Pocket Books, 141
Popular Library, 233, 268, 269
Price, E. Hoffmann, 29, 30, 32
Prime Press, 129, 130, 133
Prize Comics, 73
Prohibition, 17
Quality Comics, 88, 97, 120
Quick, 139
Quinn Publishing, 171
Raboy, Mac, 89, 115
Rand, Ayn, 253
Randolph, Nebraska, 15, 16
Raudive, Konstantins, 255, 262, 274
Raymond, Alex, 114
Reed, Rod, 85, 86, 88, 89, 94, 97, 116
Reese, Ralph, 238
Reider, Florence, 32
Remember Pearl Harbor, 92, 93
Riddles of Astronomy, 177, 215
“The Ring Bonanza,” 129
Riss, Pete, 72
Robin Hood and Company, 98
“Robolink,” 220
“The Robot Aliens,” 30
Rocket’s Blast–Comicollector, 281
Rose, Reginald, 176
Rubicek, Dorothy, 117
Ruppert, Conrad, 31, 51
Sachs, Bernard, 148
Saga, 9, 249, 250, 251, 272, 273
Samson, 209–10
Santesson, Hans Stefan, 266
Saturn Girl, 165
Schaffenberger, Dorothy, 113, 114, 157
Schaffenberger, Kurt, 71, 72, 113, 139, 157, 161–62, 236, 286
Schiff, Jack, 147
Schomburg, Alex, 98
Schurz, Carl, 20
Schurz High School, 20
Schutz, Diana, 169
Schwartz, Alvin, 152, 204
Schwartz, Julius “Julie,” 12, 31, 32–34, 35, 37, 50–51, 52, 53, 54, 122, 127, 147–48, 156, 159, 160, 167, 181, 196, 197, 237, 255, 268, 286, 289
Science Fiction, 5
Science Fiction Digest, 31, 51
Science Fiction League (SFL), 32, 34
Science Fiction Plus, 133
Science Wonder Stories, 21, 26
Scoop Comics, 66, 67
“Scott Rand in the Worlds of Time,” 67
Scullin, George, 281
Seaborg, Glenn T., 234
“Sea of Graves,” 238
Second Eastern Convention, 53–54
“Secret Messages from UFOs,” 249, 250
“Secrets the Satellites Are Telling,” 174
Seuling, Carole, 217
Seuling, Phil, 217, 222, 244, 286
“Seven Modern Wonders,” 193–94
Severin, John, 210
The Shadow Comics, 67
“Shadows of Blood,” 48
Shazam!, 255, 256, 281
Shazam Annual, 99
Shazam Archives, 85
Shelley, Mary, 154
Shindig, 218
Shock SuspenStories, 140
Shorten, Harry, 88
Showcase, 160
Shuster, Joe, 5, 31–32, 84
“The Shyest Boy in Town,” 164–65
Siegel, Jerry, 5, 31–32, 68, 154–56, 163, 174, 204
Signet, 220
Sikela, John, 152
Silver Streak Comics, 73
Simon, Joe, 73, 126, 220
Slater, Helen, 3
Sloane, T. O’Conor, 25
Smart, Elizabeth, 253
Smiley, Russ, 139
Smith, Clark Ashton, 48
Smith, E. E., 32
Smith, Will, 284
Solar Sales Service, 34, 37
Solonevich, George, 171
Space Age, 171
Space Cabby, 148
Space World, 4, 5, 9, 172, 173–74, 176, 178–80, 198, 222–23, 234, 275
Spicer, Bill, 181–84, 193, 197, 285–86
“The Spore Doom,” 30
Sprang, Dick, 159, 166
Springer, Frank, 210
Sproul, Robert, 238
Sputnik, 170
Spy-Man, 220
Standard Magazines, 136
“Standing Room Only,” 144, 145
Star Comics, 45, 47, 67
Star Ranger, 47
Star-Spangled Comics, 122
Startling Stories, 129, 186
Steed, 139
Steinbrunner, Chris, 5–6
Steranko, James, 13, 46, 241, 257, 258, 280
The Steranko History of Comics, 67, 258
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 18
Stewart, Robert, 7
Stoker, Bram, 219
“The Story of Superman’s Life,” 162
Strange Adventures, 136, 148, 167
“Strange Vision,” 54
Street & Smith, 45, 67, 77, 93, 259, 264
Sturgeon, Theodore, 129
Sultan, Charles, 152
Sunspots, 78, 135
Superboy, 3, 152, 153, 163–64, 205
Superboy, 152, 153, 154, 163, 164
“Superboy’s Most Amazing Dream,” 162
“The Super-Duel in Space,” 165
Supergirl, 3, 9, 166–67, 168, 169
Supergirl Archives, 169
“The Supergirl from Krypton!,” 166
Super Green Beret, 227
Superman, 5, 9, 31–32, 47, 72, 75, 81, 84, 91, 92, 104, 120–21, 138, 147, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156, 159, 160, 161, 162–66, 167, 168, 191, 194–95, 203–6, 214, 215, 236, 237, 258, 283
Superman, 72, 147, 149, 154, 160, 163, 165–66, 205, 206
Superman Annual, xi
Superman at Fifty, 236
“The Superman of the Past,” 209
“Superman’s Battle with Hercules,” 162
Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane, 161
“Superman’s Other Life,” 162–63
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen, 150, 151, 152
Superman: The Complete History, 149
Super Mystery Comics, 73
Swan, Curt, 147, 150, 152, 237
Swayze, Marc, 77, 78, 86, 87, 90
Tales from the Crypt, 140
“Tales of Green Kryptonite,” 205
Taurasi, Jimmy, 74
Tawky Tawny, 106, 107, 108, 191, 197
Taylor, Richard D., 77
“The Teacher from Mars,” 140, 141, 142
Teller, Edward, 234
Tennis, Craig, 219
Terror in the Bay, 269
“This’ll Kill You,” 145
Thomas, Dann, 286
Thomas, Roy, 11, 121, 181, 190–98, 215, 241, 247, 258, 286
Thompson, Don and Maggie, 280–81
Thorne, Frank, 209
Thrilling Wonder Stories, 1, 34, 50, 55, 129, 155
Tillotson, Joseph Wirt, 60
Timely Comics, 72, 77, 97–98, 117, 120, 127, 203. See also Marvel Comics
The Time Machine, 247
The Time Traveler, 31, 51
“Titano, the Super Ape,” 162
Tommy Tomorrow, 148, 168
Top Notch Comics, 67
Tops, 139
Torres, Angelo, 210
Toth, Alex, 210
Train, Oswald “Ossie,” 53, 129, 131, 133
True Confessions, 75
Turek, Alice, 156, 229, 231
Turek, Elizabeth, 231, 283
Turek, Frank, Jr., 69, 156, 229, 231, 232, 279, 282
Turek, Frank, Sr., 69
Turek, Ian Francis (pseudonym), 268, 270
Turek, Ione Frances. See Binder, Ione Turek
Turek, Lorine, 69
Turek, Mary Majzl, 69, 134
Turek, Patricia, 12, 116, 157, 229–30, 231, 232, 241, 248, 281, 283
Tuska, George, 66
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 247
Tyler, Tom, 6
UFOs, 9, 13, 178, 223–26, 234–35, 246, 248–51, 265
Uncle Marvel, 91
Unknown Worlds, 161
Uslan, Michael, 198–99, 200, 217, 241–42, 286
Vampirella, 240
Van Doren, Mark, 261
The Vault of Horror, 145
Verne, Jul
es, 18, 247
“Via” series, 1, 2, 9, 55, 141, 280
Victory in Space, 177, 215
Von Braun, Wernher, 174
Von Daniken, Erich, 271
Wandrei, Donald, 43
Ward, Bill, 72
“Wardrobe of Monsters,” 210, 213
Warren, Jim, 12, 193, 210, 213, 238, 240
Warren Publishing, 210
Wash Tubbs, 84
Web of Horror, 237–38, 239, 240, 255
Weird Science-Fantasy, 140, 141, 143, 145, 146
Weird Tales, 18, 19–20, 29, 40, 48, 56, 269
Weisinger, Eddie, 50, 156
Weisinger, Mort, 12, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 50–54, 122, 127, 147–50, 154–56, 159, 160, 161, 165, 166, 168–69, 174, 180, 194, 196–98, 204–6, 215–16, 237, 264–65, 286
Weiss, Alan, 182, 183
Weiss, David, 120
Wellman, Manly Wade, 35, 88
Wells, H. G., 18, 247
Welton, Ed, 37
Wertham, Fredric, 126, 264
Wessler, Carl, 140
Western Publishing, 209
What We Really Know About Flying Saucers, 9, 224–25, 234, 235, 251
White, Biljo, 190, 194
White, Sylvia, 177
White, Ted, 220–21, 223
Whiz Comics, 74, 75, 76, 82, 84, 85, 86, 92, 100, 265
Williamson, Al, 210
Williamson, Jack, 35, 51
Wingate, John, 177
Wonder Stories, 32, 34
Wonder Woman, 147
Wood, Bob, 47
Wood, Wallace, 145, 210
Woolfolk, Bill, 4, 87–89, 111, 113, 115, 117, 120, 134, 139, 157, 171–73, 176, 233, 268, 275, 286–87
Woolfolk, Dorothy, 117, 157
Woolfolk, Terry, 88
“World of Vampires,” 182
World Science Fiction Convention, 7, 68, 176
World War I, 13
World War II, 13, 68, 79, 92–93, 97, 102, 112–13, 117, 142
Wow Comics, 76, 87, 90, 91, 92
Wright, Farnsworth, 56
Wrightson, Bernie, 238, 239
Xero, 2, 4, 175, 177
Young Allies, 79
Ziff-Davis, 54
Bill Schelly with legendary comic book editor Julius Schwartz at Comic-Con International 2002 (in San Diego). Schwartz was one of Binder’s closest friends. He helped in the preparation of this book, for which the author is eternally grateful. He passed away on February 8, 2004. Courtesy of Jeff Gelb.
Bill Schelly has been chronicling and adding to the pop culture fringes since the mid-1960s. He became widely known in the comics community for his popular fanzine Sense of Wonder (1967–1972). He began researching the history of comic book fandom in 1991, resulting in the book The Golden Age of Comic Fandom (1995). In 1998, he became associate editor of the Eisner Award-winning magazine Alter Ego, a post he holds today. His other books include Sense of Wonder: A Life in Comic Fandom (2000) and Founders of Comic Fandom (2010).
Schelly has written several biographies of film and comics artists, including comedian Harry Langdon and comic book artist Joe Kubert. His American Comic Book Chronicles: The 1950s (2013) was nominated for a Harvey Award. He is the author of Harvey Kurtzman: The Man Who Created Mad and Revolutionized Humor in America (2015) from Fantagraphics Books.
Otto Binder: The Life and Work of a Comic Book and Science Fiction Visionary Page 31