True Bliss

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True Bliss Page 4

by BJ Harvey

  Suddenly, I have a new private message from someone called nightdancer23. Interesting name, definitely grabs my attention. Worth a look I suppose.

  No profile photo, aged twenty-three, dirty blond hair, likes working out, 6 ft. 2. Shit, that's a hell of a lot taller than me, but I've always been a sucker for a tall man towering over me. It must be the whole 'protector' fantasy. You know, the cop, the fire fighter, the soldier...the tall brooding man in uniform who makes you squirm with one piercing look.

  Yep, total sucker right here.

  Okay, so he's sounding good so far. Twenty-three is the lower limit of my age range, but I'm only twenty-four, so a year isn't much in the scheme of things as long as he's mature and not just looking to get laid. And going by my date with Roger, who was almost old enough to be my dad, a younger guy might be worth a shot.

  I open the message, emptying the remainder of the bottle into my glass.

  Nightdancer23: Hi. You sound like a fun chick. How's your night going?

  Okay. Nothing too pushy or probing. Just a simple, friendly message. And no cock pic; definitely a better start than the last five messages I've received. I think about my reply for a while before sending.

  Fireinthesky24: Hey. I like to think I'm fun. You obviously have a great sense of humor if your username is anything to go by. Night dancer? Does that mean you're the next Channing Tatum?

  There we go. Fun, mildly flirty, not desperate. Great start Kate. I'm proud of myself.

  Straight away, I get a reply.

  Nightdancer23: Definitely not Channing Tatum, but I've been told I dance like him. Shouldn't a gorgeous woman like you be out having fun tonight?

  Fireinthesky24: Had a dating disaster last weekend and then dinner with friends tonight. Enjoying a nice glass of wine to drown my sorrows.

  Nightdancer23: Must've been bad if you're still drinking from last week's bad date. It's not just internet dating that can be disastrous. Everyday dating can be just as bad. I was groped in a café today at a coffee date. Don't be disheartened.

  Fireinthesky24: Aww, thanks. So why are you at home tonight then? On a dating site no less ;)

  Nightdancer23: Finished work, so came home to relax. I'm pretty busy during the week, so I like to relax at home occasionally. Can't be partying all the time ;)

  I look at the clock and realize that its 11 p.m. I might as well call it a night since Mac and Daniel are now spooning on the couch watching another movie about zombies. As much as I'd like to stay talking on the internet, my confidence in this website being the answer to my love life woes has taken a hit, so I don't want to get my hopes up again. Friendly, but non-committal. That is the key.

  Fireinthesky24: I'm with you there. Well, I'm going to love and leave you. My cold, empty bed is calling me. Hope the rest of your night is relaxing. Talk again soon.

  Nightdancer23: I'd like that. It's hard meeting new friends in the big city, especially without any expectations. And don't be disheartened by your dating disaster; your prince charming will be out there somewhere, I promise.

  This guy does seem to be one of the nice ones. Either that or he is a smooth as they come.

  Nightdancer23: Is it wrong that I'm thinking that you, going to sleep in a cold bed, is a crime?

  Fireinthesky24: Not wrong. A bit forward maybe, but I can deal with forward from a distance.

  Nightdancer23: Good to hear, Firebird. Till next time *wink*

  Fireinthesky24: Firebird?

  Nightdancer23: Sorry, it's just a name that came to me when I saw your photo.

  Fireinthesky24: I like it :)

  Well, color me pink and call me candy floss. Forward and flirty. Dammit, why can't Mac help me decipher this? She's the queen of reading into things. I'll have to ask her in the morning when she's not so busy with Superman over there.

  Time for bed and a romance novel to drown my sorrows in. I shuffle into my bedroom, snuggling deep under the covers with my kindle, waiting for sleep to come. Ten pages-and one sex scene later-my kindle hits me in the face as I fall asleep holding it.

  Kate the dork for the win!

  He stands at the end of the bed, his eyes full of hunger as he roams my naked body. From the tips of my toes, he slowly rakes his eyes over me...the curve of my hips, the dip of my waist, my heavy aching breasts as they rise and fall quickly...the eroticism of the moment engulfing me. I'm panting with need, biting my lip to stop me from begging him to take me.

  “God, you're beautiful. You're every man's wet dream. I've dreamed of you like this, naked and waiting for me, wanting me.”

  “Fuck,” I moan, lifting my hands up to cup my breasts, my thumbs on each hand rubbing across my hard nipples sending delicious tingles straight down to my wet pussy.

  “I plan to, and I'm gonna take my time because you deserve the world, Kate. You deserve everything I have to give you and more.”

  “Touch me, I need you to touch me.” I'm begging, but I don't care. My entire body is on fire, and he's the spark that is burning me.

  “Try and stop me, Firebird.”

  Wait, what?

  I shake my head, not wanting to lose the moment.

  His large rough hands are all over me. He puts a knee on the bed between my feet as he skims the inside of my calves, gently easing my legs further apart as he moves up my body.

  As he dips his head to rain kisses up my thighs, he looks up at me, his eyes ravenous. “You're so fucking beautiful. What did I do to deserve you?”

  “So close…” I moan, increasing the pressure on my aching nipples.

  “You're so hot. I have to taste you. I have to be inside you.”

  “Yes!” I cry out as his tongue swipes my core, stopping at my throbbing clit which is begging for attention.

  As if he can read my mind, he moves his fingers up, slowly pushing one, then two inside of me. My pussy is so wet that he easily slips back and forth as his tongue circles my clit before he wraps his lips around it and sucks hard, flicking back and forth. My hips buck up, forcing his fingers deeper into me as I moan loudly, relishing in the growing pressure deep within me dying to be released.

  Ring Ring

  FUCK! So not the time for the phone to ring. He looks up at me, his eyes all-knowing as he lightly scrapes his teeth over my clit and inserts a third finger deep inside me as my climax takes hold. I buck my hips wildly against him as I come hard and loud. I knew it would be good, but this is beyond any of my wildest fantasies.

  Ring Ring

  I sit bolt upright in bed. Holy shitballs, Batman! What the hell was that all about?

  A sheen of sweat covers my whole body as I struggle to catch my breath. That was, without a doubt, the most erotic dream I've ever had, and with Zander of all people? What the hell!

  And he called me firebird? We haven't spent enough time together for him to call me a nickname. And firebird...why does that seem so familiar?

  Ring Ring

  Fuck, I knew I woke up for a reason.

  “Hello,” I answer breathlessly.

  “Katelyn Marie. Have you been running?” my mother's warm voice replies soothingly.

  “Hey, Mom. Running? No, sorry. I...uh, I just ran to answer the phone, that's all. How are you?” I look over at the clock and see its 8 a.m. Only Mom would ring at the butt crack of dawn on a Sunday morning.

  “I'm good. Your father and I are leaving for church soon, but I wanted to call my baby girl first. How is your weekend?”

  “It's okay. I worked yesterday morning. Stayed in last night.”

  “Oh, darling, I do wish you'd meet a good man soon. You're not getting any younger, you know.”

  Great one, Mom. State the fucking obvious.

  “I'm not over the hill yet, Mom,” I say deadpan.

  “I know, sweetheart, but you need someone that can look after you.”

  “I'm fine, Mom,” I reply with a sigh.

  “Sweetheart, there is a man for you somewhere. You never know, you may have already met him and not realized it
yet. By the way, has Mark called you this week?” Mark is my eldest brother. Joseph is the middle child, and I'm the baby.

  “No, why's that?”

  “Him and Felicity are expecting again. Isn't it wonderful?” she exclaims. I can hear the pride beaming down the phone. Yet again, one of my brothers is procreating while I can't even find a man to date more than once. Fantastic. Just what I needed to hear.

  “That's awesome, Mom. I'll give them a call later today. I can't believe I'm going to have another niece or nephew,” I answer her, my voice full of fake enthusiasm.

  “And by the time you have kids, they'll be able to babysit yours.”

  “Mom!” I shake my head, but I can tell by her tone that she's teasing me.

  “Alright, well your father says hi, but I have to go. He's walking out the door. I'll talk to you next week, okay?”

  “Talk to you then. Bye.” I hang up the phone. She may have just disturbed the hottest dream I've ever had but she's my mom, what can I do.

  Last night turned into a one person pity party, but at least there was one small ray of sunshine. Whoever nightdancer23 is, he made me feel a little better about my first internet dating failure.

  I lie back down in bed and hug my pillow as I look at the sun streaming in the window.

  Maybe I need to be a bit more picky about who I go on dates with from now on, and definitely ask for a recent photo, verified, with a newspaper or something. There is no way that photo Roger sent me was recent. God, he was way out of my age range, and totally not my type.

  Why lie on an internet dating site? Surely you realize you're going to get found out, especially if you're going to meet up with someone. And isn't that why you go on a site like Chicago Singles? Well, actually, going by the number of messages I have had with photos of various male appendages-and I mean various-it seems that men have no shame. Big, small, bent, it doesn't matter. If it's a cock, and it's erect, it seems to be open season for selfies. It's like they get a boner and think “Hmm, I should take a photo of this,” Then, while jacking off at their computer-probably to some fucked up, free porn channel-they decide to send said photo to whichever female happens to be online at that time.

  But I'll keep trying. You never know, I might be one of the few lucky ones who finds her diamond in the rough, or at least an honest man who doesn't have to show me his penis to get my attention.

  Either one.


  “KAATTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEE!” Mac calls out from her bedroom where she has been ensconced with Daniel for the past few hours, and yes, I really should have gone out or something. Instead, I turned the volume up on the movie I was watching to block out the giggles and moans.

  “What?” I reply, not bothering to move from my nice, comfy spot on the couch.

  “Can you come here for a minute.”

  “Sure, but you better be decent. I don't need to see Daniel's weapon of mass impregnation again.”

  Yes, you heard that right. I had the most unfortunate, and embarrassing, honor of walking into the apartment after a busy Saturday to find Mac spread out on the coffee table with a kneeling Superman at full attention, plowing into her. Not one of their finest moments, and I've never looked at the coffee table the same way again.

  I hear them both laughing. “Don't lie Kate, you liked it,” Daniel pipes up.

  I shake my head and grin. “Dude, you're my best friend's baby daddy. I'm not supposed to see your junk.”

  “Fair enough. But for your information, you're safe from any indecent exposure,” he replies.

  “Oh, alright then. Saves shouting down the house.” I push myself off the couch and pad down to Mac's doorway to find them semi dressed but covered up, though there is no mistaking the 'entertainment' that has been taking place if Mac's mussed up hair and flushed cheeks are anything to go by.

  “God, you guys are like rabbits!” I say, grinning. In Kate speak, what I really mean is I'm so freaking jealous it's insane. All I get are sexy dreams with unattainable dream guys.

  Daniel flashes a huge shit-eating grin. “It's not my fault she can't keep her hands off me.”

  “Oh stop it. It's these crazy pregnancy hormones.”

  “That's not what you said when you stuck your-“

  “Anyway...” I say, trying to stop the sex talk.

  “Oh yeah,” Mac says, sitting up cross-legged on the tangled sheets after giving Daniel a none too impressed glare. Her cute little baby pot belly clearly poked out from under her tank top now. “Daniel's parents want to meet us for lunch tomorrow and I need you to come with us.”

  “Mac, no. It's not my place.”

  “Whatever. Since when has it not been your place to support your best friend? And I need you there as a distraction.” She pulls out the puppy dog eyes and bats her lashes at me. I look over at Daniel and he's smirking at the interaction, but seeing my glare, he holds his hands up in mock surrender. “If it's me you're worried about, Kate, I'd love for you to come. If it means that Mac chills out and reduces the risk of a bathroom freak-out, I'm all for it,” Daniel butts in, ending with a smirk toward Mac.

  She shrugs and looks back at me. “He's right, you know.”

  I giggle. He's so damn right. Goes to show how perfect Daniel is for Mac.

  “Yeah. Damn superhero know-it-alls.” I poke my tongue out at him. “Where and when? I'll be there.”

  “Yay” Mac shrieks, jumping up and tackle hugging me into the hallway wall.

  “Whoa, dude, are you crying?”

  She quickly wipes her eyes, failing to hide the evidence. “No!”

  I pull back and look at her with a 'you have got to be shitting me' look.

  “Oh alright. Yes. Stupid hormones. I'm like a leaky fucking faucet. All I do is cry. Nobody warns you about this girly shit!”

  I quietly laugh while wrapping my arm around her shoulder. “And you've still got four months to go too.”

  “Oh, shut up. I need bacon. Lots and lots of bacon. You owe me bacon after that comment.”

  I hear Daniel chuckle as we walk away.

  I'm going to miss these two when they move.

  A little while later, I'm checking my online options once again, when I come across a profile that catches my eye.


  I'm 27 years old and looking to meet new people, make new friends, and if I'm lucky enough, find my soul mate. I work hard and play harder. I can be somewhat intimidating at times, but really I'm a softie at heart. Would love to talk to you.

  My first thought is that he sounds nice and honest. He admitted a fault in his profile which would normally put people off, but I find it kind of endearing. Looking at his photo, he's got gorgeous wavy brown hair that is longer on top and short on the sides-definitely looks after himself. I bite the bullet and message him.

  Fireinthesky24: Hi. I'm Kate and I'm 24. Just wanted to say that I loved your profile and would love to like to chat more if you'd like. To chat that is.

  God! How is it that in the salon I can talk my clients' ears off all day and not sound like a nut, but this internet dating thing suddenly makes me sound like the world's biggest goof?

  I see Nightdancer23 come online, so I sit there for a good five minutes waiting to see if he's going to message me. Our conversation last night gave me hope that not all men on this site were like Roger-old, wrinkly, and liars.

  I smile when I see a new message come in from nightdancer.

  Nightdancer23: Hey, Firebird. How's your Sunday going?

  Fireinthesky24: Hi. Sunday has been good to me so far. Just hanging around home with my best friend and her boyfriend. How about you?

  Nightdancer23: Just boring stuff. It's my only day off, so I try to stay on top of things.

  Fireinthesky24: How very responsible of you ;)

  Nightdancer23: Ah yes, a responsible single male in Chicago. See, they do exist!

  Fireinthesky24: They do indeed. A rare find, and a treasure to behold.

  Nightdancer23: One
might say you shouldn't waste time when you find such a rare gem.

  Hot damn! This guy is the biggest flirt I've ever met! He makes Zander seem tame!

  Fireinthesky24: Ah yeah, maybe ;) But one must proceed with caution to make sure the gem is genuine and not a replica.

  Nightdancer23: Touche. Indeed.

  Fireinthesky24: And how about you? Are you genuine or a replica?

  Nightdancer23: I'm as genuine as they come. Tried and tested.

  Fireinthesky24: *giggles* Don't think you should be telling women that you're well tried ;)

  Nightdancer23: Probably not. Maybe I need to be put under your close scrutiny then.

  Fireinthesky24: The testing process could be rigorous.

  Nightdancer23: I think I'm *up* for the challenge.

  Fireinthesky24: Maybe we should arrange a meeting so that this testing can begin.

  Nightdancer23: I'd like to get to know you a bit better first. Is that ok?

  In other words, back off, Kate! God, I'm an idiot.

  Fireinthesky24: Of course. Yeah. Sounds good.

  I feel rejected now. Why do I feel like this when I've only been chatting to this guy for a little while?

  Nightdancer23: Well, I'd better get back to my laundry. There's a cute 70 year old here giving me the glad eye, so I might go try my luck. You never know ;)

  Fireinthesky24: OMG, I just snorted my drink up my nose! You go, stud muffin. That is beyond a cougar, so you're setting your sights high.

  Nightdancer23: I love a challenge. Talk again soon, I hope. Have a great day, Firebird.


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