Eclipsed by Midnight

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Eclipsed by Midnight Page 6

by Kristina Canady

  “Um—we dropped out this semester,” Lysa begins in a timid voice, allowing her long, dark hair to fall forward into her face.

  “Yeah, we tried talking them out of it, but hey, they are eighteen and do what they want, I suppose.” Ang grunts before attempting another pathetic bite, her heart not quite into anything at the moment. Why the heck had Ang not mentioned that sooner? We talk almost every damn day. Then again, the conversations have been short and her head not quite in it.

  Jesus Christ, even the boys look like they might pass out into their Eggs Benedict from sheer exhaustion. We should have just cancelled this. I tried, but Ang insisted for some ungodly reason.

  “Christian, how have you been feeling?” I attempt again, but then quickly chastise myself for even asking such a stupid thing.

  “Like I’m dying?” he deadpans, and the room falls motionless.

  Well, shit.

  “Hey man, you catch that Bronco’s game?” Etienne finally speaks, his thick accent ringing out over the room and lighting up Christian’s face like nothing else could. The season has just begun and that means so has fantasy football—well, all things football. Ang has done nothing but bitch about how all Christian wants to do is watch stats on his phone or the game on the big screen when they should be out and about, knocking off a bucket list of sorts. Come to think of it, that’s about all I’ve heard about, and work crap grinding on her nerves. Isn’t it nice how we’ve been sitting here for twenty minutes and my mate just now decides to speak up and break the tension with this jewel I didn’t even know he knew anything about. He knows I’ve been over here struggling, obviously. I think he actually likes to watch me squirm. What am I saying—I know he does. One of his finest qualities—not.

  Bastard even has the gall to wink at me as he moves smoothly into engaging Christian in a deep conversation over sports and the politics of, or something like that, and completely ignoring that the rest of us exist.

  “How have you guys been feeling? Any better?” Liz pipes up and asks the boys. Ethan and Aiden grumble some classic, generic teen boy replies, attempting to avoid the topic of their health with a ten-foot pole. The girls’ faces immediately fall into a dejected state as they clearly see that they are being put off by two more men they care about. It’s bad enough their father has withdrawn.

  We have to fix this. The girls need to bond with their dad now, and they are going to need closure with the boys, as that chapter is going to have to end too. Once the boys turn, they will have to phase themselves out of their lives. None of these kids know it yet, but that is the cold, hard truth. Sure, they’ve been as close as siblings their entire lives, but this world is too dangerous for the girls to be involved. It is bad enough the boys are getting a crash course. As my mind wanders down a “how can we fix this” path, Erik and Roman scents hit my nose as they stroll in.

  “Well, isn’t this a fabulous family meal of sorts, and to think we weren’t invited.” Erik harrumphs with a pout as he leans against the polished wood of the dining entry way and Roman hangs in the back. The girls, as well as Ang, shift uncomfortably with the new presence, and the girls can’t seem to take their eyes off the two either, fully entranced by the testosterone in the room. Shit.

  “So glad my annoying brother from another mother decided to join us—” I mutter. “Everyone, this is my adopted brother of sorts and Etienne’s personal assistant, Erik. The lurker in the back is Roman, one of Etienne’s er—uh… employees and family friends.” Damn it, where is Niall when you need him? This stuff is just too hard. Explaining our life with human, acceptable explanations while protecting them from the truth is damn near impossible. I tend to be too honest and straightforward these days. How the hell I kept my secret for eight years after turning, I will never know.

  Everyone begins to exchange pleasantries when Erik leans over me and steals the Danish off my plate. I smack his arm, hard, ready to take the fucker down right then and there to get it back when Etienne’s hand comes to rest on my shoulder, reminding me of our present company. With a growl from my end and an evil snicker from Erik, we let it go. That is, until Erik sticks his tongue out at me and I sneak a gust of my essence to trip him. He lands on his ass right next to Lysa and Liz, causing them to giggle and his face to momentarily flush before brushing it off. Etienne shakes his head, turning back to Christian to resume their conversation. I ignore them all to dig back into my food as if nothing happened.

  “So, Elizabeth and Alissa, I’m told you two play ball, too?” Erik grins like a Cheshire cat, smoothly getting up from his ass-plant with eyes locked on Liz, which causes both the girls to wiggle in their seats and hormones to blaze. I know he comes off as attractive to some, but I just don’t see it, and now, he is playing with fire.

  “Yeah, we do,” Liz nervously replies. Aiden doesn’t take kindly to this as his energy shifts darkly and his eyes narrow at Erik.

  “Awesome. This brunch seems pretty lame for all you youngins. Why don’t you all come join Roman and me for a game of three on three?” Erik seems innocent enough in his delivery, but the thought of Ang’s girls being alone with my currently volatile sons knowing full and well how heated the four get when they play ball together doesn’t seem smart at all.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” I gingerly wipe my mouth and shoot Ang a look.

  “Yeah, these four get a bit competitive,” Ang adds.

  “Babe, they will be fine. Let them go if they want to,” Christian interjects, paying attention for once.

  “Roman and I will babysit. It will be fun. If they get too rowdy, we’ll have a dance off or something,” Erik jests, causing the scowl on Aiden’s face to deepen. I see the shadows shift in Aiden as Ethan tries to placate him.

  “Come on, bro, no harm no foul.” Ethan stands and motions for the girls to follow them outside.

  Worry for Aiden has me calling air to me and whispering under my breath a small message to be delivered to my son’s ears only. Deep breaths, my son. He is harmless, and it is his way of trying to help. Sitting back, I intently watch Aiden’s face for a reaction. Within seconds, he looks up at me, startled. Taking a moment to settle himself, he nods and gets up to trail after the others. Wow, that actually worked. Feeling pretty proud of myself, I turn back around to the other adults with a smile and find Etienne watching me intently.

  “What?” I innocently mouth. He grunts, throwing me one of his classic looks before turning back to Christian, spouting off some player or another’s stats.

  “Ang, wanna head into the parlor?” She nods in relief as if she needs a break while these two yammer on.

  Walking behind her, down the hall and into the cozy room with a roaring fire, I notice how thin she’s getting and how grey her energy has become. It is a far cry from the ball of fire I’ve known far too long.

  “Girlfriend, what is going on?” I ask as I pour tea from the pot Molly had set out. That female has always had a sixth sense with these things, and for that, I am truly blessed. It is the little things in life.

  “You already know.” Ang picks up the teacup, kicks off her ballet flats, and slips back into the chaise.

  “Last I knew, you and the hubs were hammering out a bucket list and trying to live it up. Instead, you two are now depressed and are both looking anorexic.”

  “He’s tired all the time, constantly going through the stages of grief and taking it out on us in a subconscious way. He seems like he regrets not starting treatment yet still refuses to try. I’ve come so damn close to asking you to use your mind mumbo-jumbo on him but can’t bring myself to do it. He needs to process how he needs to. Do you know, we’ve never even been to Disney world and I can’t get him to consider it?” Her dark brown, almond eyes dampen as her lips slowly sip on the porcelain cup with Japanese cherry blossoms. My eyes linger on the lovely blossoms adorning the cup as her fingers grip it for dear life. She sniffs back the reservoir of sadness wanting to pour forward.

  The fire pops in the backgroun
d, the hiss and sizzle giving me an idea. There’s a reason why that element and I have been tight from the beginning.

  “Ang, you said Christian’s bucket list destination was Japan and you just wanted a family getaway like Disneyland, right?”

  “Yeah.” Her eyes find mine, widening in curiosity.

  “Well, we’ve got a few dilemmas I think we can take care of with my grandmother dearest’s money. First, you were right—about the boys being more like me.”

  “Oh, God in heaven. I am so sorry, Sasha!” Her eyes begin to well again with slick tears and she reaches for a napkin. I hadn’t told her on the phone because it needed to happen in person—another reason for this breakfast.

  “Ang, it’s okay. We are dealing with it. I am not gonna lie; I didn’t tell you sooner because it hasn’t been easy at all. Shit’s been hard and Aiden even tougher, but I think we made some headway last night. Anyway, I don’t want you to worry.”

  “Sash, I am worried. You don’t realize how close our kids are—Liz and Aiden especially,” she gently imparts.

  “What do you mean? They’ve always been buddies; that’s nothing new.” Bringing my cup to my lips, I allow the warmth and herbal flavor to roll over my tongue, inhaling the steam as I go to intensify the experience.

  “No, Sash, like really close.” She blows her nose as my eyes cut to hers.

  “No,” is all I can manage.

  “Yes, they’ve fallen for one another. It’s been coming, friend. The whole bunch has always loved, fought, and played like brothers and sisters, but those two have always been different with each other.”

  “I said no!” I yell and jump to my feet, my cup falling from my hand to drench the padded carpet below as Molly comes in the room with a tray of fruit and cheese.

  “Sasha, sit your ass down. There is nothing that we can do about it,” Ang scolds with a fierce hiss.

  “This is unbelievable. This is what happens when I am locked away in a fucking prison, then swept up in trying to get my head right and deal with my husband’s family bullshit? My kid goes and falls in love with your kid and I don’t have a fucking clue? This? Really? In the midst of Christian’s illness and the boys impending change? You have no idea what this means! They can’t be together, Ang.” My heart leaps into my chest and my stomach drops to the floor.

  “And why the hell not, Sasha? Is she not good enough for him? Is that what this is about?” Immediately on the defense, her instincts jump into overdrive.

  “You know damn well that is not even the issue at all. You know I love your girls like my own!” Our voices are getting heated and beginning to draw attention as our respective momma bears growl. Etienne and Christian come from the dining room to poke their heads around the corner only to be shoo’ed away by Molly, standing guard.

  “Why can’t our kids have a fraction of happiness in the midst of all this other shit going on?” Ang is suddenly in my face, nose for nose, a romantic fighting for fledgling love.

  “They are vampires, Ang. They are going to turn and could die in the process. Then, if they even fucking survive—goddess willing—they will spend months learning to control themselves so that they don’t make a snack out of your girls!” I holler in anguish, the possibility of losing my kids washing over me and tearing me apart all over again. Ang’s arms drop to her side as her face freezes in an “oh” moment. “They are going to be dangerous, Ang. This world is not meant for humans. I would die a thousand, tortuous deaths if anything happened to you or your family because of me and mine. Don’t you get that?” My eyes dampen as her face screws up, ready to bawl.

  “Why did you let me in then? God, this all sucks!” she wails and comes around the coffee table to collapse into my arms, the weight of world too much for either of us.

  “I tried to keep you out, you cow. But you wouldn’t hear of it. You wouldn’t leave it be.” I sob and bury my face into her hair.

  “Why am I so hard headed? I should have listened. Then maybe we could have spared the kids this.” And that’s when we both really lose it and fall onto the couch in a heap of estrogen-fueled pain. Molly comes and sits by us, holding the tissues and rubbing our arms while whispering sweet things. After a while, the storm subsides and we are able to sit back to take shaky breaths.

  “Now, dears, doesn’t that feel better? A good cry always helps,” Molly chirps and begins cleaning up our mess.

  “Molly, how did you do it? How did you allow yourself to love Edward when you knew he would pass so soon?” Ang blubbers, not even thinking.

  Molly’s face falls before becoming lost in thought. She shuffles back around the table and falls into the wingback across from us as her fingers begin to thoughtfully play with the diamond bracelet around her delicate wrist.

  “Oh, Molly, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.” Ang realizes the chasm of emotion she has opened for our lovely friend.

  “Rubbish, not to worry, dear. That man was the love of my life. Roman’s father was a lovely male. Don’t get me wrong, a bit potty, but a good husband and father. When he suddenly died, I was quite lost. All of my young had been reared and were off on their own, even Roman, the baby. When Etienne took me in and restored my purpose in life, he also brought that cheeky sod into my life. Edward was like no one I had ever met. While the new position of head of house for Etienne gave me purpose, Edward gave me passion—a reason to breathe a bit deeper, to smile a bit longer. His mind was as brilliant as his personality and he challenged me in ways I had never been before. He made me feel bright, beautiful, and sexy—all foreign things before him. The gifts he gave me one can never repay, and for that, I am eternally grateful. In all of my years, I never thought I would fall for a human and enter the happiest phase of my life. The end result was inevitable. We both knew it. I feel his loss every day, much more so than my first mate. But, at the end of the day, it was worth it. To have been bestowed what I had through his love for me remains well worth the subsequent pain I endure in his absence.” She becomes lost in the firelight as we sit and ponder, dabbing away the remnants of sadness. I understand where she is coming from. Having now known the level of love and passion I now do, it was very much worth the leap of faith.

  “What do you think about our kids’ situation?”

  “Let it play out as it will. Don’t try to keep them apart. You know that leads to more troubles.”

  “You know very well what can happen when they turn. I won’t risk the girls’ lives like that,” I remind her. I’ve heard horror stories studying with Damien.

  “Of course, but weren’t you beginning to tell Angelique of a brilliant idea prior to your disagreement?” Molly gently reminds me, making my mind race forward once more with a gasp.

  “Yes! Ang, you and Christian take the girls to Tokyo. There is a Disney park there. You can take our jet and spend a few weeks, go wherever you want. Money isn’t an issue.”

  “Geez, Sash, that’s an amazing offer, but he doesn’t have the energy or the mindset for that. He’s been in such a mood.”

  “That is where your cool bestie with magical voodoo comes into play. Let me play with his mind. I promise I won’t alter anything important. Just let me take away the pain and depression so you can enjoy what little time you have left with him in peace.”

  Her whole body tenses up as fear of the unknown washes over her. “You wouldn’t manipulate him into anything he wouldn’t want, right?”


  “I have to ask—for my peace of mind.” That was one promise he made Ang make and she would keep indefinitely.

  “No, I would never go against his wishes like that. You know that.” She pauses for a long while, lost in possibility. Molly and I fix another cup of tea while we give her the time and space she needs.

  “Okay, let’s do it. Please, Sasha, give me my husband back for the little time that I have him.” She grabs my hands and searches my eyes. “We don’t need your money or all that stuff. I just need him back.” Tears silently trail back do
wn her cheeks as resolve claims her and hope lights her tired being.

  “When do you want to do it?” I smile, happy to see the cloud lift ever so slightly from her.

  “Now, right now.” She is dead serious about this.

  “Ang, we’ve got an audience not far away.” My head tilts toward the door.

  “The boys can take the girls to a movie or something.”

  “The boys have been up all night and had a tiny nap before you got here. They are exhausted.”

  “Doesn’t Erik have a TV room? Can’t they go in there while Etienne stands guard?”

  “You can use my quarters if you need,” Molly offers.

  “Good Lord, you really are determined to get this done now.”

  “I want him back, even if it is just for a brief moment. I don’t know who that man in there is anymore, but he’s not my Christian.”

  “Is this because of the football? I mean, most men don’t come back to us until what? February?” The corners of my mouth dare to lift.

  “I’m serious.” For as young as she normally looks for her almost forty years, she has aged a decade over the last few months.

  “One condition.”

  Ang’s eyebrows hit the ceiling. “That would be…?” She bites her lower lip in worry.

  “That you take the plane and my money to go on the trip of a lifetime. Take the girls and don’t come back until Thanksgiving. Live a little, bond, laugh, and experience joy—all together as a family. This also gives me the chance to get the boys together. Aiden especially doesn’t need any distractions.”

  “What’s wrong with him?” Concern pinches her brow as I catch their scents becoming stronger.

  “Not now—they are coming back inside. Let’s just say his stubborn nature has us worried and that this transition might be the hardest on him.”

  The sound of laughter and friendly, competitive voices bounce down the hall toward us. Two happy sets of twins round the doorway, immersed in happy chatter as Roman and Erik follow them in. Roman catches sight of Ang and pauses before backing up to lean against the wall instead of taking a seat.


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