Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5) Page 1

by Erin Osborne

  Killer’s Obsession

  Phantom Bastards MC

  Book 5

  Erin Osborne

  Copyright 2020© Erin Osborne

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Photographer: Reggie Deanching at RplusM Photography

  Cover Model: Connor Smith

  Cover Design: Graphics by Shelly

  Editor: Melissa Kulis and Tammy Carney

  Proofreader: Kim Richards

  Killer’s Obsession Blurb

  Gwen Andrews

  My life has been horrible since the very beginning. I’ve been isolated my entire life. No friends or anyone to help me escape my own personal hell. Not until my father does something horrible. Then, I get rescued. And find out my life isn’t what I ever thought it was before. I have a sister and we didn’t know about one another. Now, I have a chance to live my life the way I was meant to. Unfortunately, everyone treats me as if I’m younger than I really am. I still don’t have the independence I crave. It’s the one thing I want and the one thing I don’t know if I’ll ever get.

  Tristan ‘Killer’ Long

  I’m the Enforcer for the Phantom Bastards MC. It’s what I live for; my club brothers are my only family members. Until one girl captures my attention and I feel horrible for wanting someone younger than me. A girl who’s never had the chance to live her life or experience things normal females her age do. However, I’m selfish and it’s only a matter of time before Gwen is mine. I play for keeps and I don’t share. I’ll protect her, love her, and make sure she has whatever her heart desires.

  Can Gwen give in to her longing for Killer? Will Killer be able to save her when it really counts?


  This books is dedicated to Reggie Deanching. You have helped me find amazing images for the last five years. Almost. You’re an amazing photographer and I enjoy working with you to create some amazing covers to bring my stories to life. Thank you for everything!

  Character List


  President: Tony ‘Slim’ Busch

  V. President: Griffin ‘Playboy’ Busch

  Secretary: Travis ‘Des’ King

  Treasurer: Paul ‘Grizzly’ Stone

  Enforcer: Tristan ‘Killer’ Long

  Sgt. At Arms: John ‘Stryker’ Gilbert

  Road Captain: Brantley ‘Wood’ Parker

  Tech: Gunner ‘Fox’ Stevens

  Thomas ‘Boy Scout’ Reed

  Christian ‘Hitter’ Matthews

  Elliott ‘Whino’ Kinsella

  Craig ‘Ghost’ Tucker

  Joel ‘Hound’ Carlson

  Alex ‘Vault’ Stone

  Zach ‘Valor’ Stone


  Clayton Bradford

  Ian Brown

  Old Ladies:

  Jennifer Hayes – Wood and Boy Scout

  Shy Carter – Slim

  Sam – Playboy

  House Bunnies:










  Strip Club – Allure

  Nightclub – Phantom

  Bar – Bottoms Up

  Tattoo Parlor – Phantom Ink

  Diner – BF Diner

  Note to the Readers

  In Killer’s Obsession, you’ll find that I’ve left part of the story open. I did this for a reason, and it will be wrapped up in Fox’s Fury, the next book in the series. When you get to the part of the story, you’ll figure out what I’m talking about. Thank you all for reading this book and entering Killer and Gwen’s world.

  Thank You,


  Table of Contents

  Killer’s Obsession

  Copyright 2020© Erin Osborne

  Killer’s Obsession Blurb


  Character List

  Note to the Readers

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Killer’s Obsession Playlist

  About Me


  Other Books

  Chapter One


  AFTER THE LAST cookout we had at the clubhouse, I was moved out of my sister’s house. She shares a home with her man, Fox, and I was staying with them. I have been since arriving in Benton Falls with the Phantom Bastards. It was good for Kim and me so we could work on building our relationship with one another. Now, I no longer live with them. I live with Killer.

  I had gone to the library for a few hours to do some research and fill out what I needed for school. When I got home, there wasn’t anything in my room. Kim, Fox, and Killer had been sitting in the living room and didn’t say a word to me as I casually walked through to take care of my things before joining them. Talk about getting the shock of my life when I walked through my door to find the room stripped bare of all my belongings.

  The first thoughts going through my mind had been they got tired of me always being around. Even though I had talked to Fox about things at the cookout. I’m not sure what happened as I stood in the middle of the empty room with tears streaming down my face. My heart was breaking as I realized they didn’t want me here any longer. Fox and Kim wanted to move on with their lives and that no longer included me.

  What truly puzzled me was the fact that I wasn’t in the way or making them take care of the house. I cleaned on a daily basis, made food, helped my sister when she was having a bad day, and did anything else I could to make their lives that much easier. Realizing I had nowhere to go was what truly shattered my heart into a million pieces.

  “What’s wrong Sparrow?” Killer asks, walking in the room behind me and pulling me back against his chest.

  “I don’t know what I did wrong,” I hiccup into my hands as I cover my face.

  “You didn’t do anythin’ wrong,” he murmurs in my ear, his deep voice sending a thrill through my body. “Why would you think you did somethin’ wrong?”

  “All of my stuff is gone. It’s like I’ve never been here. For Kim and Fox to do this to me, I must have messed up really bad. They’ve never mentioned wanting me to leave before now and
suddenly all of my things have vanished into thin air,” I state, wiping the tears from my face as I stand up and square my shoulders.

  “Baby girl, I’m tellin’ you, you did absolutely nothin’ wrong. We’ve been talkin’ and I know you want to get out of their house. While you won’t be livin’ on your own, you won’t be here right now,” Killer lets me know, turning me to face him. “I moved all your things over to my house. It’s not far from here and you’ll be able to see anyone you want whenever you want.”

  “Why would you do that?” I ask him, astonishment filling my face as I stare up into his dark eyes.

  “Because this saves the club from havin’ to keep a guy on you. You’ll be at my place where I can watch over you. When I’m not there for club business or whatever, a guy will be on you. That’s it. We can talk about you gettin’ a job and even goin’ to school if that’s what you want,” he says as if it’s no big deal.

  “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea,” I start hesitantly. “I don’t want to be somewhere you bring women. I’d rather not see, or hear, that.”

  “You’re the only woman who has ever stepped foot in the door at my house. No one has ever been inside, so you don’t have to worry about that,” he informs me, dropping a huge bomb on me.

  “I guess. I just don’t think it’s gonna work. If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather go there now please. I have a lot to do before tomorrow morning,” I state, trying to tamp down my panic at the thought of staying with Killer in his house.

  “What do you have to do?” he questions me, his eyes opening a bit more and his voice turning harsh.

  “Just an appointment. It’s a standing one I go to every week,” I answer evasively.

  Kim is the only one who knows I go to a meeting at least one time a week for domestic violence survivors. I’m sure Fox knows too because my sister doesn’t keep secrets from her man. It’s why I haven’t told her all of the details about growing up with our sperm donor. That’s how I’ve taken to thinking about our father. He’s nothing more than a man who donated sperm to create Kim and me.

  Killer ended up taking me back to his house that night. When we got there, he made us dinner and told me to explore the house after showing me where my room and belongings were. He’s got a gorgeous two-story home not far from the clubhouse. It sits back in the woods so it’s not noticeable from the road. If you didn’t know where you were going, you’d honestly miss it completely.

  I parked my car outside of his four-bay garage while he rode his bike inside. When the door was open, I could make out at least two more bikes, a car, and a truck parked inside the massive building. He seems to have a thing for vehicles and bikes. Though, his love of bikes isn’t shocking in the least. Every single member of the club loves bikes and the freedom they feel riding on them. It’s something I’ll never experience.

  Walking in the front door, there’s a living room with sliding doors facing the hallway on the right side. To the left sits a regular door that’s closed. Killer told me it’s his office and I’m not allowed in there. No one is. Walking further into the home, we pass a set of stairs heading for a large kitchen. All the appliances are stainless steel, and it looks virtually untouched. I love the space and openness of the room. Especially all of the windows letting you see the beauty of the nature surrounding you.

  Killer points out the laundry room off the right of the kitchen along with a small hall leading to a game room and bathroom downstairs. While he remains in the kitchen, I make my way back upstairs. There are several doors filling the hallway. Three on the right with two on the left and one at the very end of the hallway. My room is the last one on the left. It’s huge. I have a walk-in closet, large bedroom, and my own bathroom. In the bathroom, I have a whirlpool tub with a separate shower. The shower alone is big enough to hold several people comfortably.

  After exploring my room and seeing all of my things placed around the room, I venture out and hesitate outside of Killer’s room. The rest of the house is bare. There aren’t any personal touches in any room I’ve been in so far. The living room literally has a large wraparound sofa, one recliner, two tables at the ends of the couch, and a giant TV mounted on the wall. There is nothing else in the room. No pictures fill the wall space or anything so I can get a glimpse of who Killer is when he’s not in full-on biker mode.

  My hand is just about on the doorknob of his room when I hear him walking up the steps. Quickly I rush back into my room and softly shut the door behind me. My heart is pounding as it races while trying to leap out of my chest. I can’t seem to catch my breath as I hear him laughing in the hallway. I’m not sure why he’s laughing but now isn’t the time to find out. On shaky legs, I make my way to my bed and sit down so I can calm down a little bit.

  “Sparrow, dinner will be ready in about a half hour,” Killer says loud enough to penetrate the door.

  “Okay,” I call back.

  Standing up, I grab my pajamas and make my way into the bathroom. Taking a quick shower to rid myself of the day, I get out and dress in a cami with sleep pants. They’re a soft pink and my favorite set. The material is so soft and warm even though my arms and chest are exposed. Since I’m not going anywhere the rest of the night, there’s no reason to dress back in jeans or anything else.

  Dinner was an experience to say the least. Killer kept looking at me with hard eyes. He wanted to say something but remained quiet. I’m not sure what his problem is tonight. If he doesn’t want me here, he shouldn’t have moved my things in without asking me about it in the first place. So, I eat my dinner in awkward silence since I have no clue what to say to him, before heading to bed. There’s not much else I can do at this point. Apparently, Killer and I have a lot to work out if I’m going to stay here.

  Waking up this morning, it takes a few minutes for me to remember the events of yesterday. Including the awkward dinner with Killer. I didn’t hear him come upstairs last night. Apparently I was tired and passed right out. This morning I’m filled with nervous energy as I realize what I’m about to do. For the first time in my life, I’m going to share my story with other people. Not anyone I know because I’m not sure if they want to know everything I’ve been through.

  In my meeting, I’ll be sharing my story with the members of my group and the counselor I’ve been seeing since arriving in Benton Falls. Denise, the counselor is amazing. She never pushes me to talk in depth about things. However, lately she’s been pushing for me to discuss things with the group. I’ve attended the meetings for a while now and I’m slowly realizing I’m not alone in what I’ve been through. However, my story is also different from theirs.

  Getting out of bed, I complete my morning routine of showering and getting ready for the day. I leave my long hair down after brushing it out. I don’t bother with make-up because I have no clue how to do it the way the other women do theirs. So, I head out to my room and grab a pair of jean shorts Sam talked me into buying along with a tank top supporting the Phantom Bastards. Once I’m dressed, I put on my sneakers and head out.

  Walking in the kitchen, I see Killer standing with a steaming cup in his hand as he leans against the counter. He’s only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants with his hair down. I think it’s the first time I’ve ever seen his hair down. My fingers itch to run through the strands and see if it’s as soft as I think it is. Tattoos cover Killer’s body and I want to touch them; to trace them with my fingers and look at his skin up close.

  I don’t peel my eyes from his body until I hear him clear his throat. Heat fills my face at the thought of being caught staring at my crush.

  “Mornin’,” his husky, sleep filled voice almost growls out.

  “Good morning. Just wanted to let you know I’m heading out. I’ll be back in a few hours,” I inform him as I turn to leave the kitchen.

  “Sparrow, you need to eat somethin’,” he growls, stepping away from the counter. “I’m goin’ upstairs, so you have the kitchen to yourself. Later, we’ll go shoppin’. For
now, grab whatever you find.”

  Nodding my head, I wait for Killer to leave the room before I move. Once I hear his door shut, I grab a bowl of cereal and sit down at the island in the middle of the room. I quickly devour my food so I can head out. These meetings are important to me and I need to be on time, so I don’t get locked out. Especially today.

  After rinsing my bowl and placing it in the dishwasher, I head out. My purse and keys are on a table just inside the door. Picking them up, I make my way out to the car I’ve been using since getting here. Fox got it for me once I passed my driving test. They wanted to make sure I had a reliable car to use while getting around town. Fox is the one who does regular maintenance on it. While he’s got it to work on, I always have a loaner car from somewhere. I don’t ask too many questions because it’s not my business. If they want me to know something, they’ll let me know.

  Leaving Killer’s house, I make my way into town. It doesn’t take me long to get to the community center on the opposite side of town. We always meet here while Denise has her office in a building right downtown. Today is always a busy day at the community center because so many different programs are going on.

  After parking my car, I remain in my seat for a few minutes. My hands are tight on the steering wheel as I try to convince myself to head inside. When I finally pry my hands away, they’re shaking and I can feel the sweat coating them. My heart is beating faster than normal, and I feel as if I’m going to be sick. Finally, I get out of my car and slowly head inside. I feel as if I’m walking to my death instead of facing a room of women who have been through similar things as me. It’s too bad I’m so consumed with my own thoughts I don’t see someone following me inside the building.

  Chapter Two


  I SET MY alarm to be up early this morning. Gwen doesn’t think I know where she’s going this morning, but I do. She’ll be heading to the community center for her weekly meeting with other domestic violence survivors. I’ve followed her several times since she started going to the meetings.


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