes for the door. “Jake, catch you later.”

  “Good to see you.” Jake waves.

  Ryder and Peyton get out to the parking lot.

  “Why were you such a dick to her?” Peyton asks.

  “I wasn’t a dick, I was being honest.” Ryder pulls one shoulder to his ear.

  “You were, you could’ve been nicer about it,” Peyton argues.

  “Would you have me lie to her? I’ve tried being nicer,” Ryder argues and motions back toward the bar. “She’s psycho. We’ve never dated, never slept together, we had that one encounter in the scenting ceremony and there was nothing there. But ever since Mom put it in her head that we were going to be together, she’s been out of control,” Ryder explains. “I’ve never led her on, and it’s at the point now where we can’t even be friends. It’s a kindness that I was honest with her, maybe she can move on and find her true mate at the ceremony.”

  “I hadn’t thought of it like that,” Peyton says, rubbing the stubble on his chin. “Mom’s not going to be happy.”

  “That’s too bad for Mom, this is my life. I tried at the scenting ceremony, there’s nothing there with Holly or anyone else she’s ever tried to hook me up with. I think it’s time we all faced the fact that I don’t have a mate,” Ryder says confidently.

  “Never say never.” Peyton widens his eyes, chuckling, “At least not in front of Mom.”

  “I’m not going to lie to her either.” Ryder shrugs, “Sure you still want to be there when I get home?”

  “Shit, I wouldn’t miss it. It’s going to be the most excitement we’ve seen since…” Peyton thinks for a moment, “Since the blowout the last time you were here.”

  “Well, guess it’s time to shake things up,” Ryder says, mounting his bike.

  Pulling out of the parking lot from the bar, he considers turning back toward the highway. Skipping town and this whole ordeal that he’s going to have to face with his mother. Fucking scenting ceremony. I should’ve remembered it’s that time of year, he laments.

  Peyton honks the horn, bringing him out of his thoughts. Peyton rolls the window down. “You’re already here, no sense in leaving now. Just come on home.”

  Ryder tips his head and follows behind Peyton toward their family home.

  Chapter Three

  “Hey, sweetheart, I’ll have another beer,” Brent calls from the end of the bar.

  Riley wants to knock his teeth down his throat. She’s not above serving drinks, but she’s not a fan of the whole sweetheart, babe, darling bullshit.

  She rolls her eyes before she turns toward him, trying to focus on her tip. She’s running low on funds and prefers to have enough money saved to move on if she needs to. She takes a beer out of the cooler and leans forward against the bar, seductively showing off the curve of her ass, “I’m not your sweetheart. But here’s your beer.”

  “Oh, I was just being nice. Don’t get your panties in a twist,” Brent says, taking the beer.

  Riley holds on to the beer, not letting him have it. She looks him dead in the eye, licking her lips, “The chances of you ever having anything to do with my panties is between nothing and nill.”

  Brent leans closer into her, “Is that so?”

  “Yes it is, so be nice or get your own beer.” She purses her lips, gripping the beer.

  “Isn’t serving drinks your job?” He doesn’t look away from her.

  “Yes, but serving it to assholes wasn’t part of the deal.” She stands her ground, “Apologize.”

  The bar clamors with everyone paying attention to the exchange between them.

  “Why should I apologize?” Brent stands up straight, releasing the bottle.

  “Because you were rude.”

  “Riley!” Jake calls out, heading toward them.

  Riley winces, she’s in for a talking to. She can’t seem to get past all of these wolves and the way they treat her. Things are very different for panthers, they aren’t nearly as disrespectful. “Yes, sir?” She stands straight up.

  Jake takes the beer and slides it across to Brent, “Here you go, man, sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” Brent eyes Riley, victorious that he has is beer without an apology.

  Jake turns to Riley, “Riley, I really want this to work out but if you’re always disagreeing with the patrons, it’s not going to work for any of us.”

��I’m sorry, I’m just not used to men being such assholes.” Riley pulls her lips to the side, “It must be a cultural thing.”

  “Or you were just very sheltered.” Jake looks down at her, trying to find some sort of understanding. “Where are you from anyway?”

  Riley stutters for a moment, trying to think of anything other than where she’s really from. “Canada,” she says, trying not to sound unsure.

  Jake’s brow furrows with doubt, “Canada? Really?”

  “Yes,” she says with an affirmative nod.

  “It doesn’t matter to me where you’re from, but you should really try to come up with something more believable.” Jake laughs.

  “Why can’t I be from Canada, ey?” A cheeky grin spreads across Riley’s features.

  “Because I’ve never met anyone from Canada with a tan like that.” Jake quirks his brow. “And the accent is all wrong.”

  Riley looks at her arms, “I’m not that tan.”

  “Either way, I need you to be nice to the customers. I warned you that you’d be surrounded by wolves. It can be a little daunting for a human and you said you could handle it.” He pins her with a look. “Can you handle it?”

  Riley bites the inside of her cheek and takes a moment to decide how to answer. I need this job, she chants to herself. “Yeah, I can handle it.”

  “Good, I think you’re doing great otherwise.” He tosses her a bar towel.

  “Thanks,” she says, catching it. “Wolves or not, they should still know how to be polite.”

  Jake laughs, “He thought he was being polite.”

  “That’s condescending, not polite.” She turns, wiping down the bar while saying under her breath, “Now I know where the phrase comes from ‘raised by wolves’.”

  “Another little tip, we have really good hearing.” He winks at her, “But you’re right, and I’ll show you we can be polite.”

  Jake clears his throat, “Hey, guys, can I get your attention!”

  “What are you doing?” Riley hisses, tugging at the sleeve of his t-shirt.

  Everyone in the bar stops to listen and Jake starts, “Hey, guys, I haven’t properly introduced Riley. She’s our new bartender. Let’s show her that wolves can be polite.”

  The guys in the bar start to laugh, but all agree in their own way and go back to what they were doing.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Riley says. “I can hold my own.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not sure they can.” Jake starts for the back room, “Just don’t hurt anyone.”

  “Lil’ ol me?” Riley’s hand flies to her chest, feigning innocence.

  “You may not be a wolf, but I have a feeling you’re a force to be reckoned with.” He disappears in the back.

  “Damn right,” Riley says, finishing up wiping the bar down. Maybe these guys aren’t so bad, I’m not so sure why Dad always said to avoid them, she thinks to herself. But then remembers there’s a lot her dad taught her that turned out to be wrong, like trusting Uncle Davis.


  Riley checks the time, ten more minutes until closing. She finishes washing the last of the glasses and puts them in the rack to dry, then starts wiping down the tables.

  “Hey, Riley,” Brent says, picking up some empty beer bottles off one of the tables.

  “Yeah?” she says, not looking up from her work.

  “Sorry about earlier,” he says before tossing the bottles in the trash can.

  “It’s all good,” she’s hardly paying attention.

  “I really didn’t mean anything by it. It’s how we talk to each other here, it’s not meant as--”

  “Seriously, it’s okay,” Riley says with a smile, just wanting to finish so she can get out of there and go for a run.

  “What are you doing after work?” Brent asks, leaning backward against the bar.

  “Going home and going to sleep. I’m exhausted.” She may have been sheltered, but she knows when a guy’s winding up for the pitch.

  “Oh, yeah, I guess it’s kind of late.” Disappointment rides out on his tone.

  “It is.” She finishes up, clocks out and grabs her backpack from the back room. “Hey, Jake, I’m outta here.”

  “Okay, thanks for everything, Riley. I’ll see you tomorrow night?” he asks.

  “Yeah, same time?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Okay, see you then.” She turns to leave, “Oh, Brent’s still out there. I wasn’t sure if he was waiting for you.”

  Jake laughs, “He probably wants to walk you to your car.” A sincere smile lightens Jakes features, “I know we may take some getting used to, but most of us really are pretty good guys.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” She walks back out toward the front door.

  Brent walks beside her, “I’ll walk you out.”

  “I’m okay, really.” She scurries out the door, but he’s directly behind her.

  They reach the parking lot and he looks around, “Where’s your car?”

  “I walked to work,” she starts down the road.

  “Can I give you a ride?” Brent asks with concern.

  “No, really, I like the exercise. It helps me clear my head so I can go right to sleep when I get home.” She walks briskly away from him, hoping he doesn’t follow her. “But thank you.”

  Brent watches as she walks away into the darkness, trying to figure her out. He doesn’t like the idea of a woman walking home by herself. Especially since she’s human.

  Riley walks a mile away from the bar and ditches into the woods. She’s relieved when she reaches her camp without Brent having followed her.

  She clutches her amulet and says a silent thanks, it’s helping her keep up her human front. But she needs to shift soon, and run. It’s the only time she feels completely in control.

  Riley drops her backpack in her tent and takes four steps away before raising a protective charm around it. It’s invisible to anyone but her.

  She continues south to get out of Harsh Moon Pack’s territory. She’s learned a lot from being on the run for so long. Like the fact that no shifter pack wants a stranger roaming their lands. She doesn’t want any entanglements with the pack, just to lay low, make some money until it’s time to move on.

  Riley reaches a safe point and strips down, she leaves her clothes at the base of a tree and shifts into her panther.

  For her it’s like taking her bra off when she gets home, this is where she’s happy and comfortable. She sniffs at the air for anything or anyone nearby. Nothing threatening and she begins to run, letting her long sleek body stretch out with each stride she makes forward.

  Chapter Four

  Ryder sits silently on the couch as his mother goes on and on about how it’s time for him to settle down and find a mate.

  “Ryder! Are you listening to me?” she says in a shrill voice that crackles through his head.

  Ryder stands and puts his hands on his mother’s shoulders, “Mom, I love you. I understand you want me to be happy, but have you given any thought at all to the fact that I am happy?”

  “But our kind isn’t meant to be alone. We all have a mate, one person that’s ours forever,” she says in a pleading tone.

  “What if I don’t?” he argues. “What if my mate is gone, or never existed?”

  “That’s not possible.” She looks to Brennan, “Tell him.”

  “Son,” Dad’s taking over now, “I know you’ve enjoyed your travels, but what’s next for you?”

  “More travels,” Ryder says. “I’ve been all over the world. I’ve seen the seven wonders, seen how other packs live from Scotland to Tibet. I love the adventure, I love meeting new people and new races. Did you even know there are shifters other than bears, wolves and cats?”

  His parents exchange a concerned look. “Of course we know, but we don’t need to go out and find them.”

  “Well I do. It’s what makes me happy,” Ryder says, standing up to not feel caged in.

  Cynthia and Brennan exch
ange a look and glance at Peyton, “Aren’t you happy?”

  Peyton lifts his hands in surrender, “I’ve told him, having Martha as my mate is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  Ryder flashes him an angry look, “I need to go for a run.”

  “Do not walk away from us,” Cynthia demands and looks to Brennan. “Do something!”

  “Ryder, at least take part in the ceremony. If your mate is there, then it’s fate. If not, then then you’re clear.” Brennan puts his hand on Ryder’s shoulder, halting him before he can leave, “Please.”

  “Fine,” Ryder agrees, then turns to his mother. “But no pressure from you. If my mate’s not there, that’s the end of it.”

  “Okay.” Cynthia nods, “But if she is…”

  Ryder walks out onto the front porch, not letting his mother finish. He runs his fingers through his hair before taking off his clothes. He’s ready for a run, to let loose and be wild. His wolf has been wanting to get out and run the familiar forest since he got home looking for some inkling of change.

  Ryder blames his restlessness on being home and feeling locked into something he doesn’t want to do. But deep down he knows that it’s his nature.

  He makes the shift and takes off running at full speed down the road and darts into the trees. Familiar scents come flooding back to him in the form of his memories as a child.

  He tries to clear his mind and pushes forward faster. He can’t stop thinking about an exit plan. How can he get out of the scenting ceremony? His mother is going to try to push Holly on him again. It didn’t work last time, so why would it this time?

  He catches the scent of something vaguely familiar but unknown. He changes direction toward the aroma that’s dragging him from his planned path. The sweet scent of exotic fruits, the flavor explodes on his palate.

  Ryder comes to a stop in a small clearing where the scent is the strongest. It’s intoxicating, intriguing and he’s driven to find the source.

  He lets out a howl calling to whomever the scent belongs to, desperate to find her.

  A sleek black panther stalks into the clearing. Ryder watches her fluid movements as she treads carefully around him in a wide circle, observing him closely.


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