Chloe's Dream

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Chloe's Dream Page 23

by Jennifer Ann

  Casual pictures of members past and present cover the far wall and my eyes immediately find my father. Painful aches strike me in the chest with the sight of him. Before chemo wore him down to a weakling—something a retired Marine didn’t tolerate well—he was a strong, incredibly handsome man. In the picture he isn’t much older than I am now and the smile on his face is one of the brightest I’ve ever seen. Looking at his long, dark hair, the light mocha shade of his skin, and the sparkle to his kind, brown eyes, is like glimpsing into a mirror three years ago.

  Two men sitting at the bar in leather vests with the club’s logo turn when the heavy door slams shut behind us. One’s long and lean with a bun of dark hair secured on the back of his head while the other’s bald as a cue ball and a wall of solid muscle.

  “Jesus H Christ,” the bald man hisses, rising to his feet. His dark eyes don’t stray from me as he stumbles to a nearby door and hollers, “Remmy, get your ass out here! You’re gonna wanna see this!”

  “You know her?” Colt asks, looking back and forth between me and the bald man marching toward me.

  “Harley,” the man coos, collecting me in his thick arms. “Jesus, kid. It’s been too long.”

  “Buzz, how’ve you been?” I ask casually, trying to choke down the lump rising in my chest as my hands hang loose at my sides. I’ll be damned if I come off as weak after all I’ve been through, and these bikers hate nothing more than an overly emotional chick.

  But as soon as the MC’s president steps out of his office, gray eyes landing on me, I nearly lose my composure. He’s aged considerably since I last saw him. Long, dark hair once peppered with grays has been completely replaced with a buzz cut of all white. Sharp lines cover nearly every inch of his tanned face, making him appear exhausted from all he’s been through. His bulk has faded with time, making way for a sinewy frame covered in faded ink. The corners of his thin lips twitch when he charges at me.

  “Remmy,” I whisper, ready to give in to my wavering emotions and wrap my arms around the man I once knew as a surrogate grandfather.

  The deep creases on his face harden once he’s standing in front of me, enveloping me in the strong scent of leather and tobacco. Something unreadable passes through his expression before he raises his hand and delivers a sharp slap to my face.



  To each and every one of the readers and bloggers who bought Adam’s List, Kelly’s Quest, and Chloe’s Dream, making this series what it is, I wish I could tackle hug you! I never imagined it would have this kind of success. It truly warms my heart to know so many people fell in love with my characters. I hope Chloe’s story gave you lots of warm fuzzies!

  Thank you again to my loyal editor, Christopher Vondracek, for taking this project on with short notice and even working while touring with his band on the road! You rock, quite literally.

  Again a sincere thank you to my beta readers for your incredible support and invaluable feedback. I’m honored that all of you agreed to take the time to help me out so early on!

  I have to once again shout out to my sweet cousin, Hope Domeier, for sharing with me your brutal experiences of being a Type I, brittle diabetic. I love you, and hope life continues on the upswing for you.

  To all my friends who continue to buy my books and support this crazy adventure of mine: you guys rock! Seriously, you’re what keeps me going. Having friends like you to let loose with on my down time keep me sane. Sorry to those who are weirded out by my sex scenes, but just remember, IT’S FICTION!

  To my family who puts up with my career and the rumors that you’re related to someone who “writes porn”, a million apologies. It’s far past time to educate the public on the different between the erotica involved in books like Fifty Shades of Grey and healthy sexual activity between consenting adults. Like someone recently told me, “Everyone does it. If they didn’t, we all wouldn’t be here.”

  To my dear husband: I know I wouldn’t be able to do what I love if it weren’t for your hard work and support. Thank you for all you do for our family, and thanks for putting up with my odd work hours/moods. You’re truly one in a million.

  About the Author

  Jennifer Ann is the pen name used by Jen Naumann when writing steamy romance novels with complex love stories. Like her characters, she's in love with the city of New York, rock concerts, and Marines. Sometimes you can catch her driving a tractor alongside her husband or riding on the back of his Harley in southern Minnesota while trying to keep up with the madness of their four active children.

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