Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5) Page 20

by Erin Osborne

  “Dinner will be served in about five minutes. Just waiting on the garlic bread to finish cooking. You guys head out and get your seats while we put the finishing touches on everything,” Shy informs the room.

  I stand up and walk over to grab the plates and utensils we’ll need. As I turn around, I run smack into a warm, hard chest. Killer is standing in front of me with his arms wrapped around me. Looking up, I see his eyes go soft as he makes sure I’m steady on my feet. He takes the things I’m carrying before turning around and making his way to the common room. I want to stomp my foot in frustration because it was only paper plates and plastic utensils. We tend to use that more than anything else for gatherings. Makes cleaning up easier for everyone.

  Turning around, I look at the women and give them a ‘see what I mean’ look. Each one, except my sister, has experienced this same shit with their men while they were pregnant. Our men don’t want us to do anything they think we don’t belong doing. Including everyday tasks. I still can’t even take a shower alone. That won’t change until I deliver our babies. That’s about the only thing I’m sure of right now. Eventually, I’ll be having words with Killer as he needs to understand I’m fine, and more than capable, to do most things on my own.

  We all grab things that need to go out to the common room. Since I know Killer will have a fit, I grab the different bottles of dressing to place on the tables. It’s the lightest thing I can carry out. When I walk into the common room, one of the house bunnies is sitting practically on top of Killer. He’s ignoring her and trying to move his chair further away from her. She doesn’t take the hint and keeps moving closer to him. That’s not gonna fly with me.

  Walking up to them, I slam the bottles of dressing on the table. Killer looks up at me, along with the rest of the men. The house bunny keeps her attention locked on my man.

  “Excuse me,” I say, loud enough she can’t miss me talking to her. “You’re in my seat.”

  “Get the hell out of here. I’m trying to have a conversation with Killer,” she retorts, only taking her eyes off him long enough to glare at me for a second.

  “My man clearly wants nothing to do with you as he keeps trying to move away from you. He hasn’t touched you in forever and you know he’s with me. I suggest you go find someone who actually wants to fuck a pussy so loose it feels as if they’re fucking air before I get really pissed off,” I tell her.

  “What do you think you’re gonna do about it?” she questions me, getting out of her chair and looking up and down me. “You’re nothing I’m worried about.”

  After a second, the house bunny proceeds to raise her hand to me. That’s not a wise decision as Killer stops her hand midair. She turns her head to look at him with a smirk on her face as if he’s going to defend her. That’s not what’s about to happen. I can see the anger filling my man’s eyes and face.

  “You were seriously gonna hit my ol’ lady? Who’s pregnant?” he questions her.

  Still, the woman doesn’t realize her mistake. She’s more concerned with Killer touching her as she flashes me a triumphant smile.

  “You’re done,” Slim booms out. “You’re the lowest on the totem pole here and you haven’t been respectin’ the ol’ ladies in the last few weeks you’ve been here. The men who aren’t single don’t step out on their women. Not only that, but you were also goin’ to hit a woman who’s pregnant. That’s definitely not somethin’ we condone.”

  “You can’t do this to me. He’ll kill me!” she shrieks, looking frantically around the room.

  “Who will?” Killer asks, his voice low and deadly as we all wait for her answer.

  “Neil will. He sent me in here to get you away from Gwen. I didn’t want to do it, but he’s got my baby sister. I need to save her,” she pleads with the men. “I’m so sorry. And I truly didn’t realize you were pregnant. I haven’t been paying attention like I should have. If you send me out of here, you may as well kill me now. My parents have filed a missing person’s report, but the cops can’t do anything either. They’re looking for him but it’s like he vanished into thin air with my sister, Rosa.”

  “Neil did this?” Killer questions to make sure we’re hearing her right.

  She nods her head, tears rolling down her face unchecked and dropping to the floor in front of her. I believe her. There’s no reason she’d hear Neil’s name because we don’t speak about it in the open. No one does. The truth behind her words are clearly showing on her face as she gazes around the room.

  “He wants you to get Killer away from Gwen so he can nab her?” Slim asks, putting what we’re all thinking out in the open.

  “Yeah. He thinks it will be easier. Neil doesn’t know you’re pregnant either. If he finds out, he’ll make sure you lose the baby,” she answers once more.

  “Fox look into it. What’s your last name?” Playboy asks as Fox pulls out his phone.


  We all wait while Fox messes around on his phone for a few minutes. I’m holding my breath as we wait for him to get the answer. This woman is either telling the truth or a very good actress. I’m betting on the first scenario.

  “She’s not lyin’,” he finally tells us all. “We need to use her and keep her safe here for now.”

  “Are you supposed to check in with him?” Slim asks, while I take the seat she vacated.

  “No. He’ll call me in the next few days so I can let him know how things are progressing,” she answers.

  “What’s your name?” I finally ask her. “Your real name?”

  “It’s Maria,” she replies. “I’ll do anything I can to save my sister and help you out.”

  “We’re gonna eat and have church,” Slim tells her. “For now, we’re gonna put you in one of the rooms. You won’t be able to get out. If you’ve got a phone or anythin’ else on you, hand it over now.”

  Maria reaches in her back pocket and removes a phone. While Rich and Playboy check her over to make sure there’s nothing else on her, I make her a plate of food. I won’t have her locked in a room while the guys eat and then talk without something to eat. Handing it over to her, a few tears spill over her lashes once more. She offers me a smile before letting the guys remove her from the room.

  The rest of us all sit down and eat. Instead of being carefree, our dinner is full of tension and anger. That’s two people Neil has been able to plant in the clubhouse. I know the guys are pissed as fuck about that, but they’ll have to get over it. If they go into their meeting blaming one another, they won’t be able to see the bigger picture. At least that’s my line of reasoning when I think about everything.

  I watch on as the guys shovel their food into their mouths and clear their plates in record time. Even Tommy is rushing through the meal. When they’re all done, each man stands up and begins to make their way toward the room they hold their meetings in. Killer leans down and kisses me on the head before leaving my sight. His body is held rigid as he moves. I know rage is flaring through him based on how tight he’s holding himself. They’re all walking the same way as each man disappears from sight.

  We all move to the couches while the house bunnies come out to clean up the mess from dinner. They know they’re allowed to eat out here with us at a separate table. Most never do though. Instead, they make their plates and eat in the kitchen while they’re cleaning up. The only ones who eat with us are the Prospects. Then they help the house bunnies clean up.

  Shy puts a movie on, but none of us are paying it any attention. We’re each lost in our own thoughts about what’s been happening. I’m blaming myself because none of this would be happening if it weren’t for Neil. He’s the one making our lives a living hell and putting so much stress on the guys.

  Instead of hanging out with the women, I make my excuses and head to our room. I won’t take a shower because Killer’s not in here, but I want to be alone. With thoughts of Neil running through my mind, I try to figure out how much more we’re going to have to deal with before he makes a
mistake or shows his evil face. That will be the day he’s dealt with once and for all. It’s a day I’m waiting on and won’t miss him one bit when he’s finally buried in a grave no one knows or will ever find him.

  Lying down in bed, I pull the covers up to my chin and let my eyes slide shut. This is my way to avoid the situation and get some rest. Is it the healthiest way to handle what’s going on? Not even close. However, I’m not trying to add any more stress than what I already have going on. It’s not good for the babies. Sleep starts to slowly creep in as I keep my eyes shut and shut my mind down.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  WHEN TOMMY GOT here yesterday, he brought us a present. See, he stopped by the house where Gwen was held against her will her entire life and found someone that’s worked for both Neil and her father. We spent hours down in the basement trying to gather as much intel from the asshole as we could.

  This man, Lester, has been at the house where Gwen spent her early years to make more packages and write the notes she’s been getting. Neil knows we’ve found the Prospect out along with the other men we’ve captured and killed of his. The cocksucker even knows we’ve been staying at the clubhouse. Still he made our home explode. Our new home he won’t be able to get to.

  Contractors have already been working on our new home here at the compound. That leaves Kim and Fox the only ones who don’t have a house here. At least of the guys that are single. Most of the single guys choose to stay at the clubhouse for various reasons. Especially the easy pussy always on tap. However, most of them have apartments away from the clubhouse. Sometimes it can get to be a bit much and they need some space.

  Lester didn’t get let off easy like the last few men did. I took the lead and tortured the fuck out of him. First, his nipples were ripped off. His were pierced so I imagine it hurt a little bit more than normal. Then, I pulled all of his teeth before using my knife to slice up his body. I didn’t stop at one or two cuts in his face or torso. No, this man had cuts on his legs, torso, face, arms, hands, feet, and he may have ended up missing fingers, toes, and one other appendage men would hate to lose. Each man in the room cringed and grabbed their junk when I sliced off his own.

  Lemon juice and salt were poured into the open wounds before I may have accidentally tripped and got acid all over him. That was my mistake. Stryker then got let loose on the fucker. He didn’t have a whole lot left to do to him, but my brother is an inventive man. We all watched on as Stryker lit a cigarette and added several burns to his body. When the screaming and crying got too much, and we knew there was no more information to gain, Lester’s tongue was cut out. Playboy stepped up after Stryker was done. He put the poor fucker out of his misery using alcohol and a blow torch. I hate the smell of burning flesh, we all do, but he deserved to suffer the way my woman has been suffering. Not only now, but when she was growing up.

  Tommy let us know, Lester was one of the men who routinely doled out Gwen’s punishments. He took great delight in torturing her and making sure she felt every ounce of pain possible. Plus, he was the one who thought of recording not only the pain being inflicted on her, but the cameras in her room and bathroom as well. My woman was a young girl and teen when he watched those videos of her. Lester was a sick man and we put him down like the rat he is.

  Still, we have no clue where the fuck Neil is. Tommy has given Fox every single location he’s ever known for not only Neil, but Gwen’s father as well. Fox has searched each and every property, cameras in the area the towns have put up, and searched the deep, dark web. Neil’s a damn ghost and there’s only one way we’re going to draw him out. It’s not going to happen because I’m not using Gwen as bait. That will happen over my dead body. Not a single one of us would ever use our women as bait. Not just the ol’ ladies, but anyone associated with the club.

  Until we find him, Tommy is going to be working closely with all of us. After we got out of church last night I sat down with the guys and had a beer. It’s the first time I’ve joined them since this all started with Gwen. Usually I want to get to her side immediately. While I did last night, it was important to have a drink with the guys and relax a little before heading up to our room. I wasn’t tired anyway and didn’t want to keep my girl awake if the TV was too loud or anything for her.

  Tommy let me know he’s been worried about Kim and Gwen. He’s wanted to be closer to them but wasn’t sure what they wanted. Or how we’d feel about him being here because of everything that’s happened. Yes, he worked for her father and helped Neil out on multiple occasions. However, he was also the one who helped Gwen any time he could and made sure she was eating and drinking because her father also liked to starve everyone in his home. Tommy was the man they all turned to for help and looked up to. He’s not a good man, but he’s not the worst one either.

  “Tommy, if you want to move to Benton Falls, I don’t see that bein’ a problem at all. In fact, I know Gwen and Kim would love it. They miss you,” I told him, meaning every word.

  “I don’t know what I’d do if I moved here. Maybe somewhere close where I can get here quickly, but not be up everyone’s ass,” he countered.

  “What if Slim let you become a Prospect for us? We can always use good men. Men who know what loyalty is and aren’t afraid to give an ass whoopin’ when they need to,” I question him, knowing his past is just that; the past.

  “I think I’d like that,” Tommy said as we finished our beer.

  On my way up to the room, I stopped to talk to Slim about Tommy. He seems to like the idea of him joining the club. I’ll be his sponsor, which I don’t have a problem with. Gwen and Kim will be ecstatic too. So, as of today, Tommy will become a Prospect for the Phantom Bastards.

  Today is all about Gwen. I’ve planned an entire day for her to be pampered that she knows nothing about. Rich and Tommy are out with her and Kim as they get manicures and pedicures done. Then they’ll go and get their hair done. Instead of coming back here, they’re going to head back to Kim’s where I have a dress waiting for my ol’ lady. She’s wearing her rag since they’re out in town. Gwen is proud as hell to wear it. To her, it showcases our love to the world in more than just us saying the words to one another or me putting a ring on her finger. It tells the world I’m her man and she’s proud to show that off to anyone who sees her out.

  Fox and I will be meeting up with the women in a few hours. I’ve got a few things to do before then though. The first stop I have is the jeweler to pick up a few things I’ve had custom made for my woman. And our babies when they get old enough to wear them. See, I have a gut feeling I’m going to be blessed with little girls this time around. I’m not sure why my gut is telling me this, it’s just one of those feelings people get. As usual, I’m going to trust what I feel. Soon, we’ll be able to find out what they are. I can’t wait.

  Do I necessarily want my children to be girls first? No. I’d rather have a boy who can help me watch over his siblings and protect them when I can’t be around. However, I’ll love whatever we have unconditionally and without fail. They won’t know how it feels to not feel loved or only good enough for what you can do for your so-called parents. To think their only escape is the military or ending up in prison. My babies, however many Gwen gives me, will know how much they mean not only to me but their mother as well.

  After picking up my things at the first stop, I make my way to grab some new clothes. Gwen is going to have the best I can give her today and that means wearing what we’ve already talked about. Fox will be too, so he’ll have new clothes coming his way as well. Then, finally, I’m going to get my beard touched up and my hair trimmed. Not an entire cut because the length now is something I’m still getting used to. My hair has always been down to the middle of my back at least and now it’s not.

  I’m more than ready for today to be over with so I can be in bed with my woman, showing her exactly how I feel about her. However, there are more than a few things to get through. Hopefully, none of this shit with N
eil touches what I have planned for today.

  Fox and I pull up to the courthouse just before I told Kim to bring Gwen there. Rich and Tommy are still with the women and have checked in several times throughout the day. Nothing has gone on while they were out or at Kim and Fox’s home. The breath I’ve been holding all day finally leaves and I can take a full, deep breath as I watch Kim’s car pull into the lot.

  We walk down to the girls and Gwen looks up at me with love, wonder, and shock in her eyes. I’m dressed in a black button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. My cut is on over my shirt while the black bandana I usually wear is tied around my head. I’m wearing a new pair of dark wash jeans with my boots covering my feet. Fox is wearing the same outfit as me with one exception; his shirt is red instead of black like mine.

  Gwen takes my breath away as she stands before me wearing a white dress. It’s a simple sheath with a red ribbon resting just under her tits. The dress falls down to her ankles and has thin straps holding it up on her. She told me she never wanted anything big and fancy; the simpler things were, the happier she’d be. Her hair is half up with the long length curling down her back. Barely any make-up covers her face.

  “You’re simply gorgeous,” I tell her, my voice sounding hoarse to my ears as a smile lights up her face. “I love you so much my Sparrow.”

  “I love you too, Killer. So much. I can’t believe you did this for us. Are you sure this is what you want?” she questions me, resting one hand on my cheek.

  “I’ve never been more positive of anythin’ in my life,” I reply, placing a soft kiss against her lips.

  While I’d love to have the club involved in our special day, I don’t want to take any chances of a big gathering somewhere, even the clubhouse. If we had eyes on Neil, it would be a different story. Right now, it’s just not possible. I won’t risk Gwen for anything in the world. Including our wedding.


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