A Rising Darkness

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A Rising Darkness Page 69

by Nikki Dorakis

  I did not bother with breakfast. I had reassigned Iannos, Artos and Alna to Aenar’s service and he and Kylos had taken them on happily since they now needed more help in their quarters since their adoption of Daryth. There was no-one in the Ez’n’s quarters to cook for or serve and, truth be told, no-one now who needed to be served or who even wanted it. The apartments felt empty and dead as did I; part of my soul had been ripped from me—there was nothing left to feel. Now there was only the quest to bring Caerlon to account.

  Turning my back on the room I picked up my pack and saddle bags and headed for the stables.




  Morlan Language

  Morlan is a semi Semitic language. When spoken the stress is placed on the second syllable of the word. There is only one accent used and this is the “tefqa” or glottal stop, Generally placed before, and after individual letters is) it indicate how a consonant is sounded e.g., ‘b is sounded “eb” or “ub while b’ is sounded “buh” or “be” (as in “bet”)—technically the consonantal sound is held longer giving a delay between the sounding of the consonant and the next syllable

  Morlan is alphabetic but has several diaphones and diphthongs which speeds its writing. There are also several phonograms and a number of ideograms. It is written from right to left in sacred texts, vertically in political documents and royal edicts and from left to right in common usage.

  The language is gender specific, Morlan is a patriarchy and the language is always written in the Masculine case unless it refers specifically to female subjects

  Morlan Conventions

  Though Morlan society is patriarchal the men value and respect their women more than wealth or power. As a society and nation there is a widespread belief that only Morlan women give birth to real men and Morlan women cannot birth defective offspring. Any birth defects or other faults are always attributed to the sire.

  Government is divided with two distinct areas, Hearth and Home or Keth v’dhar and Force of Arms or Zad Morgim (literally Brothers of War) named for Morgul the Morlans’ patron god of strength, war and death (soldiers)

  The Morlan throne is held only by males and the King is the spiritual and temporal head of the army. His queen governs beside him ruling over the Keth v’dhar as its spiritual and temporal head, The Senate which manages the general society numbers fifty, five of which are military males and five are military females. Four seats are held by religious figures two priests of Morgul and two priestesses of Kaitara (Goddess of Hearth, Home and civilian death). The remaining thirty-six seats are held equally by men and women—usually provincial or regional governors.

  Morlan Religion

  Morla is a pantheistic society. Its two main deities are

  Morgul—the great father signified in religious art as a column of fine or burning disc. The sun is considered sacred to Morgul.

  Kaitara—the great mother signified as a mountain cave from which flows a silver river. She is most often represented as an apple tree bearing both gold and silver fruit on her upper branches, copper fruit on the lower ones and black tubers signifying the evil souls in her roots.

  There are numerous other deities but these are widely regarded as incidental emanations of the god and goddess.

  The Military

  The Morlan army is predominantly male. Women who become fighters are greatly revered but they are required to give up the right to bear children.

  Males joining the army are expected to have “known the warmth of a woman” before enlisting. Some fathers insist that their sons sire heirs before enlisting. This is sometimes the case with Princes of the Realm, especially the Crown Prince, but the choice is generally left to the individual.

  Sexual activity in the ranks is prohibited and punishment of any infraction is swift and severe especially if it is between males. The excessively pejorative attitude towards male intimacy originates in religious dogma brought about by a constitutional upheaval though there is no previous evidence of any historical prejudice. As a result of political pressure from a branch of Morgul’s Priesthood called M’rgaerdjinn and by fiat of King Vaeron—later called The Mad King—homosexuality became treasonable and therefore punishable by death. There does, however, seem to be some disparity between the public face of the Morlan soldier and the private one.

  Soldiers are known to take war-brothers through a formal ritual called q’um shoq and there appears to be a school of thought that considers sexual contact between ‘b’zaddim to be somehow quite proper provided there are no public displays of affection. The tolerance towards this depends entirely on the reigning monarch and/or the commanders of the troops.

  Rites of Passage

  A Morlan boy becomes a man at the time of his first nocturnal ejaculation. Those boys identified early as having military potential are sent naked into the Morlan wastes armed only with a knife. He may return to his home only when he has killed a steppe wolf or similar beast otherwise he may not return at all. On his return he must offer his father the pelt of his first kill and bring his mother fresh slain meat for the table.

  The women’s Mysteries are less arduous. A girl becomes a woman at her first menstruation. She is then educated in the nature of womanhood and is taught the Ven’hebya or the Art of Love. This process is cloaked in secrecy. Not even the Priests of Morgul know how it is taught but Morlan women are renowned for their amatory skill and stamina.


  All Morlan children are taught to read, write and count regardless of social standing. As a result of this egalitarian attitude most Morlans speak several languages including Zetla or the common tongue—a language readily understood in all but the most remote areas of the known world.

  Morlan Vocabulary




  Beloved (usu. An intimate term between lovers or war brothers.










  Now, immediately


  A boy whore








  I (sometimes “An” or ‘n)




  Guard—specific to the M’rgaerdjinn / ~im (plural)


  Brainless, stupid, without reason or cause


  Caution, be careful, attention


  Coward (~na—cowardly, ~im—plural)


  Archer (plural ~im)


  Assassin (~im plural)


  (Ched’r) promise, vow, oath : ~esa : to vow to someone


  A large, single edged two handed sword made from folded steel. The blade is normally curved, one palm width at the hilt tapering to a point. Favoured by elite warriors for its strength and the fact that it never loses its edge.


  a pile of human excrement (Lit: a shit-heap)


  A priesthood charged with ‘moral policing’. A much feared and reviled cult.


  We, us


  Traitor, mongrel, bastard (depending on context)


  To forget


  Forgotten, (v. Intr: forget)


  Demon (the diminutive ‘shovaqi’ is a term of endearment between friends and close family members.


  Filthy, disgusting


  Excrement, sewage.


  Refuse, rubbish (sl. A disgraced individual)


  Beloved commander (a sign of great respect. It can only be bestowed on a leader by his cohort)


  You (singular)




  You (plural)




  A female whore




  Zetaria is the generic name of a region comprising five states each with its own Seneschal or Governor. These are:

  Zetaria Prime—Capital Kalina—Monarch: Janir

  Morikania—Capital Morkopia—Governor: Senator Dravin

  Ellanos—Capital Lana—Governor: Senator Morton

  Delosi—Capital Delos—Governor: Trenneth

  Polisia—Capital Polis—Governess: Caelena

  King Aldrin of Zetaria Prime, Janir’s father, originally started the process of uniting the five states. Janir completed the process of unification shortly after his father fell in the battle of Polis.

  Following a brief period of peace a second war broke out when the four countries of Mederlana (Capital Medravia). Alfexis (Capital Alfasia), Cassandria (Capital Mera) and Thahrn (Capital Torryn) demanded independence.

  Following an attack by Thahrin forces who razed several Zetan settlements and massacred 20,000 Zetan men women and children, Janir mobilised his forces and together with King Veldor of Morla, who had suffered similar acts of aggression, marched on Thahrn and all but destroyed the country sparing it only when the Thahrin King sued for peace and with the proviso that the Thahrin would never set foot outside of the Iron Mountains again.

  No sooner had the Thahrin conflict been resolved than Queen Thera of Mederlana launched a surprise attack on the Zetans as they marched home. She was joined by Queen Kira of Cassandria and king Tau of Alfexis.

  It was only Veldor’s swift response to his ally’s call for assistance that saved Janir and the Zetans from being slaughtered. The attack was successfully countered but at great costs. Veldor fell in battle to be succeeded by his eldest son Tinnyr who, in a reckless act of vengeance, sacrificed himself and thirty thousand Morlans to destroy Queen Thera and her army. In a separate battle on the Cassandrian front Janir’s queen Adriana fell to an Alfexan sneak attack though her forces were victorious.

  The Cassandrian and Alfexan forces surrendered in the face of vengeful Morlan and Zetan forces and Prince Varrin of Medravia sued for peace on ascending his mother’s throne. Janir granted the countries amnesty and withdrew his occupying forces effectively returning sovereignty to the previously annexed states.

  On his return to Kalina Janir returned sovereignty to Kendir and reinstated focal rule to governors in Lana, Polis, and Morkopia creating the new state of Delos in recognition of the loyalty and courage shown by the coalition soldiers.

  As a means of cementing the peace Janir married Eilen of Cassandria who bore him his sons Jae’nt and Gor. Janir’s eldest son, Balten born of Adriana was invested as Crown Prince at the end of the war.

  Zetarian Society

  The Zetans are a permissive, liberal society. They have a profound respect for the individual as a representation of the infinite diversity of the created world. The Society is governed by Common Law for the most part. The king delivers judgement of matters of state and national law. There are very few laws governing morality which is considered wholly a matter between the individual and the god Zoar. There are, however, very strict laws governing such things as rape, murder, perjury and theft.

  The sentence for rape or murder is death. There is no appeal. The seduction of under-aged children (that is any ungirdled male or female below the age of sixteen) is considered rape.

  Murder, if proven, carries the sentence of death by gibbet. The murderer is imprisoned in a steel cage which is then suspended outside the city gates. The murderer is left to die and his body left for carrion eaters. Crime of Passion is recognised as a defence, but the killer will not go unpunished. They will serve a minimum of five years at the Temple of Zoar doing charitable works for the poor, sick and needy and the small finger of the right hand is amputated. In certain cases, such as regicide or premeditated murder of a particularly heinous aspect, the murderer is executed at sunset or at night. It is believed that the individual’s soul will wander lost in eternal darkness.

  The penalty for perjury is castration in males and the removal of the tongue tip in women. There is no right of appeal.

  Thieves are branded. The thumb of the right hand is amputated and the individual is cast out of the city or town.

  Slavery is banned throughout the whole of Zetaria and slavers, if caught plying their trade, are immediately put to the sword as are any found buying slaves.

  Servants are supposed to be paid a proper wage, though a number of ‘employers’ circumvent this by making a ‘charge’ for accommodation, food and education.

  Zetan Religion

  The Zetans are sun-worshippers. The Creator God Zoar has three wives as represented by the twin moons Eila and Veris. His third wife, Galia is represented in the earth.

  Zetans are pantheists and there are a number of lesser gods—Kaernos is one of the most significant being the patron of hunters and soldiers. Kiapsis is the patron god for sailors and fishermen, though nautical men often make sacrifices to Eila and Veris to ensure fair winds and calm seas.

  The permissiveness of Zetan society is deeply rooted in the acceptance of the diversity of nature. This does cause certain inequities to occur. Zetans do not often consider the existence of poverty or sickness as a plight that needs to be addressed—each is born according to the will of the Great God. Charitable acts, however, such as the giving of alms or food to the various priests for distribution to the needy are considered highly appropriate and desirable traits so that the donor may manifest the virtue on behalf of The God.


  Education is available only to those who can afford to pay for tutelage. It is considered a grave deficit for any household to have illiterate and innumerate servants and so servants are educated at the expense of their ‘employer’.

  The Zetan Military

  Military service is voluntary. It is generally well-paid and considered a very respectable career. There are a number of families with military history throughout the five states that form Zetaria and the sons who join the ranks generally rise to officer status quite quickly—usually through the process of ‘donations’ made to the generals’ coffers. Such individuals are called ‘Coin-Captains’ by the lower ranks and are not greatly respected.

  Women are rarely found in the forces though some do join at the rank of shield-maiden. They are taught to fight with lance, javelin and short sword but their main weapon is a large scutum with sharpened or bladed rims. They are greatly prized as battle-sisters by the men and they are greatly feared by Zetan foes—and with good cause—they are ferocious and merciless and not subject to the laws of quarter or any rules of engagement.

  The Zetan soldier is both famed and occasionally derided for his somewhat uninhibited sexual appetite. Sexual activity in the ranks is commonplace and considered quite proper. The bond formed between soldier-lovers is extremely strong and persists even after one or both marry. The norm is for Zetan males to be ‘sway’ or bisexual but it is common for them also to be slye or exclusively homosexual. Their pursuit of handsome athletic or artistic youths is legend in the five states and stories abound regarding both their physical endowments and their stamina. The soldiers are not as promiscuous as it is believed. They are extremely discerning when selecting a Consort and once they enter into a relationship they entertain no other.

  Zetan Rites of Passage

  Boys come to manhood at the time of their first nocturnal emission. Girls become women at their first menstruation. The young are not permitted to marry until they are sixteen or over and must have parental consent up to the age of twenty if they are ungirdled.

  A boy or girl becomes girdled after their first conf
irmed kill in battle. The individual is presented with a sword belt and ceremonial dagger in front of the men and women with whom he or she as served. Once girdled a boy or girl is considered an adult and requires no-one’s permission to court or wed. Girdled boys and girls under the age of sixteen are still protected by the law against seduction.

  Zetan Vocabulary


  Adult male—sometimes applied to girdled males of 16 and older but is applied to all males above 18 years


  Gold / golden




  A female street whore. It is a derogatory term but is never applied to a brothel worker who is considered more socially acceptable. See also Brig-pig.




  Drunk on ale


  (Ben-eye) Adult female—applies as ‘addan’ above to women and girls.


  (Common Tongue) A whore who sells his/her favours exclusively to soldiers.


  Males or Females taken in or post battle to serve the soldiers in the barracks. This includes sexual services. Some companions may be kept exclusively by one soldier or shared by a group.


  To shut or to stop (contextual)


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