Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5) Page 14

by Erin Osborne

  After several minutes of sitting on the cool bathroom floor in front of the toilet, Killer picks me up and carries me back into bed. He covers me up so you can barely see my head before I hear him talking on the phone to someone. I’m not sure who it is, and I really don’t care as my eyes slide shut and sleep begins to claim me.

  I’m not sure what time it is when I wake up. Knowing I’m supposed to be at work today, I jump out of bed completely disoriented. As I have to rush to the bathroom once more, the events of earlier come back. This time I’m alone when I get sick and I sink down to the bathroom floor. After remaining where I am for a while, until my stomach settles and I’m sure I’m not going to be sick again, I get up and brush my teeth. I really want to take a shower, but I don’t feel as if I have the energy to be in there alone. I’m still tired and more than ready to climb back in bed.

  As I walk out in the room, Killer comes through the door with a tray in his hands.

  “Are you okay?” he asks me, setting the tray on top of his dresser as he rushes to my side.

  “I feel like crap and just want to sleep again,” I answer him honestly.

  “I know, Sparrow. You have to try and eat somethin’ for me first,” he informs me, helping me back in bed before grabbing the tray once more.

  “I don’t want to,” I plead, my voice sounding whiny and annoying to my own ears.

  “You have to get somethin’ in you. Maybe you’ll start to feel a little better then,” he orders, using the tone of voice I know not to argue with.

  Relaxing back against the pillows he’s piled behind me, Killer sets the tray down over my lap. He makes sure I have everything I need before sitting down next to me. There’s a bowl of soup on the tray, a bottle of water, crackers, and toast. Looking at Killer sitting next to me, I have tears in my eyes as I lay my head back. I’m trying to get my emotions under control so I can attempt to get something in my stomach.

  “Why the tears, Sparrow?” he asks me, scooting over closer to me.

  “No one has ever taken care of me the way you do. You’ve saved me in so many different ways and I’ll never be able to repay you,” I answer him honestly.

  “You pay me back every single day you allow me to be in your life. Gwen, you’re so strong and capable of doin’ whatever you set your mind to. For you to be my ol’ lady and share your life with me is all the repayment I need,” he says, kissing my forehead. “You don’t have a fever. I called the doctor and they told me to watch for one. You haven’t had one all day.”

  I shrug my shoulders. The only thing I know right now is my stomach is turning and I really don’t want to get sick again. So, I turn my attention back to the food in front of me. Soup will probably be the safest choice for me to try first. Killer watches me like a hawk as I take a few bites of the chicken noodle soup. Putting my spoon down, I open my bottle of water before going back to the soup. I’m actually hungry and the soup doesn’t seem to be upsetting my stomach. Still, I don’t want to push my luck.

  When I’ve had just a little less than half the bowl, I push it to the side. Before Killer can take the tray from me, I grab the pack of crackers and my water. I place them on the stand beside me and burrow back under the covers. He leaves the room only long enough to take care of the tray. I’m almost asleep when he comes back in the room. I listen as he strips down to nothing and slides in next to me. Killer wraps his arms around me and I cuddle into his warm, hard body. Sleep once again claims me.

  Chapter Sixteen


  THE LAST FEW weeks have been crazy as hell. Gwen woke up the next morning and was feeling better. Her stomach was still feeling off and she did get sick a few times throughout the day, but she went to work. Honestly, she’s been getting sick at least once a day since then. Still, she insists on going to work every day. The doctor said she’s not contagious since there’s been no fever and she does seem to be getting better on a daily basis. Gwen is so stubborn she even called Stryker to make sure he was okay with it.

  While Gwen is working, I’ve been out searching for whoever is after her. No one has been able to give us any clues about who it is or the men behind going to my house or sending her the notes and packages. Yeah, more have been delivered to the house while we’ve been at the clubhouse. Gwen doesn’t know about them and I don’t plan on telling her. She’s finally got a smile on her face again and I want to keep it there.

  The packages have contained pictures of her doing things around town. Not just recently, but since moving to Benton Falls. Other pictures have been included from her childhood. These are the ones that piss me the fuck off the most. They showcase the damage done to her young body and the life slowly draining from her eyes. It’s taken a lot to get that light and life back. These fuckfaces will not ruin it or take it from her again. She’s got all the power in this situation and I’ll shield her from as much as I can.

  On top of the pictures, notes have been included. About them coming for her and her not being able to hide. How the club is going to be taken out, so nothing stands in their way, and how it’s funny I’m scrambling all over town with no clue what I’m actually doing. When I get my hands on the fuckers, they’re going to pay with their pathetic lives for not only coming after my woman but for threatening my family. They have no clue who the fuck they’re messing with.

  Yesterday, a bouquet of flowers was delivered to Phantom Ink for Gwen. Lee and Trent got it since she was out to lunch with Hailey. I got the call from Trent and told him to throw those fuckers away. They were roses that looked dead and I’m sure it’s intentional. He wants her to know they’re going to kill her if they get their hands on her. They’re definitely stepping up their game. Especially once Trent read me the card.

  I’m almost here. You’re going to regret ever leaving and living your life as a slut.

  I’m done playing the games with this fucker. Fox was called and he’s trying to track down any trace of these assholes. Everything he finds comes up as a dead end. The flower order was called in and a prepaid credit card was used. No matter what Fox does, he can’t seem to capture the men from our home on any camera. Not that there’s many through town. Slim even has all the guys here on a rotation to scour the town and surrounding areas looking for anyone out of the ordinary.

  With each passing day, I become more frustrated and pissed off. I want to give Gwen the peace of mind she deserves, and I can’t. She’s putting on a brave face, but I see the tremor in her body and feel the pain seeping out of her when we’re alone in our room at the clubhouse. That’s the only time she ever lets her guard down. I won’t rest until these fuckers are caught. I just need one person. I don’t give a fuck who the person is, I’ve been trained to interrogate the most dangerous men in the world and these puny fuckers will be easy to crack. It’s just a matter of catching one of them slipping up.

  Things are so bad; Gwen hasn’t even talked about her twenty-first birthday. I figured she’d be wanting to celebrate in some way since she can legally drink and it’s another year she’s been away from the fuckers who tormented her for so long. The girls haven’t even heard anything from her. They can’t keep a secret like that to save their lives, so other than maybe Kim, not a single one remembers her birthday is in two days. That gives me just enough time to put a plan together. The ol’ ladies will help me and we’ll make sure she gets out of the clubhouse and forgets all this shit for a while.

  Today is Gwen’s birthday. I woke her up this morning in her favorite way with my head buried between her creamy thighs. I’ve never tasted anyone as sweet as my girl. Honestly, that could have something to do with the fact I’ve never eaten pussy in my life until Gwen. My reasoning is I don’t need to taste what the members of the club have left behind and I sure as fuck am not going to fuck with a bitch I don’t know like that. Gwen is the only one to get this from me.

  When she couldn’t take anymore, Gwen pulled me up her body and I sank as deep as I could. For several minutes, I simply remain rooted inside
her body. There’s no need to move or fuck her quickly to bust a nut. With my ol’ lady, I want to take my time and worship her body. That’s exactly what I do.

  Slowly sliding out of her tight, wet heat, I slide back in. My pace is slow and lazy as I suck a nipple into my mouth. One of Gwen’s arms reaches over my shoulder to my back while she laces her fingers in mine on the opposite hand. She meets me thrust for thrust and arches her body into mine. Gwen’s always so responsive to my touch and I love how real she is. Every single inch of her is real and that’s the way I love her. She doesn’t have to pretend to be anyone but who she is with me. Just like I don’t have to pretend with her.

  Pulling my mouth from her nipple, I move to her other one. She once again arches into my touch. Moving my hand between our bodies, I rub and pinch her clit. While I want to take my time with her body, we don’t have a lot of time. The girls have the entire day planned out for her. She’ll need to get in the shower in the next few minutes. If it were up to me, I’d spend the day in bed with her, worshipping every single inch of her body.

  Gwen’s body begins to tighten up around me. She’s quivering under my touch as I continue to rub and pinch her clit while sliding in and out of her body. Her moans are becoming louder as I feel her nails digging into my back. Our hands that are connected tighten as I feel the familiar tingling up my spine alerting me that I’m getting close to my own orgasm. My movements speed up as Gwen yells out.

  “Tristan!” she yells, flying over the edge.

  I immediately follow her as I begin to pound into her. Our bodies are covered in sweat as I slow my movements down before pulling out of her. Rolling to my side, I pull her into my arms and rub my hands up and down her back. Gwen brushes her finger tips up and down my chest as we each try to get our breathing under control. As soon as we can, I get out of bed and lift Gwen into my arms. She lays her head against my chest while wrapping her arms around my neck.

  Turning on the water in the shower, I let it heat up before stepping in with her. Gwen slides down my body and I’m instantly hard once more. It’s always the case whenever my girl is anywhere near me. I’m not going to complain one bit about it though. We each shower and make our way back to the bedroom after drying off. Once we’re dressed, we head out to get breakfast before it’s all gone. The men staying at the clubhouse eat a ton of food and if you don’t get out there early, your shit out of luck.

  Gwen and I load our plates with eggs, home fries, and sausage. Along with coffee for me and orange juice for Gwen. Coffee hasn’t been agreeing with her so she’s been sticking to juice, milk, or water. I make sure it’s always stocked and don’t let anyone else drink it. Unless it’s one of the babies. They always trump anyone in the clubhouse. It’s how it should be as far as I’m concerned. Gwen feels the same way and is always sharing her juice with the kids.

  As we’re sitting down to eat, Sam comes into the kitchen. Gwen takes Carson in her arms. She smiles down at him as he gazes up at her with wonder in his eyes. My woman is going to be one of his favorites, I can already tell. Carson and Dylan both love their aunt Gwen, but Carson is the main one who wants her. Especially if he’s having a cranky day. Sam always picks on my girl about it.

  Today, I’m looking at Gwen different. She looks so good holding a baby. I can’t wait for her to be holding our own children. No matter what Gwen thinks, she’s going to make an amazing mother. The love shinning from her eyes as she nuzzles Carson shows exactly what kind of mother she’ll be. One who loves with everything in her and gives her all to any children brought into this world.

  “When you’re done eating, we got places to be and things to do,” Sam informs Gwen. “It’s your birthday bitch and you’re getting pampered.”

  “Oh, I don’t need all that done,” Gwen states, her face blushing as she looks back down at the baby in her arms.

  “Not happenin’, Sparrow. Today is all about you and you’re gonna get pampered and taken care of today,” I state, letting her know there’s no room for arguments right now.

  She huffs her annoyance at me as I chuckle under my breath. Gwen is getting sassy with each passing day. Every time her confidence grows, her sassiness grows too. I love seeing her come out of her shell more and more. When she’s done eating, I grab her plate and take it from the table and take care of both of ours.

  “I guess all I have to do is grab my purse before we head out. Where are we going?” Gwen asks Sam.

  “Not telling you. Killer arranged everything and you’re just gonna have to wait and see,” Sam answers my girl with a smirk on her face.

  Walking up to Gwen, I take Carson from her arms and hold him to my chest while leaning down to place a kiss against her lips. Gwen deepens it more than I was going to before finally pulling away from me. I slap her ass as she finally saunters away from me. There is no other way to describe the way she walks away from me. It’s sexy as hell and in no way something she’s doing to entice me or get any other man’s attention. This is simply the way Gwen walks.

  The girls have been gone all day long. I’ve spent my day with Fox while the kids were spread out around the clubhouse. Fox and I had Carson and Dylan since Playboy is still gone. It’s the only way Sam could get out since all of the ol’ ladies are out with Gwen today. I have no problem hanging out with the kids and neither does Fox. We love spending time with the littles any chance we get.

  The only time I left was to grab dinner with my woman. The rest of the ol’ ladies went out to finish shopping and getting an outfit for Gwen. I took her to her favorite steakhouse on the outskirts of town. They brought her a cupcake with a candle in it. We all sang her happy birthday as she blushed as red as I’ve ever seen her before she blew it out. Gwen shared her small cupcake with me. Including smashing a small piece into my face. I laughed and I will get my payback on her when she’s least expecting it.

  Now, we’re all heading out to meet our women at Phantom; the nightclub we own. We’ll stay out of the way and let them have their fun. However, if anything goes down, especially with Gwen, we’ll be there to make sure they have a good time without anyone fucking with them. No one is going to ruin my girl’s birthday today.

  We all straddle our bikes and make our way toward the club. Once we get there, we park in the spots reserved for us. Rich and another Prospect, a newer one I’m not sure of his name, stand outside and watch over our bikes. That’s what they’ll do all night long. It’s just part of their job and I know Rich doesn’t mind doing it. He’s a good man and will make a welcome addition to our club. He’s still got a way to go though.

  Walking around the front of the building, we always go in the front to ensure our presence is known among the men and women wanting to party, all of the women begin drooling and trying their best to get our attention. Considering I’m with Slim, Fox, Boy Scout, and a few other guys, they aren’t getting shit from us. Maybe once the single guys get in there and find their piece of strange for the night. However, the desperation is rolling off these women and it’s a massive turn off. None of us want that shit.

  Connor, our bouncer, lets us in with a nod as everyone else tries to sneak in behind us. Our man is good and holds them all back as the bitching and whining begins. They want in our club something fierce. Women have tried to exchange sexual favors for entrance while the men attempt to use money to bribe our bouncers. It never works. In fact, those people usually get just a taste of what they’re missing out on before they’re banned permanently. We’re not trying to get in trouble because of a damn club that’s popular.

  Phantom has two levels. The first level has a bar, several tables placed through the front of the room, a dance floor, and a booth for when we have a DJ here. The entire upstairs is for our VIP clients. It costs a ton of money to get a table up there. We have a separate bar, tables, a smaller dance floor, and a few rooms for clients to use when they can’t make it home with their woman or piece of the night. It’s not our business who does what as long as their money is good, and they don�
��t bring any trouble to our door.

  Gwen and the ol’ ladies will be upstairs. There’s only one other group up there today, a bachelorette party. As long as those bitches don’t bring in any male strippers, I don’t give a fuck what happens. Unless there’s a problem, we’re forcing ourselves to remain on the first level of Phantom tonight. We don’t typically stay down here because it’s too crowded and we want to hang out and enjoy ourselves; not fight off all the desperate skanks.

  Somehow laughter from upstairs reaches my ears as there’s a slight lull in the music blasting through the club. Looking up, I see Gwen standing up, her hair flowing down her back. I can’t see the outfit she’s wearing as she begins to walk away from the booth they were sitting in. At this point, I’m not sure if she’s going to dance or if she’s heading to the bar.

  “Hey there, sexy,” a skank says, walking up and laying her hand on me. “Buy me a drink.”

  “I don’t think so,” I growl out, pointedly looking down at her hand on my chest.

  “Don’t be like that. I’ll make sure your night ends just how you want it to,” she purrs, jutting out her chest as I look over the top of her head.

  Gwen is standing there with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

  “Back. The. Fuck. Off,” Gwen growls out as she takes a few steps closer to me.

  “Bitch, I saw him first,” the skank says, turning to look at my woman.

  Little miss skank presses her ass against my cock and it doesn’t even stir. No, I’m hard as fuck for Gwen who looks stunning in a short, dark red dress that hugs every curve of her body. The front dips down low and shows off more of her tits than I’d like. Black heels cover her feet while her back is left bare to my gaze. Well, it would be if she weren’t wearing her rag. I can still see her back is bare through the side of the leather covering her.


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