One Last Shot (Blood Stone Riot Book 2)

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One Last Shot (Blood Stone Riot Book 2) Page 10

by Julie Archer

  The band were backstage, preparing to play. As they waited for their time to come, Richey’s only disappointment came from not being able to speak to Eva properly before they set off. Once they got home the weekend would be full of packing and organising for the tour, and there wouldn’t be much time for them to be alone. In his favour, he had finally broken the news to Gabrielle that they wouldn’t be seeing each other, using the tour as an excuse. He lied, saying he was looking forward to playing the big rock star and basically shagging as many girls as possible in the space of time that they would be away. She had taken it surprisingly well and came into The Indigo Lounge that very evening with a North Ridge Athletic youth team player on her arm.

  Blood Stone Riot’s short set was well-received, and when they went to take their seats for dinner, several musicians Richey recognised stopped him to say how well he had done. He couldn’t quite believe that his peers were being so complimentary.

  When they got to the table, he found himself seated on the opposite side to Eva. His gaze drifted to her every so often, and she either looked away very quickly or tried to hold his eyes for a little bit longer than was necessary. She looked absolutely stunning in a figure-hugging black burnout velvet dress that dipped low at the front, affording him more than a glimpse of the cleavage he had fallen for when he first met her. Despite the fact that he had seen her in far less clothing, her dress that night had him hooked. Her dark hair was pulled up into a messy bun, tendrils framing her face, and her make-up was dark and smoky. It made him want to wrestle her into a dark corner and kiss her until they couldn’t breathe. But until he’d actually spoken to her—and gone some way to explaining why he had taken off—he couldn’t do any of that.

  The awards came and went in a bit of a blur. Richey clapped when everyone else did, but his mind was elsewhere. He had been careful not to drink too much, not wanting to spoil any kind of sensible conversation he might have with Eva. He wanted to catch her on her own, so as soon as she excused herself to go to the ladies, he gave it a couple of minutes and followed her.

  It was a little like a rabbit warren as he followed the signs down the stairs to the facilities. He stood awkwardly outside, trying not to look dodgy, glancing up every time someone exited the door. Finally, Eva appeared. She stopped as she saw him.

  “Are you lost? Shouldn’t you be over there?” She pointed to the other corridor that went to the gents.

  Richey shook his head. “Nope, definitely need to be here.”

  “I didn’t see Gabrielle in the queue...”

  “You wouldn’t. In fact, you won’t see her ever again.”

  Eva inclined her head. “Is that right?”

  Women coming in and out tutted at the pair. Richey reached out and grabbed Eva’s hand, pulling her into a corridor that signposted the hotel’s spa and beauty salon.

  They stood in the dimly lit passageway, facing each other, Richey still holding Eva’s hand. “I needed to talk to you before I go away.”

  “Couldn’t you just have done it at home?”

  “After the other night, I didn’t feel I could.” Richey paused. “I’m sorry I ran. I...” He faltered. “I shouldn’t have done that, I was wrong. I didn’t want to stop.” He was unable to meet Eva’s eyes.

  “Who needed you so urgently anyway? Was it Gabrielle?”

  He shook his head. “It was an old friend. Just someone I hadn’t heard from in a very long time and I wasn’t expecting to hear from at all. It was a shock, and I didn’t handle it well.” Finally he looked up. Eva’s brown eyes bored into him.

  “You could just have told me at the time.”

  “I know, I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks for letting me know.” Eva let go of his hand and turned as if to leave.

  “Wait.” Richey reached out and touched her arm. “Don’t go.”

  She stopped. Richey didn’t hesitate this time. He pulled her back towards him, his lips crushing hers, possessing her mouth with his. She tensed, but then relaxed into him. He pulled her body close to him, his palms caressed her buttocks through the material of her dress, soft under his touch. As he kissed her, he could feel himself getting hard. His tongue explored her mouth, and he was consumed with the desire to rip her clothes off there and then. Hungrily, they clawed at each other until Eva drew back.

  “Not here,” she said. “We can’t, there are too many people around.”

  Richey instantly heard the chatter coming from outside the doors. And while it was a turn on to think of someone finding them, he didn’t want their first time to be like that. “My hotel is a few minutes away, if you can wait that long.”

  Eva pressed her body against his, stroking the side of his face. “I’ll try...”

  They barrelled out of the door, hand in hand and bumped straight into Alik.

  “Richey, good, I wondered where you had got to. Joel from Roccia wants a quick word, he’s thinking of putting a short piece in this week’s issue, review of tonight, plug the tour, that sort of thing. He wants to talk to you. He’s waiting at the bar.” Alik looked between Richey and Eva. “You don’t mind, do you, Eva?”

  Richey was about to interject, when Eva replied. “Of course not, Alik. Let’s go and find him.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  After dinner, Poppy sat alone at the table, wondering whether she should just go home. Parker had been insistent that she attend the thing, although he was nowhere to be seen. She and Nate had barely spoken throughout the meal. They hadn’t yet got to the part where they were comfortable talking about the future and what might happen with their marriage. Eva was around somewhere, although Poppy hadn’t seen her since dinner had ended. She was about to feign a headache and call a taxi when she saw someone she did recognise.

  “What are you doing here?” Poppy asked Chrissy as the blonde approached the table.

  Chrissy, resplendent in a burgundy lace number, her hair teased to within an inch of its life, leaned down and kissed her on both cheeks. “Parker invited me.”

  Poppy looked past her and saw Parker walking towards them, a glass of champagne in each hand. She wasn’t prepared for the unexpected stab of jealousy that jolted her chest. “Oh.”

  “Hi, Poppy,” said Parker. He gave her one of the glasses.

  She stared at him, meeting his eyes, and was surprised when he immediately looked away. Chrissy swiped the other glass from his grasp and said something about seeing someone she wanted to talk to, before disappearing into the crowd.

  Parker sat down next to her, in the seat Nate had been in.

  “Why did you bring Chrissy?”

  He shrugged. “We bumped into each other a couple of nights ago and I mentioned this evening to her. She sort of invited herself along.”

  That sounded like Chrissy. She was always up for a night out, particularly if there was the chance of someone famous being there. Although, the majority of people at the Roccia event probably weren’t her type. She went to sip some more champagne and was surprised to find her glass already empty. She glanced around the table to see if there was any wine left, but all she could see were empty bottles. Defeated, she sank back into her chair with a sigh.

  Parker asked if she wanted another drink. She readily agreed when he suggested going somewhere a little quieter and followed him into the hotel bar. He found them a quiet table in one corner of the room. Poppy settled into the booth and watched as Parker went to the bar. He was so different to Nate; easily commanding the barman’s attention and bantering with him while he got the bottle of wine Parker wanted. She pretended to be busy checking her phone but was really checking Parker out. He was, as ever, impeccably dressed; the sharp cut of his Savile Row suit emphasised the strength in his body. It wasn’t long before he was back at the table with a bottle of St Emilion and two glasses. He poured them both a generous glass and handed one to Poppy. Their fingers brushed, and her stomach fizzed with something—anticipation? Or possibly the effects of the champagne, but more likely the effects of Parker
himself. She smiled, suddenly feeling rather decadent. Poppy subtly rearranged her dress to display a little more cleavage and settled back into her chair, crossing her legs so the hem of her dress rode up, revealing her shapely thighs.

  “What have you been up to since I last saw you?” Parker asked.

  “Never mind what I’ve been up to, let’s just imagine what I could get up to,” she said.

  “Such as?”

  Poppy ran her fingertip around the rim of her wine glass and licked her lips. “Well, we could perhaps find somewhere a bit more private to finish this conversation...”

  She read the look on Parker’s face and put her hand to her mouth in horror. “Oh, God, I’m so sorry!” she cried. Poppy felt herself going red. “I thought...I was nice to...” She flinched at the word ‘nice.’ She went to get up.

  Parker put his hand on her arm. “Poppy, where are you going?”

  “I thought...I shouldn’t have said anything. I should go.”

  “Then let’s go together.”

  “Go where?”

  “I have a room here.”

  Parker stood up, towering over her, and suddenly Poppy realised how powerful he could be. He put a hand in the small of her back and propelled her towards the lifts, taking control just like that. She shivered, feeling herself get slick between her legs. As they waited with a few other couples, Poppy glanced around to see if she could see Eva. It fleetingly crossed her mind that she ought to let someone know where she was going.

  The lift whizzed up to the penthouse and Parker took her hand to lead her to the corner suite.

  “Lexi booked it when we were still together and she thought she would be coming. She always figured that if she had a room, she could escape if things got a bit dull.”

  Poppy caught her breath as she entered the room. The view from the top floor was amazing, looking down over Kensington Gardens. If she squinted, she could just see the London Eye.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “I take it you didn’t just want to see the view?” Parker came up behind her, standing tantalisingly close to her but not touching her. She could feel his breath on her neck.

  Without another word, he turned her around. His mouth swooped down on hers, one hand around the back of her neck, the other caressing her hip. He gently pushed her back towards the huge, king sized bed, and she fell backwards onto the soft, squishy covers. He stood up long enough to divest himself of his suit jacket and tie and unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a smooth, toned chest.

  Poppy sighed as he unzipped her dress and eased it from her body. She banished all thoughts of reality from her mind and gave in to the sensations that were coursing through her. He let out a sigh as his hands ran over her skin, seemingly not minding the stretch marks and slightly fleshy bits. His fingers slipped inside her panties and started stroking her relentlessly. Poppy writhed against his touch, it had been a long time since anyone but Nate had touched her and it felt different, but good. As he knelt beside her, his other hand found its way to her mouth, at first softly caressing her lips before slipping an index finger between them. Automatically, Poppy began to suck, gently to begin with, then working her tongue around. Parker increased the pressure on her throbbing clitoris with his thumb. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he inserted a couple of fingers inside her. Poppy’s whole body started to shake as he brought her to a shattering orgasm.

  “Jesus!” she cried. “Oh, God, what just happened?”

  Parker sighed. “This...” He took her hand and held it against his crotch. His dick was rock hard. He shed the remainder of his clothes and ripped Poppy’s panties from her, tossing them aside.

  It was Poppy’s turn to sigh as she saw the size of him, erect and clearly wanting her. Leaning back against the quilt, she spread her legs. She needed to feel him inside her. He didn’t need further invitation as he positioned himself on top of her, thrusting easily into her wetness. Poppy moaned, bucking her hips in the same rhythm as Parker, feeling his girth as he rocked backwards and forward. He thrust, harder and deeper until she could barely breathe. As he hit her g-spot, her world exploded around her.

  Parker cried out her name as he came, collapsing on top of her. After a few moments, he lifted himself up on his elbows and gave her a lopsided grin. “That was nice,” he said.

  Poppy punched him on the arm. “Not funny.”

  He growled and pulled her towards him, kissing her hard.

  As she nestled into his chest, Poppy felt a multitude of emotions: guilt, after all she and Nate were technically still together; confusion, Parker was part of the problem that had caused their trial separation in the first place; and contentment.

  Parker slid a hand between her legs again and suddenly all but the last emotion slipped away.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Poppy woke from the best night’s sleep she’d had in ages. She stretched out in the huge, unfamiliar bed. It was lovely not to have been woken up several times by India or by someone snoring. The thought of a man brought Poppy’s memory back with startling clarity, and she sat bolt upright, clutching the sheet to her naked breasts.

  “Parker?” she called.

  The bathroom door was open and there didn’t seem to be any sign of him; no discarded clothes or shoes, no mobile. As she turned to look around the room again, she caught sight of a note scribbled on the hotel stationery, propped up against the lamp on the bedside table: Thought you could do with a lie in. Enjoy breakfast and don’t worry, everything is paid for! X

  Shit! What time was it? Poppy scanned the room for her clutch bag and finally located it nestling behind a cushion on one of the plush, overstuffed chairs. She pulled out her phone, wincing as she saw half a dozen missed calls from Eva, three from Chrissy, and one from Daria. Eva had left three messages, each one becoming more concerned. Chrissy had rambled on drunkenly for several minutes, and Poppy couldn’t actually make sense of what she was saying. Daria’s call was from that morning, and she hadn’t deigned to leave a message, which meant Poppy would have to call her back later to find out what she wanted.

  Thinking quickly, she checked the time again and dialled Eva’s number. As it rang, she got back into bed and snuggled down, pulling the covers around her for protection.

  Eva answered on the fourth ring. “Poppy! Thank God! Where the hell have you been?”

  “I’m still at the hotel,” she began. “I came down with a terrible migraine last night but couldn’t find you anywhere. I, er, bumped into Parker while I was looking for you and he suggested I lie down in his room for a while until I was feeling better. I just crashed and only woke up a few minutes ago.” At least the last bit wasn’t a total lie.

  “I thought you were a bit quiet last night. I’d assumed it was something to do with seeing Nate again,” said Eva. “Do you want me to come and get you?”

  “No, no, it’s fine. I’ll get a shower here, then come and meet you so we can go home together as planned.” Poppy checked the time again. “I’ll be there in an hour.”

  “Okay, see you soon.”

  As Poppy dropped her phone on the quilt beside her, she contemplated the lie she had just told Eva. She reached for the note Parker had left, examining his spiky, spidery handwriting. A smile crept across her face. How had he known that a lie-in was one of the best things he could have given her? After the orgasms, of course. Her thighs twinged, bringing back memories of the previous evening and the things they had done. They had been quite adventurous, trying positions that were—to Poppy, at least—unfamiliar.

  Poppy dragged herself from under the covers and went into the bathroom. She looked longingly at the deep, claw-foot bath, but there wasn’t time for that. She scrubbed her face with soap and water and used some of the expensive cleanser to wipe away the remnants of the previous night’s make-up. As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she looked different, a slight sparkle in her eye that made her seem more alive.

  After a reviving shower powere
d by a strong, eight-head jet stream of water, Poppy collected her clothes. Her dress was crumpled but it would have to do, and at least her coat would cover it, as long as the cloakroom still had it. She found one shoe under the bed and the other discarded by the mini bar. Her bra was tangled up in the duvet, and she spotted her panties under the desk. She snatched them up, mortified to discover that they were ripped and still damp from her arousal, brought about by Parker’s clever, clever fingers. Poppy flushed deeply, even though there was no-one to see her, and stuffed them into her clutch bag. It would have to be commando.

  She wriggled into her bra and pulled her dress over her head, tugging the hem down as far as she could to cover herself. She did a final sweep of the room, satisfied that she hadn’t left anything there, and made her way downstairs. She was utterly convinced that everyone would know she wasn’t wearing underwear and would therefore realise what happened between her and Parker.

  When Poppy got to the cloakroom, she was distraught to find it shut and she was forced to go and speak to the austere-looking receptionist.

  “Can I help you, madam?” the woman asked. She fixed Poppy with an overly bright smile, although her face didn’t move.

  “Um, yes, I was at the awards ceremony here last night and forgot to take my coat back to my room. Can I get it now?” Poppy fumbled in her bag for the reclaim ticket and nearly pulled out her ruined knickers as well.

  “Of course, and do you have your room key for checking out?” The woman took the ticket and called to one of her colleagues to assist.

  “Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry, I left the key in the room.” Poppy smacked her forehead.

  The receptionist smiled again. “No problem, just tell me the room number and I can check everything is in order.”

  Poppy racked her brain, but the number wouldn’t come to her. “It was the penthouse, I think, but Parker said everything has been paid for. No, wait, I think the room was in Lexi Bloom’s name.”


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